HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-07-06, Page 14IA14 ••••THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 8, 1983 Brussels Post MorningStar Lodge will hold picnic Morning Star Rebekah Lodge, Brussels held its regu- lar meeting June 28, in the lodge rooms with Noble Grand Alice McArter and Vice Grand Vera Hastings in charge. Mary Lowe and Lillian Moses gave their reports of the 93 Sessions of the Rebek- ah Assembly of Ontario which they had attended. Annual picnic will be held at the home of Sarah Stephen- son on July II at 2:30. Members arc reminded to bring lawn chairs and dishes. Fall meetings will start ST. JOHN'S Anglican Church PORK CHOP BAR -B -Q Wed. July 20 5-7:30p.m. 4A Adults '5.00 Children '3.50 September 13 at 6:30 with a pot Tuck dinner. Birthday greetings were sung for Ann Thynne and Aleatha Rann. Jean Bridge won the travel- ling prize. Cake, ice-cream and straw- berries were served by Marg- uerite Crawfor and her com- mittee, Rertiember, it take but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. Happy 25th Pat and George Langlois Brussels usiness Directory from Chris, Susan, Bill and family Brussels Phone 527-0240 Variety 25th ANNIVERSARY Open 7 Days a Week 887.8224 Cards & Gifts, Groceries, Newspapers, Magazines Cigarettes t3 Tobacco, Stationery, Snacks, Lottery Tickets, Health Care Items The family of PAT and GEORGE LANGLOIS invites friends and relatives to celebrate with them 25 years of marriage. Celebration to take place SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1983 at 8:30 in BRUSSELS BRUSSELS HAS A new licence bureau. It 1s operated by Joan and Howard Bernard, The office operated by Mrs. Glenn Smith, was closed In December, at the time computers were Introduced to Ontario licence bureaus. Computers have been Installed at the new location. (Wassink photo) Baby baptized at Cranbrook church Melissa May, infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Earl Grisdale was baptized by Rev. Don McGinnis on Sun- day, June 26 at the regular morning service. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stager, Mississauga, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clare Veitch recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dunn and daughter of Oak- ville, Michigan, spent last week with his cousin Earl and Mrs. Dunn. They enjoyed a family picnic on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sneiran of Saginaw and Florida, called on the Dunn's on Wednes- day. Luke van Donkersgoed spent two weeks visiting in the Western provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stev- enson spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirk- patrick, London, were calling on former friends in the community on Sunday. Fred and Ruby had the store in Cranbrook in the 1950's. The spring conference of the Stratford Presbyterial Women's Missionary Society was held Tuesday evening June 28 in Cromarty Presby- terian Church. Attending from Cranbrook was Mrs. W. Strickler, Mrs. Clare Veitch, Mrs. Stuart Stevenson and Mrs. Mac Engel. LIBRARY NEWS Beginning Wednesday Ju- ly 6 library hours will be from 2 to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays through until August 31. The library has received five vol- umes of reference books. Many students have made good use of this material. There has been an increase of circulation of books. especial- ly children's books. A child- ren's reading hour will be held from 2 - 3 p.m. on Wednesdays. Demand and prices down for pork /4 McGavin's hFarm Equipment Brussels 7-6365 WI: SPEC ALIZE IN A COMPLETE LINE )I Farm Equipment SALES AND SERVICE Walton Best wishes only please Sea forth 527-0245 %\ •g NH H TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD. Brussels RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL Mill St West We sell and Install Pella and Hunt Windows - Patin Doors Insulated Entrance Doors Insul Glass 887-6408 NOG 1HO Builders Since 1956 Schneiders Country PORK SAUSAGE or 3 kg. box Frozen 513.19 Schneiders Popular 1.99 LUNCH MEATS 175 gr. pkg. .89 York ICE CREAM 2litee 3.19 Hostess POTATO CHIPS 200 gr. 99 Jolly Miller 3.3'/, oz. pkg. ORANGE CRYSTALS .99 Cottonelle 4 roll pkg. TOILET TISSUE 1.49 Mrs. Yvonne Knight Agent for Levers pieces and stems 10 oz. MUSHROOMS Elma Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company R R 1, tIrussels 1187 6476 .79 Open 6 days a week MCCUTCHEON GROCERY The market at Brussels Stockyards traded on a good demand with a light offering of choice quality cattle on offer, June 25. Pigs sold on a weak demand at sharply lower prices. There were 548 cattle and 1984 pigs on offer. Choice Steers -80.00 to 83.00 with sales to 84.75. Good Steers -77.00 to 80.00 A steer consigned by Stewart Alton of Lucknow weighing 1170 lbs. sold for 84.75, - A steer consigned by Bob Alexander of Ethel, weighing 1400 lbs. sold for 83.25 with his lot of 14 steers averaging 1307 lbs. selling for 81.20. A steer consigned by Bill Rintoul of R.R. 3. Wingham weighing 1200 lbs. sold for 83,.5. A steer consigned by L & B Farms of Wallenstein weigh- ing 1260 lbs. sold for 83.75 , with his offering of 29 steers averaging 1295 lbs. selling for an overall price of 80.65. 2 steers consigned by Keith Jacklin of Bluevale averaging 1155 lbs. sold for 81.40, 12 steers consigned by Tom Wylie of R.R. 4, Durham. averaging 1096 lbs. sold for an overall price of 80.60. A steer consigned by Alvin Ritz of Monkton weighing 1090 lbs. sold for 82.75. 6 steers consigned by Ken McCormick of R.R: 4, Dur- ham averaging 1071 lbs. sold for 80.25. 2 steers consigned by Ralph Dickson of R.R. 5, Stratford averaging 1190 lbs. sold for 82.50 with his Iota 15 steers averaging 1236 lbs. selling for an overall price of 80.02. A steer consigned by Glen Warwick of R.R. 2, Bluevale weighing 1150 lbs. sold for 81.25. 13 steers consigned by Charles Shobbrook of Walton averaging 1083 lbs. sold for an overall price of 80.10. Choice Exotic Heifers - 78.0,0 to 82.00 with sales to 84.25. Choice Light Heifers -74.00 to 78.00 Good Heifers -72.00 to 74.00 Good Heifers -72.00 to 74.00 A heifer consigned by L & B Farms of Wallenstein weighing 1050 lbs. sold for 84.25 with their lot of 11 fancy heifers averaging 1056 lbs. selling for 82.10. 4 heifers consigned by Cliff Laidlaw of R.R. 3. Wingham averaging 985 lbs. sold for 79.00 . A heifer consigned b Jake Versteeg of R.R. I, Clifford weighing 990 lbs. sold for 82.00 with his lot of 6 heifers averaging 995 lbs. selling for 77.50. 3 heifers consigned by John Langlois of Embro .(these are morning cattle) averaging 923 lbs. sold for an overall price of 74.68. Choice Cows -56.00 to 60.00 with sales to 68.25. Good Cows -52,00 to 56.00 Canners & Cutters -48.00 to 52.00 Heavy bulls sold to a high of 68.50. Light bulls to a high of 70.50. A bull consigned by John Deitrick of Mitchell weighing 1500 lbs. sold for 70.50. ' 30 to 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of 24.00 40 to 501b. pigs to a'high of 26.50. 50 to 60 lb, pigs to a high of 29.50. 60 to 70 lb. pigs to a high of 36.00 Over 450 of Welsh Fayre Correspondent MRS. LEWIS STONEHOUSE 887.9487' July 3 the Johnston -Akins Family reunion was held in the Belgrave W.I. Hall. Mrs. Elsie Shaw and Mrs. Adeline Simmons were the oldest and three-year-old Nancy Bremner was the youngest of the 40 members attending. Races and games were run by Bruce LePine and Kathy Crutcher. Taking part in the child- ren's races were Martin and Amanda Long. Katie and Nancy Bremner, Tara; Erin Johnston and Denise LePine. Winners of the three leg- ged race were Donna Higgins and Karen Johnston. Men's and ladies' kick the shoe were won by Tony -- Crutcher and Karen Johns- ton. Winners of the water Filled balloon toss were Ross Hig- gins and John Johnston. A smorgasborg supper was arranged by Mrs. Lois War- wick and Mrs. Laura John- ston. President. Mrs. Jean Le - Pine welcomed everyone. A moment's silence was ob- served in memory of the deceased. Jean gave a brief summary of the history re - yS c llclitcr BRI SSI I.S Phone 887-91 .S OPEN UNTIL 9 FRI. NIGHTS EAMS(E'R�MONEY SAVING SWITCH 250 AND/OR 125 WATTS • • • • IT'S TWO LAMPS IN ONE ! only $15.95 Gives you two levels of heat from any standard heat lamp! II ,-,-,s,-,-,• BERG1 1 Sales -Service 1 1 Installation 1 FREE ESTIMATES i s 1 • Barn Cleaners 1 1 • Bunk Feeders • Stabling 1 Donald G. Ives ` R.R. #2, Blyth 1 Phone: 1 1`Brussels 887-9024 1 ,,-,-,-,-,-/I► NORMAL SETTING bulbs us• 750 wolfs t 1 OFF • Made exclusively for agricultural use no aluminum components- ' Rugged. specification grade retina • Soud Stale electronic component uses no energy II converts 120 volt A C to 80 V pulsating D C power - Super easy on bulb filaments Increases bulb Ide more than 30 times Reduces socket temperature - eliminates separation of glass from metal screw base ' Heat output is only shgh i. reduced on 'Save setting lapprox 8-10 degrees al 28 1 ' Power usage reduced up to 50% on Save ' Installs in the brooder lamp cord - no barn wiring to change ' 300 watt rating • Silver cadmium oxide contacts CSA certified ' Provides individual lamp control Available at: SAVE SETTING bulbs us• ,00-125 watts I•.. •e•rfy OLDFIELD HARDWARE 887-6851 Brussels searched since the last reun- ion. The executive for tite 1984 reunion is President - Mrs. Jean LePine. Seeretary- Treasurer • Mrs. George Johnston, Lunch Committee - Mrs. Ross Higgins and Mrs. Ken Simmons, Sports - Kevin Johnston and Bruce Higgins. Mrs. Pearl Lemon of Bur- lington visited with her cous- in Mrs"Agnes Youngblut on the holiday weekend. Mrs. Jean LePine and granddaughter Denise visi- ted with 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross Higgins and family. The memorial service at Brandon Cemetery was held on Sunday with the Anglican Church in charge. Because of the illness of Rev. John Swan, Mr. Don Farnell of Wingham gave the prayers and medita- tion. Mrs. Harold iardin read the scripture. Bagpipe music was provi- ded by Jim Mclean to accotn- pany the hymns. Mrs. Lois Warwick and Miss Sandra Johnston of Glencoe spent the holiday weekend with Mrs. Laura Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Yuill and Candice of Elmira visited on the weekend with Mr. Clarence Yuill and Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arm- strong of Thorndalc spent the weekend with Mrs. Helen Martin. On Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin of Richmond Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prvice of Win- throp called on Mrs. Helen Martin. Ovedr 450 people attended the Welsh Country Favre and smorgasbord supper on Sat• tirday July 2 at the Belgrave Community Centre, spon- sored by Knox United Church. In the absence of Rev. John G. Roberts on Sunday July 3. Mr. George Cowan of Chat• ham Occupied the pulpit of Knox United Church. Bel - grave. Members of Calvin•Brick worshipped with the congre- gation of Knox. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Campbell. Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bruce, Londes- boro, Douglas Bruce, R.R.#1, Belgrave, Reta Ross and Rae Breckenridge, Bluevale, Eric Ross and Jayne Phillips, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Cam- eron Ross, Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. Art Scott of Midland attended the Sorrenti-Gur- nett wedding Saturday June 25 at St. Anthony's Church, Ottawa and all visited with Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Gur- nett of Nepean, Ontario on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Logan, Shawn, Beckey and David Rector, all of Burlington spent last weekend with his mother Mrs. Cliff Logan. Marjorie Procter of Sarnia and Mr. Douglas Townley of Toronto visited with Mrs. Beth Procter on the weekend and all attended the wedding of John Rinn and Theresa Abell at St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, Blyth on Saturday, June 25. The 60th anniversary of the Higgins Clan reunion was held Sunday, June 26 at the Women's Institute Hall, Bel - grave with 79 signing the register. Special interest was the ceremonial cutting of a cake made and decorated in the colours of the Higgins crest by Mrs. Jerry Higgins of Stratford. It was cut by the oldest member of the family present, Mrs. Lila Higgins of Belgrave. The slate of officers for 1984 are:- President-Llo yd Warwick, 1st vice -president - Ross Higgins. 2nd vice -pres- ident -Don Higgins, 3rd vice- president -Arthur Fitch. Sec- retary -treasurer -Lenora Dav- idson, Sports committee - Brenda and Lorrain McDon- ald, Ruth and Donna Higgins. Invitations-Glady Haskins, 'Rena Fitch. Bernice Higgins, Lunch -Michael and.. ,afean King, Don and Pattison, James and Bonnie Hogan. Earl and Audrey Fitch. Mrs. Willard Armstrong visited last weekenerwith her sister -in-laws Mrs. Lawrence Armstrong of Windsor and spent sometime with Miss Martha Armstrong at Bea- conhill Lodge of Windsor. Mr. Harold Keating visited with his cousin Mrs. William Gilbert of Goderich recently. Troop travels via booster bus to Wonderland Correspondent CINDY McNEIL 887-9216 WEEKEND VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Dave Miller of Stratford, former Brussels residents, were holidaying over the long weekend in Ottawa. They called on broth- er and sister-in-law. Tom and Harriet Miller. Brussels. Miss Karen Higgins of Strat- ford spent last week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Higgins of Wroxeter and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc- Neil. Brussels Also with the McNeils is their granddaugh- I� . eel esa McNeil 0l N ainer- t011. Dianne and daughter Paula McNeil were holiday- ing in Scaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Mel McNeil and sort Daren of Goodwood visited with Mel's uncle and aunt Jim and ,lean McNeil. Brus- sels. BASEBALL. SCORES The Mite Boys played KWIC STORE SPECIALS Schneiders Fried Chicken 900 gr. box 3.99 Van Camp 14 oz. Grill Time 10 lbs Pork & Briquets 2.9;; Beans Bicks 2/1.00 1 .5 litres Club House 375 ml. Dill Salad Olives 1' 39 •w Pickles 1.99 A Pam Spray 13 oz. 3.19 Reynolds 12 x SO Aluminum Foil Chapman s Cloverleaf Flaked Ice 2 litres Light Tuna .99 1.99 Cream 1.69 STEPHENSON GROCETERIA Brussels SELF -SERVE - OPEN 6 DAYS 887-9226 Wednesday night in Brussels and were defeated by Bel - grave. The Brussels Squirt girls were defeated in Blyth last Tuesday night. The PeeWee Boys defeated Gowanstown last week. The Brussels Mite Giris defeated Wingham, the game being in Wingham. WONDERLAND BUS TRIP Last Wednesday the Brownies. Guides. Pathfind- ers, Leaders and some moth- ers went on a trip in the Brussels Booster Bus. They enjoyed a day of excitement and fun at Canada's Wonder- land. JULY 1st PARADE -ATWOOD On Friday, July 1st, Cana- da celebrated its 116th birth- day. In Atwood. a parade was held and Brussels was well represented. The Brussels Starlets. a baton twirling group. marched through the parade and gave the crowd a great show of their talents. Don McNeil's well known comedy parade car took first place when he and Jeff Lemmex, of Atwood, roared down the main street blowing it's horns and sirens. The comedy section's first prize boas 515 and Don will have to part with some of it because the guy in the hockey shorts and the one in the tub wearing goggles. snorkleand flippers and the one riding shotgun added to the car. Atwood always puts on a great parade every year. Walton unit members spend day at cottage Mr. and Mrs. Ken Short- Holmes. Guelph; Mr. and reed and family and Mrs. Mrs. Jack Webster, Edmon- Isabelle Shortreed attended ton. Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. the 60th annual Higgins reun• Mack Wehster, Mary Ellen. ion at the Women s Institute Mark and Brian of Varna and hall in Belgrave on Sunday Mr. Steven Huether of Toron• June 26. to. An 80th birthday party was Mr. Lloyd Webster, Big held recently at the farm of Valley. Alberta and Mr. Mel - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether vin Vrebster. Clinton were and John for Mr. Watson recent dinner guests with Mr. Wehster, Clinton. and Mrs. Ray Huether and Attending was Mrs. Ruby John. Webster; Mr. and Mrs. Mel- Fifteen ladies from the vin Webster and Mr. and Walton Unit spent Tuesday at Mrs..lack Holmes and Margy the cottage of Mrs. Viola all of Clinton. Miss Mary Kirkby. Point Clark. r, -1S1-/-/-,-1-,-,-,-/-,- 714 i H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Sales, Service 8 Installation of 1 � Pipelines & i . fAwlnslL I Milking parlours 1 1 , 1 887-6063 R.R. 4 WALTON �,-,-,air ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-e-,-,.l.`