HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-08-15, Page 51 THE BLUE FRONT STORE
Making Room
For NEW FALL GOODS by cleaning out
all, odds and ends in Summer Goods.
Men's Outing Pants, regular $2.25 for.. , ,
Men's Straw Hats up to $2.50 for... ,
Men's Fancy Wash Vests $1.25, $i.5o and
$1.75 for
Men's Fancy Cotton Socks reduced to .... ,
Men's Cotton Socks, 3 pairs for..
Men's Wash String Ties, 3 for
Boys' Wash Suits, regular $2.25 for
Boys' Black Cotton Stockings reduced to...,
All other Summer Goods at simi-
lar reductions.
McOee & Campbell
Under this heading two weeks ago we
reported the good fall wheat of Mr,
David Kennedy. From a on acre field
Mr. Kennedy took twenty-eight loads
.-and some five loads of rakings. This is
an excellent yield and the wheat is an
-extra good sample.
The Cance o; Hay Pever
WS a microbe that floats in the air,
;gets into the throat and lunge, develops
rapidly, excitee inflammation, &o. The
amuse is as simple as a thistle in a finger.
Extract the thistle, away goes the pain.
Destroy the Hay Fevr germ—yon get -
well. That's why Catarrhozone ants so
marvellously in Hay Fever. It's frag-
rant vapor to yon brings pure, but to the
microbe death, Catarrhozone is as quick
to ant on these microscopic organisms as
lightning, Preveuts as well as cures,
and is always snooessfni. Druggists 25o
and $1.00, or Pole= & Co., Kingston,
Tnrnberry Council will meet in Blue-
-vale next Monday.
Miss Emma Clarke, of Palmerston, is
vie ting at the home of Mr. Robert Shaw.
Mrs. McIntyre, of Toronto, and Mas-
ter Percy Molntyre are sojourning with
het parents, Mr. and Mrs. Greenway.
Mr. and Mrs. R. King andfornily, o!
Goderioh, have been, yisiting relatives
in Bluevale and vicinity.
Mrs. Sohoales, Mrs, John King and
Miss Florence Krug leave next week on
a two months' visit t0 Wolseley, Sas.
You Yreveat Hay Fever, or Cure it
in a prompt pleasant and effective way,
by inhaling the germ•kiiling, throat and
lung healing Oattarhozone. Delightful
to use, simple in its operation, free from
stomach nauseating and destroying sub-
stances. It is a marvel of scientifio
efficacy. Catarrhozone kills the germs
that excite the disease, heals the inflam-
ed surfaces and prevents absolutely a
recurrence of the .malady. Catarrho-
zone cannot fail to cure Hay Fever be-
cause it dertroys the cause. Druggists,
35e., $1,00, or mailed to your address if
price is forwarded to Polson & Co„
Kingston, Out,
Council met as per adjonrnrent on
Aug, 10th, Members all present. Reeve
Bailie in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting confirmed on motion of Ander-
son and Murray. The Treasurer's state-
ment showed balance on hand of $141.84,
received and filed cm motion of Thompson
and Wedd, The Reeve and Treasurer
were empowered to borrow $1,000 for
Township purposes and a by law was
drawn up confirming the same.
Cheques were issued to the amount of
$538 in payment of accounts. The
Council adjourned to meet on Saturday,
ootober 10th, at 10 o'clock.
W. S. McOnosrTE, Olerk.
A change has been made in the pro-
prietorship of the Moncrieff blaoksmith
shop. Robert Munn has moved to
Goderioh where he will be employed in
a foundry. Hie plane here is taken by
C. Armstrong, of Molesworth, He is a
likely young man and should do well.
There passed away Saturday,Aug. 8rd,
an old and worthy resident of Ethel
locality in the person of Margaret Oster,
relict of the late Jacob Keifer, at the
advanced age of over 81 years, She was
born in the township of 'V•aughen in
1826 and was united in marriage to Mr.
Keifer in 1846. He died in June 1904
They moved to lot 16„ con. 7, Grey, in
1868 where they continuously resided
until called to the Better Land.
Sunday, Aug. 4th, Lorenzo Bray sec-
ond son of Wm. 0. and Eliza Jane Bray,
16th con., died of tuberculosis of the
lungs at the earlyage 21 years, 2 months
and 12 days. He had been in failing
health for the past year and his demise
was anticipated. "Rennie," as he was
familiarly called,was a bright young man
who had a wide circle of friends both
old and young who regret his decease.
Bert Yarrington, blacksmith, was
drowned at Morro Road while bathing.
John Moore, farmer, was killed at
!Halton, . being run over by a thrashing
tip• + tee..
Mips Lizzie Hoover, of Broads hi
vlsltipg with her uncle, Mr, Win. 4o.
Mrp. McPherson, of Woodstock has
been visiting with her cousin, Mr. W. a
Miss Annie Ainslie, of Comber is visi-
ting with her cousin, Misses Belva and
Emma Campbell,
Mrs. Simpson haa returned to her home
in Brantford after a month's vieit with
her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Steokhouse.
She was accompanied by her grand-
daughter, Miss Ada Staoktioise.
Mr, Harold Jarvis, the west -known
tenor, of Detroit will give an entertain-
ment in the Westfield Methodist church
on the evening of August 27413. Mise
Troy, also of Detroit, will be the ate.
oompanist. This promises to be a high
class entertainment.
Hay Fever Can Bo Prevented.
Don't seek other climes at "Hay Fever
Season," don't destroy your stomach
and nerves by drugs—prevent the dis•
ease. Hay Fever is caused by germs
that float about in the air and finally
find lodgement in your throat and lungs,
Medicine won't reach them there, but
Catarrhozone will, Catarrhozone is
sure death to germs. Start now to use
Oatarrhozone. Inhale it into the throat,
longs, nasal peerages and bronchial
tubes; it goes, wherever the air you
breathe goes, and it will prevent and
aura Hay Fever. Endorsed by not less
than one thousand doctors in Canada
and U. S. Sent to any address for $1,00
forwarded to Polson & Co., Hartford,
Conn., U. S. or Kingston, Oat.
Rural schools will reopen next Mon-
George Manning Is borne from Mani-
toba and is desisting his brother Herb.
on the farm inharvesting their orop.
Mrs, Jae, Petah, of Deloraine, Man. ,
has been renewing old friendships in
Morris and locality. We would offer no
objection if she and Mr. Petah onto more
became residents.
James Hall, 6th line, had the misfor-
tune to have a leg broken by a kiok from
a colt in the stable. It is a very busy
time to be laid up just now. We hope
he may speedily reoover to his customary
Wednesday of last week Rev, D.
Rogers tied the matrimonial knot at the
Seaforth Methodist Parsonage between
Hoary MoArter and Miss Margaret J.
White, both of Morrie, May their joys
be many and their troubles few.
Hay Fever Germs are Now gloating
They are in the air everywhere, too
minute to see, but just waiting for a
chance to get into; your lungs. They
will play havoo with your breathing
apparatus, and you'll wonder what to
do. The doctor will say yon had better
inhale Oatarrhozone for it kills Hay
Fever germs and moreover is dead
certain to reach them. Catarrhozone
cures every time, and absolutely
prevents the disease from returning.
Yon inhale Cattarhozone with the air
breathed; it goes directly to the source
of the trouble and cures it by removing
the cause. At druggists, or sent with
gnerantee of pure, to any address for
$1,00 forwarded to Poison & Co., King -
sten, Ont.
Stafford Murphy of Monet Forest,
teller of the Bank of Montreal, was
drowned at Alliston while bathing.
S. W. Smythe, formerly a traveller
for McKinnon & Co., was arrested at
Brantford on a charge of swindling with
bogus cheeks.
If you don't want to be convinced of the BIG
BARGAINS that Young is offering in GRANITE -
department ! !
JUST ARRIVED :-- Another very large assortment
of Graniteware, at the same cut - in - two prices !
A pleasure to show goods, Give us a Call, and be
convinced that this is the place to buy goods at
money - saving prices.
A New Orleans woman was thin,
"" Because she did not extract sufficient
nourishment from her food.
She took Sco't's Emulsion:
She gained a pound a day in- weigh. ' r
ALt, DRUGGISTS: 60c. AND $1.04
The farmers in this section are busy
with the harvest. Fall wheat and bar-
ley are a very goof crop, but oats will
bo Only about half a crop, Turnips are
suffering badly for the want of rain.
The uew school building in this
village is completed and will be used at
eohool reopening uoxt Monday. Mr.
Wm. Watson the contractor, deserves
great credit for the way he has pushed
the work along and for the excellent job.
The building is a good one and all who
bad to do with its erection deserve much
credit. Belgrave is now rip-to•date in
the matter of school accommodation,
Mr. James Young left last week for
I,noknow where he has secured a pod.
lion. Mrs. Young and son will leave at
the end of the month.
Mra. McPherson, of Woodville, near
Lindsay, is making an extended visit
withhereons, MoPherson Bros., of town.
Mr. W, J. Dempsey bought the 160
acre farm, situated a mile'and a quarter
from Blyth to the north, from E. Kraeh-
ling, of Arcola, Sask., for eight thousand
Mr. E. J. Wilson, Editor of the Eye -
Witness of Birtle Man., and owner of a
newspaper iu Abernethy, was a visitor
of an old school mate, Mr. Frank
The Blyth Fair Directors have decided
not to hold rapes this year as it is against
the law, so will substitute three prizes
for the best single drivers, 16 hands or
nader, $10, $5 and $2; the best team
roadsters, 16 hands or under, $10, $5 and
$2; the bust carriage teams, 16 hands or
over, $10, $5 and $2.
. /t S i�✓1 �'� S'c'S [ A'g-S�t C'C -- t�<-. G/ I.-�t/.';r..� ,[`/.' k�i;• ` . �
Roy Pugh has gone to Peterboro'
where he has taken a positton in e, photo
studio. He has been in H. R, Brewer's
employ in Brussels for the past year.
Mrs. Ourphv, of Hamilton, vis -ted
last week at Alex Bryan's.
Master Roy Hall, of Ethel, spent a
few days last week with hie oriole,
George Eokmier,
Mr. George Mason, of Wiughane, had
charge of the service in Victoria Hall
last Sunday evening.
The anniversary services in oonneotion
with Victoria hall will take place next
Sunday, Aug. 18th, when Rev. Mr.
Cameron, of Hamilton, will preach in
the afternoon at 3 o'clock, and Rev, Mr,
Baker, of Bluevale has charge of the
service at 7.30 o'olock in the evening.
Mr. R, T, Miller and Mr, Alex. F
MacDonald spent a few days last week
visiting at Mr, W. Innes, Moorefield.
Mies Ross, of Clifford, visited for a
few days last week at Wm. McKelvie's
Mrs. Duncan MacDonald arrived home
last week after visiting at Goderioh and
St. Augustine, and reports a very
pleasant time.
F. O. Fraser has been engaged as
teacher for S. S. No. 4, Grey, and will
commence his duties on October let,
Fred Bryans, the present teacher, will
take rip the study of Medicine at To
ronto. We wish him success.
Owing to the resignation of A. F. Mc-
Donald, as teacher sof the sohool tat
miles West of Jamestown, on account
of having too much work at the store,
trustees have engaged Miss Bella Hen-
derson, of Brussels, for the balance of
the year. Mr. McDonald was a good
teacher and while sorry to part with him
we welcome Miss Henderson. She
taught for the past term in one of the
departments in Brussels School.
The anniversary entertainment in
connection with Victoria Hall will be
held on Tuesday evening, August 20th,
when a first-class program will be pre•
rented. In addition to well known local
talent the Committee has been fortunate
in securing the welhknown vocal humor
let, James Fax, of Toronto. The chair
will be taken by W. H. Kerr, of Brus-
sels. There's always a groat crowd at
these anniversaries.
The Council met according to adjourn.
rent on Aug. 5th. Illemb:;rs all present
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting read and confirmed. Accounts
were ordered to be paid as follows:—
Wm. Thuell, repairs on grader $3 80;
Wm. Thuell balance on work with grader,
$10.00 ;Sawyer & Massey, shell for cement
moulds, $5 75; Jas. Bird, gravelling on
east boundary, $83.35; Jas. Bolger, in.
epeating on east boundary, $7.60; R. E,
McKenele, use of timber, $2; McKinnon
Bros., gravelling on south boundary.
$71.88; W. A. Logan, inspecting on
south boundary, $6; Jae. Deming, gravel,
on South boundary, $15 60; D. Sommer-
ville, gravel, $3 36; Wm. Cochrane,
extra work on grader, $1; J. Smith,
gravel, $6.30; Duff & Stewart, work
Brussels Voters' List for 1907 bas been
printed and was petal up on July 291h.
There are 376 names on it, 244 tieing in
Part 1; 109 in Parf11; and 23 Part III.
Persons qualified to serve as Jurors 12S.
W. J. Norton and family have decided
to remove to Calgary, and will leave
Listowel in about two weeks. The
Misses Norton have resigned their posi-
tions in the Listowel Public School and
we understand have seoured positions in
the schools at Calgary.
Robert Thuell left Brussels for Water-
loo where helhas accepted a position in
the erecting department of the Waterloo
Manufacturing Co. He has had over 12
years experience with threshiugmaohiries,
stationary and traction engines so should
prove a handy man. Mrs. Thnell and
little daughter will remain in Brussels
until Mr. Thuell has decided whether to
remove to Waterloo or not.
WISE PARENTS. and material, $149; Wm. Taylor,
gravelling, $20.10; M, Kelly, material
and worb on bridge, $11; M. Kelly,
Guard Their Chi'dren's Health by Plank and work on Ellisou drain, $31;
Giving Them Dr. Williams' W. H. Kerr. printing Cole drain by-
Pink Pills, laws, $26; W. h. Kerr, part printing
contract, $20; 3, Smith, gravel, $3 84; quharson, gravel, $1.85; R. Yonne,
R Johneton, gravel $5 00; J, Breoken- gravelling on west boundary, $65 50;
ridge, gravel, 83.66; D. Apt gravel, R. Craig, gravel on west boundary,
$6 62; .Tas. Peacock, gravel, $2 24; W. $7 84; R. Youill, work with grader, $10;
R Yonill, gravelling on 9th line, $29 70;
R Brown, inspecting gravel, 95o; Jno.
Hopper, cleaning out roadway, $14 50;
H. Hopper, repotting culvert, $1 00;
Joseph Miller, tile drain, $4.50; C. Gar -
nos, as istance on drain, $7.25; D. H.
Odmpbell, work on bridge, $3,
The Court of Revision on the Cole
drain by-law was opened and the by-law
read, but as no appeals were entered,
it was moved by Mr, Shaw, seconded by
Ur. Campbell, that the Cturt of Revis.
ion be closed and that the by-law es
now read the third time be finally passed
The Court of Revision ou the Ewan
drain by-law was then opened, but at
no appeals were entered, it was moved
by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Mc-
Catoheon, that the Mutt of Revision be
closed and that the by-law as now read
the third time be finally passed —Oar.
Campbell -Taylor. --That the Reeve
and Treasurer be instructed to borrow
$1,000 to meet current expenses.—Car-
The Council that adjourned to meet
twain on the 2nd day of Sept, next at
ten o'clock a. in.
W. Ct,Asu , Olerk.
Thomas Oaneroon, a London teameler,
web poisoned by eating a raw peanut,
and doetets had a hard time to save hie
The health of the growing boy or girl
whQltld be carefully guarded, burins the
growing there is a danger of the blood
becoming poisoned and the health ser-
ionsly impaired. The blood should be
kept pure and the child will grow strong,
healthy and active. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are an ideal tonin for the young.
They never fail to bring color to th ale
cheeks and strength to the growiak body.
To a reporter of L'Avenir du ' ord, Mr,
Jos. Provost, of St. Oanute Que., tells
bow these pills saved his d tighter Marie
from a life of misery. H; says: "A year
of thirteen, was
ill that I feared
snmption. Though
ago my daughter, a,,a�ir
very weak. Shewiis =•
she was going into
I tried remedy afte remedy eke still re-
mained in this Weak state for several
months and I began to think she never
would get bstter, 1 feed of the good Dr.
Williams' Pills had been in a Case of
anaemia, so got some for her. Soon she
began to imprope; her appetite returned;
alto grew strong: color came into her
cheeks and today she is as healthy as
any young girl Could be. I firmly be-
lieve Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved her
. Williams' Pink Pills are equally
as successful in bringing those of mature
ago back to health as they are in build•
ing op the young. They make pure, red
blood—that is Why they banish anaemia,
rhuematiem, St. Vitus dance, heart pal.
pitation, indigestion and the aocret ills
of girlhood and womanhood. But you
must get the genuine bearing the fall
name, "br. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People" On the wrapper around
each box. All other so•oalled Pink Pills
are imitations. If your medicine dealer
does not keep the genuine pills they wilt
be sent at 50 Bente a box or six boxes tot
$5.60 from The 11r. Williams' Illedlorne
Co , Brockville, Ont.
Ameridatt capitalists are trying to par.
abate the Ottawa Electtic'Ranway, eleo•
trio light and gas entErpri0e0.
Isard's Semi Yearly Clean Sweep Sale has been
a great success. Customers have bought
freely, secured Big Bargains and have
gone home quite satisfied with their pur-
chase—anxious to come again before
the close of this money-
saving event.
One Week More!
Owing to the request of some of our
customers for us to continue the sale longer,
we have decided to extend the time until
Wednesday, August 21st, positively ending
on that date, We can't afford to carry it on
any longer.
We Ilave the Goods
The room, and good light to display
them to your advantage.
The ru!e of this store is to se11 all goods
in their season.
Please shop in the morning if possible.
E. Isar & Co.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4+++4+++++++4+++++++++4.+++
• •Royal Grocery
•+ ++444+444+++444+++4+4.44 ++4++4+++++++++++++4++++4s.
We have just ripened a package of Bowls,•
Jugs. Cuspidors, etc,
BO WLS from 4o to 25c.
JUGS, 3 for 25c to 25c each.
Any Size.
Taylor, gravel, $1.08; Wm. Hogg, gravel,
18o; Wm. Corbet, drawing gravel, 56;
Alex. Oloakey, gravel, $3.45; Jno. Mo -
Lean, use of scraper, 73o; John Salter,
use of scraper, 75o; D. Irving, gravel,
$7,08; Jas. Oruiokshank, gravel, $7.88;
W. J. Henderson, use of scraper, 50o;
D. McCulloch, drawing tile and potting
to culvert, $11.75; S. Walker, under-
bruthing arid repairing culvert, $17; R. J.
Nesbitt, drawing gravel, $8; 0. Rouse,
shovelling gravel, $1; J. Scott, ehoyell-
ing gta6ei, cif; Geo. Taylor, gravel.
$2 44; 11. Craig, gravel, $3.85 ; J, H.
Vanoamp, gravel $4 56; Corporation
East Watvanosh, work with grader, 56;
S. Jordon, fillieg at Clegg's bridge, $2;
Taylor and Vannorman, material and
work on bridge on 4th line, $6 23; Ohne.
Garnier, tile crossing, 57 76; G. T.
R. Co., express charges on cement
moulds, $1.12; Jae, Cruickshank, mak•
ing tile, $3410; J. Young, cemeut,
57,85; J. Latimero, digging ditch, 83;
Jas, Peacock, drawing tile and gravel,
$2.60; Wm Thornton, moving cement
mania, $3; Wm. Riley, putting in ttva
culverts, $5,75; A. Shaer, gravel $2;
Thee. Russell, gravel and work, 58; Wm
Cook, team work with grader, $11; P.
Kelly, gravel and damage, $5 28; W H.
Knott, gravel and damages, 59.72; Rob-
ert MoMnrray, grabel and gravelling on
4th line, 537 05; Jas. Bolger, lumber and
Work, 414`5`; 0. Pollard, gravel and
• work, 47.75; A Peltook, gravel $13 85;
I�. Richardson, shavelling gravel, $1,26;
Geo.,laeksan, gtavol, 53.67; Sar, tear.
Goderich Collegiate Institute
The re•nnion of former students of
the Goderich Collegiate Institute, for
which preparations have been in pro-
gress for some months, vs ill take place
on Thursday and Friday, August 22nd
and 28rd. The program is to be as fol-
lows: Thnrsday morning, reception to
ex students at the Collegiate Institute;
afternoon and evening, regatta and
aegnaticsports at the lake front. Friday
morning, athletic sports and baseball
match; after000n, presentation of a tes-
timonial to Dr. Strang; evening, e.
bacquet. Graduates of the school are
_coming from all over the continent anj
a very interesting time is `xpeeteid,
The railways are giving special rates en
the certificate plan.
Eight Thousand Live Animals.
There are annually on view at the ono
time at the Canadian National Exhibit.
ion, Toronto, upwards of eight thonsatd
five animals, to wit; horses, 1,200; cattle,
900; sheep, 700; swine, 600; dogs, 1,600;
poultry and pet stook, 3,500. At al*
other exhibitions the live stock is divided
Into olassee, one particular ciao having
Certain days. Thus it is impossible, even
at the biggest shove, to see so many
emanate at One time. In fact, Toronto
1' almost unique in including anrong its
features dog and cat shows. Even ae
the famous Itoyal show in England mare
than 2,000 epimals Wert never known to
be 05 exhibition simultaneously,
To harvest the Northwest crop Mann
toba requiree 11,000 farm heads, Seek.
atohewan 7,000, and Alberta: ,000.