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The Huron Expositor, 1983-05-18, Page 12
r.1 Al2 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 18, 1983 T b�n�4QQCoawd ©0@c1 UCW learns about women's, contributions to the church Unit he hands of Anita. t Cook To celebrate the donation made by church women she showed a film narrated by Jan Ten- ant. 1t was the story of the women who pioneered by taking prominent positions in the church, which eventually led to women becoming or- dained ministers. Many hard- working women gave years of service; some are still active of course. Members named several who had been leaders in the Hensall church, and the numbers were quite high, a tribute to the same. Audrey Christie conducted the busi- Mabel Shirray and Dorothy Kipfer were hostesses. Shirley McAllister intro- duced Unit 2 of the UCW's guest speaker, Jim Hoffman, public relations representa- tive of Heart Save Huron. He gave demonstrations and film on Cardiopulomonary Resus- itation (CPR). if at any time a group would like to take the course, contact him. Invitations were received from Elimville UCW for May 25; Brucefield UCW June 8 at 2 p.m. and Carmel Presbyter- ian June 13. Mrs. Alma Horton who has COMFORTABLE - EYE CATCHING SPORTS WEAR FOR THE HOLIDAY los ital, Lxeter tor several weeks was able to return to her home. GIDEONS CONDUCT • SERVICE In the absence of Rev. Stanley McDonald who is attending the London Con, ference the Gideon Society members were in charge of the morning worship at Hen - sell United Church on Sun- day. The guest speaker was Charles Hare. Harry Hoff- man spoke booksof the Bible. A musical evening spon- sored by the Choir of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held May 15. The Belles of St. Marys played three different times, each time playing several numbers. Leader Ms. Julie Stevens directed the ten Belles Jate Hunter, Diane Mitchell, Debbie Mitchell, Jane Rolston, Karen Drink - waiter, Jennifer Durley, Daine Harr, Crystal Spearin, Sara Youngsop, Tracey Salte- er. Miss Jane Pollock was guest soloist accompanied by Mrs. Joan Keys at the organ. A quartette from Dash- wood: Jack Gaiser, Stanley Haist, Harry Hoffman and Mervyn Tiernan sang accom- panied by Miss Idella Gabel at the organ. The enjoyable musical eve- ning was arranged by Mrs. Dorothy Taylor. Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accom- plished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. Euchre Correspondent ISABELSCOTT 482-7135 The Oddfeilows held their final euchre of the season on Friday night. Winners were ladies high, Esther Moffat, Ione hands, Helen Pepper; low, Marjorie Broadfoot; men's high, Bill Rogerson; ohne hands. W n Waw LEADER -A 10 year leader award was presented .to Kate Keys, of Varna by Huron county Home Economist Jane Muegge at the 4-H Achievement Night at Huron Centennial Public Scffool. Attend christening WEEK -END • Drawstring Rugby Pants • • • 27.50 to 38. Rugby Shorts ..12.95 to 19.95 Walking Shorts ... 38.00 Beach Comber Shorts 35.00 Belted. Pocketed Shirts 35.00 Bold Colors for SUMMER WEAR [ uppc4,n It Iitilp '19'11 I Illl'PI'1'llpp INT 1 filly I III I I Illllll`I split t Ilgtp 1 I$ I I$$$$$$$ I I I -:1 • CO-ORDINATING SHIRTS AND BLOUSES Plains, plaids. florals and stripes. Ail sizes S. to XL • Scratch Make SLIM JEANS Draw String RUGBY JEANS Bold Colors All Sizes the arbor gifts GOOD-BYE SALE FINALE OTMTIC AUCTION Check your resistance Correspondent RENA CALDWELL 262-5935 Mrs. Harry Caldwell ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. John D. Moore, Mitchell to Zion United Church. Hamil- ton to attend the christening of Patrick Neilson Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Moore. Mitchell on May 1. They were entertained at dinner by Rev. Donald and Mrs. Deas Hamilton. Rainy weather is delaying seeding operations in the Kippen area. Mary Jane McGregor, R.N. of Lac la Biche Alberta is spending a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James D. McGregor. Lodges !.'�. )<'.-- , ti;,+i,/-•.- v'i'!'N..i..YT' •.!Nil.'-�.�/./'lll.�'t/ Your choice m ,catr`•d , f ase!! 27.50 • 27.50 MENS SHORT SLEEVE KNIT SHIRTS Plains. Stripes, 2 -tones. novelties. All colors. Sizes S to XXL 1295 - 1995 • Draw String RUGBY JEANS Denim or twill Navy. Black, Red. Yellow, Wine, Sizes S. M. L. 1995 - 275° WALKING SHORTS Plain 9.95 Swim & Play SHORTS • . 10.95 to 14.95 CLOSED VICTORIA DAY �.�•°`�'°gst be sold - Wall fo Wall! 19 70% off Retail Price so 80% off Retail Price bjt'Z1" 90% off Retail Pric. If not sold out sooner While quantities last...First come First served Thank you for your past patronage. Gtelvaitt-.73A0o the arbor attend • service season low, Walter Pepper. Lucky draw winners were Mrs. Jack Henderson and Della Slavin. Miss Brenda Broadfoot who has finished her first year photography course at Humber College, Toronto, has returned to spend the surnmer with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Broadfoot. ends Seniors asked to sell quilt tickets at Three Correspondent BERTHA MacGREGOR 262-2025 Hensall Three Links Sen- iors met May 10 with the , president Mrs. Eileen Rannie A moment of silence was observed in memory of the late Ernie Davis. The roll call was answered by 25 mem- berg. An invitation was re- ceived to visit Huronview June 29. Brochures of bus trips were read. The president urged every- one to be active in the sale of the quilt tickets. The card The members of local 1OOF and Rebekah Lodges accom- panied by the Patriarch Mili- tant attended worship service at Carmel Presbyterian Church. The anniversary of the • church will be on Sunday May 29 with Rev. Grant McDon- ' ald of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church. Kitchener as ▪ guest minister at 11:00 a.m. • The Centralia 'Quartette will ' assist. Mid -Western • Paving secretary gave the card re- port. Carl Payne expressed. thanks tor a card he received. The president gave a report of the rally of the USCO held in Exeter. Aldeen and Clarence were nominated to choose the officers for the coming year -- this list to be presented at the June meeting. The entertain- ment com'tnittee for June. is Irene Davis and Dorothy Mickle and the social Gertie Moir and Janette Turner. Bouccaoild Mr. Wesley Ham, Hunts- ville, spent the weekend with his mother Mrs. Alice Ham. Visiting with Mrs. W. McBeath on the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McBeath, Windsor and Mrs. Audrey Rumble, Goderich. Tots of Links Progressive euchre was play- ed and lunch served by John and Grace Cooper and John and Helen Anderson. Mrs. Harry Gibson of Sud- bury was a weekend visitor with her aunt Mrs. Ruby Bell and other relativles. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Robinson returned from a pleasant holiday in England and other places. Why mother is special, Vanastra Kindergarten say NORMAN EAST 482-7034 - The kindergarten class at Vanastra Public School has 15 pupils - 10 boys and 5 girls. They have had a special "Pet" in their classroom their week. It is a Commodore Pet computer. The children have enjoyed using it to practise their number recog- nition and counting skills. May 2 to 6, has been spent discussing how important Mother is and why we have Mother's Day. The Kgtn. children are making are a "reader" booklet about Mother. This will come home in a week or two. In the discussion `about why Mothers' are important the children were asked to tell one thing that makes their Mother very special to them. Here are their responses: WHY MY MOTHER IS SPECIAL: She makes me cake and ice cream cones - Brandon Gard- ner. Good food. She puts lot of good stuff in it. - Tracy Neill. She makes cookies. - Peter Hummel. She gets my snack and my supper. - Dana Edwards. She reads me a scary story. - Greg Gray. My mommy makes apple pies for me. - Terri Wheeler. She buys cookies. • Ryan Sallows: My mom makes pizza. - Tili Nguyen. - My mom buys some candy and new clothes and gives me a kiss when I go to school. • Jennifer McLachlan. My mom gives me some money and buys good stuff. - Trevor Plumsteel. She lets met watch a scary movie. - Ryan Ryerson. My .mommy's black curly hair makes her special. - Wayne Riley. My morn plays games with me. - Luke Harass. lonya to Brinke: Shauna Nickel - My mom buys me presents. DID YOU KNOW? Terri Wheeler has moved from Goderich and has start- ed attending our kindergar- ten class. COMING EVENTS. The kindergarten class`yill be planting a mini garden in their classroom as a follow up to the unit on spring. We will be having a special hat day so parents can be looking arourid their house for a "different" one for their child to wear. PERSONALS • If anyone has news for the Vanastra Voice after June 15 please call the Clinton News Record before Monday at 4 p.m. If anyone has news for the • Vanastra Voice before June 15 please call Norman East at 482-7034 before Monday at 8:30 a.m. Driveways, farm lane, parking lot, repairs FREE ESTIMATES Box 209, Bayfield, Ontario 565-2422 master Charge , 43 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ONTARIO 482-3876 STORE HOURS: Open dally 9:30 am 5:30 pm, Thursday and Friday °ermines'till 9 pm • i IlA 1 tlttitl tttt11 1 1111ltl r itt11tt Itltititt tlitttl l ltltltl l Itltltl 1 itltltl Itltlti 1 Ititllt 1 Itlt►tl i itltl l ltltltl EXETER INDOOR Recipe of the week FLEA MARKET 10 am -5 pm Every Sunday BOOTH RENTALS '10.00 Contact Pete Watson 1-229.6558 Doug Dalrymple 1-435.1967 Proceeds to Kinsmen Service Community Work SOUR CREAM RHUBARD CRUMB PIE 4 cups cubed rhubarb Pastry for a I0 -inch pie I'A cups granulated sugar '/a cup all-purpose flour I cup commercial sour cream '/r cup each all-purpose flour and brown sugar cup soft butter Arrange rhubarb in unbaked pie shell (a few strawberries scattered among the pieces make thepie prettier and even tastier). Mix next 2 ingredients, stir in sour cream and pour evenly over rhubarb. Combine remaining ingredients until crumbly, and sprinkle over top. Bake in a 480°F. oven 15 minutes, then an additional 30 at 350°, or until fruit is tender, filling is set and crumbs are golden brown. This is really special. In the metier of 0i tin arl• Marts•/• Act, R.0.0.1+1110: 0si1/tiRr 007. HNrt 1.. Paints and Stains OLYMPTc l� ` FENCE 2"xllga.x48" Galvanized x44.95 2"xllga.x48" Brown or Green Vinyl (50 Foot Rolls) $41.95 No. 1 Used RAILROAD TIES 6x8square $9.95 Cash & Carry NQTKI of INTENTION TO DESIGNATE Colleen Ferris is Ladies president The Hensel) Legion Auxil- iary met on Tuesday evening. President Mrs. Aliceetl- ands presented Beal Uyl with the past presrden s bar. A donation of $50 was made to the Flowers of Hope. Officers were elected for June 1983 to 1984: Past President Alice Neilands; President, Colleen Ferris, 1st Vice Pres. Joan I;eierling, 2nd Vice Pres. Mildred Chalmers, Secretary Donna Allan; Trea- surer Jessie Cameron; Sgt. at Arms Marg Vanstone, Exe- cutive, Marg McDonald, Bea- trice Uyl, Jean Munn, Mona Campbell. sports officer Mona Campbell. Two bowling teams were at Seaforth,Wednesday, several won door prizes. Mona Campbell won the high triple. PATIO STONES 1 18 x 18 only $2.15 24 x 24 only $3.35 24 x 30 only $3.69 Cash & Carry J Chevron Asphalt Driveway Sealer 4 gallon pail $11.99 STAIN SALE BUY 3 GET ONE FREE! $67.95 lops are boned together Top seatpn.om to, . aey assembly To All Citizens of the Towrelhlp of Tudeerumlth and Om Ontario Heritage Poursdatlon Take notice beat the Council of the Corporation of the Sawruhlp of Turk•rsmlth on the 19th day of April. 19113 decided to designate the lands and- buildings. known municipally az the Re eenik Residence. Lot •, Concession 4, NRS N paaprty al architectural velum or Interest under the Ot*Mrto Mwltage Act, R.S.O. 19141, Chapter 33T. Pert IV. Sheri Statement of the Reasons for the Proposed Designation The Roenanik Resldanas was balls In the 1811'x. and k an historically important ezampl• of Cliorglen architecture sipifkent to the foutdtnR of the Township of tudrarrnith. Notice of oblectlon to tina deslptetlon may to served on the Clerk within thirty days of the 4th day of delay. TORS. DATED at the Township of Tud.•rsmlth this 4th day of delay. 1987. Thank You The Huron County Unit of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada wishes to extend a Thank You to all the people who pur- chased carnations and helped make our Mother's Day drive for research money a suc- cess. A special thanks to all the willing volunteers in the various areas where our campaign was carried out. Your time was very much appreci- ated. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE First A1d Family Health Care Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Mean safety well being Help in an emergency • PHONE 348-8437 MITCHELL 1 �.R. McLACPILAN Clerk-Traaew•r. WO 117, R.R. po. 5. Vinton, Ontario itMll 1L Sum John Ambulance The need nester charges 1