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Brusseis Post
Short Shots by Evelyn Kennedy
Benavente, a Nobel prize winner , wrote in
his book these words "There is something
more sacred than a grave: a cradle. There is
something greater than the past: the future."
The Royal couple received a tumultuous
welcome when they arrived in Halifax last
week. Thousands, on that beautiful sunny
day waited for them. Prince Charles and
Diana, Princess of Wales, on appearance,
were accorded a spontaneous outburst of
cheers and hand clapping, expressing the
goodwill, loyalty and respect of that multi-
tude of delighted, smiling faces. Diana was
clearly the dearling of the crowds. She did not
disappoint them.
In the walk abouts, some unscheduled, she
did not pass them by with a smile and a wave.
She paused to shake hundreds of outstretch-
ed hands and speak with each person. She
stopped to chat and lauglh with children and
bent to pay special attention to the aged and
those in wheelchairs.
Charles, gracious and charming, shook
hands with many and talked, with unfeigned
interest, to them. He even gave a kiss to a
determined young lady when she refused to
let go of his hand until he did. A young man,
who waited long and eagerly to see Diana,
was not so lucky. He shook hands and spoke
with her but did not get the birthday kiss he
had hoped for but said she was a beautiful
charming lady.
Fog and rain marred the rest of their visit in
the Maritimes but there were always crowds
waiting for them and gala events in their
honor. When fog grounded the helicopter
that was to fly them to two towns the crowds
awaiting them groaned but erupted in cheers
when told the Royal couple would arrive, but
late, as they would go by car.
At last we have had two delightful sunny
weekends with the same warm days between
them. Folks will be flocking to the beaches of
Lake Huron for swimming and sunbathing,
the young seeking the tan of the sun. Beware
of too much of the sun. There is danger in its
rays. Too much exposure to them can cause
sun stroke, skin cancer and heat prostration.
Excessive drying of your skin causes wrinkles
to mar your complexion. Those wrinkles,
girls, become more noticeable with every
passing year. Be careful in the choice of
sunglasses. Some do not exclude the rays that
can seriously damage your eyesight.
Love is like the frosting on a cake. You can
live without it but it does make life better and
living worth while. Life is dull and drab if you
love no one and no one loves you. It is what
brings sunshine and happiness to our every
day. Nurture and cherish it. Without love life
can indeed be very dreary.
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THE BRUSSELS Optimist Club celebrated its lOth anniversary last Saturday. A dinner and
dance was held to celebrate the milestone. A display or artifacts collected over the past
years created much interest. George Langlois, the first president and Bruce Raymond, this
year's president examine some of the history. (Wasslnk photo)
Spring conference
Correspondent Mrs. John A. Pcrrie.
S. MAC ENMenlhers were reminded
887-6645 of the Spring Conference at
Mrs. Clare Vei h was Cromarty on June 28.
hostess or the June meeting - It was suggested a family
of the W.M.S. Leader„Mrs. picnic or barbeque would be
Wilfred Strickler based the nice.
worship on the theme, The president gave the
"Grains of Sand". She gave topic. 'Little Things, the
several readings based on many Islands in the South
scripture verses. Pacific.'
Brief prayers were read by Mrs. Veitch accompanied
Mrs. Earl Dunn, Mrs. Brian on the piano for the hymns.
Morton. Mrs. Stuart Steven- Mr. and Mrs. Don Cotton
son, Mrs. Mac Engel and spent the weekend nth Mr,
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and Mrs. Angus Starr, Allis-
ton, and also visited friends at
Primrose and Violet Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eng-
el and Mrs. Mac Engel
attended a shower on June 12
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
David Kellam, Stratford, in
honor of Miss Elise Engel and
Paul StaPrk of London,who are
being married June 25.
Dairy Club
The Brussels Dairy Club
met on the farm of Keith
Johnston June 13. Guest
speaker veterinarian Dr.
Terry Johnston, showed ex-
amples of dehorning calves
and the removing of extra
teats from young dairy
heifers. This was followed by
the judging of a three and a
two-year-old class of cows.
Members discussed spec-
ial management practices
and disease prevention in
beef and dairy.
The next Meeting was set
for July 14.
Rec.committee buys
land for X20,000
The 'Brussels, Morris and Orey recreation
committee has finalized agreements to
purchase land equal to six village lots from
Jean Workman. The land abuts the commun-
ity centre property. Purchase price was
520,000. r
"The land provides additional room for
overflow parking and gives us a second exit
from the centre," says Wayne Lowe,
chairman of the recreation committee. Other
possibilities include added space if the
annual fall fair moves to the community
centre and creation of another park for the
"1 have heard lots of favorable comments
with regards to a park,” says councillor Betty
"It's (the land) going to be a big
advantage," says Mr. Lowe. "We still have
future plans for the community centre."
The -former Sunoco station is for sale and
Ivan Campbell, real estate agent. has a
buyer, providing the property is changed
from residential to commercial zoning.
Prospective buyers, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Toth, wish to build an addition to the rear of
the garage. "There is all kinds of room." says
Mr. Campbell.
"We can't make any promises to change
the zoning," says reeve Cal Krauter. "The
chahge must first be approved by council.
then the Huron County Planning Board and
finally, a public meeting must be held. We
will see if it can be changed, but we can't do it
on our own."
"1 think the place would look better with a
piece on the back and painted up," Mr.
Campbell says. "There will be no storage of
used cars, It will be used for car repair,
service station and a body shop. 1 don't think
there will be any objections from the
Surrounding residents indicated in writing
that they have no objection to the addition.
"If the neighbourhood wants to see it open,
then it would look like hell if council turned it
down," Mr. Campbell says.
Council favored a zoning change, provid-
ing it was approved across-the-board. There
was some concern about opening a body
shop in a residential area when there are
already four body shops in the village.
Secretary of the .fire department, Harold
Bridge, has resigned from his position.
Building permits were approved for Ralph
Rowland, new garage; Mrs. Murray, new,
roof; St. John's Anglican Church, new roof
for manse; Mrs. Charlie Fisher, new
addition; Frank Thompson, new roof; Joe
Brewer, new roof; Gerald Wheeler, install car
wash; Karen Cardiff, new siding; Mayne
Thompson, new roof and Archie Holmes,
replace partial roof.
Council increased their grant to the
Horticultural Society to $300 to assist in
payment for flowers for the flower boxes
lining Turnberry Street. The society will be
asked to help plant the boxes which are not
being planted by the box owners. "They're
doing a good job," says councillor Ten Pas.
"The tulips at the arena and park sure looked
good," adds councillor Graber.
The Optimist Club, in conjunction witli the
recreational fastball league, will hold a beer
garden during a July 29 to August I
tournament. Profits will go to the Junior D
hockey team in Brussels.
singers entertain
Corre o ent
The Blyth Singers enter-
tained at the nursing home.
They held a sing song of good
old hymns.
The monthly birthday party,
was hosted by the Belgrave
Institute. Clark Johnston
sang a few tunes and every-
one enjoyed the visits from
old friends. Cupcakes and tea
were served.
Open house was held Sat-
urday. June 18th. As the
guest entertainer, Gordon
Harrison was unable to at-
tend, Mrs. Bev Dom played
the piano for a sing song and
dance. Fruit punch and bake
sbop goodies were served by
student volunteers.
On ' Sunday, June 12, a
family picnic was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Turnbull, Seaforth. The
gathering was held in honor
of Mrs. Wilbdr Turnbull,
(John's mother), who cele-
brated her 85th birthday.
Guests attended from Van-
couver, Manitoba, Wood-
stock, ingersol, Burlington.
Goderich, Clinton, Brussels,
Scaforth, Lucan and Walton,
Tel. 527-0410 REPRESENTING
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On Monday, June 13. Mrs.
Dorothy Robertson of Van•
couver and ' Mrs. Florence
Fisher of Manitoba visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Turnbull, in Brussels,
On Friday, June 17, Brus-
sels Public School held their
annual playday. Kindergar-
ten to grade three students
enjoyed competing in games,
relays and races, the grade
seven and eight students set
up. First, second and third
ribbons were given to the
winning teams.
On Friday, June 24, the
Mennonite Fellowship mem-
bers are holding another
Waste Reduction Drive.
They will be accepting
articles such as newspaper,
metal cans, corrigated card-
board and glass. The time set
is between 2-7 p.m. Proceeds
go to the World Wide Relief.
Last February, at their last
drive. $3500 was raised for
the same cause.
Mrs. Mary Huether took
her grade two class to Wing -
ham on Thursday for a tour of
Royal Homes and then to the
hospital. A most interesting
outing was enjoyed by the
Brussels Pee Wee boyt lost
their game Wednesday night ,
against Wingham. The Mite
Boys also lost on Monday
night when they played
against Wroxeter. The Pee
Wee girls won their game on
Friday night against Sea -
fort h .
Students of Brussels Public
School participated in a North
Huron Two Pitch Tournament
last Monday. They competed
against five teams from other
schpols in the county. The
meet was held at Turnberry
Central School.
The grade eight graduating
class of Brussels Public
School will be having their
dinner on Thursday, June
23rd at the Anglican Church
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Engel.
Cranbrook, were recently
honored by their family on the
occasion of their 45th wed-
ding anniversary with a din-
ner at Ranton Place, Palmer-
ston followed by a social
evening at the home of their
daughter Faye Grant. Lis-
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