HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-07-06, Page 17NASH:In loving memory of a dear friend,Danny Nash who passed away,2 years ago on July 11, 198. A helping hand to all he knew, So kind, so generous, and true. On earth he nobly did his best, ' Grant him.Jesus,heavenly rest. Sadly missed by Gary Schenk. 25-27x1 NASH:In loving memory of Danny Nash who passed away two years ago July 11, 1981. God took him home. it was his will, But in our hearts we love him still, His memory is as dear to -day, As in the hour he passed away. We often sit and think of him, When we ate all alone. For memory is the only friend, That grief can call its own. Sadly missed and always remembered by your sister Marie Therese and nephew Lawrence, nieces Carrie and Audrey. 25.27x1 Notice ',Notice Natio*. Township of Hollett f ---Summer flows Week of July 4th - 9 to 12 a.m. Week of July 11th Office Closed Week of July 13th - 9 to 12 a.m. Harry Lear Clerk Treasurer" 4 TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT The office of the Township of Hibbert will be closed for the purpose of vacation from: Friday July 8th to Tuesday 26th, both inclusive. Charles Friend, AMCT., Clerk, Township of Hibbert 70 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, VANS; STATION WAGONS, 4X4's, WRECKERS 3. 1951 Plymouth Caravans's: Propane; Tqx Exempt 25 - 1910-11.12 Mercury, Chevrolet, Ford 3 - 1979-10-11 Chrysler New Yorker , Lincoln - Codlllac 7 - 1971-79-10 Station Wagons 4 - 1976-77-75-79 Dodge and Chevrolet Vans 1 - 171 Rom Charger 1. 1971 Dodge % Ton 4X4 15 - 1975-76-77.71, 'A and % Ton Pickups and Crew Cabs $ - 1975-75-77.7$ 1 and 2 Ton Stake Dumps, Cab and Chassis 1 - 17' Aluminum Von Body 2 • 6 MC 1 Ton with Holmes Wreckers MIGHTON CAR SALES 6 miles east of Hanover on Hwy. No. Phone Durham 1-369-3136 Notice BACHERT MEATS CUSTOM KILLING- yj%ll {ll�,d Cutting 8. Wrapping t 0,,„r, FREEZING 7 \KILL DAY ON TUESt Y Ali Meat • Govi. Insetected on the farm 1 MILE EAST OF WALTON . 887-9328 VEAL'S Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-31/2 miles east , of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill days -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and , smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. ' Card of Thanks Card of Thanks Card of Thanks Manv,ptanv thanks to our family,nefghbours and ' friends for the many gifts, cards, and good wishes on our 25th Anniversary,Speclal thank you to Ann Marie and Vic,Jack and Doreen and all the Eisler family for all the arrangements of a tremen- dous party.Also thank you to Brian for great music and Thelma Coombs for her help. We shall never forget. Thanks again Norma and Bill Eisler 24-27x1 The family of the late Arthur Clayton Looby wish to ex- press sincere thanks and appreciation to our relatives and friends for the masses. flowers, donations, cards and acts of kindness during our recent bereavement. Spe- cial thanks to Rev. A.R. Looby, C.S.B. Rev. J.J. Car- rigan, the visiting priests, the pallbearers and honorary pallbearers, St. Patrick's • C,W.L.,the choir members and the Watts Funeral Home, Seaforth. Mrs. Kathryn Looby and family 24-27-1 My sincere "thank you" to all relatives, friends, and neigh- bours who sent flowers,food and cards.Special "thank you" to Dr. Passe,Dr. Pace, Nursing staff on 8th floor E. at University Hospital,Lon- don, and Rev. G. Simmons. Everything was greatly ap- preciated. - Elmer Larone 24-27x1 Notice HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT h30 P.M. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Greg Hargreaves 262-2619 Hensall Victor Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter and 229-6205 Kirkton AUCTION SALE 7th Annual Perth Huron Jersey Sale Wednesday, July 20, 12:30 p.m. Clinton air'G ounds Clintan, Ontar 45 head, fresh cows and heife s, open heifers. This is a quality offering. Improve your herd with a purebred jersey. Sale Manager -Tony Van Dorp 482-9204 Auctioneer-Rkhard Lobb 482-7898 ��Oi�iPCIL D�-cSJr!lOflYl�CJ l\_ BAYFIELD \�\ FURNITURE AUCTION We will be offering for Sale by Public Auction all Household Furnishings of Ted Robinson for the Public Trustee on Tuesday, July 12, at 6:30 p.m. at the location on Blair Street in Bayfield. VEHICLES: 1975 4 door Grand Marquis selling as is, Two -3 wheel Mopeds APPLIANCES Hotpoint 21 cu.ft. freezer, Hotpoint refrigera- tor, Hotpoint electric stove, Kenmore portable dishwasher, Inglis heavy duty washer & dryer, Philco stereo cabinet, G.E. portable color television, Singer sewing machine, all appliances recently new FURNISHINGS AND ANTIQUES: Boshart 5 piece fruitwood dining room suite, Floral queen -size bed chesterfield, 6 drawer rosewood chest with mother-of-pearl inlays, 3 drawer walnut chest with carved pulls, walnut 54” spindle bed, antique wicker chair, 2 -match- ing swivel rockers, walnut smoke stand, walnut telephone table with matching chair, fireside set, linens, steamer trunk, garden & hand tools GLASS AND CHINA: Pressed, colored & Canadian glass, china, cutlery, Mocks, sealers. pots & pans, plus many more items. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: DICK ROBINSON SALES MANAGER RATHWELL 8 ASSOCIATES INC. PHONE 527.1458 or 527-1336-1elex 069-55223 AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST . SEAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK 1W0 (519) 527-1458 Auction Sales I wish to thank my; family, friends, and neighbours for the visits, Cards, flowers and d while Seaforth eceiv eats IrHospital,Specialin thanks to Rev. Vanslyke,the Drs and nurses for,all the special attention f got hile in the Hospital. It was all sincerely appreciated. Esther Campbell 24-27x1 We would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Driscoll for the farewell party, also sin- cere thanks to all our friends and neighbours for the lovely gifts and the social time spent together. Margaret and Walter , Somerville 24-27x1 Geo. A. Sills & Sons Home Hardware MERCHANTS PLUMBING -HEAT NG & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 527-1620 Seaforth AUCTION' SALE of appliances,'ant- iques, tools and mis- cellaneous items to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, '185 Herbert St., Mitchell on Wednesday, July 13 at 6 p.m. Featuring 9 piece di- ning room suite, - household furniture and appliances, some antiques, 5/8 in. drill press and numerous other items. AUCTIONEER DOUGLAS JACOB 393-6214 J Legal Notices 1 would like to thank my family, relatives and friends for cards, visits and gifts received. while I 'was a 'patient in hospital and since coming home. 1 hanks too, to those who provided transpor- tation for Verna to and from hospital. These acts of kind- ness and concern are very much appreciated. Harold Thomas 24-27-1 SUNWORTHY WALL COVERINGS' 20% OFF at Ball - Macaulay 527-0910 Seaforth NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' ' ' AND'OTHERS All claims against the estate of Jaken Honkenen, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 7th day of December, 1980, must be filed with the undersigned Solicitor for the Administra- tor of the estate on or before the I 1 th day of August, 1983, thereafter the Administrator will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which he will then have notice. DATED this 21st day of June, 1983. T.C. ODETTE JR. Q,C., 3 Erie Street North LEAMINGTON, Ontario N8H 2Z2 Solicitor for the said Administrator Auction Sales , �a/suns// Pi ,SYll0,7;z/ei (4 BRUSSELS SUPERIOR MARKET STORE AUCTION BUSINESS SOLD - GOING FISHING We have been instructed by the proprietor to sell by Public Auction, without reserve, the Assets of Superior Food Market Store on Main Street in Brussels on Tuesday, July 19th at 3:15 p.m. at the location. Consisting of Store Equipment 6' glass front cooler c/w new compressor, Coldspot 21 cu. ft. freezer, General 21 cu. ft. freezer, hand operated meat slicer, Toledo 30lb scales, Victoria Electric adding machine, 12" exhaust fan. 7 chrome grocery carts, wood shelving Antique Toledo cast & mirror scales, antique Dayton coffee grinder, Cranbrook Hotel's 4' x 8' bar mirror, 4' x 5' and 3' x 3' mirror, oak writing desk. Approx. S20,000 Food Confectionary Inventory Canned and frozen foods, cereals, cookies. candies, baby food, spices. soaps, cigarettes, meats, cheeses, plus many more items related to this type of food retail outlet. For further Information contact: Dick Robinson, Sales Manager RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES INC. ��Phone 527-1458 or 527 -1336 - Telex 069-55223 J1o<Yate.) AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (5191 527-1458 ' Hank's Small Engines Service 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 Lawn and Garden Equipment Repair New and Used Garden Equipment In Stock Thank you,Frank and Marge � Phillips for the beaptiful flgwers on our 35th Wedding Atlniversary.Al and Jean Hoff 24-27-1 In 'Memoriam JOHNS:In loving memory of a dear friend,Roy Johns, who passed away 3 years ago July 6, 1980, This month comes with deep regret, It brings back a day we will never forget, Our hearts still ache with sadness, And secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. And everytime we think of you, We seem to hear God say, "Have faith,trust my pro- mise, We'll meet again some day". Lovingly remembered by Carol and her family. 25-25x1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 6, 1983.. Al? In Memoriam NASH: In loving memory of our dear son and brother Danny Nash who was taken so suddenly July 11. 1981. July comes with sad regret. the month, the day, we will never forget. if we had all the world to give We'd give it, yes and more to hear your voice,see your smile and greet you at the door. But all we can do, dear Danny is go and tend your grave. And leave behied tokens of love We miss you more each day for life is not the same to us, You left us beautiful memor- ies, We will treasure through the year.. Forever lei. d and remem- bered. Mom, Dad, Brothers and Sistcrs. 25-27x1, TENDER Seaforth Public Utility Commission Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed until 5 p.m. Wednesday, July 13 For the sale of a 1970 3 ton Chevrolet Fleetside, as is. Specifications and de- tails at Seaforth Public Utility Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. T.R. PHILLIPS Manager SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Box 719, Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO MVNROz In loving memory of a dear grandmother and great-grandmother, Helen Grace, who passed away July 4, 1982. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name, All I have are memories, And your picture in a frame, My heart still aches with sadness, My silent tears still flow, For what it meant to lose you, Grandma, no one will ever know. Sadly missed by Grand- daughter Karen. Kevin. and great-granddaughter Lori. 25-27-1' MELADY:In loving memory of a dear husband Joseph Francis Melady who passed away, 28 years ago,J.uly 4, 1955, The leaves of life's book are closed, For the one 1 loved so well, But loving thoughts of years well spent, Are what the pages tell, Each chapter in it leaves a thought. As lovely as ran he For me to keep within my heart. Enshrined in memory. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by his wife Marie, 25-27-1 Personal ARE YOU living with drink- ing problem. Al Anon can help. 527-1650. 26-27-1 Engagements Tender Wanted Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Malo- ney are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Carolyn Eliza- beth to Raymond Carere, son of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Carere on July 30. 1983. The marriage will take place at Holy Rosary Church, Guelph at 3 p.m. 26.2. -1 Auction Sales Tender Wanted Tender Wanted TENDER SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. Friday, July 15, For enlarging of the rear parking lot of Seaforth Community Hospital. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. Specifications and details may be picked up from the under- signed. INRY SCHWARZ Director of Maintenance Seaforth Community Hospital P.O. Box 99 Seaforth, Ontario NOK TWO CARETAKER [resident] Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 9th for (resident) Caretaker services at the new Hensall Senior Citi- zen 22 unit apartment complex. Irene Davis, Secretary HENSALL SENIOR CITIZEN'S HOME'S INC. 62 Nelson Street Hencall, Ontario NOM 1XO ESTATE AUCTION SALE Canoe, antiques. furniture, appliances, misc, etc. to he held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton ,Ontario for the Estate of Maude L Dale of Seaforth plus several good additions. Saturday, July 9, at 10 a.m. Gurney 30" modern style electric stove. electric sewing machine and stand, 12 ft, fibre glass canoe used two years w, two paddles. walking plow, Gerhard Heintzman upright piano, chest freezer. automatic clothes washer & dryer, large cherry chest of drawers, combination side board and china cabinet w 'bowed glass door. two three piece bedroom suites. three antique dressers w/ mirrors, fancy 40'• round parlour table w/carved rim, two four drawer chests. antique bookcase desk, two washstands, two wooden rockers, hall tree, flat to wall cupboard top, flat to wall bottom, W.E. Welding Brantford, Ont. 4 gal, Blue Finger painted crock , London , Ont. Winery 1 gal jug with wine makers scene, two blanket boxes, two matching pressback chairs, six matching wooden chairs, odd pressback chairs. antique Victrola, oak office chair. small tables, double bed size box spring and mattress like new, chesterfield & chair, several upholstered chairs. chrome table & 4 chairs. small cookstove, Empire parlour stove. down draft stove, pole lamp. table lamps, small vise, gas iron. silver tea service, dishes and glasses are,includingantique pieces, pictures. mirrors. pots & pans. bedding and linens plus our usual large offering of misc. items. TERMS CASH Auctioneer -Richard Lobb 482-7898 Remember/ -It takes but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. ,r TENDER Seaforth Public Utility Commission Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed until 5 p.m. Wednesday, July 13 For a heavy 1/2 ton pick-up truck Specifications and de- tails at the Seaforth Public Utility Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. T.R. PHILLIPS Manager SEAFORT'H PUBLIC , UTILITY COMMISSION Box 719, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1WO Newspaper CIassifed advertising '3ring5 Great Results! ;DAMMAM CALL NDAR WA @dfnl@gdaya Duly Business swim, Lions pool, 12-1 pm. Public swim. 1:30-4 and 6-8:30, Family swim, 5-6 pm. Industrial League Baseball, Queens vs. Turf, 7 pm, Villagers vs Firemen 8:30 pm, Lions Park. Girls' houseleague ball, 6:30 pm, Brod• hagen vs Swingers 9 pm, Optimist Park. Teen program, arena, 7-10 pm. 4illuegday r, Duly 7 Business swim, Lions pool, 12-1 pm. Public swim, 1:30-4 pm and 6-8:30 pm, Family swim, 5-6 pm. Baseball -Dashwood vs. Peewees, Lions Park,6:30 pm, Roadrun nets vs. Jr. Farmers, 8:30 pm, Baseball -Mashers vs. Eagles, Optimist Park, 9 pm Teen program, High School. 1-4:30 pm. Floor hockey. Beechwood vs, Seaforth Natinn.ts, Arena. 8 pm. Knetchels vs Freldayv Duly Business swim. 12-1 pm.. Public swim I:Ju--r pm anti 0 o:.iu pni. , .,niuy ,,•,„1 5-6 pm, Lions pool. Baseball -Kincardine vs Midgets. Opt. Park,6:30 pm. Teen program, High School , 1-4:30 pm Roller Skating, Arena. 8-10:30 pm. ktug.day r, Deily 9 Story hour,Library 1:30-2:30 Public swim.Pool 1-4:30 and 6-8:30 pm guwdago Duly 90 Teachers vs Firemen, Lions Park,7 p.m. Villagers vs Bears.Lions Park,8:30 pm. Roller Skating,arena,7:30-10 pm N owdayo Duly 11 Business swim, 12-1 pm. public swim. 1:30-4 pm and 6-8:30 pm. family swim, 5-6 pm, pool. Baseball -Expos vs Tigers, 6:30 pm, Blue - jays vs Red Sox, 7:45 pm, Lions Park Baseball -Queens vs Creamery .7 pm, Turf vs Mainstreet, 8:30 pm. Optimist Park. Teen program, arena, 7-10 pm. Public swim. pool. 1-4:30 and 6-8:30 pm Baseball•Win,gha'n vs Peewee girls, Opt. Vu4gda}yo Duly 92 Business swim, 12-1 pm. Public swim .1:30 -4 pm and 6-8:30 pm. family swim, 5-6 pm, Pool. Baseball,Clinton vs Bantams Optimist Park 6:30 pm. Ladies' baseball -Ken Smith vs. McNichol 7 p.m., Scott Farms vs Commercial, 8:30 pm, Lions Park Teen program, High School, 1-4:30 pm. Roller Skating. Arena, 8-10:30 pin. Seaforth Women's Institue will meet at the home of Mr and Mrs. Gordon Elliott with a picnic supper at 6:30 pm. Please bring your dishes, food also your card tables and lawn chairs. Everyone welcome If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, phone the recreation office at 527.0882 or the Expositor at 527-0240 or mail the information to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO well -in advance of the scheduled date. Space for the Community Calendar is donated by the Huron Expositor. r ./'1111111 ✓./' 111 Jr./Z/-1 C OON�MM oinf CALENDAR COUPON POO a If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, fill out the form below (please print clearly) and mail it to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1 WO well in advance of the scheduled date. Event: Location - Date and Time - Sponsor: Town: Ticket Info• Your Name: Telephone: A free Expositor reader service 1111111./' - 1 1 1