HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-06-08, Page 12Al2 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 8, 1983 Brussels 'OSt Cows sell higher at stockyards The market at Brussels Stockyards traded barely steady on a selective demand. Cows sold higher, pigs traded easier. There were 943 cattle and 1210 pigs on offer. Choice Steers -81.00 to 84.00 with sales to 85.00. Good Steers -78.00 to 81.00 A . steer consigned by Maple Emblem Farms of Dungannon weighing 1160 lbs. sold for 85.00 with their offering of 42 steers aver- aging 1191 lbs. selling for an overall price of 82.95. Three steers consigned by Warren Weppler of R.R. 3, GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 5 Year Annual Interest An "A" rated investment by the Canada Bond Rating Service. MSTANDARD ., TRUST 237 Josephine Street, P.O. Box 850 Winghii8 $lnlario NOG 2W0 Telephone: 357-2022 Rates subject to change' OPEN 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Thursday. Friday, till 6 p.m. 4 federally (h d (ompanyl Membri ( anada throw lnsaronee (orporarron Clifford averaging 1260 lbs. sold for 83.90. Four steers consigned by John Nixon of R.R. 5, Brus- sels averaging 1117 lbs. sold for 83.00 with his lot of 8 steers averaging 1121 lbs. selling for an overall price of 82.75. A heavy steer consigned by Bob Alexander of Ethel weighing 1430 lbs. sold for 84.00 with his lot of 14 steers averaging 1375 lbs. selling for an overall price of 82.25. Twelve steers consigned by J. & M. Ranch of Brussels averaging 1183 lbs. sold for 82.60 with their lot of 15 steers averaging 1211 lbs. selling for 82.20. Five steers consigned by Stewart Knechtel of R.R. 1, Gadshilt averaging 1132 lbs. sold for 83.40 wit is lot of 10 steers averaging 1162 lbs. selling for 83.00. Choice Hefers-77.00 to 80.00 with sales to 82.25. Good Heifers -74.00 to 77.00 A heifer consigned by John Milliner of R.R. 1, Dundalk weighing 1110 lbs. sold for 82.25. Two heifers consigned by 1 Titre Miracle Whip 1.99 t • " �� Van Camp Pork & Beans 19 oz. f .79 Tang Orange Crystals 1.49 G Graves 48 ozs. Apple Juice Heinz 500 ml Prepared Mustard Stacey 2 Ib. Margarine 9 .89 4 Southland II Tomato Juice 48 oz. .79 Limit Chapman's Assorted 1.49 Ice Cream 1.69 WE HAVE: • Seed Potatoes • Dutch Sets • Spanish Sets • Multiplier Onions STEPHENSON GROCETERIA Brussels • SELF -SERVE - OPEN 6 DAYS 887-9226 Gdwin McCutcheon of R.R. 3, Lions Head averaging 970, lbs. sold for 79.85. Two heifers consigned by John Nixon of Belgrave aver- aging 990 lbs. sold for 81.10. Two heifers consigned by Joe Smith of R.R. 3 Brussels averaging 1010 lbs. sold for 80.00 with his offering of 16 heifers averaging 1104 lbs. selling for an overall price of 79.13. A heifer consigned by Laverne Gardner of R.R. 3, Mitchell weighing 1120 lbs. sold for 80.25. Seven heifers consigned by Garry Kocher of R.R. 4, Listowel averaging 975 lbs. sold for 77.45. Ten light heifers consigned by Wayne King of Gorrie averaging 895 lbs. sold for an overall price of 77.45. A heifer consigned by Ken Kraemer of R.R. 1, Walker- ton weighing 1090 lbs. sold for 79.50. Two heifers consigned by John and Gerald McArter of Brussels averaging 895 lbs. sold for 79.00 Choice Cows -54.00 to 58.00 with sales to 02.75. Good Cows -51.00 to 54.00 Canners & Cutters -48.00 to 51.00 . 30 to 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of 33.25. 40 to 50 lb. pigs to a high of 40.25. 50 to 60 lb, pigs to a high of 48.00 60 to 70 lb. pigs to a high of 56.50. r/ I._. /. -. -./ BERG 1 • Barn Cleaners 1 • Bunk Feeders • Stabling Sales -Service Installation 1 1 FREE ESTIMATES R.R. #2, Blyth Phone: 1 1 Brussels 887-9024 1.. -.-. /Mr .AM, ✓ASV ..r Donald G. Ives NOTICE CONCRETE FORMING SPECIALS Fast Reliable And Competitive Pricing For The Residential -Industrial -Farming Communities CONCRETE WALLS Example 8 inch Walls up to 41/2 ft. high.''10O°/lin. ft. 10 inch Walls up to 4'/2 ft. high.'11"/Iin. ft. 8 Inch Walls up to 7' 8" high ...'15'°/Iin. ft. 10 Inch Walls up to 7' 8"high ..'17°°/Iin. ft. Additional Moving Charge Of '150"° on orders under 100 lin. ft. FOOTING PRICED ON REQUEST FLOORS 1000 SQ. FT. AND OVER 20` per sq. ft. power trowelled. 12' per sq. ft. flout finish only. CONCRETE EXTRA CASH DISCOUNTS 5% TO1HEyFIRST-100-SIGNED CONTRACTS- SPECIAL 10% CASH DISCOUNT TO FARMERS. ONLY QUALITY HY-TEST. READYMIX USED Phone A & W Concrete Forming & Finishing Est 1971 CALL COLLECT: 482-9611 Now Serving Lambt'on - Middlesex & Huron Counties TALENT WINNERS -Michelle McNeil, left was chosen Princess and Krista Hastings won the Sweetheart title of the Brussels Starlets baton competition. The event was held last Saturday. (Wasslnk photo) U Brussels Starlets twirl to win The Brussels Starlets, a local baton group that was started a year ago last fall, held a talent competition on Saturday, June 4th. Julie MacDonald, the ba- ton teacher, judged the girls' baton routines in the morn- ing. In the afternoon the girls had to show a different type of skill by using their own talents. They were divided into two groups and sepa- rated according to the level in baton lessons. The girls who have passed their Novice Bronze were in the princess category and the rest in basic twirling and marching, were the Sweethearts. Award winners were as follows: basic twirling diplo- ma -Becky and Cathy Earl; marching and twirling diplo- ma -Lara Parker, Presca Men- zie and Sebile Menzie; novice bronze medal-Cherida Gar- niss, Linda Janes, Dianne Hall, Michelle McNeil, Lori Willie, Lara Parker and Sandy Earl; merit trophy - Jennifer MacDonald; most Plant auction is held at Cranbrook WImeeting MRS. MAC ENG4 887-6645 �. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and Mr. and Mrs. David Rapson were in Clayton, Delaware, on the long week- end where they were guests at the wedding of Mrs. 'Smith's niece. Jim Bolger, Calgary, and Murray, Sue and Candice Bolger, Bayfield, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Engel and family. They were guests at the Burdett -Engel wedding on May 14. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn visited in London with Mrs. Bill Muchan and daughter. Cranbrook W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Clare Veitch with nine members and six guests. Mrs. Christine Scott of Walton spoke on "Weav- ing." She had woven the two-piece suit she was wear- ing. Mrs. Jim Elgrt, president conducted business. Voting delegates at the Distract An- naul will be Mrs. Veitch, Mrs. Leslie Knight and Mrs. Wil- fred Strickler. Mrs. Strickler also gave her report from the Officer's Conference in Wa- terloo. A plant auction was held by Mrs. Donald Perrie and Mrs. Veitch. The next meeting will be in the form of a surprise car tour on June 9. ' All ladies of the community are invited. Please be at the Cranbrook Hall by 9 a.m. and for your overwhelming support during our 1960's prices special! , We apologfze for any inconvenience with our " TAKE-OUT ORDERS OLYMPIA RESTAURANT BRUSSELS . 887-6914 Open from 6 a.m. 7 days a week Brussels usiness Directory Phone 527-0240 S Mgr" return around 5 p.m. The Cranbrook W.I. is grateful for the help of volunteers who collected $650 for the Cancer Society. Linda Morton, Joan Miller, Linda Minielly, Pat Engel, Olga Speiran, Eleanor Stevenson, Shirley Snyder, Gary Morri- son, Karen Uhler and Sharon Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Veitch accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henderson of Cam- bridge on a trip to Ottawa and other points also visiting their son-in-law and daughter Patrick and Mrs. Adams and daughter Maureen at Mano- tick. (Intended for last week) 41( • ODD JOBS 44 TO BE DONE * CALL: * Spence Scott 887-6691 H. TEN • PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD. Brussels RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL 887-6408 Mill St West NOG 1H0 We sell and install Pella,and Hunt Windows Patti) Doors Insulated f nlrance Doors -maul Class Builders Since 1956 Mrs. Yvonne Knight Agent for Elma Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company R R 1 Brussels 887 6476 1 i McGavin's Farm Equipment WI SPEC'-xuZE IN A COMPLETE LINE 31 Farm Equipment SALES AND SERVICE Brussels 887-6365 Walton Seaforth 527-0245 BENDER'S ABATTOIR Homo Grown loaf and Pork Mill Proof, Homan 2112-31311 Wholesale, RetaH and Caston Slaughter'hlg. KIR day Tuesday. can for fwiihst Informetlons OwnsresselypG labor Noires► MI. ars 262-5628 236-7733 chw mom Is -meGookkes Rade" improved trophy -Shelley Bray; personality trophy -Di- anne Hall. Then 'the runners-up for the princess division were chosen: top majorette trophy Cherida, Garniss; top talent trophy -Sandy Earl; top model trophy -Lori Willie. The Sweetheart runners- up were: top majorette - Tracey Finch; top talent - Cathy Earl, top model -Becky Meals on Wh Correspondent JEAN BEWLEY 887-9047 JACK REAVIE WORKSHOP The official opening cere- mony of the new Jack Reavie Workshop for the Mentally Handicapped in Wingham will be held at the workshop at 3:00 p.m., June 17, with Open House from 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The building is completely new and has been in opera- tion since January. The facil- ity will accommodate 25 men- tally handicapped adults. At present there are 15. The old building was moved and given to the Boy Scouts to be used as a clubhouse. Three instructors present two programs: life skills and the vocational program which consists of rewebbing of lawn chairs, making kleenex flow- ers, assembly work and crafts. The workshop serves Wingham, Teeswater, Luck - now, Brussels, Ethel and Fordwich areas. MEALS ON WHEELS t Meals on -Wheels is prov- ing to be quite popular with Earl. The two overall winners were: sweetheart -Krista Hastings, princes,s-Michelle McNeil. The judges, Kim Hender- son and Joan MacDonald were both from Listowel. The Brussels Starlets will be performing at the July 1st parade in Atwood and the Wallace Township Centen- nial parade in August. eels popular up to 40 meals delivered on one day. Each week a differ- ent menu is offered. Tuesday, May 31, the vol- unteers enjoyed dinner to- gether at the arena. After the dinner, John Orr, Public Health Inspector for Huron County showed films giving tips on safe handling of food. In an experiment, a large pot with a diameter of 18 in. was used to make beef stew then placed m a walk-in cooler and the temperature of the center was taken at intervals until it reached 40 degrees F. It took 7 days. A surprise to everyone was 'Mayo's Myth.' Mayonnaise • helps keep food safer longer. The vinegar and spice act as a deterrent to the growth of germs. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs. Gladys Wilson, Strat- ford, visited her cousin, Mrs. Ida Evans, Sunday, May 29. Mrs. Kay Elkin, St. Cath- erines, and Mrs. Jean Bald - ridge, Provost, Alberta, visit- ed Bell, Badley, McDonald and Bewley relatives in Blyth, Walton and Brussels on the • weekend. Oer 50 register for swimming lessons Correspondent CINDY McNEIL 887-9216 CALLANDER NURSING HOME Ann Smith entertained with some of the good old tunes on the piano this week. The Friday afternoon discus- sion group went out for a ride around the countryside with Karen Cardiff. Sunday afternoon service was held by St. John's Anglican Church. ✓�t�✓�.i{rs✓a.✓�. �.�✓S ✓�✓,w Matrx' H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Sales, Service 8 Installation of 1 rn Pipelines & Tom, Milking parlours �$$7-0003 R.R. 4 WALTON THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 - SEAFORTH THE BRUSSELS Recreation, Parks and Community Centre Board ---..-Avduld like to I ire 2 Students to operate the wading pool, crafts and arts, story time for children for the summer months. Applications should be submitted by June 13 to: KAREN HASTINGS Box 222, Brussels, Ontario ANNUAL MEETING Wingham & District Hospital Corporation Notice/ is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Wingham and District Hospital Corporation will be held at the Nursing Assistant Training Centre, Catherine St., Wingham, Ontario on Thursday June 16, 1983 at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. for the reception and consideration of Annual Reports, for the consideration and confirmation of new Admini- strative and Medical Staff Bylaws, for the election of Governors, for the appointment of Auditors, and for the transaction of such other things as may properly come before the meeting. Copies of the proposed new Bylaws may be examined in the office of the Executive Director of the Wingharq and District Hospital prior to three o'clock p/m., Thursday, June 16, 1983. Memberships granting voting privileges may be purchased at the front desk of the hospital for one dollar (51.00) prior to five o'clock p.m. June 1, 1983. No membership sold after that time. on that date, will entitle the purchaser to a vote. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this sixteenth day of May, 1983. By order of the Board of Governors. N.M.1i1AYRS Secretary Monday morning started with the excerise group. Then during the afternoon was a Bingo game. The individual winners were Frankie Dunn, Bill Close, Margaret Weir and Jack Riley. Bill Close won the trophy for the overall winner of the month of May. Thursday morning brought an exciting game of bowling. The cheers and clapping • could be heard all over the home. Frank Dunn and Charles Buck were tied for first place. After a bowl -off Frank finally won first and Charles won second. The residents are making yet another quilt to give to the Children and Family Services. The Nursing Home would like to welcome two new residents: Mrs. Ethel Bone and Mr. Harry Goll. BRUSSELS SWIMMING LESSONS Over fifty childl1en signed up for swimming lessons in Brussels on Saturday and Bessie Blenkhorn said still more are registering. It may take two buses to take them to Gorrie and back. BASEBALL SCORES The Brussels Mite Boys defeated Belgrave Mites Thursday in Belgrave. Would the baseball coach- es, please contact me after games and I would be happy to print their scores. i Lodge elects new officers The Past Noble Grands Club of Morning Star Rebek- ah Lodge met at the home of Jean Bridge. Pres. Verna Thomas presided. Mary Lowe gave secretary treasurer's reports. New officers elected are: P.P. Verna Thomas, Pres. Sarah Stephenson, Sec. Treas.-Mary Lowe, press re- porter Margaret McCutch- eon. Dinner out will start the Sept. 6 meeting. - Several games of euchre were played. High prizes to Mary Davidson, Marg Mc- Cutcheon, low -Lillian Moses. Mary Lowe, the hostess was assisted by Aletha Rann and Verna Thomas who served lunch. Belgrave couple celebrate 25th Family and friends gather- ed together in the Wingham Legion on Saturday, June 4th for an evening of dancing to celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary of John and Marie McIntosh. Mike McIntosh, the eldest of the children, thanked everyone for coming, the Legion for their assistance. especially the ladies in the kitchen, and Stevens Country Gold for supplying the music. A special thanks went to Annie James for helping with the decorations. Friends and relatives carne from Scarborough, Sheffield, Landon, Dundalk, Hariiston, Hanover, Wingham, Bel - grave and area.