The Huron Expositor, 1983-05-25, Page 15( THE HURON EXPOSITOR,.MAY 26, 11183 - A15 Auction Sales Auction Sales Ciassifie it..••.e•e••••••••l:t,••••*eet.• Card of Thanks • • • • • • • of part lot 16, concession 2, Logan Township • ' one and one-quarter miles north of Mitchell on • • MONDAY, MAY 30, 1983 • PROPERTY AUCTION SALE • AT 7 P•.M. • Property consists of good sized lot on which there • • is situated a two bedroom bungalow with attached • • garage. This is a relatively new house of superior • • construction. Anyone looking for country privacy • • near to town should inspect this choice location. • • TERMS: 10%0 down day of sale, balance in 30 • • • days. • R•.G. GETHKE - Proprietor and Auctioneer • • For Inspection call 347-2465 • ••,••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• • • We would like to thank our ••• family and friends for the • lovely cards, gifts and best fR wishes on our 40th wedding • anniversary. Allan and Alice Searle • 24-21x1 • •• • • Card Of Thanks Personal EVENING AUCTION SALE Antique furniture, fridge, misc. items etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ont. for the Lacey Estate of Goderich, Ont. Wednesday, June 1 at 6 p.m. Washstand w/towel bars, old phonograph, two side boards, .two wooden dining tables, five matching wooden chairs, old record cabinet, four matching wooden chairs, rocking arm chair, three pedestal' plant stands, oval parlour table, piano stool w/claw ball feet, old settee with side chairs, wooden lamps, ezal, five small odd parlour tables, fainting couch, chest of drawers, wash- stand with towel bar, wicker fern stand, four dressers w/ mirrors, four wooden beds, picture frames, fridge, coal skuttle, two chesterfields,.. chrome table and four cl:airs, matching bed,and dresser with mattress in good condition, fancy red maple double bed, humidifier, three floor lamps, 2 large floor rugs, 3 small floor rugs, Targe mirror, card table, sewing cabinet, electric frying pan, plus our usual offering of interesting small items, tdishes etc. TERMSCASH Auctioneer - RICHARD LOBB 482-7898 VINCENT: The family of the late Kenneth H. Vincent gratefully thank relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes, sympathy cards, mass offerings, dona- tions to the Heart Foundation and visits to the funeral -home during our recent sad be- reavement, in the loss of a dear husband, father and brother. Special thanks to Reverend J.C. Caruana, Rev- erend S.J. McDonald, Miss Maureen Hutchinson, organ- ist, pallbearers and flower - bearer's. Much appreciation to Barbara and Max Watts Funeral Directors for their professional and excellent service. The Catholic Women's League for the lovely luncheon, after the service, to Mr. R.J. Contois and students of St. James Separate School for their support. The Gaffney Con- struction Co. Ltd., and all his good friends he worked with. Also to Doctors Underwood and Rodney and the ambu- lance attendants. Your kind- ness will always be remem- bered. The Vincent Family 24-21x1 A sincere thank you to all my relatives and friends who visited me, sent flowers, cards, during my stay in University Hospital. Also special thanks to Dr. Rodney Auction Sales and the nursing staff of the Seaforth Hospital, to Rev. T. Duke for his visits and kind words, for all the inquiries since my return home, Elizabeth Mae Campbell 24.21-1 In Memoriam BENNETT: In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather Foster Bennett who passed away May 28, 1981. Sadly missed, always loved, never forgotten. Lovingly remembered by his wife Margaret, Mona, Bill and Betty and 5 grand- children. 25-21x1 Articles for Sale SUNWORTHY WALL COVERINGS 20% OFF at Ball.- Macaulay 527-0910 Seaforth STOP bedwetting. United *nGretic.hfis corrected o'er 0,000 eases. Bedwetting frustrates, embarrasses and Sonletimes ' weakens 'school abilities. Get confidential in- formation from UESCox 3311. Cambridge. N3H 4T3, stating age and phone num- ber. 26.21.01 Are you unattached, sep- arated, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound, N4K SPI, Please state age. 26-20x2 Auction Sales Expositor Action Ads Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Household Effects will be held for the estate of Mary White at the Brussels Community Centre ��rr/f( Ain/(� ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER BY PUBLIC AUCTION, THE ESTATE OF STANLEY W. KAY OF BLYTH, ONT. PLUS A FINE SELECTION OF ANTIQUES FROM SEAFORTH, on Satunrdiy, May 28th AT THE BLYTH ARENA, FLOOR LEVEL at 10:30 A.M. PROPERTY: Plan 169, Block "D", Lot 2, Dinsley Street, South Side, in the village of Blyth, Ontario. Two storey brick home. $1,000.00 deposit, balance in 30 days, subject to a low reasonable reserve. For viewing of property please call (519)523-4524 or 523-4464. ALSO OFFERED IN THE SALE WILL BE ANTIQUES, GLASSWARE, SHORTWAVE RADIO COLLECTION, AP- PLIANCES, WOODWORKING TOOLS AND MANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST. For further information contact DICK ROBINSON, SALES MANAGER RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES Phone (519)527.1458 or 527.1336 Telex 069-55223 Saturday, June 4, RICHARD LOBB Auctioneer AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482-7898 MAY 28. 10 a.m. An- tiques, Mitchell Arena, Woolacott Estate. MAY 29, 11 a.m. An- tiques. Mitchell Arena, Woolacott Estate. WED. EVENING JUNE 1 AT 6 P.M. at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ont. Antique furniture, fridge, misc. etc. SAT. JUNE 11 AT 10 A.M. House, tractor, station wagon, appli- ances, tools, misc. etc. for the Woolacott Estate, Mitchell, Ont. SAT. JUNE 18 AT 10 A.M. House. 1966 Ram- bler car, modern piano, furniture, etc. for Jean Riley of Clinton, Ont. at Richard Lobb's Barn. Clinton. REININK:,Kor and Hilda are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Cobie Jen- nifer, born May 10, 1983 weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz. A little sister fpr Frank and Frances. PARTRIDGE: Tom and Grace Partridge of Orangeville are pleased to announce the arrival of their chosen son Jonathan Paul, born April 10. 1983. A brother for David. Second grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Elmore'Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. John Partridge. COSTELLO: Mr, and Mrs. Tom Costello (nee Archer) are pleased to announce the birth of their new daughter, Kristine May on Thursday, (vlay 12, 1983 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Proud grandparents are lama Cos- tello of Seaforth and Russ and Evelyn Archer of Clinton. RATIIWELL: Don and Deb- bie are proud to announce the birth of their third son Daniel William at Clinton Public Hospital on May 13, weighing 8 lbs. 15 ozs. Brother for David and Darcy. 6th grand- child for Ralph and Mona Stephenson and 16th grand- child for D'Arcy and Made- line Rathwell. COME TO HENSALL'-The village's old fire truck was used toi promote Hensall'q 1984 Centennial to the thousands who watched Clinton's Klompenjeest parade. (Photo by White) EXPOSITORusE J� Too Late to Classify WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 Liberator Plus WASHER 61995 and trade at 11:30 a.m. Chesterfield and chair, Belcor colour T.V. as new, radio, china cabinet, end and coffee tables, recliner chairs, lamps, mirrors, pictures, stereo, desk, ornaments, Christmas lights, chrome table and 4 chairs, sideboard buffet, odd chairs, day bed, sewing machine, Findlay stove, Lenard fridge, freezer, appliances, humidifier, vacuum cleaner, carpet sweeper, fan, clocks, set of dishes, antique fancy dishes, numerous cups and saucers, cooking utensils, Hoover washer, Hover apt. size dryer, 3 pce. bedroonl*.suite, dressers, beds, wash stand, blanket box, coal oil lamp and lantern, . luggage, car top carrier, garden tiller, wheelbar- row, hose, electric snow blower, fertilizer spreader, 2 step ladders, lawn table with umbrella and chairs, garden tools. carpenter tools, emery has 'h hp motor, electric snips, saw horses, flower pots. For Information phone 887-6439 or 887-9212 TERMS CASH Estate or auctioneer not responsible for accidents GEORGE POWELL - CLERK BRIAN RINTOUL - AUCTIONEER ••••••••••••• :R.G. GETHKE • • AUCTION • CALENDAR MON. MAY 30, 7:00 ! • p.m.: Property auction of • • house and lot. Part lot • • 16, CtolI cssion 2, Logan. • • 1'/,•miiks,f(om Mitchell, • • • 'R.G: GETHKE • • Proprietor • 9 SAT. JUNE 25.,AT.1:00 • No Sales. Tax • Antique tractors, rijl_ing • • lawn mower. garden • • tractor. farm machinery, • • hand tools, appliances • • and some furniture for • • Robert French in village • * of Brodhagen. Washer RO 43500 • 5 Cycles - including Superwash • 2 Agitator Speeds - 2 Spin Speeds • 5 Wash / Rinse Temperature Selections • Easy -clean Filter • Agitator -mounted fabric softener dispenser • Funnel type bleach dispenser • Bac Pat Information Centre DON'T forget the pork chop barbeque tonight May 25, E mondville United Church. 5-7 p.m. Limited tickets avail- able. 1-21-1 SATURDAY, May 28th, 1983, 1:00 p.m. Seaforth Optimists Mardi -Gras Par- ade. Enter your floats and advertise. The best floats will win a prize, Contact Harry Den Haan 527-0557 for in- formation. 1-21-1 ARE you living with a drink- ing problem? Al Anon can help. 527-1650. 1-21.1 THE Ful: Gospel Business- men Fellowship International Breakfast May 28 at 8:30 a.m. Meeting to follow at 9:00 at the Glasgow Restaurant, Vanastra. This months guest speaker is Gordon Williams. A spirit filled minister to whom the gifts of the Holy Spirit, including the ministry of deliverance are operative. In 1979 Gordon joined the staff of 100 Huntley Street as Pastor and Director in Toron- to. He has spoken at numer- ous full gospel meetings and has travelled extensively throughout Canada and U.S.A. conducting rallies and Church services. Tickets 53.25 per person. For reser- vations call 527-0342 or 482- 9191. 1-21-1 Agitator Mounted .. - Fabric Softener Dispenser Open Friday Evening till 9 pane We Do Our Own Service DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD, Hensall "The Place To Buy 262-2728 Appliances" Closed Mondays THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Adult.. Health Guidance `Centre held at the Health Unit office Medical Building, Brussels on WED. JUNE 1,1983 from 1:30 ti113:30 p.m. for: 1. Health surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia screening 4. Urine testing 5. Blood pressure ARE you living with a drink- ing problem? Al Anon can help. 527.1650. 26-21.1 1TCHELL Garage Sale. S turday, May 28, 9-5. 204 elfinggtton St. One block n rth of the arena. Children's c thes, sleepers, shirts, s .im suits, etc. up to size 5, a ult clothes, . toys, and h usewares. 1-21-1 HELP 'WANTED: Rawleigh distributors men-women- ouple. No x rience ne- essary. Se ice customers in our own community. Excel- ent earning .potential. CaII ollect1-62.-1337., 4-21-4 EPPER: In Ipving memory f our dear mother Elm epper who passed away 1' ear ago May 30, 1982. ou are always in our mind, o matter what we do here is not a day dear mother, That we don't think of you. Lovingly remembered by Your families. 25-21-1 EMPLEMAN: In loving emory of a daughter. sister nd auntie, Elizabeth Jean empleman, who passed - way 5 years ago, May 26, 978. eautiful memories are all that are left, ' 11 Df one we loved and will never forget )Just as you were, you will always be. Treasured forever in our memories. Lovingly remembered and Missed, Dad. Mom and all the family. 25-21x1 1 It's more fun June on a bus. AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO 15191 527-1458 J HENSALL Th ESTATE AUCTION WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION THE PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS OF THE ESTATE OF MRS. LUELLA DRYSDALE , AT THE LOCATION OF 67 MAIN STREET. HENSALL on Wednesday, June 8th AT 6:30 P.M. PROPERTY Beautiful two bedroom, one and a hall storey frame house, with a three piece bath, glassed in front veranda carpeted throughout, full basement, single car garage and well landscaped, Property will be offered at 8:00 p.mselling to a very reasonable reserve. Open House from 4'00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday. June 1st Deposit of 51 .000.00 and the Balance to be paid within :.0 days FURNITURE. Wing back chesterfield, ladies' chair, Im- perial Loyalist 5 piece bedroom suite 54" bed, Imperial Loyalist 4 piece bedroom suite c w twin single beds. upholstered choir. 5 piece wood dining table 8 chairs, dining buffet. coffee and end tables, walnut side tables. jam cupboard quantity of blankets, towels, sheets, etc.. pictures. electric lawn mower, garden tools, humidifier antique film projector GLASSWARE 88 piece Limoges dinner set, 6 piece Limoges tea set, 70 piece Rosalie dinner set, two 300 day clocks. 1847 Roger Brossilverware set, silver cream &, sugar. cups and saucers figurines. vases. many more items. For further information contact: RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES INC. DICK ROBINSON, SALES MANAGER Phone (519)527-1456 or 527-1336 dltd/!-e//- . (is.1i.r c./4.l AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST SEAFORTH ONTARIO NOK 1WO 1519 527 1458 J Woolacott Estate Two Day Antique Auction Sale For the Estate of the late Percy Woolacott of Mitchell, Ont. to be held in the Mitchell Arena OVER 1200 ITEMS TO BE SOLD PREVIEW MAY 27, 3 P.M. TILL 9 P.M. SALE DATES: Sat. lylay 28 at 10 a.m. Sunday, May 29 at l 1 a.m. NOTE: All hanging lamps wi l be sold May 28 Gentleman's chair, lady's chair. cherry flat to wall cupboard, two large pine flat to wall cupboards, pine corner cupboard, grained flat to wall, hall seat with mirror. small Sessions school clock. steeple shelf clock, grandfather clock, grand- mother clock, cuckoo clock with carved bird and leaves, Vienna regulator clock with horse on top, tall Lena shelf clock, two bowed glass china cabinets, cherry poster bed, large walnut sideboard ornate with carvings and galleys, walnut Victorian settee, walnut corner whatnot with carved fruit on door. cherry gateleg dining table. four cherry dining chairs, four walnut dining chairs, ornate carved walnut telephone table and daffodil telephone. cherry harvest table with two drawers, two horse collar bar chairs, four captain's chairs, two large pine blanket boxes with two drawers, Empire four drawer chest with burled walnut front, oak highboy chest of drawers, walnut inlaid tilt top table, cherry bonnet chest, small cherry chest with painted decorations, brass double bed, walnut washstand with towel bars, carved doors, pulls and galley plus other fancy washstands, fancy small tables. pair of large bisque figurines plus others. two four stemmed epergnes. pair of ruby enamelled girandoles with double ,row prisms. Argand lamp, gilt altar candlestick. Tiffany type table lamp. brass organ lamp. six piece flow blue toilet set, seven Gone With the Wind lamps and blue baby face lamp, pine corner dry sink. The Doctor oil painting. print of Dan Patch famous race horse, 13 hanging lamps, Cranberry hobnail, Amber hobnail, blue opalescent etc, R.S.Prussia Melon Boy vase plus large offering of oil lamps, miniature lamps, pickle cruets, biscuit jars, plates, cocoa pots, teapots, tumblers, pitchers. bride's baskets, salt and peppers. cups and saucers, dishes. glass- ware. collectors' plates etc. The above is cranberry, vaseline, milk glass, amberina. rubina, pigeon blood, RS Prussia, RS Germany, Limoges, Nippon, Cosmos, depression glass. Rosenthal Royal Nippon, Wave Crest etc. This is one of the largest finest 40 year collections to be sold by auction. TERMS CASH RICHARD) LOBB AUCTIONEER CLINTON 482-7898 Maitland Presbyterial - meet "Our church in Malawi is growing rapidly, blessed by the enthus(stic participation of laity and youth," said Rev Glenn Inglis about the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, as he address- ed the May meeting of Maitland Presbyterial of the Women's Missionary Society at Knox Presbyterian Church, Teeswater. "The great need is for educated leaders and equipment." The theme for the after- noon session was "Are You Listening?•' Mrs. Glenn Gol- ley and Mrs. Gordon Mundell of Bluevale presented "If God Should Speak", a thought-provoking drama. On behalf of the Presbyter- ial Society. Honorary Mem- bership certificates were pre- sented to Mrs. Ira Dickie, South Kinloss by Mrs. Evan Keith; and to Mrs, Clarke Matheson, Brussels (re- ceived in her absence by Mrs. Harvey Adams) by Mrs. Jas. Mair. Mrs. Ewan MacLean read an appeal from Jubilation 84 Committee, asking for bio- graphical sketches of pio- neers, builders. witnesses, or saints, • in short, any out- statlding women of the church, to he sent to Mrs. Joyce Pritchard, Box 1084, Petrolia, NON 1 R0, by Sep- Nurton 15. Mrs. Doug Nurton Jr., extended an invitation to hold the Centennial Presbyterial in Knox Presbyterian Church, Kincardine, on May 28, 1984. The centennial committee is Mrs. Henry MacKenzie, Mrs. T.A. Cur- rie, Mrs. J. W . English, Mrs. Don Robertson. Mrs. Ross Cumming, Mrs. Robe. Breg- man, and Mrs. Doug Nurton Jr. Mrs. Robt. Bregman will represent Maitland Presby- terial at Kintail Ladies' Camp June 10-12 and the Fall Board meeting will be held at Kinlough on Sept. 12. El PREMIER THEATRES 1111* • ■-irctri -17=. f 112 MOS AMMWy,s abd•rlch DrivQ-In At 524-9981 111.111111111113111111 An interstellar adventurer A young rebel girl. On a rescue mission to a planet no one has warned ther7t about. Because no one has ever returned. The first movie that parts you in outer--rtace. QADULT CCOMPANIMENT MAY 27 'tiI,UUNE 2 '83 ' THE TOY' Starring Richard Pryor SECOND ATTRACTIONJackie Gleason BOX OFFICE OPENS 8 PM FIRST SNOW AT DUSK Sat. 4 Detroit Grand Prix T.B.A. Sun. 5 Canada's Wonderland/Anne Murray 32.00 - with concert seats53.00 Fri. 10 Cullen Gardens (incl. dinner) 39.00 Sat. 11 African lion Safari 29.00 Sun. 12 Frankenmufh (incl. dinner) 39.00 transportation only 29.00 Sun. 19 Blue Jays (California at Toronto) 29.00 Sun. 26 Blizzards vs Golden Bay Earthquakes 31.0Q Wed. 29 Canada's Wonderland/Bob Seger 32.00 concert 49.00 with reserved seats July Sot. 2 Toronto Zoo25.00 Sun. 3 Detroit Tigers (Baltimore at Detroit).... 32.00 Sun. 3 USFL Football (Arizona at Detroit)29.00 Sponsored by Exeter Inn Wed. 6 Morineland/Niagara Falls 32.00 Sun. 10 Bluejays ( Texas at Toronto 29.00 Sun. 10 Frankenmuth (incl. dinner) 39.00 Transportation only29.00 Sat. 16 Kitchener Market and Area 25.00 Sun. 17 Canada's Wonderland/John Denver 32.00 - with reserved concert seats 53.00 tun. 24 Marineland/Niagara Falls 32.00 Sun. 31 Detroit Tigers' 32.001(Kansas City at Detr.)..... 32.00 , Aug. CNE - Grand River' Cruise - Toronto Blue Jays - and more More to come Call for details One Day Bus Tours by Illison Travel (Group rates available) Phone Toll Free 1-100-265-7022 Exeter area 235-2000 ask for Mary Lynn .•.e C ."