HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-06-22, Page 4'11 'M!I I At0 0$1. O if CaMobOBn cad cucoci County willspend half a Ilion on computers in schools Over half as trillion dollars r y he, spent in the next T three years by the Perth County Board of Education to bring its schools into the ogmputer age: At its June 7 meeting, the board approved spending $101,000 this year to stan- dardize computer equipment in the schools. The remaining amount of the half million will be considered in future years. Reiner Skubowius, princi- pal of Juliet Public, School in Stratford and chairman of the computer advisory commit- tee. presented three recom- mendations for 1983 which were approved by the board. The major recommenda- tion is the purchasing of computer equipment for both elementary and secondary schools. Twenty-six Commodore 64 computer packages. consist- ing of a computer, disk drive. color monitor and program emulator will be purchased for all elementary schools at a cost of $40,300. Each secondary school will receive a variety of computer packages at a cost of $52,700. Other items to be purchased include $1.000 for tables and $7,000 for software and.ac- cessories. Mr, Skubowius said the committee had considered waiting until fhe Ministry of Education had produced its micro computer "CEMCorp" or more commonly referred to as the "Bionic Beaver", but because it isn't expected to reach the market until at least September 1984 it was de- cided to go ahead and pur- chase the Commodore 64s. Trustee Barbara Herman asked why the, Commodore was chosen over other com- puters, particularly Apple computers. The committee chairman said most of the schools which already have computers purchased through fund raising have bought Commodores. GAYLE ' COLEMAN— Bev Coleman of Seaforth, wishes to announce the grad- uation of his wife Gayle Mary. , Coleman (nee Vander Vel - den) from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo with an Honours Degree in Busi- ness Administration on May 29. 1983. Gayle has accepted a position with Atkinson, Leach and Neill, Chartered Accountants in Seaforth. KEVIN CLEARY, son of Jack and Marie Cleary, London. and grandson of Mrs. Camilla Evans, Dublin, received his Bachelor of •Arts Degree (Economics) at convocation exercises University of West- ern Ontario on June 8, 1983. Kevin has accepted a position with J.J. Cleary and Asso- ciates, Inc., London. "Also /triple computers are more expensive," said the committee chairman pointing out the two computers are Of comparable quality. Superintendent of program Keith Thompson added that over 80 per cent of the micro computers in Ontario schools are Commodores. The second major recom- mendation approved by the board is the creation of the computer consultant posi- tion. The main duties will include holding in-service programs for elementary teachers and producing and co-ordinating programs and curriculum guidelines for both elementary and second- ary levels. The salary for this position will be based on the person's salary grid place- ment plus a consultant's allowance. Duties are to com- mence Sept. 1. The third recommendation approved is to ,continue the computer advisory committee with its' role to be evaluated annually. Mr. Skubowius suggested the committee continue so phases two and three could be studied in the coming two years. The main goals for neat year include the possibility of hiring a repair technician and considering possible options if CEMCorp is available. The major goal for the ensuing year is to expand elementary and secondary school com- puter facilities. Mr. Skubowius estimated phase two costs at about $175.000 and phase three costs at $250,000. Both trustees who served on the committee, Gerald Foster and Rodney Bell, said they felt "comfortable" mak- ing the recommendations af- ter attending a conference on computers recently. "It still feels quite comfort- able. The message I got from the ministry is to go ahead," said Mr. Foster rather than waiting for CEMCorp. Recipe of the week WHOLE WHEAT MUFFIN MIX 4 c. whole wheat 'flour 2 c. all purpose Atte flour 1 c. brown sugar 2 tsp. baking soda 1'/, tsp. salt 3 tbsp. baking powder 1 tsp. cinnamon 8 tbsp. shortening Keep in a jar in refrigerator. Use 2 c. mix, I beaten egg and 1 c. sour milk (raisins optional). Bake at 375° for 25 minutes. Makes 12 shall muffins, Mrs. Herman questioned the possibility of health haz- ards from the computers, but committee member Dr. John Scott of Conestoga College didn't expect any health hazards. "There is no evidence of a health hazard as far as I am aware," said Dr. Scott adding that industrial health hazards are a concern where people sit in front of computers for eight hours a day, every working day. Five per cent raises for HPRCSS staff The Huron -Perth Separate School Board approved five per cent salary increases- for several employee groups at its June 13 meeting. All effective for the 1983-84 school year, the salary increases are as follows: attend- ance counsellor S7.88 per hour, teacher aides $5.78 per hour and secretarial assistants ranges from 56.30 to $6.93 per hour. The board office custodians also had their monthly rate increased to 5628.40. In other business, the board: -Approved hiring Reinhold Richter, Tina F. Martens, Maria Ermacora and Joanne Roks as teachers 'effective Sept. No school anon MURRAY: To Neil and Glen- da (Little) a daughter, Aman- da Lynn born at St. Joseph's Hospital, London on June 9, 1983 weighing 14lbs. 14 oz. A sister for Bradley. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Connolly. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. Cromarty to host WMS rally To open the June meeting of the W.M.S. of Cromarty Presbyterian Church at the home of Agnes Lamond, Edna Stoneman read a poem. Of special interest was the study bookchapter, A Peace- ful Pacific, capably taken by Dorothy Miller, assisted by Agnes Lemond, Lila McKKig and Muriel Scott. The Pacific Council of Churches con- demns the testing of nuclear bombs and the dumping of nuclear waste in the Pacific and the movement of nuclear - weapon ships through Pacific waters. Dorothy Miller reminded members of the W.M.S. Spring Rally in Cromarty Church on Tuesday, June 28, 8 p.m. LORRIE ANN PRYCE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pryce graduated June 18 from Lambton College of Technology of Applied Arts with a diploma in Early Childhood Education, Infant and Toddler Care. She is a graduate of Seaforth District High School. USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 PROVINCIAL HONOURS—Six area girls received Provincial Honours at the Mitchell 4-H Achievement Night for Looking Great, Feeling Good program recently at Upper Thames Elementary School. They were (from left) Nancy Scott (Dublin), Marilyn Ahrens (Brodhagen), Patricia Nicholson (Monkton No. 2), Diane Schoonderwoerd (Staffa No, 3), and Katie Kerslake (Staffa No. 2). Absent is Joanne Vorstenbosch (Carlingford No. 2). (Photo by M. Dynes) Fresh HAMBURGER or HOT DOG ROLLS Delicious 8" FRUIT PIES 8's .69 Seaforth Horticultural Society Apple, Cherry etc, 1.99ea. Date and Nut LOAF CAKES 1 (Try them with Cream Cheese!) •4 to ea. CHEESES -Fresh off the Block! Canadian Swiss Ib. 3.29 Cream Cheese 6 varieties Ib 3.29 WE HAVE "Cheese Plates" "Bulk Snacks" "Ice Cream Cones" Tasty - Nu Bakery and Cheese House 527-1803 Seaforth t ti ti ` `BUS TRIP" Sunday, July 10 ti from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. ti ti —PICNIC LUNCH — Pick up point - Victoria Park Price - :15. per person Phone: 527-0418 Royal Botannical Gardens Hamilton Phipps Greenhouse Paris, Ont. placethent has yet been identified. -Transferred Debbie Kimberley from Sacred Heart School. Wingham to St. Michael's school in Stratford, -Hired Patricia Wilby as a part-time French teacher at St. Aloysius School in Stratford effective Sept, 1, -Hired Margaret Perquin as a part-time music teacher and principal's relief at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School: Mount Carmel effective Sept. 1. -Accepted the resignation of Yaga McIn- nes, itirteralut French teacher at St. Joseph's School in Clinton and St. Cdlumban School, effective Aug. 31. G O G ETT I .I;R O Fine Furniture OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JUNE 19 1 to 5 p.m. on the Main Street of Dublin Drop in for a coffee &browse Closed Mondays 345-2250 00 ilkdr co-opaiime unurtutc• that • yours truly BRUCE SMITH Sales Representative Mitchell Co-op Store 130 Georgina Street Mitchell, Ont. NOK INO ,. Bui; 348-9975 - ' lies-'' a48-9076 the co-opletators INSURANC( AND f1N11NCIAl SIIVICES LIFE•HOME•AUTO•BUSINESS•EARM NOTICE Meeting of the ST. JOHN AMBULANCE on Monday, lune 27, 1983 at 8:00 p.m. in the Seaforth & District Community Centres Anyone interested in forming a section, please attend or phone 348-8371 McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY SEAFORTH SUPERIOR'S ANNIVERSARY SALE OPEN: MON. to SAT. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. THURS. & FRI. NITES TILL 9 P.M. "WATCH FOR OUR FLYER DELIVERED IN THE MAIL FOR MORE SUPER SUPERIOR SPECIALS" :.:,1;•.�',i';�?,cel. • M1-{j{ft• h •\U4yp,\,\}:hy:'.•,{••••.+•y: n'<`,,•0 - 1...• .);• i T-BONE .SIRLOIN oR WING STEAK 39 LB. •7477—(G. 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