HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-06-22, Page 7LIFE MEMBERS—Were honoured on Saturday at the Legion and they are (from left) Cleave Coombs, Allan Nicholson and Gordon Scott. A fourth life member, William Dalrymple, was unable to attend due to illness. (Photo by Hook Ell Iltioldll LIrt9'U ll ly Legion hosts awards night on Saturday The honors and awards banquet Saturday evening was well attended with ap- proximately 150 present en- joying the delicious smorgas- bord supper prepared by the Ladies Auxiliary, The Ladies were thanked by Gordon Scott. The initiation of new members was held first with four regular and nine asso- ciate present with Al Nichol- son as chairman and Ted Scott assisting. They were initiated by Len Dunkel, Glenn Bridge and Bill Wil - bee, The names of the four regular members are Alvin Koehler, Alvin Kerslake, Pat Whiteley and Ken Pierce. The associates are Jean Hodge, Brenda Hodge, Paul Kruse, Cheryl Kruse, Ina McGrath, Cynthia Stewart, Glenn Stewart, Paul Stewart and Linda Gridzak. The honors and awards were chaired by Comrade Dick Whiteley and assisted by Len Dunkel, Chairman of Honors and Awards, Provin- cial Command, Lloyd Ander- son, District Commander, Glenn Bridge, Zone Com- mander, Jack Muir, first vice president, and James Wat- son, second vice-president. Those receiving 10 year pins were: ' associate members (from Cleave Coombs and Jim Watson) Tom Barry, Brian Barry, Ron Beuerman, Chris Coombs, Gene Kruse, George Kruse, Roger Laycox, Jack Muir, Brian Scott, Doug AWARDS—were prdsented to many members of he Legion Saturday evening and presenting them were Glen Bridge and Jack Muir. Accepting one was George Hays. (Photo by Hook) No14 Mrs. Ron Nicholson, Shannon and Amanda of Cambridge spent the weekend with their grandmother, Mrs. Art Nicholson, Harpurhey. Winners of prizes at the Ringette Fashion Show recently were: Toronto Dominion -Marion Gordon: Tremeer's Printing - Mary Catherine Lane; Triangle Discount - Anne Nolan; Bob and Betty's Variety -Mary Smith; Box's Furniture - Evelyn Holmes: Crown Hardware - Y. Marie Leonhardt; Donna's Beauty Salon -Mary Anne Snowdon; MacLean's Flowers - Audrey McLlwain; Bob's Barber Shop - Wilma MacLean; Bob's Barber Shop - Carol McWall; United Trails - Trina Waits; Harbour Light Travel - Beth Phillips and Pizza Train - S. Van Loon. Focus, the area publication, has switched from mail delivery to carriers who bring the paper door to door twice monthly in Seaforth. Anyone who has been missed during the transition can pick up a copy, free of charge, at the Expositor office. On Saturday, a brief visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lupul was Steve's niece, Pat Hawkins from Fronthill. She brought her daughter Heather to Stratford. Heather has a job at Avon Theatre for the summer. Walters Family will be here Mid -Western Paving Driveways, farm lane, parking lot, repairs FREE ESTIMATES Box 209, Bayfield, Ontario 565-2422 las Scott, Ted Scott, Bill Trapnell and Jim Watson Jr. Peg Coombs, in the ab- sence of President Thelma Coombs made the presenta- tion of long service pins to members of the Auxiliary, Ariel Wood, 25 years, Ann Wood, 15 years and Hazel Dillon (absent through ill- ness) will receive a 30 year pin. Joan Eaton received a past officer medal. Ordinary members receiv- ing 10ear pins were Frank Goldin, James Lockwood, Bill Morris. 20 year pins went to Gord- on De Jong, Lawrence Dillon and Rose Reiger. 25 year pins went to George Earle and Ben Wilson. Past Officer medals were awarded to Cleave Coombs, F.A. Dobson. Jack Eisler, John Flannery, George Hays, Hartman Huisser, Michael McGrath, Andrew McLean, Mel Melanson, Peter Mal- colm. George Miller, Don Muir, H.W. Nesbitt, Allan Nicholson, Gordon Scott,, William Wilbee, Charles Wood and Richard Whiteley.. Life memberships were presented by Lloyd Anderson to the following comrades: Cleave Coombs, Allan Nich- olson, Gordon Scott and Wil- liam Dalrymple who was unable to be present owing to illness. 'Zone Commander Glenn Bridge presented a plaque to Peter Malcolm for the early bird campaign for 75% early birds for 1983. Saturday is the men's golf tournament with tee -off at one o'clock. There is a good list of golfers signed up so this could be a good tourna- ment and Mrs. Cleave Coombs took part at Egmond- ville Cemetery in the Legion's recent decoration day. Word was receive'd last week of the death of Arthur Lobb , an associate member d@goon of this branch. On behalf of the branch members 1 would like to eetend our sympathies to his family in their loss of a brother and son. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we shall remember them. Gordon Scott P.R.O. G�IG�caat�°� h ppc ff1 j What's Happening Is a weekly column, space donated by The Huron Expositor. To list your event, call the Recreation Office at 627.0882, DATE EVENT Wed, June 22 Public Swimming Wed. June22 Beare vs Malnatreet Wed. June22 Turf vs Firemen Wed. June22 Girls Houseleague Wed. June 22 Manley ve Swingers Thurs. June 23 Public Swimming Thurs. June23 Clinton vs Tykes Thurs. June23 Brodhagen vs Jr. Farmers Thurs. June 23 Sr. Citizens Night Thurs. June23 Roadrunners vs Sluggers Thurs. June23 Knechtels vs Cath Nationals Thurs. June 23 Beechwood vS Knights Fri. June 24 -Sun. June26 Lions Carnival & Mens Ball Tournament Fri. June 24 Roller Skating Fri. June24 Public Swtmmlrtg Fri. June 24 Fri. June 24 Sat. June25 Sat. June 25 Sun. June26 Sun. June26 Listowel vs Midgets Molesters vs Rats Public Swimming Story Hour Monster Yard Sale Public Swimming Sun. June26 Winthrop vs Pee Wee Girls Sun. June26 Roller Skating Mon. June27 Publ lc Swimming Mon. June 27 Blue Jays vs Tigers Mon. June 27 Red Sox vs Expos Tues. June 28 • Public Swimming Tues. June 28 Family Roller Skating Tues. June 28 Ken Smith vs Commercial Scott Farms vs McNichol Clinton vs Midgets . Tues. June 28 Tues. June28 PLACE TIME Pool 4.6 p. m. Lions Park 7 p.m. Lions Park 8:30p.m. Opt. Park 6:30p.m. Opt. Park 9 p.m. Pool 4-6 p. m. Lions Parts 8:30 p.m. Lions Park 8:30 p.m. Arena 7-10 p.m. Opt. Park 7 P.M. Arena 8p.m. Arena 9 p. m. Lions Park Arena 8-10:30p.m. Pool 4-8 p.m. & 6:30-8 p.m. Opt. Park 6:30p.m. Opt. Park 9p.m. Pool 1-4:30 p.m. & 6-8 p.m. Library 1:30-2:30 Van Egmond 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Pool 1-4:30 p. m. & 6-8 p.m. Opt. Park 7 p.m. • Arena 7:30-10 p.m. Pool 4.6 p.m. Lions Park 8:30 p.m, Lions Park 7:45 p.m. Pool 4-8 p.m. Arena 7-9:34p.m. Lions 7 p.m. Lions . 8:30p.m. Opt, Park 6:30 p.m. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 22, 1983 — A7 The circus is coming On Sat. July 2 the unique sounds, sights and smell!s of a real old fashioned tent Circus will seep into the hearts and souls of children of all ages in Seaforth as the all new 1983 edition of the Martin and Downs Circus presents two performance(s) at 2:00 and 4:15 p.m. under the sponsor- ship of the local Agriculture Society. Designed strictly for family audiences and billed as an old time tent Circus, the Martin and Downs Circus will pre- sent 15 trained animal and variety acts to please both young and old alike. Adults wishing to relive childhood memories or to introduce their children or grandchildren to the magic of the big top, are invited to the showgrounds at the Fair- grounds on Circus morning to see the raising of the big top and the feeding of the ani- mals. Under the big top, the land of spangles and mirth, you will enjoy such favourites as esteemed equine exhibitions of liberty ponies, the antics of clever canines, trained llama and performing mule, aerial artistry on the trapeze and spanish web, juggling and balancing stars, the rib tick- ling antics of the clowns, and of course the Circus elephant. Fun and excitement for the whole family at family prices. Also on the grounds before and after each main show performance, will be the giant killer. python snake exhibit, children's pony ride *evens and other midway attract- ions. All these attractions are available at a separate nomi- nal cost. Remember..,.Save money and help your local sponsor. Buy your advance discount tickets ahead of show day from various local stores and from members of The Agri- culture Society. Advance tickets will not be on sale Circus day. Bring the whole family and see the circus as it should be seen, under the big top. DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Gold & Rock Ro11= DISCO, POLKAS, WALTZES GOOD RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS. DANCES. ANNIVERSARIES, PARTIES, ETC. ETHEL, ONTARIO BRUSSELS — 887-6159 — EVENINGS NDBR f r;tIIBIG TO' P MARTIN AND DOWNS THANK YOU! Thank you to everyone vtihether a spectator or a , participant for making our Fashion Show a success. Seaforth Sat.,July 2 • Water Well - "tar 1? 11120 .111WelWik WW/ 4011 Aii0MJIR) DRIVE-TCN'rU E,a.TRIM CLINTON 169 BEEC$ RT1tE T 482-7030 NOW OPEN NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY NIGHT DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Neil 527-1737 Durr 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 Seaforth and District Ringette Association FRIDAY JUNE 24 TO WEDNESDAY JUNE 29 CLOSED MONDAYS Walt Disney's Animated Classic 1}IrtFAM11. 1TETER PAN" _ PLUS 2ND FEATURE Only about 60 tickets are left for the Sept. 3 perfor- mance of The Walters Fam- ily, sponsored in Seaforth by the Lions Club. The group, from R.R.3, Bright, includes mother Shirley. father Garry, daughter Kimberley, 17 and two sons. Bradley, 19 and Darren, 13. The children started per- forming first. Then the par- ents joined and the family hand performs at fairs, dan- ces amces and TV shows around the country. The Walters Family did CKCO TV special last hill and a weekly series is planned on the same station ,for the summer and fall, beginning Sunday,.July 10 at 5:30 pat. Tickets are available from Marlen Vincent, 527-0120 or Bob Beuttenmiller, 527-1680. The family of Jim and Vera McIntosh indite friends and neighbours to an OPEN HOUSE in honour of their 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Sunday, July 3, 1983 2 pm -4 pm at their home in Tuckersmith Township BEST WISHES ONLY His father's gone. His mother's a memory. His.prother.'s irtg on. But Tex M&ormick isn't giving in. 411.1.1110 6 • sir — es se so III l' 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 0!slow 1•F 527-0180 Seaforth CLASS PARTY! STAFF PARTY! TEAM PARTY! CALL US ABOUT YOUR PLANS! EAT IN OR TAKE OUT! TOUGH. TENDER. TODAY. SPECIAL ADMISSION FOR THIS DISNEY DOUBLE FEATURE: Children S-11...506 Preschoolers FREE Sun. -Mon. -11 a.m. - 11 p.m, FREE PARKING Tues.-Thurs.-II a.m. -,12 a.m. AIR CONDITIONING Fri. -Sat. -11 a.m. - 2 a.m. 1.0:1 0 1 1 e e 4 e 0 1 i COMING JUNE 30: Triple Feature T.B.A. COMING JULY 1-7: "Tootsle" and "Stripes" COMING JULY 8-14: "Blue Thunder" and "Nice Dreams" i ■,111 a 1111111 2:00 to 4:15 p.m. FAIRGROUNDS Sponsor: Agriculture Society Six tons of elephants... presenting the Craig's Hollywood elephants featured on CTV's Cir- cus. Hand balancing acrobats Jugglers Liberty ponies -mule -Irma monkey -funny clowns - performing goats, unicycle stars, 2 big dog acts, daring trapeze and aerial acts , ALL ADVANCE TICKETS $3.00 AT DOOR: ADULTS4.00 CHILD $3.50 all prices include tax NO ADVANCE TICKETS SOLD CIRCUS DAY ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM AGRICULTURE SOCIETY MEMBERS Visit our Python Snake Exhibit Pony Rides and other Midway Attractions before and after main show at small additional cost WE'RE HAVING A PARTY! DUBLIN AND DISTRICT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION BINGO Jackpot :600.00 in 56 Calls TH TNR ,OORRF 000ER14 TRsrtirlt WED., THURS. LAST 2 DAYS FOR SNOWING A7701 lox OFFIcl O11HS 110 0111.0411111 Wien 74 rut pM11 5.• • •-,.1111, WED. LAST DAT FOR TRADING & AIRPLANE PLACES THE SEQUEL STARTS THURSDAY u 4 r, • b :e--.7= , Smoke eaters have now been Installed. Friday, June 24 STARTS FRIDAY, JUNE 24 FRI.-SAT. t & 1t SUN..T11URS. 7ts1 50n•ethm? hr,t>enr ..,nrn :he hear•, Ute music,. 1l s he, n.1n4u)n It hr' 1, e 11'c r.er 1.1e HE'S OUT THERE.. 1' I% 111u 1111 InII•I 11.111,11 a 1•,Il,nn.•vt•r n111d1• Ila Ilton rhnndln sl,1•11411 III 11 hr• r I lusl11t: 1111• �H n•�, 111 5 Iiu'tr..1 And ,1111, ,illi. 111,1111.111 .1,111111m 110111.11M11 on Toni. E Official Opening PATIO DINING LOUNGE Y Tuesday LADIES NIGHT Tuckersmith Township SUMMER PLAYGROUND PROGRAM MONDAYS: 10 AM - 4 PM At Vanastra TUESDAYS: 10 AM - 4 PM ' AtEgmondvlll• THURSDAYS: 10 AM - 4 PM At Varna FRIDAYS: 10 AM - 11:30 AM Tiny Tot Program at Vanastra Rec. Centre -1... PLAYGROUND PROGRAM FEES: '1, per child', '20. per family '2. daily f.. E Friday, June 24 PYJAMA PARTY Saturday, June 25 BEACH PARTY ROY SCHEIDEn zurAns rirmuninzit FIRST TRIP, WEDNESDAY JULY 13 To Bing.man Park. Kitch.ne, 2ND FEATURE Iltcicoapeli.ulvJ 5PNGREAI c THURSDAY, MR 30 4 sows 10 HOMO DY N S HOTEL Seaforth On the Patio Guys and Dolls Bathing Suit Contests HAPPY HOUR 4:00-6:00 Mon. -Sat. • Come and make a splash in the pool supplied by KEN SMITH POOLS Entertainment by WINDJAMMER Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. NO COVER • , Patio Open Sundays Licensed L.L.B.O. for additional information call the Vanestro Rec. Centre 482-3544 t1