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The Huron Expositor, 1983-06-22, Page 21
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 22, 1983 — A21.. AN INTERESTING SALE—Went on at the St. Thomas Anglican church on Saturday from 10 until 2. It Included sales of clothing and used articles and drew an Interested crowd. (Photo by Hook) Rebekah Lodge has first prize float Mrs. Margaret Consitt Noble Grand opened the final meeting of the season of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday evening assisted by Vice Grand Mrs. Mar- garet Upshall. 1t was annou- nced they had received first prize for the float in the Hensap Spring Fair. An invitation was received for a Camp -Out at Family Para - dice August 19-20. "A dis- cussion to hold a bake sale August 19. A letter was read from D.D.P. Alice Bowen, Exeter on her year's activ- ities. The inaugural meeting will be held in Edelweiss Lodge, Seaforth, June 29 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Margaret Upshall V.G. reported for the visiting committee. Rev. Kenneth Knight con- ducted . Communion Service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday when three young eeople joined the congregation: Kathryn Love, Darlene E. Faber, Jerry Faber. The flowers in the sanctuary were placed in TEARING DOWN THE OLD FLOUR MILL—The Topnotch flour mill in Sea - forth will be torn down by the end of June. Demolition work began last week. �2z7iT� ( r-'. i /PaRTIC/pawwOR� GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Huron Centennial School BRUCEFIELD, ONT. 482.9268,565.5341, and 236-4979 10 00 a m Family Bible School 11 OOa m-Spe ker Randy Man r� The Canada Employ- ment Centre for Stu- dents would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for their assistance with our art contest as judges and/or donating prizes: Agripress, Hensall Huron Expositor -Susan Hundertmark Larone-Spittal MacLean Flowers Seaforth Jewellers George A. Sills and Sons Hardware Tasty -Nu Bakery and Cheese House THANK YOU! Employment and kwmigration Canada Emploi et immigration Canada Canada Ai a) W `Tt gP,lh.�h C//It?e4 e4WC- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 59 Goderich St. W., Seaforth Rev. T.A.A. Duke, Minister Mrs. Carol Carter, Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 1983 11:15 Worship Service, Sunday School &'Nursery Sacrament of Holy Communion ST.THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH 21 Jarvis St., Seaforth Rev. Gordon Simmons. Minister SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 1983 Holy Communion 11:30 Celebration of Holy Communion Everyone Welcome R.W. PALiN NANCY J. LARONE Organist Choir Director NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH 54 Goderich St. West, Seaforth SUNDAY, JUNE 26,1983 11 a.m. Church Service and Nursery AT THE FOOT OF THE BEA UTiFUL Church School resumes in Sept. Rev. J.G. Vanslyke, Minister Margaret Whitmore Audrey McLlwain Organist -Choir Director Jr. Choir Leader v loving memory of the late R.Y.McLaren by his family. Service on June 26 will be withdrawn so to give the members a chance to attend Cromarty Anniversary when Rev. Dr. Finlay Stewart will be guest minister. July will be holiday month. Arrange- ments are underway to hold August services on Friday evenings at 7:00 p.m. be- I ginning August 5 to Sept. 2. GRADUATES—Students of the Seaforth and district pre-school learning centre graduated last Friday, Back row, left to right: Tommy Thomson, Brent Hulley, Andrea McGrath, Angela Butt, Kathy Southgate, Jason Smith, Elizabeth Blythe, Michael Janmaat. M iddle row: LaurleJanmaat, Scott Wood, Chris Marion, Alan Henderson, Greg Visser, Sherry -Lyn Huglll, Janet Murphy, Darrell De Jong, Mary Elizabeth Simmons, Boyd Devereaux. Front row: Christa Bennett, Julie Woodburn, Greg Van Bakel, Darcy Wood, Betty Little, Bevan Diebold, Sean Clark, Carla Nicholson, Christa Leonhardt, Jeremy Westervelt, Carly Price. Absent was Andrew Dale. (Wassink photo) Betty Squire wins photo competition Correspondent ISABEL SCOTT 482-7135 ROY'S RADIATOR SERVICE RR2 MITCHELL 348-9114 Also specializing in Front End Alignment & Wheel Balance "ONE MILE SOUTH OF DAVE'S SUNOCO SERVICE" Notice Is hereby Qiven that the Annual Meeting of SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL , , WYIb t hold Tuesday, lune 28 " at 8 p.m. at the ,Seaforth Legion Hall for the purpose of receiving the annual reports of the Board of Trustees and of the officials and to elect four Trustees. The public is invited to attend The by-laws of Seaforth Community Hospital provide that the board of trustees shall include 12 trustees to be elected by members of the hospital corporation. Guest Speaker MRS. PEGGY MENZIES President of the Hospitals of Ontario Auxiliary Refreshments will be served following the meeting. -MEMBERSHIP- The by-laws provide w;th respect to members as follows: i11 The following persons shall be members upon resolution of the Board: [al A person who has donated or who donates 5500.00 In any one year to the Corporation shall be a life member. ib) The president or designated officer of an association or organization who pays the Corporation 525.00 in any year shall be an ex offlo member of the Corporation for that year. [el A person who pays the annual membership fee to the corporation In any year shall be a member of the Corporation for that year. The amount of this fee shall be established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees. id) Persons appointed honorary members shall not be subject to fees. 12) A member who pays his fees annually shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting of the corporation unless his membership fee was paid In fuUAT LEAST THIRTY DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING. By resolution of the Board the annual membership fee has been established at two dollars. Gordon McKenzie, Secretary The public is invited ,♦ To Take Part in Hospital Activities Mrs. Don Moffat, David Jodi and Brian visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Colwdl and with Mr. and Mrs. C Moffat, Sombre. Miss Wendy Mustard, Toronto spent the weekend at the home of her father Mr. Aldie Mustard. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Scott and son, Willowdale, spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Scott. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy Brock on Sunday were Mr. J.K. Cornish, Bluewater Nursing Home and Mr. and Mrs. D. Cornish, London. Mrs. Cora Sholdice, Lon- don spent the weekend with Mrs. Edna Paterson. ©Quid@f field Mr. Neil Mustard, Mara- thon visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mustard and Catherine. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Her- man, London visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Jackson. Mrs: Isabel Scott attended the horticultural convention m Hamilton last week. Mrs. Murray Squire, the former Betty Allan of Brucefield, won top prizein the provi- ncial photographic com- petition. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Phone 527-0240 Expert Interior & Exterior Decorating • g�Wall�coverings #dj 1� Kem Paints Window Shades HILDEBRAND "PAINT AND PAPER Phone 527-1880 15 Main St., Seaforth Piano Tuning •Repairs •Rebuilding •Keys Recovered •Dampp-Chasers BRUCE PULSiFER 348-9223 Mitchell Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE limBroadfoot 482-7032 CO.Op Feed, Seed, Fertilizer Farm Supplies, Petroleum Supplies, Heating 011s Seaforth Co-op 527-0770 McKELLAR COMMERCIAL AND BARN PAINTING SANDBLASTING Free Estimates CALL Laurie McKellar 345-2879 R.R.82 STAFFA ( Carpentry •Concrete Forming and Finishing *Framing *Drywall *Roofing *Cabinet Making John Ryan 527-1520 Hildebrand Flowers 15 Main St. Seaforth v�r Office527-0555 Res. 527-1784 \� Complete Floral Service with a personal touch SEWING MACHINE SUPER MARKET Over 100 machines an display Service to all makes -- Sales-White, Elna, Husqvarna Lots of used machines from 539.95 SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LTD. (2 doors south of Hudsons) 149 Downie St. Stratford, 271-9660 Graves Wallpaper & Paint enlamin IVlriorelail PAINTS Featuring Canadian & Imported Wall Coverings 527-0550 Seaforth MnfflerWnrld Mufflers guaranteed as long as you own the car s�'`SEAFORTH MOTORS LTD. 527-1010 47 High Street Seaforth Phone 527-0885 David Longstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St. S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTS AND OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Filled Promptly WINTER HOURS: Mon. Tues. Thurs., Fri. 9-5:30 Saturday 9.12 Closed Wednesday COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 DALE ROOFING Flat roofs, new and repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 482-9206 FLANAGAN CARPENTRY Aluminum siding, home renovations, additions, framing, rooting, resi- dential and farm build- ing. • FREE ESTIMATES. : ifLYERILANACAN 527-1399 RA010 and TV SALES &SERVICE Repairs to... *Small, Appliances and T.V. Tower Sales Larry Bolger PROP. Drummond St- East *Radios & T.V. *Satellite Receivers Blyth 523-4559 BENDER'S ABATTOIR Home Grown Boef and Pork Mill Street, H•nsall 262-3130 Wholesale, Retail and Custom Slaughtering. Kill day Tuesday. Call for further Information: Owner -Marlyn C. sander Manger Dale Erb 262-5628 236-7733 Our Model is "The Golden Rule" WARD Construction Roofing & Siding Painting & Eavestroug)'iing Pole Sheds Residential & Commercial FOR FREE ESTIMATES Call Lyle Ward 527-1411 Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home• CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS. W. RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 Goderlch St., Seaforth PHONE 527-1390 SInt?ere and Courteous Service We never made the Book! Our Phone Number is 527-0121 MacLean's Flowers With complete floral service Funeral and Wedding Work SEAFORTH INSURANCE 39 Main St., S. Seaforth •Home *Business •Farm •Auto *Life *Sickness and Accident •Investments 527-1610 ,