HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-07-06, Page 5,6. LUCKY WINNER—Shelly Nigh was the winner of a portable radio In the annual free draw for elementary and pre-school children. The draw Is held In conjunction with the Seaforth Lions Carnival. Brian Nuhn, chairman of the carnival presented Shelly with her prize. (Wassink photo) Yellowknife guests Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cinder - ay, David and Paul of Yellow- knife visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shapton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Garry O'Neil and David of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Neil, Sean, Shane, and Kim, Pickering and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan, Laurie, Lynn, Kevin and Chris. Thamesford visi- ted with Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed- ward Melady on the week- end. Wit' iUCOlgigtegt. 340772 ,'t,nayoureally; that 1983 is now halt' 'over? That old . adage that time does tly when ie havingfunis bcbmus realty.As yourittlit» seemed that the 'days Would never end, ea. y when one was gto school.. -But, p•fiilib gisek by,.'the dayo seem like «dly g 'feiv balks and the Weeks apti:months pass with very.. ' little being aceom- pli5hed it Seems. 1 am sure everyone enjoyed their holi- ngyy:w}eekend.; All that sun and baldly breezes - who reitld have asked for more. Oh, 1 know; you wanted: an air' conditioner -- well you c2n't have everything. The wee set enjoyed running through the sprinkler or visiting the local pool, -- maybe you should have done the same. it was a perfect weekend for reunions, weddings and family gatherings. For those who took refuge at the lake, whether it be for a swim or to admire the lovely scenery, all carne home in search of the lotions and. creams to help put outthe bright red glow on their skin. On Saturday July 2 the family of James and Sarah McQuaid Delaney held their tegnion at the pavilion in Dublin. Following a Mass, all the members of the Delaney Family went to' the pavilion where games - of softball, soccer and balloon games for Dinner honours- grade 8 St. Columban graduates Correspondent MRS. CECIIJA RYAN 345-2028 Graduation exercises for Grade 8 students of St. Columban school were held June 27. The graduation mass was celebrated at 10 a.m. by Father Oostveen. At 7 p.m. the P.T.A. and the Grade 7 students served a dinner in the parish hall. Paul Ryan, master of ceremonies called on guest speaker Mrs. Fran Craig of Seaforth, a former teacher -at St. Columban. Joe MacDonald, principal and Miss Carolyn Miland presented the graduates with theft diplomas and Steve Murray, president of the P.T.A., presented a class picture. Mrs. Carol Ryan, president of the Catholic Women's League presented each student with a plaque. Knights of Columbas a- wards were presented by Leon Maloney to Angela Duffy and Mike Schoonder- woerd. Dublin Lions present- ed an award for best effort to Jean Ryan and Dave Barry; while most courteous award went to Mary Maloney; most improved to Marg Ryan and sportsmanship to Mike Kelly. Angela Duffy was valedic- torian for the class and reviewed memories with classmates during their eight years together in school. Mrs. Joan Murray, teacher for Grades 1, 2 and 3 who has been transferred to St. Pat - tick's, Dublin and Yaga McInnes, French teacher were both presented gifts from the P.T.A. PERSONALS Joe Hicknell, chaplin in training on base at St. Mary's Chapel of Cagetown, N.B. spent a few days on the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hick- nell. Visitors on Sunday at the Hicknell home were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Manley of Stratford, Martin and Ther- esa Van Raay of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mc- Laughlin of Walton and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Wilson of Seaforth. Mrs. Evelyn O'Neil of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blonde of Windsor, Dr. Vince Blonde and daughter Theresa of Montreal, Kevin Ryan of Thamesford, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gervais, Den- ise and Michael of Windsor, John and Jean Bickley and Shirley Ann of Toronto visi- ted on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Melady and also attended the Del- Dublin and area fh reunions on the youngsters were enjoyed. Later in the day a talent show was put on by the grand- children and gre>it-grand. l ;tiidren. There were eight of :die nine Delaney family 0ent, as foUowe: Mrs. y Bruner, Mrs. Helen McLaughlin, both of Dublin, Mrs. Evelyn O'Neil, Wind- sor, Mrs. Anne Blonde, Windsor, Mrs. Loretta Shea, Mrs. Francis Melady, Joe Delaney and Jim Delaney. The ninth member of the family was Mrs. Theresa Malone who died in 1962. 'there were 170 members of the family present for the dinner and approximateiy 30 were absent. The oldest rttember of the Delaney .Family was Mrs. Mary Brux- er and the youngest member was Miss Jaclyn Cronin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don (Theresa Delaney) Cron- in. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ouel- lette and Family, Harrow and Sister Marie Brebeuf of Leamington were visiting with hfr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger this past week. ' Visitors with Mrs. Marie Melady were Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Connor of R.R. N 2, Dublin who have just return- ed from visiting with rela- tives in Western Canada, Mr. Gerard Landry, Louis - dale N.S., Miss Cathy Mur- ray, R.R. N 5, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mahon, Staffa, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lane, R.R. N 2, Dublin, Miss Catherine Anne Lane, Strathroy and Mr. and Mrs. aney reunion on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Blonde, Mark and David of Ottawa and Joanne Raks of Delaware visited with Tom Melady on the weekend. Mr. Gordon Moylan of Edmonton, Alberta is spend- ing sonic holidays with his mother Mrs. Mary Moylan. Mrs. Jardine of St. Marys spent a couple days with Mr. and Mrs. Don Moylan and famlly. Mr.and Mrs. Lou McIver and family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Murray, . Mr. and Mrs,. Don Moylan, Mr. and Mrs Jim Cronin, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ryan, -Mr. and Mrs. Clarence.Ryan, Louise and Mary Jo Ryan attended the Ryan -Boland wedding reception held in the Kirkton Community Centre on Satur- day. Congratulations to Frank Claessens and Debbie Van Vleit and Paul Hulley and Cathy Duffy who were united in marriage at St. Columban R.C. church on Saturday and to Allan Ryan and Rosemary Boland who were married at St. Patrick's R.C. church in Lucan, also on Saturday. Once Staffa teacher, Mrs. McIntosh speaks to WI Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 Mrs. George Vivian hosted the Education and Cultural Activities meeting of the Staffa Women's institute, at her home on Wednesday evening June 29. Perth South District Presi- dent, Mrs. Oliver McIntosh Motherwell was a guest and presented an interesting pa- per on the Motto - "Educa- tion To -day." Mrs. McIntosh taught in the Staffa commun- ity prior to her marriage. She congratulated Staffa W.I. on their 80th birthday and re- marked that her mother had attended a Staffa institute meeting as a child in 1903. - Mrs. Ken MacLeod of the New minister i Rev. and Mrs. Ray Ander- son arrived from Saskatche- wan this past weekend. They were welcomed Sunday mor- ning by Wm. Mahon. Rev. Anderson chose "The Minis-' Bank of Commerce explained the different accounts avail- able and made everyone aware of the services offered by banks. Mrs. MacLeod was introduced and thanked by Mrs. Vivian. Mrs. John Templeman presided. Sixteen members and three visitors answered the roll call telling what type of bank account they had. Mrs. George Vivian gave a demonstration on microwave cooking and everyone samp- led some peanut -brittle made in the microwave. Mrs. Lloyd Miller presided for the business. The bus trip on July 20 was discussed, also the 80th birthday of the branch. The hostess assisted Mrs. Wm. Mahon, Mrs.' n Staffa ter's Credentials" for his message. Several members of their family were present for the service. We welcome Rev. and Mrs. Anderson to the community. McKillop family home from Manitoulin Correspondent MRS. ED REGELE 527.1106 Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCal- lum. Cindy ariti Colleen. R.R. 111. Walton and Mrs. Marion Hare of Sebringville who spent last week at the Mani- toulin Island have returned to their homes. Mr. Norman Hubley held a very successful yard sale on Saturday. Sympathy Is extended to the sono. sisters and brothers of the late Mr. George Regele of Logan township who died on June 28. Memorial services were held on Thursday afternoon at the Lockhart funeral home. Mitchell. Mrs. Joy McCowan is spending this week in Ken- tucky. U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Regele of R.R. 11 1, Princeton spent Sunday with the for- mer's mother Mrs. Ed Re- gele. Sympathy is extended to ctncr family in the passing of late Mr. Norman A,suc. a Mtrcneu. Joe Dorsey, K.K. 02, Dublin. Mr. end' Mrs. 8111 Evans, Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Cleary, London visiting Mrs. Camilla Evans. Just a few reminders about local happenings this week- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Attention Farmers WE PAY $20. TO 550. PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY INJURED OR CRIP- PLED COWS ANO STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. CALL COLLECT 24 HRS. A DAY 6 DAYS A W EEK MARK LEIS & SONS - LIVESTOCK Mllverton 595-4845 Serving the area since 1974 Bruce Armstrong and Mrs. Art Smale with lunch. At a recent meetin4 of the South Fuibert Athletic soci- ety plans were finalized for a family dance to be held at the Dublin Community Centre on Saturday July 23. A large number of friends and relatives attended the open house on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Russell Miller. for her daughter Lee. A good crowd attended the anniversary service at Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning, when Rev. Dr. F.G. 'Stewart, Baysville was guest minister. COMING SOON TO SEAFORTH! CHICKEN EL SEAFOOD 0 you like chicken... you'll love Dixie Leel IT'S WORTH THE DRIVE! "Free Delivery Service" CLOSED MONDAYS OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. Main St., Dublin 345-2250 (1(1 (10E1- I I,ER (1} (ii1�1�11I i Int' ` 1 urniturt' • aid and. the brat is the Dublin and District Athletic Association Bingo held in the Dublin Pavilion. The Jackpot this week is $650.00 on 57 calls, The Bingo is held at 8:00 p,pa. on' Friday evening. ■■ ■ II■ • ■ ■ •111110 ■ 111 0 ti Seaforth Horticultural Society "BUS TRIP" Sunday, July 10 from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Royal Botannical Gardens Hamilton Phipps Greenhouse Paris, Ont. —PICNIC LUNCH — Pick up point - Victoria Park Price - 515. per person Phone: 527-0418 0 t 1.1.1,/./!./.Y./llllJ✓lJJ✓.r./l.�llll-/l./l✓-�l✓✓l✓^ 4 4444- ATHE HURON EXPOSITOR, ,LULY'6,'1958 ; A5 A we ken in Secondly is bublinfe-st which will beheld on Satur- day. There will be lots of activity all day beginning with a pancake breakfast being served from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. by the Leo Club. CUST PPRECIATION There will' also be a 'Pork Barbecue from 5 p.m. to 8 Cm. served by the )Lions lub. Adults for supper aro $5 and children are 53,50. There is going to bo. a bike parade for children 10,,years clap and under with aprire *each entry. There will be a Menti ,Slow Pitch Tolima, ment going on throughout the day followed by a dance is the evening to the music of Jasper, DAY ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •■ ■ II • ■ ■ ■ ■ NI II IS■ • ■■ IN IN II ■• �■■■ ■ ■ ■ Seaforth Thurs,JULY 14, 1983 '��. Between 2-6 PM Ralston Purina 17- ,.• ; - *FREE* Food and Beverage Tour of Mill Entertainment 8 draws for valuable prizes Pet Food Samples and Quality Advice *REDUCED PRICES* Buy 4 bags of Starter Feed and RECEIVE ONE FREE! Any BULK ORDER made on Appreciation Day $1O.00 OFF per tonne HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��■■■■■■■■■■■s ■ma• ■ ■ ■ ■■■�®■■■�■■■■ ■ / ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■•�����■r■�