The Wingham Times, 1907-08-01, Page 8THE WINGHAM TIMES, AUGUS ,- 1, 1907
--Atria hpliday.
--Thriesday. August 1st.
Itlenday will ba civic holiday
--•IM,rtnexs axe busy at the fall wheat
Itarvest this week.
--Brutal schools will re -open on Mon.
eh y, Aagust Mb.
-Winghem L. 0, L., No. ?34, meets
to morrow (Friday) night.
--'Che Tames to any address ' Canada
to January tat, 1908 for 25 " eta.
Don't buy eohool boo. s W you read
our ed. ]art page, SA ens.
--Memo. Carrie and Rtntoul will ship
et oar load of horses to Montreal to -day.
-The brick work on W. H. Green's'
Ave new dwellings is being rushed along
---The regular monthly meeting of the
Town Council will be held nest Monday
--Mr. N. 3. Morrissey, of Goderioh
baa parrhaeed the Cabinet hotel at
-A good photograph, of the members
-oC the Huron County Council ie on ex-
hibition in Zurbrigg's window.
- Daring the electric storm on Friday
morning the barn of Mr. E. Phillips in
East. W awanoeh was destroyed.
Giant Triplets "Currency" "Bobs"
end "Stag" Chewiug Tobaccoes, in big
Plugs, Quality always the eame.
-In a league baseball game at Tees -
water on Monday, the horns team won
Prom Kincardine by a score of 15 to 0.
Mre. Ivan Johnston was treated to a
"kitchen shower" on Tuesday evening
by a number of her young ladv friends.
-Send the Vexes to your friends at a
distance, Twenty-five cents to Janu-
ary net, 1908 to any address in Canada.
-Big I. 0. 0. F. excursion to Sarnia
and Detroit on Saturday, August 10th,
See advt. in another column for partic-
-Wingham fall fair on September
26th and 27th. Get a copy of the prize
list from the Secretary at the TIMES
-A number of the residents of this
section had a good view of the partial
eclipse of the moon on Wednesday night
-of last week
-The Citizens' Band ha een engaged
to furnish music at a P abyterian gar-
den party in Blnevale o the evening of
August 13th.
Nall paper seasoifiere again; we have
-To day is civic holiday in Wingham
and all business places will be closed.
litany of our townspeople will spend the
day at Kincardine.
-The Sovereign Bank has closed its
branch at Stratford, and the business
has been transferred to the branch of
the Trader's Bank.
For Quality and Quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobo"
''Stag" and "Cnrrenoy" Chewing
-The regular meeting of the Ladies
Auxiliary for the Wingbam Hospital will
be held in the Connell Chambers on Mon-
day, Aug. 6th at 4 15 sharp.
-The Goderioh bowling tournment
will be held next week, commencing on
Tuesday. A number of local bowlers)
will likely visit the county town.
-Mies MacVannell, of St. Marys will
fill the vacancy caused by the rest on
of Miss Ketcheson, as teacher English
and Moderne in the Wi hem High
Window Shades all Come -see.
-Mr. F. Paterson has completed the
work of laying granolithic wslka in front
of the Hanna dwellings on John street.
These walks greatly improve theappear-
ance of these properties.
-The Citizens' Band will hold a gar-
den party on the Town Park, on Friday
evening, August 16th, A premium will
be again given to the holder of the lucky
ticket. Fail particularsin our next
-The Bee Dive Co. of thie town has
taken over the general stook and pre-
raises at River Stone, near Mt. Forest.
They eeein to be on the plans of the
of the Davies Co. in haying a number of
branches. Stocks change hands quickly
with theni, •
-For the first time in four years the
complete resale of the departmental'',
examinations wilt be published. I, is
expected they will appear in ten days or
tufo weeks. The results thie year Vei11
be published according to comities, and
not by schools.
Tin ore has been disoovered in a solid
Lein in iota Scotia. Samples of the
ere, On being Obeyed, contained 78 per
cent of tin and 22 per cent of oxygen.
The I'rotinee has settled with the
*estate of the late Senator :p'nlford, in the
stater bf eucceaeion dntiae. The
Goternm*nt aooepts $356,1100 in full, the
albite being 'valued at $5445,000.
fortioniturists in marry looalitied in
the Produce bre complaining bitterly of
the tM'agee of -veering this year. In
Hamilton it peculiar growth hear attacked
the beech and Maple trees, and a► oath
Indettible patoentege of theta are dying..
frOtre *emeriti other gutters corns re-
pegitt of It similes' mature.
We alai' be glad to have eontributioaa to.
this column from any et one readers. It you
have visitors or purpose going away yourself,
drop in and tett nu, er send us. a note to that
Mr, and Mre. R. H. Holmes and chin
dm are ole it trip up alae lakes.
Mies M. A. MoLean left yesterday to
ape nd a week wi h relatives in Toronto,
Mr, Donohoe, C. E., of Buffalo, N.Y.,
and Mrs, Donohoe, visited Mies M, A.
Mr. Geo. Young, of Winnipeg is visit-
ing with his ;areata, Mr. and Mre. A.
Mrs. W. P. Bisbee, of Loudon, is
visiting with relatives and friends in
Win gleam.
hire. Wm. Dodds, of Mitchell has been
visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
R, Rankin,
Mre. Geddes, of Detroit, is visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr, Fred Hamlin, of Winnipeg was
visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Walley for
over Sunday.
Rev, F. Shore of North Dakota was
calling on his old Wingbam friends
last TM:traday.
Mrs. Jae. A, Haugh and two little
daughters are spending two weeks with
friends in Detroit.
Mr. Scott Gordon and Miss Ena Gor.
don are spending a few holidays at Lake
of Bays, Muskoka.
Mies Duhmage ]eft last week for a
visit with friends at Tobermoray and
Sault Ste Marie.
Mr. John McDonald and his daughter
Mrs. McKay, left on Tuesday for their
new home in the Weet.
Mr. Hastings, inspector of pnblio
buildings for the Dominion Government
was in town on Tuesday.
Rev. T. S. and Mrs. Boyle have been
spending two weeks in a very pleasant
holiday trip up the lakes,
Mrs. Jas. Carr and Mrs. Geo. Carr
were visiting for a tow days at Mr.
Wm. Carr's, Dungannon.
Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Musgrove were
visiting for a few days at the home of
former'* sister, near Ethel.
Mies Agnea Walker is spending a few
weeks at the home of her uncle, Mr.
Wesley Walker, at Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Walley and Miss
Dorothy Walley are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Button at Lnoknow.
Mr. Wm. McDonald, editor of the
Ohesley Enterprise was in town on
Thursday and gave the Truss a call.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Drew, of Kincar-
dine, were visiting with Mr, and Mrs
Jas. MoMannus for a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quirk, of Buffalo
were visiting for a few days with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. A. A. Armstrong was in Toronto
last week attending the annnaI conven-
tion of the -Canadian Photographers
Mrs, T. 3. Elliott left on Tuesday
morning for Alberta, where she will
spend several weeks visiting with one of
her daughters.
Mr. and Mrs, A, R. Anderson have re•
turned home after a pleasant driving
trip, visiting with friends in Goderioh,
Bayfield and Dungannon.
Miss Gardener, of Woodstook, who is
visiting her uncle, Rev. Mr. Baker of
Blnevale, spent a few days at the
home of Mr. Edward Baer, last week.
Mr. Goo. Lamont left last week for
Calgary where he will spend the next
few months. Mr. Kyle is relieving Mr,
Lamont at the G. T. R, freight office.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Stevrart and
daughter, of Melita, Man., have been
visiting relatives and friends in Wing -
ham and vicinity. Mr. Stewart is a
former resident of Wingham, but has
been in the welt for over eighteen years.
bare. A. J. Nicholls and youngest son
left on Thursday last for Bozeman,
Montana to visit with her brothers,
going by boat from Sarnia to Duluth.
Mrs. Nicholls will return home through
Manitoba and visit with her sister. We
wish her a very pleasant trip and a safe
return home.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cassels, of Fresno,
California are visiting fora few Weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Caeseli and
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, MoMannus, Mr. and
Mrs. Cassels are former well-known re-
sidents of Wingham and have been away
for ten years, the last two and a half be-
ing spent in Fresno, They see many
ohanges itt Wingham during the past ten
years. Mr. °easels quite frequently sees
our former townsmen, Messrs, Itobt.,
Wm. and lit. H, Mclndoo.
Hatnmocka are our
$4 00 ones for $1.95,
sip al Satlirdey,
I3etbert Butler of Nile Was killed
while teaming between Paris and Brant-
ford, his wagon being struck by a trol-
Iey' car.
Thomas Black, the most prominent
lawyer itt Kenton, Ohio, a leading poli,
*ohm and Mayor for two ternie, gave
llitutelt tip to the Sheriff, acknowledg-
ing the forgery of $28,000, Elia opera
Bons *attend, he Ws, over a period of
Wu* heart.
JAMat$xO WN.
TWO deer in the vtoinity of our burg
fnrnithed a pleasant and unusual eight
to sevexal of our gitizena on Monday
morning of thie week.
Carl and Miss Lizzie Innee of Moore.
field were recent visitors with friends
Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Eckmier apd Mies
Fern visited friends in Ethel on Sunday.
Robt, Shaw, of Blnevale conducted
a ervice in Victoria Hall on Sunday even-
ing last.
W in. Hall, sr., of Ethel visited at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Eok•
mier, this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Faulkner, Miss
and Master Willard and Mies McFar-
1 ane all of Chicago and Mies Inman of
Guelph visited Mrs. Daman MacDonald.
on Thursday of last week.
Mrs. Jas. Wilson of Brussels visited
friends here last week.
Master Sidney Brothers of Brussels
'lotted friends here this week.
Mies Ethel Montgomery of Wroxeter
is visiting friends in this vicinity at
Rev. Geo. P. Duncan is away for a
short vacation.
The hay crop Sae turned out much
better than was expected.
Miss E. Hagerman, of Unionville is
the guest of Mies M. Duncan.
Mr. William Homuth, of Toronto, is
holidaying with old friends in this lo-
cality. Wo bear his eon, Charles and
wife intend coming up from Toronto to
have a look at the old home. We shall
be pleased to see them.
The potato bugs have developed a
stronger constitution or the Paris green
is not as strong as formerly. The bugs
refuse to die as quickly as in former
Thos. Davidson and son have seven
sores of the best oorn we have ever seen
at this time of the year, and they still
have a supply of last year's corn in the
silo, The man with a few acres of corn
smiles this year.
Rev. W. A. Finlay is taking his holi-
days and Mr. R. E. Saunders took his
work on the Whitechnroh circuit Iast
Sunday. The Whitechnroh people en-
joyed Mr. Saunders' preaching.
Miss Alto Clark is home on a visit
with her parents.
The Misses Miller, of Toronto, are
visiting with their aunt, Mrs. Cnyler,
and Miss Winnie Cnyler is home from
Toronto on a visit with her mother.
Mrs. Meeks, of Toronto, is visiting
with her mother, Mrs. MoOreight.
The wheat harvest was started on
Monday. Old reeidents here say that
Dir. David Kennedy, near Dickey's Hill,
on the boundary, has the best field of
wheat they ever saw. This is also the
opinion of a man from Linconshire,
England. He has 15 acres in alt.
The Council met at Belgrave on July
25, pursuant to adjournment ; members
all ,present; minutes of last meeting
read and passed.
Mr. Wm. P. flallahan presented a
petition for the construction of a muni-
cipal drain at lots w i2 39 to s ?6 of 40,
con. 5, s 3.4 of hot 40, con 6. The pe-
tition was granted and the Clerk in-
struoted to notify the Engineer to ex-
amine the territory described and make
hie report thereon.
The Treasurer's half -yearly statement
to June 30th received, showing a balance
on hand at date of $562.87.
Debentures were issued in payment
of the following accounts :-The Muni-
cipal World, St. • Thomas, collector's
roll and postage, $1 24; Peter W, Scott,
commutation, statute labor, Div. No, 32,
1906, $6.00; Wm. McLarty, widening
approach to culvert opposite lot 38, con.
9, 83.50; Marvin McDowell, cutting hill
east aide of river, con. 6, 840.00; Bert
Carter, cutting hill on sideline opposite
lots 30 and 31, con, 4, $35.00; John Dier,
Jr., for tile and making outlet on side-
line opposite lots 83 and 34, con, 1 $5 00;
Jos. A. Brandon, drawing plank and
covering bridge opposite lot 42, con. 10,
$2.00; Robert Yaill, Morris, putting in
calved opposite Iot 37,, oon. 10, $2 90;
Andrew Linklater, for tile and repair-,
ing culvert opposite lot 42, con. 13, $2,00;
John Mowbray, for tile $1 00; J. Gib-
son Gillespie, balanoe operating road
grader, 1907, $217 40; H. M. Bradford,
Blyth, repairs to road. grader, $6.95;
Sant'l Hutchison, Whiteoharoh, repairs
to toad grader, $11.50; Robert Carrick,
Whitechnroh, repairs to road grader,
$1.50; Alex. McGowan, for man shoVel•
ling gravel, $2.00; Jos. Ohamney, for
men Shovelling gravel, $4.00; David
Cha coney, 90 yards gravel and damages,
$7.05; Robert 13, Scott, putting in two
titivate, con, 13,112,001 Win Deacon,
putting in culvert between lots 93 and
34, oon. 11, $4,75; Giles Jenkins, 40
garde graven, $2 80.
On motion of Councillors Gillespie
and Cuming, the Council then adjourn.
ed to Inset again on Angttet 22nd, next,
ALsic, rOaTERTIaLn, Clerk.
Three oonviotion!d funder the Lord's
Day Aot for selling ice cream on Sunday
were eirtaabed by 3adbe Monet# Of HAM
C,►at-ln Wi'igham, on July 28rd, to. Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Carr; a daughter.
Toru -In
Wroxeter, on July kith, to Mr, and
Mrs. I), C. Pope; a daughter.
M�Roob -In Ilowick, en July 181h, to Mr.
and htrs. Fred Mahood; a son.
Dl It tU
Bxvat<r-In Rowick, en July 24th, litre. C.
Bever)), in her 89th year,
U i9t0nn-In Kincardine, on July 126th,
willian- Lruipmond, late of Wingham, aged
BO years,
Bnawan-ha Brussels, on July 2511i, Reginald
Mark, youngest sou of H. R. Brewer, aged 9
months and 15 days.
Estate of John Ciming, sr., Lot 22,
Con. 13, Towifship of Mullett.
This excellent 150•ac-e farm will be offered
at auction on
Wednesday, August 7th, 1007,
at 2 o'clock p. m., at 3rown's hotel, Londes
This is a first-class farm, has good buildings,
including commodious ouse,large bank barns
with stone stabling ad. other outbuildings;
all modern farm imp vements and conven-
iences, good water and good hardwood bush;
near to school and ma loot, Information will
be promptly given up request.
Clinton, Ont., Blyth, Ont., Executor.
Solicitor fo the Estate.
Telegraph Operators
1 Are wanted badly by our Can -
Ili adieu
adieu Railway Companies.
They are forced to advertise
tor then today. With 3000
Miles new road building the
demand will be still keener.
Why not get ready ? The
-work Is *lean and nlee and
the salary very good, We
prepare you quickly at little
cost. Write us for fres par -
twitters. Central Telegraph
School, Gerrard East, Toron-
to. W. B. SHAW, President.
1 r
Opens Sept. 3rd.
AO/1W ��
This School which is an old and
well established one stands to the
forefront as the greatest Commercial
and Shorthand school in the West.
Our Teachers are experienced in-
structora, coarses ; .thorough and
practical. We asciSt graduates to
positions, Write for our free cata-
Money to Loau!
Conveyancing !
Orrzoz:-bleat of Bank of Hamilton,
corner of Diagonal Road and John street.
The Western, and Union Fire In-
surance Companies.
The Canada Life, and the London
and Lancashire Life Assurance
Have had upwards of 20 years of ex-
perience in Conveyancing, and are pre-
pared to execute Deeds, Mortgagee,
Leases, Agreements, Wills, eto.,;eto,,
eorreotly and at moderate charges.
Money to Loan on Farm and Town
All business strictly private • add con-
fidential. A call solicited.
A- Dunnage.,
The Store
Of Quality
Teas and Coitees
Spices and Vinegar
(Iro6Ories and Provisions
flttge redoatione in
Dinner Sete, Tea Seta,
Toilet Sete,
1. henry Christie
Grocer and China Ketehant
to know that I will buy your •seeond•hapd School Books at right prices, No matter
how dilapidated, Will buy reasonably,
if you need School Books, We sell the second-hand ones even cheaper than Whitney would,
and we have them in all lines, both Public and High School. If a book is in good shape you
may pay price ; if not, then you pay less. Sensible, isn't- it • buy at l• price when you
get the same value ?
to save money ; that's why we do th . Inc of business ; that's why you buy here.
OF COURSE, we have all the School Books ever published --BRAND NEW -at current prices.
A Starter for Trade.
1 dozen Giant Scribblers' (biggest made) for
1 dozen Lead Pencils, rubber tipped, for -
1 dozen Slate Pencils, best quality, for -
• 100.
• 2c.
Rulers -Free to customers. Blotters -Free to customers, And a smile thrown in at same prloe.
WALL PAPER -Still selling price. WINDOW SHADES -At cost through August.
CHINA -At your own offer. At the BIG BOOK. STORE, WINGRAM.
Fisher Stand. Near Post Office. Big Book Sign. Your money back if dissatisfied.
S vS vSncfJ �
S S-fS vSf-
1-S-easonaie Goods
Reasonue Prices
We have a large assortment in the following lines.
-LAWN MOWERS, Ladies' and Gentlemen's
We also carry a very large stock of ready mixed paint in Robertson's, Beaver,
and the can't -be -beat Sherwin-Williams brand.
JUST ARRIVED -A carload or Hanover cement.
A consignment of electric welded made up Fencing, ready to stretch.
Give us a call For anything you might require in the line of Hardware and
Tinware and be convinced that this is the place to get good value for your money.
Young's Big Hardware.
We're showing -a line of novel-
ties in leather goods that are a
distinct advance over anything
- previously offered at popular prices.
Every article is stamped with
the maker's name and guarantee,
which is absolute aseurrance of
quality and value.
It coats no more to get the best
i# you come to the right store.
Wdt$ A Name
4+++++++++++++++++++4+++++ ++++++++++Nth♦.+ t++4+++*
`♦+###++# #+++z++++4+##+#+ a##�►#4+++S1N#31�7 F.#1'###9,'
Royal. Grocery.
easterners purchasing Dinner Sets from us can al.
ways depend on getting them matched when anything is
broken, as we buy direct from the potteries.
Three China Tea Sets, of forty -pieces, for 12.95 per Set.
The Times
to January, 1908
25 Gents.