HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-05-18, Page 20A20 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 18, 1983 WANT ADS BAT 1000 IN THE SELLING LEAGUE Coming Events DEMOLITION DERBY at Seaforth, Sunday Juge 26. 1 p.m. Spponsored,by the Sea - forth Agricultural Society. Registration forms available from Ken Coleman, 527-0398 or Bob Fotheringham 482- 9196. 1.20-2 OPEN SKATE: Friday May 20, 8 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Our new feature - Special Edition Skate 50 & 60s music. Sat. Mav 21 8 o.m. - Midnight. Note: 13 years of age and older. Open skate , Sunday, May 22 7:30-9 p.m. Open skate Tues. May 24 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Admission 51.50. Rental 75c. Seaforth and Dist Community Centres. 1-20-1 COUNTRY and Western Band Jamboree, Sunday May 29 at Vanastra Rec. Centre. 1-20-1 EUCHRE and pie social to be held at St. Thomas Anglican Parish Hall, Wednesday, May 25, 1:30 p.m. All the pie you can eat. Admission $3.00. 1-20-1 BAKE sale on May 28th in former Grama's Pantry, 9 a.m. Sponsored by Order of the Eastern Star. '1-20-1 GARAGE and Yard Sale, Main St. Egmondville, May 21st 9 to dusk. rain or shine. Household items. clothing, tools, garden tools, many useful items. 1-20x1 COME and join us for the June 11 Farmers Market at Victoria Park, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 1-20-4 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CENTRE held at the Health Unit Office Seaforth Hospital. on WED. MAY 25, 1983 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening '4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure • Help Wanted Coming Events FIRECRACKER FITNESS: Energize to Music with TNT classes all summer, 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. Monday nights at Seatbrth Arena starts May 30; Tuesday nights at Brus- sels Public School, starts May 31. Phone Barb Alkemade 527-0365 to register. 1-20-3 LAWN Sale, Lot 28, Con. 10, McKillop Twp. on May 21, 22, 23 starting at 10 a.m. 1.20x1 I.O.O.F. euchre, Wednes- day, May 25. 1-20-1 CANADIAN Foresters ann- ual Chicken Barbeque in Kinburn. Thursday, June 9. 1-20-1 BEEF Barbeque at Northside United Church, May 18, 5 till 7. Adults $6.25, Children 12 and under $3.00. Take outs - please bring container.1-19x2 HURON County's largest used book. Proceeds to Blyth Summer Festival. Saturday, June 4, 10-6 and Sunday. June 5, 12-5.- Bake sale, puppet shows, art show, tours of the theatre all day long. Literary readings at 2 p.m. by Edna Staebler June 4 and Harry J. Boyle June 5. Musical concert by Merrick Jarrett, for children, Sunday at3. 1-19-2 -MAYTIME Supper, Wed. May 25, 5 to 7 p.m. at Melville Presbyterian Church Adults $5.00, Children (5 to 10) $2.50. Pre-school free. 1.19.2 SEAFORTH & District Com- munity Centres Official Opening, Saturday, June 4. Anyone wishing tickets please contact Kevin Kale 345-2908, or Ken Coleman 527-0398 for confirmation. 1-19-.2 SEAFORTH and District Riiigette invites you to join them in their first Oriental Tea Garden and Dessert Luncheon. Seaforth & Dis- trict Community Centres, Wed.. June 1st, 8 p.m. Featuring fashions by Sea - forth merchants. Dessert, beverage. prizes. Admission $4.00. 1.18-4 BINGO every Thursday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5 CLINTON 1st regular card $1; 15 regular games of $15: 3 Share -the - Wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restrict- ed to 16 years or over. I-9-tf Help Wanted WANTED Carriers to deliver Focus News Magazine in Seaforth APPLY IN WRITING TO: The Huron Expositor P.O. Box 69 Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1WO Help Wanted TYPIST A typist with excellent skills for part-time and vacation relief State experience, wpm and salary expected to: APPLY BOX 3707 c/o The Huron Expositor, P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1WO CLASSIFIED RATES DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAYS Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. 22 words -$3.50 16c per word thereafter. BIRTHS -No charge , ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of 56. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement. 510 with picture. MARRIAGES -Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and cutline only, 515. IN MEMORIAMS-53.50 plus 30c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words, 53.50, each additional word 16c, , CARD OF THANKS -25 words 3.50. Each additional word 5c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -$3.00 per insertion. SEMI DISPLAY -1.15 per cm. Phone 527-0240 Let 'Em Hit For You Coming Events 1983 Mardigras, Saturday, May 28 (Licenced under L.L.B.O.). Bed races: 12:30 p.m. Main intersection to Optimist Park. Parade Time: 1:30 p.m. Optimist Park to Fairgrounds. Band Tattoo: 3:00 p.m. at the Fairgrounds (featuring 6 bands in compe- tition). Steak barbeque: 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Seaforth and District Com- munity Centres. Dance: 2 big dances going at the same time 8 p.m. -1 a.m. (in the hall) Evil Roy Slade; 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. (on the ice surface) The Whiskey Jack Music Co. Bar opens at 2 p.m. in the Seaforth and District Com- munity Centres. Tickets available from Seaforth Op- timist - timist members. All this for only $8.00 per person. Child- ren under 12 - $4.00. 1-19-3 The Huron County Health Unit invites you to' attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes beginning Wednes- day. May 25, 1983. These classes will be held in Clinton area only. The cost is 53.00. The next series of classes will begin the week of September 12, 1983. For further informa- tion and pre -registration, please call the Health Unit office in your area at 527-1243 1-18-3 DON'T. miss the Annual Fire- works Display, Monday, May 23 at dusk -at the Hullett Central School Grounds, Lon- desboro. Improved display sponsored bythe Holten Recreation Cmmittee and Londesboro Lions. Admission $5 per car. Lunch booth on grounds. 1-19-2 SCOTT-DICKSON Reunion, 1833-1983. If you 'are a descendant, contact Barbara Scott 527-1787 or Jackie Mel- anson 527-0}63. 1.19x2 The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes beginning Wednes- day, May 25, 1983. These classes will be held in Clinton arca only. Tjte eost is 53.00. The next series of classes will begin the, week.of,.September, 12,1983. For further informa- tion and pre -registration, please call the Health Unit office in your area at 887-9331 1-18-3 SINGLES dance at the Strat- ford Fairgrounds. (Upper Coliseum), Saturday, May 21. Dancing 9-1. 1-20-1 YARD SALE: Everything must go. Main St. Walton. Sat. May 21 at 8:30. 1-20-1 YARD SALE, 27 Jarvis Si. May 21, 22.23. 1.20- I' SEAFORTH Community Hospital presents a two day course in Diabetic Education, June 1, 2, 8 a.m. • 3:30 p.m. All interested parties please call 527-1650 Ext. 52. 1-20-2 CLINTON Legion Bingo. every Thursday. 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51. Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15,00. 55 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week. 1-9-tf ANNE MARIE requests the honour of your presence at the 25th wedding anniversary of her parents Bill and Norma Eisler on June 4. Scaforth Legion. Best wishes only please. 1-20-3 Found FOUND: A carpenters square on Hwv. 8 cast of Seaforth. Phone 527•0638. 3-20x1 Help Wanted CLERK -MANAGER for Foto• Pro's store. Apply in writing to .lervis Photo's Inc. Box 12.000. Clinton, Ont. 4-19-2 Articles for Sale 1983 8 H.P. ROPER LAWN TRACTOR LAWN TRACTOR =165900 SUPORTH 521.0120 Help Wanted WANTED: A herdsperson for 50 cow dairy. Dairy experi- ence essential. Send resume to Box 3706, c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario. " 4-19-2 BECOME a professional transport driver. Call us now. Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School. Thunder Bay, 807-623-8686; Ottawa, 613-523-3489; Toronto, 416- 621-8579; London, 519-432- 1726; Cambridge, 519-648- 2519. 4-20-01 DISTRIBUTORS required to promote "Go Ontario" a discount travel and recreation guide to a variety of attrac- tions throughout Ontario. Ideal for fund raising groups of mature students. Write Go Ontario, Box 3000 Bolton, Ontario LOP 1 AO. 4-20-01 PERSON: non-smoker to care for baby in our home in Brussels, mornings begin- ning September 1983. Refer- ences preferred. Phone 887- 6877. - 4-20-2 THE Huron -Perth RCSS Board invites student appli- cants for its computer assist- ed learning project. Three students, 18 years old and over and 2 students under 18 years will be hired. This Experience '83 program will select students who have a background in computer sci- ence and who have program- ming skills. Applications in writing outlining computer skills and references should be directed to the project leader, Miss Denise Lane, Huron Perth RCSS Board, Box 70, Dublin, Ont. NOG 1E0, 345-2440 by May 31, 1983. 4-20-1 Bus. Opportunity CASH CROP, Become part of a multi-million dollar in- dustry. Earn 520,000 per year, covered by a buy-back contract, for part-time work ideally suited for operation in your, home or backyard. We offer: equipment package. formal training program, on- going assistance, absolutely no selling or public contact work, investment ,of 56,500 required. For further infor- mation call: Delite Systems Inc., 6533D Mississauaga Road, Mississauga Ontario L5N 1A6 A/C 416.821.2152. 5-20-01 HAVE-TRUCK-WILL- fRAVEL. Evenings and weekends, about town, light moving, delivery. refuse re- moval. basements, garages cleaned, spring clean up. 527-0497. 5-9-tf Situations Wanted HIGH SCHOOL girl will babysit and do light house- work in your home during summer . months. Ph. 527- 1431 anytime after 4. 7-20x1 Farm Stock ra CANCEL - Miller polled Hereford Disposal Sale, May 23, 1983. Herd has been sold. Lloyd Miller, Chatsworth, NOH IGO. 519-794-2173. 8-20-01 Articles for Sale PUBLIC NOTICE! Verbeek's Farm & Garden Centre CLINTON OPEN VICTORIA DAY MONDAY, MAY 23 Get Gardening) We're you r on. -stop garden centre - *SHRUBS •TREES •ROSES •BOXED PLANTS VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CTRE. 22 Nome Se.. Clinton 482-9333 Call 527-0240 Farm Stock BOARS: York, R.O.P. tested, government health approved, good sound stock. Priced to sell. Phone 345.2170. 8-18-4 ONTARIO Simmental Week- end, fourth edition, May 27-29: May 27; Ontario Sim - mental Classic Female and Bull Sale, Barrie, May 28; JL Farms 5th Annual Production Sale, 12 noon, at the farni, Mansfield, Kern Simmentals 3rd Annual Production Sale 6 p.m. Kilmorilie farms, Brad- ford, May 29; Kingfield Sim - mentals Simmental Produc- ti9n Sale, 1 p.m. at the farm, King City. For more informa- tion contact the sale man- agers: Transcon-Charcan Livestock Services Ltd. 609 - 35 Ave. N.E., Calgary, Alta. T2E 2L2, phone 403-276-9717 8-20-01 200-300 bales of clean mixed grain straw. Apply Wayne Hugill, 482-7548. 8-20-1 Farm Machinery 1-15 foot International 45 Vibra Shank cultivator with harrow, used one season. 52400. firm. Phone 527-0596. 9-15-tf Used Cars 1976 Chev. half ton pickup truck. selling as -is. Phone 527-1560. _ 10-20-1 1972 Cadillac for sale, 2 door hard top. Best offer. Phone 527.143E 10-20x1 Articles for Sale 1973 Ski -Doo 340, excellent condition, small mini -bike, snowmobile engine and track, $350. total or sold separately. 527.1949..11-20x1 Real Estate Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 41124371 NEW LISTING: 2 acre high- way"property, near Hensall, 2 floor brick home in excellent condition. good workshop, fruit orchard, large garden. Priced for quick sale. STONE MANSION: on 2 acres. very good condition, 3 bay garage and large work- shop, East Wawanosh Twp. 2 miles from Blyth MOBILE HI SOLD er lot, Dinsley St.. FARROW TO FINISH: on paved road near Clinton. 100 acres. very good buildings. SV.% F.C.C. mortgage as- sumable. 85 ACRES: on paved road, 50 acres workable. stream cross- es property, good building site. HOLMESVILLE: 13 acres with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. EXECUTIVE CLASS HOME: on 20 'acres. Goderich Twp„ very well .landscaped, in - ground pool. 6 ACRES: near Brucefteld, good frame home, drive shed and barn. HENSALL: 1' : floor home in good condition, financing available. 8 ACRES: y SOLD yth, no buildings. MEN'S WEAR STORE: Main Street location in prosperous village. Reasonable price. 14 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton. good frame hofne. workshop and small barn, trout stream on property. 100 ACRES: cropland. Hul- lett Twp. 5 ACRES: h COLD , 1'/: floor brick h: rl larn. 46 ACRES: near Varna. 22 acres cropland, 9 acres hard- wood bush. large double home. barn, drive shed with workshop. 150 ACRES: near Auburn, 100 workable, good brick home, 2 small sheds, 40 acres bush. CLINTON:COLD Huron Street. .�77 50 ACRES: Farrow to finish. Hwy. #8, near Wingham, new home. low interest F.C.C. mortgage. NEW RAISED RANCH HOME: at Brucefield, attach- ed garage, electric heat with heat pump. Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Articles for Sale 12 x 65 ft. trailer' has 2 bedrooms, laundry room, in- cludes back step, oil tank, storage shed, 58500.519-887- 6692. 11-19-2 YELLOW Moped. ` Asking 5250.00, Call 527-0054. 11-20-1 1982 Honda 750 CCV4, good condition, 2200 km. $2595 or best offer. Must sell. Phone 527-0522 after 5 p.m. 11-18x3 5 h.p garden tiller, like new, 10,1100 b.t.u, Electrohome air conditioner, nearly new. 527- 0653 11-20x1 USED desks, file cabinets. bookcases, tables, room divi- ders. stacking chairs, office chairs, storage cabinets. steel adjustable shelving. Lovers New and Used. 254 Adelaide St. S., London 681-2254 Mon. - Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12. 11-20-01 PAY T.V. Deqoders. Build your own. Instructions, dia- grams and ,parts list. Write for information to J.J.S. Elec- tronics, 305 Dovercourt Road, Suite 2, Toronto, Ontario M6J 3E2. 11-20-01 BEDDING & vegetable plants. Mrs. George Hiem- stra, Ethel, Ont. Call 887- 6046. 11-20-1 Real Estate MUST sell all steel Perma Arch buildings 19 x 24 do-it- yourself kit, complete with 8 x 10 sliding doors, instructions and guarantee. F.O.B. fac- tory, Mississauaga, Ontario Retail price 53,475, while they last. 52.395. Call collect 1:416-678-1585. 11-20.01 POOL SALE. Manufacturer's clearance on above and in - ground pools, many models at fantastic savings. Shop direct416-522-1414. 11-20-01 CALGARY: Cheap flight for sale, one way, $00,00. Leaves May 22, 1983 from Toronto. Phone Jayne Baker 527-1537. 11-20x1 GE 30" almond stove, one Year old. 527-0598. 1 l -20x1 NINE piece oak antique din- ing room spite. 482-9156 after 7:30p.m. 1l -20x1 CANADA'S lowest price Sat- ellite TV Systems. Complete packages Western Satellite Supply. Saskatoon. Phone 306'-934-1701. Dealer in- quiries invited. 11-20-01 YARD & CRAFT SALE. Or- namental windmills, wishing well, planters, 5 speed bi- cycle, child's bicycle seat. toys and many other items, May 21 at 10 a.m. Geo. Hiemstra. Ethel.Ont.11-20-1 Real Estate WORKMAN Au11111++--.117• 525,000.00: Nice3 bedroom frame home on Ann St. JOHN ST.: 2 bedroom cottage, garage, family room, nice lot. 542,000.00 E. WILLIAM ST.: 3 bedroom frame home, excellent condition, attractive lot. 537,500.00 JOHN 'ST.: Beautiful 3 bedroom home. large family room, garage. nice lot. EGMONDVILLE: 4 bedroom brick ranch, family room with fireplace, very attractive, $59,900.00 GODERICH ST. E.: 4 bedroom ranch. ground level walk out from family rp to inground pool. 579.900. McKILL00OPTWP.:5 ac. with lbedroom home and 50 sow barn. Only $45,000.00 HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom on large 1/2 ac. lot highway frontage. only 527,500.00 W. WILLIAM ST.: 3 bedroom, large new family room and kitchen. 538,500.00 COUNTRY HOME: 4 mi, from Seaforth, triple brick, 3 bedroom, very nice. ELIZABETH ST.: 3 bedroom bungalow, full basement, Targe shop, treed lot. Only 544,000.00 1.1 ACRES: Tuckersmith. 4 bedroom home in excellent condition, $29,900.00 HULLETT TWP.: 2 ac. on #8 highway, 3 bedroom house, $29,900.00 42 WILSON ST.: 3 bedroom, 2 storey, large lot. $23,500.00. Offers 3.5 ACRES: McKillop, 3 bedroom home, insulated barn, $45,000.00 61 ELIZABETH ST.: 3 bedroom home, large family room, much more. 540,000.00 CHALK ST.: Very attractive 2 bedroom in excellent condition. Offers HIGH ST.: 3-2 bedroom apartments, excellent condition, good investment, $40,000.00 GODERICH ST.: Duplex. very modern, good condition. $35,000.00 3.5 ACRES: Stone and brick house, large steel shop. $42,500.00 BRUSSELS: 3 stores on Main St.. Offers. HENSALL: 3000 sq. ft. commercial building, 559,000.00 offers. 4500 SQ. FT.: Commercial building in Seaforth, ideal for light industry. etc. large lot $80,000.00 WINTHROP: 2'/: ac. very nice. 3 bedroom home. $40,000.00 GOUINLOCK ST.: Very modern 2 bedroom 1'/: storey, full basement, $32,900.00 COLEMAN ST.: 6 yrs. old. 3 bedroom bungalow, full basement. 538,000.00 McKILLOP: 5 ac. 2 storey brick home, many renovations. $40,000.00 100 ACRES: Tuckersmith Twp., close to Seaforth. $155,000.00 JARVIS ST.: Beautiful 3 bedroom split level, large lot, 24' x 40' shop. 594,000.00 HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom 2 storey, family room, doubarage. an exquisite home, 595,000.00 2 TRO PONDS: 80 acres. small cottage. very pieta sque. $100,000.00 HULLETTWP.: 5 c.,.SOLDick home. 30 sow barn, good mortgage 30 BRANTFORD ST.: 3 bedroom ranch, full basement, carport. a bargain at 542,000.00 NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, garage. full basement, nice lot, 555,000.00 CALL HENRY MERG SEAFORTH 527-0430 EGMONDVILLE: 2 bedroom 11/2 storey, nice area, 525.000.00 VICTORIA ST.: Jus SOLDbit of charm. 2 storey. 3 bedroom b ,. , dose to uptown. CALL STEVE MURRAY ST. COLUMBAN 345-2172 WILSON ST.: 11/2 storey, 4 bedroom home. completely modern. 549,900.00 EGMONDVILLE: A cozy 3 bedroom brick bungalow with rec room. 533,900,00 CALL BILL HENDERSON SEAFORTH 527-0995 FOR SALE at MacLean Flowers, 1 used Lawn Boy, 4 used bikes, 2 jr. size. 2 med size. Call 527-0121 or 527- 0225. 11-20-1 BORDER Collie Queensland Blue Heeler Cross Bredpups, 6 weeks old. Phone 3452887 11-20x1 FLOOR model TV and tape deck, good condition, best offer. Call 527.0831 anytime. 11-20x2 WINDOWS and doors. New const. or replacement. Con- tact Bill Feeney. Your local dealer for Twin Windows Inc. 'Showroom, Dublin, 345-2405. 11-9-tf- ROXBORO GARDENS 527-0705 Box Plants for Sale 9 - 12 plants in a box - $1.00 Real Estate Real Estate Culliga REAL ESTATELTD MAUREEN WILDFONG Res: 482-3224 ' Office: 527-1577 EGMONDVILLE: New Listing. 10 year .old one floor home, att'd garage. EGMONDVILLE: New Listing. 2 storey brick home on extra large lot. EGMONDVILLE: New Listing. 1'/2 storey home. Priced i0 the low 30's. MILL ST.: Raised 'rant) O�D revel homes. Priced in the 550's. O{vr .. to sell. NEW LISTING: 4 year d brick bungalow, tastefully decorated throughout, att'd garage, close to arena. EGMONDVILLE: New Listing. Beautiful brick home, many extra features. Double garage, double lot. $70's. EGMONDVILLE: New listing. brick bungalow in mint condition. Att'd garage. Located in quiet country setting. $60's: .TVI RKTYI STrrtc'6nyt t 0 and alumm inu' o7 bungalow, laundry of o .nectric heat, att'd garage, $40's, DUKE ST.: 3 year Old split level home, mint condition, complete) finished, att'd garage, $60's. MARKET ST.: 8 y ar old one floor home, 3 bedrooms, electric eat, family room, att'd garage. HARPURHEY: Raise ranch style home, reduced in price. Must be sen to be appreciated. Nicely landscaped. COLEMAN ST.: Aluminum bungalow, nicely decorated throughout, close to uptotyn. $38,000.00. EGMONDVILLE: Brick exterior bungalow with 4 Targe bedrooms, beautiful family room with bar, $40's. COUNTRY LIVING,: Executive style home with many features. "Dream House" is the word to describe. Call for showing. NEAR ST. COLUMBAN: Beautiful . well kept raised ranch style home, completely• finished. Double garage. $80's. EGMONDVILLE: Executive type home, stone fireplace, Acorn kitchen, att'd double garage and workshop. OLDER HOMES JOHN ST.: 2 storey frame ho, SOLD ondition, 2 baths. large lot. workshop. SPARLING ST.: Excellent family home, country kitchen, toy room, 3 bedrooms, full basement, garage: $30's, GODERICH ST.: Well maintained 2 storey home, many extra features. Must be seen. Garage. GODERICH ST.: 2 storey stone home, well maintained, sun porch area, 11/2 car garage, large lot. 90 x 120. $40's. CHURCH ST.: 2 storey double brick home, new throughout. Attached apartment. Reduced. GODERICH ST.: 2 storey brick home, 2 Uaths, formal dining. detached garage. Owner will sell quickly. GODERICH ST.: 2 storey aluminum sided home, 2 baths, family room, paved drive. pool 16 x 32. 538.000.00. EGMONDVILLE: 2 storey home, newly carpeted throughout, new hydro. double lot. 525,000,00 NORTH MAIN: 11/2 storey home with a 1 bedroom apartment above or use as single home. 525.009.00 NORT MAIN: I'. COLD ne, modern kitchen, gas heat, priced fir? le. ,$29,900.00 McKILLOP: Beautiful brick home in mint condition, att'd garage, full basement. REDUCED FROM 568,000 TO $5O's: Custom built ranch style home, family and laundry on main. Garage. REDUCED FROM 535,000,00 TO 521,000.00. 55,000.00 down. Vendor will hold mortgage at 10% 2 storey brick home in Walton. RAILWAY STREET: One floor home, completely remodelled. Close to uptown. 84 VICTORIA ST.: Unit SOI.Dy brick home. Krick fireplace, formal t _rths. ONE FLOOR HOMES GODERICH ST.: Spacious 2 bedroom home with family room and laundry on main, gas heat, 530's. W. WILLIAM ST,: Tastefully decorated home. new Acorn kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full basement. 530's. MARKET ST.: Nicely decorated 2 bedroom home. no basement. att'd garage. large lot. 530's. CHALK ST.: 3 bedrooms, no basement, electric heat. close to uptown. Try an offer. 1