HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-05-25, Page 8Pe - THE HURON EXPOSITOR; MAY 25, 1983 'r Announcement Janet MacDonald The Huron Expositor is pleased to announce the appointment of Janet MacDonald as Advertising Sales Representative. Janet has attended Carle- ton University and Algonquin College for their Creative Advertising course. She looks forward to meeting and assisting the Seaforth area merchants with their advertising needs. 12 CLUBS -Helen Kolkman from the Londesboro III 4-H Homemaking Club earned provincial honors on May 17, for completing 12 clubs. Special recognition was also given to Karen Whitmore, right, of McKillop 11, for completing 304-H clubs. (Photo by Shelley McPhee) EF©effil Ear implantsken costsp,own centrifugal pump life is quick to lift any oily residue and the {��� tt { ilt priming. ammonia helps to neutralize LI ©Q� 11 ll \9 �� An easy way to get almost some of the compounds that instant priming is to remove may be left behind. the little plug in the top of the A couple of rinses with pump. Replace the plug with clear water is also aood /4 a pipe adapter and run a '" idea. Particularly' if y¢u are tube back to the top of the just cleaning the equipment sprayer tank. The V" line out between crops and differ - lets air trapped in t e pump ent types of herbicides. and lines escape a d gives When you're putting the the pump an insta t prime, sprayer away at the end of the It'11 save you time ;and pro- season, follow the same long the life of the pump. washing and rinsing pro - Manufacturers of Synovex, the ear implant for cattle, have announced that (1) Cat- tlemen will no longer have to wait the mandatory 70 days before marketing cattle, that - have been implanted with Synovex H or Synovex S growth promotant implants. (2) Synovex S for steers can now be used in steer calves from 400 pounds to market. Previously Synovex S could only be used in steers weigh- ing 600 pounds or more. the Canadian Bureau of Veterinary Drugs have made these recommendations after reviewing data submitted by the manufactuer, Syntex Corp. Synovex contains na- turally occurring hormones. The low levels of hormones occurring in Synovex im- plants do not present :ny danger to human health. Implants impro•-e average daily gain one feed conver- sion. They'are a tool of the trade t:nd recommended in order to keep beef production costs down. -Stan Paquette Assoc. Agr. Rep. 1 saved a few ideas from the April sprayer clinics in Perth County.These are a few tips to help your sprayer work more effectively and last longer. NOZZLE SET UP The flat fan nozzle is the best choice for most foliar applications. The 80° flat fan nozzles need about 25-33% overlap in pattern from one nozzle to the next. This overlap is necessary to pro- duce a uniform delivery rate of spray product to the target area. While the patterns overlap it is important that the patterns shouldn't touch one another. Each nozzle should be turned about 10° relatives to the boom to allow the overlap without pattern interference. If the patterns of adjacent nozzles collide with each other, large spray droplets will be created where the two patterns come together. The spray will not be uniformly delivered to the target and will not penetrate the leaf canopy very effectively. So you ask, "How do 1 get this 10° turn on every noz- zle?" If you have an adjustable wrench you will notice that the head is turned about 10 FARM DRAINAGE ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN LIFE AND MORTGAGE INSURANCE PLANS i DEFERRED ANNUITIES INCOME TAX DEDUCTABLE FLEXIBLE NO LOAD-R.R.S.P. NEW NON-SMOKERS RATES AVAILABLE Tel. 527-0410 REPRESENTING 117.. Sun Life Assurance GODERICHST. EAST om SEAFORTH P YCan of Canada Installation of CLAY OR PLASTIC TILE Open Trench - or - Trenchless [ALL WORKMANSHIP & MATERIALS GUARANTEED) Call for a quote! ' H. SEBBEN & SONS LTD. R.R. 4 STRATFORD ph. 273-1943 relative to the handle. Grip the nozzle in the jaws of the wrench and pull the handle parallel with the boom. This way you can give each nozzle the same Wangle relative to the boom. Centrifugal pumps wear very quickly if they are operated without liquid around the impeller. A couple of minutes running dry will Several service repre- cedure. produce more wear than sentatives suggested clean - pumping a whole sprayer ing spraying equipnjent with tank of liquid. detergents plus an ammonia One of the secrets to longer additive. The detergjent helps -Fish stocking BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE The fishing se son opened recently but long before then' se Ministry of Natural Resources,was busy'helping mother nature. There are two specific programs under- taken by the Wingham district of Ministry, fish stocking and fish lifting over the old mill dam at Port Albert. MNR biologist Mike Malhiot said both programs have been on-going for a number of years. The lift program at Port Albert has been taking place since 1978. That was the first time the Ministry operated the fish ladder at the mouth of the Nine Mile River. Biologist Malhiot said the lift enables rainbow trout to swim upstream to complete the spawning process. MNR staff are able to handle each individual fish and study it for such information as weight, size and condition ie. parasite marks. The number of fish lifted over the dam is recorded. Since 1979 numbers have increased from 335 to 856 fish in 1982. "This year we anticipate over 1, 00 -fish will be lifted over the dam," laid Mr. Malhiot. About half the number of fish heading upstream from the lake actually make it to the lift. The rest are caught below the dam by anglers. Fish stocking is also done by MNR staff in in -land rivers, streams and ponds. If fish production isn't what it should be in any stream bed, Mr. Malhiot said fish may be stocked. The Wingham district of the MNR has been stocking fish since 1980. Over 18,500 fish were stocked. The numbers dropped, in 1981. BUSINESS DIRECTORY DALE ROOFING Flat roofs, new and repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 482-9206 PHONE 527-0240 FLANAGAN CARPENTRY Aluminum siding, home renovations, additions, framing, roofing, resi- dential and farm build- ing FREE ESTIMATES PETER FLANAGAN • 527-1399 Muffle4fIrld Mufflers guaranteed as long as you own the car SEAFORTH MOTORS LTD. 527-1010 Graves Wallpaper & Paint 9enlaml Featuring \Moore`b I AI N'1'ti Canadian & Imported Wall Coverings 527-0550 Seaforth Hildebrand Flowers 15 Main St. Seaforth Office 527-0555 4 Res.527-1784 Complete Floral Service with a personal touch Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE JimBroadfoot 482-7032 Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Watch and Jewellery Repairs Dtl`"' FEENEY DUBLIN 345-2405 "CONSTRUCTION LTD. Complete Building Service SALES AND INSTALLATION OF : Windows, Doors and Replacement Windows We Sell and Service CITIZEN AND PULSAR WATCHES 5 STORES EXETER, ST. MARYS, SEAFORTH, CLINTON, WALKERTON *FLATROOFING *SHINGLES *MAINTENANCE *FREE ESTIMATES HENSALL ROOFING COMMERCIAL-RES)DENTIAL RICHARD REGIER EXETER 235-0911 BOX 1852 EXETER, ONTARIO NOM ISO Expert 'Interior & ( Exterior Decorating Wallcoverings Kern Paints /- Window Shades HILDEBRAND `PAINT AND PAPER Phone 527-1880 15 Main St., Scaforth McKELLAR COMMERCIAL AND BARN PAINTING SANDBLASTING SEWING MACHINE SUPERMARKET Over 190 machines on display Service to all makes Sales -White, Elna. Huspvarna Lots of used machines from $39 95 SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LTD. (2 doorssouth of Hudsonsl 149 Downie SI Stratford, 271-9660 Piano Tuning •Repairs •Rebuilding •Keys Recovered •Dampp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell Feed, Seed, Fertilizer Farm Supplies, Petroleum Supplies, Heating 011s Seaforth Co-op 527-0770 Market The market at Brussels Stockyards traded steady to the week's decline on a lighter offering of slaughter cattle. Heavy supply of pigs sold actively steady at higher prices. There were 683 cattle and 2170 pigs on offer. Choice Steers -81.00 to 84.00 with sales to 86.50. Good Steers -78.00 to 81.00 A steer consigned by Maple Emblem Farms of Dungannon weighing 1240 lbs. sold for 86.50 with their lot of 28 steers averaging 1188lbs. selling for an overall price of 82.60. A steer consigned by Clar- ence Ritchie of R.R. 5, Lucknow weighing 1270 lbs. sold for 84.50 with his lot of 10 steers averaging 1139 lbs. selling for 82.70. Two steers consigned by Doug Wagg of R.R. 5 Mitch- ell averaging 1305 lbs. sold for 84.70 with his lot of 6 steers averaging 1238 lbs. selling for an overall price of 83.40. A steer consigned by Joe Phelan of Brussels weighing 1100 lbs. sold for 83.25. A steer consigned by Kevin Martin of Gadshill weighing 1230 lbs. sold for 84.25 with rArt Lawson Ass¢c. Agr. Rep. Perth County aids nature whep 14,600 fish were placed in the stream. No fish were stocked ,sn 1982, because of a disease outbreak at the Normandale provin- cial fish hatchery in the Simcoe area. MNR owns and operates the Normandale Hatchery which provides most of the fish for fish stocking programs in southwestern Ontario. The disease, although cleared up. reduced the number of fish available for stocking this yea# to 8,000. There is more to stocking fish than just putting a school of fish in a stream or pond. The main goal of the program is to have streams and rivers habitable for fish life. Stoking the water bodies every year will not alone achieve that goal said Mr. Malhiot. Improvement'to the fish habitat will have the most successful effect on increasing the number of fish in the stream. The Ministry hasi worked on cleaning up streams .since 1979. Projects on occasion have been und1ertaken by MNR in conjunction with conservation authorities to better the stream. Fencing cattle and planting trees are two ways of returning a stream to its natural condition. Cattle crossing the stream have a tendency to erode the banks with the soil clouding the stream. Tree planting stabilizes river banks from erosion and shade is proyided to keep water cool. The intent for restocked streams is for the fish to swim to the larger bodies of water and return toa rehabilitated stream at spawning timg The Ministry hopes to end up with a fish lift that is self-sustaining and let mother nature run its course. trading steady his lot of 10 steers averaging 1245 lbs. selling for 82.70. Fourteen steers consigned by Laverne Love of Dundalk averaging 12101b$.soldfor an overall .price of 82.53. Twenty steers consigned by K & L Beef Farms of Ethel averaging H57 18s. sold for an overall price of 82,47. Fourteen steers consigned by Andy McMichael of Wrox- eter averaging 1228 lbs. sold for 82.70. Six steers consigned by Stam Farms of Kincardine averaging 1285 lbs. sold for 82.35. A fancy steer consigned by Don Proctor of R.R. 4, Brus- sels weighing 1080 lbs. sold for 84.00. Three steers consigned by martin Hendrick of R.R. 7. Lucknow averaging 1186 lbs. sold for 82.80. Choice exotic heifers -80.00 to 84,00 with sales to 84.75 Choice Hereford Heifers - ".00 to 80.00 Good Heifers -75.00 to "7.00 A fancy heifer consigned by .loanne Phelan of R.R. 4, Brussels weighing 1020 lbs. topped the market at 84.75 with Joe Phelan's lot of 8 mixed heifers averaging 1007 lbs. selling for an overall price of 80.70. A heavy heifer consigned by Bill Rintoul of Wingham weighing 1270 lbs. sold for 84.25 with his lot of 6 exotic heifers averaging 1151 lbs. selling for an overall price of 81.49. Three heifers consigned by George Blake of Brussels averaging 996 lbs. sold for 80.35. Five hereford heifers con- signed by Bill Pease of R.R. 2 Blyth averaging 968 lbs. sold for 77.90. Choice Cows -55,00 to 60.00 with sales to 62.50. Good Cows -52.00 to 55.00 Canners & Cutters•41.00 to 52.00 Heavy Bulls traded to a high of 63.25. 30 to 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of 63.25. 40 to 50 lb. pigs to a high of 48.50. 50 to 60 lb. pigs to a high of 56.00 60 tp 70 Ib. pigs to a high of 65.00 70 to 80 Ib. pigs to a high of 74.50. 80 to 90 Ib. pigs to a high of ".on WARD Construction Free Estimates CALL Laurie McKellar '345-2879 R.R.#12 STAFFA 47 High Street Seaforth Phone 527-0885 Roofing & Siding Painting & Eavcstroughing Pole Sheds Residential & Commercial We never made the Book! High-speed, all -crop performance plus deluxe operating comfort Our Phone Number is 527-0121 Internationally. 5000 Windrower FOR FREE ESTIMATES CaII Lyle Ward 527-1411 MacLean's Flowers With complete floral service Funeral and Wedding Work David Longstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St. S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTS AND OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Filled Promptly WINTER HOURS: Mon. Tues. Thurs., Fri. 9.5.30 Saturday 9.12 Closed Wednesday COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS. W. RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 Goderich St., Seaforth SEAFORTH INSURANCE 39 Main St., S. Seaforth •Home •Business •Farm •Auto •Life •Sickness and Accident J&J, Carpentry •Concrete Forming and Finishing •Framing *Drywall •Roofing *Cabinet Making PHONE 527-1390 Sincere and Courteous Service • I nvestments 527-1610 John Ryan 527-1520 See Us For Your MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS and Soybean Seed KEN R. CAMPBELL FARMS LTD. 527-0249 R.R. 1 Dublin AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT BUY I.H. HAY EQUIPMENT AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF - Waiver of Finance 'til April 1, 1984; or -9.9 % Financing up to 5 Years; or - Cash Discount up to 8% SEAFORTHH 521.0120 FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 1110U• DM A DRAINAG I •We plow in plastic or cloy tile *Laser controlled grade *No bock bock filling •No stones to pick *No sub -soil on top For more inlormonoo, RR Stratford771-4777 RR 4 SlraHord Ont NSA 6S5 or toll , relative to the handle. Grip the nozzle in the jaws of the wrench and pull the handle parallel with the boom. This way you can give each nozzle the same Wangle relative to the boom. Centrifugal pumps wear very quickly if they are operated without liquid around the impeller. A couple of minutes running dry will Several service repre- cedure. produce more wear than sentatives suggested clean - pumping a whole sprayer ing spraying equipnjent with tank of liquid. detergents plus an ammonia One of the secrets to longer additive. The detergjent helps -Fish stocking BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE The fishing se son opened recently but long before then' se Ministry of Natural Resources,was busy'helping mother nature. There are two specific programs under- taken by the Wingham district of Ministry, fish stocking and fish lifting over the old mill dam at Port Albert. MNR biologist Mike Malhiot said both programs have been on-going for a number of years. The lift program at Port Albert has been taking place since 1978. That was the first time the Ministry operated the fish ladder at the mouth of the Nine Mile River. Biologist Malhiot said the lift enables rainbow trout to swim upstream to complete the spawning process. MNR staff are able to handle each individual fish and study it for such information as weight, size and condition ie. parasite marks. The number of fish lifted over the dam is recorded. Since 1979 numbers have increased from 335 to 856 fish in 1982. "This year we anticipate over 1, 00 -fish will be lifted over the dam," laid Mr. Malhiot. About half the number of fish heading upstream from the lake actually make it to the lift. The rest are caught below the dam by anglers. Fish stocking is also done by MNR staff in in -land rivers, streams and ponds. If fish production isn't what it should be in any stream bed, Mr. Malhiot said fish may be stocked. The Wingham district of the MNR has been stocking fish since 1980. Over 18,500 fish were stocked. The numbers dropped, in 1981. BUSINESS DIRECTORY DALE ROOFING Flat roofs, new and repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 482-9206 PHONE 527-0240 FLANAGAN CARPENTRY Aluminum siding, home renovations, additions, framing, roofing, resi- dential and farm build- ing FREE ESTIMATES PETER FLANAGAN • 527-1399 Muffle4fIrld Mufflers guaranteed as long as you own the car SEAFORTH MOTORS LTD. 527-1010 Graves Wallpaper & Paint 9enlaml Featuring \Moore`b I AI N'1'ti Canadian & Imported Wall Coverings 527-0550 Seaforth Hildebrand Flowers 15 Main St. Seaforth Office 527-0555 4 Res.527-1784 Complete Floral Service with a personal touch Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE JimBroadfoot 482-7032 Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Watch and Jewellery Repairs Dtl`"' FEENEY DUBLIN 345-2405 "CONSTRUCTION LTD. Complete Building Service SALES AND INSTALLATION OF : Windows, Doors and Replacement Windows We Sell and Service CITIZEN AND PULSAR WATCHES 5 STORES EXETER, ST. MARYS, SEAFORTH, CLINTON, WALKERTON *FLATROOFING *SHINGLES *MAINTENANCE *FREE ESTIMATES HENSALL ROOFING COMMERCIAL-RES)DENTIAL RICHARD REGIER EXETER 235-0911 BOX 1852 EXETER, ONTARIO NOM ISO Expert 'Interior & ( Exterior Decorating Wallcoverings Kern Paints /- Window Shades HILDEBRAND `PAINT AND PAPER Phone 527-1880 15 Main St., Scaforth McKELLAR COMMERCIAL AND BARN PAINTING SANDBLASTING SEWING MACHINE SUPERMARKET Over 190 machines on display Service to all makes Sales -White, Elna. Huspvarna Lots of used machines from $39 95 SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LTD. (2 doorssouth of Hudsonsl 149 Downie SI Stratford, 271-9660 Piano Tuning •Repairs •Rebuilding •Keys Recovered •Dampp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell Feed, Seed, Fertilizer Farm Supplies, Petroleum Supplies, Heating 011s Seaforth Co-op 527-0770 Market The market at Brussels Stockyards traded steady to the week's decline on a lighter offering of slaughter cattle. Heavy supply of pigs sold actively steady at higher prices. There were 683 cattle and 2170 pigs on offer. Choice Steers -81.00 to 84.00 with sales to 86.50. Good Steers -78.00 to 81.00 A steer consigned by Maple Emblem Farms of Dungannon weighing 1240 lbs. sold for 86.50 with their lot of 28 steers averaging 1188lbs. selling for an overall price of 82.60. A steer consigned by Clar- ence Ritchie of R.R. 5, Lucknow weighing 1270 lbs. sold for 84.50 with his lot of 10 steers averaging 1139 lbs. selling for 82.70. Two steers consigned by Doug Wagg of R.R. 5 Mitch- ell averaging 1305 lbs. sold for 84.70 with his lot of 6 steers averaging 1238 lbs. selling for an overall price of 83.40. A steer consigned by Joe Phelan of Brussels weighing 1100 lbs. sold for 83.25. A steer consigned by Kevin Martin of Gadshill weighing 1230 lbs. sold for 84.25 with rArt Lawson Ass¢c. Agr. Rep. Perth County aids nature whep 14,600 fish were placed in the stream. No fish were stocked ,sn 1982, because of a disease outbreak at the Normandale provin- cial fish hatchery in the Simcoe area. MNR owns and operates the Normandale Hatchery which provides most of the fish for fish stocking programs in southwestern Ontario. The disease, although cleared up. reduced the number of fish available for stocking this yea# to 8,000. There is more to stocking fish than just putting a school of fish in a stream or pond. The main goal of the program is to have streams and rivers habitable for fish life. Stoking the water bodies every year will not alone achieve that goal said Mr. Malhiot. Improvement'to the fish habitat will have the most successful effect on increasing the number of fish in the stream. The Ministry hasi worked on cleaning up streams .since 1979. Projects on occasion have been und1ertaken by MNR in conjunction with conservation authorities to better the stream. Fencing cattle and planting trees are two ways of returning a stream to its natural condition. Cattle crossing the stream have a tendency to erode the banks with the soil clouding the stream. Tree planting stabilizes river banks from erosion and shade is proyided to keep water cool. The intent for restocked streams is for the fish to swim to the larger bodies of water and return toa rehabilitated stream at spawning timg The Ministry hopes to end up with a fish lift that is self-sustaining and let mother nature run its course. trading steady his lot of 10 steers averaging 1245 lbs. selling for 82.70. Fourteen steers consigned by Laverne Love of Dundalk averaging 12101b$.soldfor an overall .price of 82.53. Twenty steers consigned by K & L Beef Farms of Ethel averaging H57 18s. sold for an overall price of 82,47. Fourteen steers consigned by Andy McMichael of Wrox- eter averaging 1228 lbs. sold for 82.70. Six steers consigned by Stam Farms of Kincardine averaging 1285 lbs. sold for 82.35. A fancy steer consigned by Don Proctor of R.R. 4, Brus- sels weighing 1080 lbs. sold for 84.00. Three steers consigned by martin Hendrick of R.R. 7. Lucknow averaging 1186 lbs. sold for 82.80. Choice exotic heifers -80.00 to 84,00 with sales to 84.75 Choice Hereford Heifers - ".00 to 80.00 Good Heifers -75.00 to "7.00 A fancy heifer consigned by .loanne Phelan of R.R. 4, Brussels weighing 1020 lbs. topped the market at 84.75 with Joe Phelan's lot of 8 mixed heifers averaging 1007 lbs. selling for an overall price of 80.70. A heavy heifer consigned by Bill Rintoul of Wingham weighing 1270 lbs. sold for 84.25 with his lot of 6 exotic heifers averaging 1151 lbs. selling for an overall price of 81.49. Three heifers consigned by George Blake of Brussels averaging 996 lbs. sold for 80.35. Five hereford heifers con- signed by Bill Pease of R.R. 2 Blyth averaging 968 lbs. sold for 77.90. Choice Cows -55,00 to 60.00 with sales to 62.50. Good Cows -52.00 to 55.00 Canners & Cutters•41.00 to 52.00 Heavy Bulls traded to a high of 63.25. 30 to 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of 63.25. 40 to 50 lb. pigs to a high of 48.50. 50 to 60 lb. pigs to a high of 56.00 60 tp 70 Ib. pigs to a high of 65.00 70 to 80 Ib. pigs to a high of 74.50. 80 to 90 Ib. pigs to a high of ".on WARD Construction Free Estimates CALL Laurie McKellar '345-2879 R.R.#12 STAFFA 47 High Street Seaforth Phone 527-0885 Roofing & Siding Painting & Eavcstroughing Pole Sheds Residential & Commercial We never made the Book! High-speed, all -crop performance plus deluxe operating comfort Our Phone Number is 527-0121 Internationally. 5000 Windrower FOR FREE ESTIMATES CaII Lyle Ward 527-1411 MacLean's Flowers With complete floral service Funeral and Wedding Work David Longstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St. S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTS AND OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Filled Promptly WINTER HOURS: Mon. Tues. Thurs., Fri. 9.5.30 Saturday 9.12 Closed Wednesday COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS. W. RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 Goderich St., Seaforth SEAFORTH INSURANCE 39 Main St., S. Seaforth •Home •Business •Farm •Auto •Life •Sickness and Accident J&J, Carpentry •Concrete Forming and Finishing •Framing *Drywall •Roofing *Cabinet Making PHONE 527-1390 Sincere and Courteous Service • I nvestments 527-1610 John Ryan 527-1520 See Us For Your MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS and Soybean Seed KEN R. CAMPBELL FARMS LTD. 527-0249 R.R. 1 Dublin AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT BUY I.H. HAY EQUIPMENT AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF - Waiver of Finance 'til April 1, 1984; or -9.9 % Financing up to 5 Years; or - Cash Discount up to 8% SEAFORTHH 521.0120 FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED