The Huron Expositor, 1983-05-11, Page 1618.E -THE HURON XPOSITOR, MAY 11, 1903 The NSW ur'on Expositor Phone 527-0240 DEADLINE: Monday, 4:30 p.m. Bob & Betty's Variety & Gifts and Radio $haek Dealer A.s.C. Main St., Seaforth Photo Copiy• y:f �ng 7 Days a Week 9 a.m. - 1.1 p.m. VIDEO DISC RENTALS Book your movies now 527-1880 Coming Events Coming Events STRAWBERRY and Ham Supper, Brucefield United Church, Wed. June 15, 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $6.00. 6 to 12 $2.50, under6free. 1-19-1 SEAFORTH & District Com- munity Centres Official Opening, Saturday, June 4. Anyone wishing .tickets please contact Kevin Kale 345.2908, or Ken Coleman 527-0398 for confirmation. 1-19-2 SCOTT-DICKSON Reunion, 1833-1983. If you are a descendant, contact Barbara Scott 527-1787 or Jackie Mel- anson 527.0163. 1-19x2 STAG for Tom Williamson, Saturday, May 21, 1983. 1-19-1 SOCCER practise begins as usual Wednesday. May 11 at 6 p.m. Squirts to Optimist Park, others to the High School. 1-19-1 BEEF Barbeque at Northside United Church,May 18, 5 till ?. Adults $6.2. Children 12 and finder $3.00. Take outs - Ocase bring container. I -19x2 HURON County's largest used book, Proceeds to Blyth Summer Festival. Saturday, Juno 4, 10-6 and Sunday, June 5, 12-5. Bake sale. puppet shows, art show, tours of the theatre all day long. Literary readings at 2 p.m. by Edna Staebler June 4 and Harry J. Boyle June 5. • Musical concert by Merrick Jarrett. for children. Sunday at 3. I-19.2 MAYTIME Supper, Wed. May 25. 5 to 7 p.m. at Melville Presbyterian Church Adults $5.00 Children (5 to 10) 52.50 e:school free. 1-19-2 EUCHRE and Pic Social to be held at St. Thomas Anglican Parish Hall. Wcd. May 25th. 1:30 p.m. Admission $3.00. 1-19-1 ONTARIO polled Hereford' Club show and sale. Mark- ham Fairgrounds. Saturday. May 28. 1983. Show 10:30 a.m. Welcome to dinner and dance at barn. Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. Catalogues. Box 35. Carrying Place, Ontario, KOK iLO. 1-19-01 FIDDLERS Jamboree. Sun- day, May 15 at 1 p.m. South Huron Rec. Centre. Exeter. Meals available. Adm. 52.50. 1-16-1 SEAFORTH and District Ringette invites you to 'join them in their first Oriental Tea Garden and Dcsscrt Luncheon. Scaforth b: Dis- trict Community Centres. Wed.. .lune 1st. 8' p.m. Featuring fashions by Sca- forth merchants. Dessert. beverage. pri,cs. Admission 54.00. ---- 1-18-4 1983 Mardigras, Saturday, May 28 (Licenced under L.L.B.O.). Bed races: 12:30 p.m. Main intersection to Optimist Park. Parade Time: 1:30 p.m. Optimist Park to Fairgrounds. Band Tattoo: 3:00 p.m. at the Fairgrounds (featuring 6 bands in compe- tition). Steak barbeque: 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. at the Seaforth and District Com- munity Centres. Dance: 2'big dances going at the same time 8 p.m. -I a.m. (in the hall) Evil Roy Slade; 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. (on the ice surface) The Whiskey Jack Music Co. Bar opens at 2 p.m. in the Scaforth and District Com• munity Centres. Tickets available from Seaforth Op- timist members. All this for only 58.00 per person. Child- ren under 12 - $4.00. 1-19-3 I'V Stars Family Brown coni- ng ?4a 28 to Brussels BMG Community Centre. 1-18-2 The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes beginning Wednes- day. May 25. 1983. These classes will he held in Clinton arca only. The cost is 53.00. The next series of classes will begin the week of September 12. 1983. For further informa- tion and pre -registration. please call the Health Unit office in your area at 52'-1243 1.18-3 WOMEN TODAY presents a workshop: "Wife Battering: Fact or Fiction". Monday, May 16. 1983, 7:30 p.m. McKay Hall, North St. Godcrich. Admission Free. Everyone welcome. 1-19-1 DON'T miss the Annual Fire- works Display, Monday May 23 at dusk at the Hullett Central School Grounds, Lon- desboro. Improved 'display sponsored bythe Hullett Recreation Cmmittee , and Londesboro Lions. Admission $5 per car. Lunch booth on grounds. 1-19-2 BRUCEFIELD U.C.W. Des- sert Euchre at Brucefield Church Hall, Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1 p.m. 1.19x1 MAY 29, 11:00 a.m. Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hen- sall Anniversary Service. Rev. Grant MacDonald of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Kitchener is the guest minister. Special music by a quartet. 1-19-1 Help Wanted WANTED: A herdspersio n for 50 cow dairy. Dairy experi- ence essential. Send tesume to Bqx 3706; c/o The, Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario. 4-19.2 SEAFORTH STEAKHOUSE Waiter or waitress required, no experience nec4ssary, full- time morning hon�e!'s or part- time. Please call for appoint- ment anytime 527-1020. 4-18x2 The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attenfLthe. Expectant Parent Education Classes beginning Wednes- day. May 25, 1983. These classes will be held in Clinton area stilly. The cost is $3.00. The next series of classes will begin the week of September 12, 1983. For further informa- tion and pre -registration, please call the Health Unit office in your area at 887-9331 1-18-3 CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday. 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51. Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of 515.00. $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must .go each week. 1-9-tf Lost, Strayed BECOME a professional transport driver. Call us now. Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School. Thunder Bay, 807-623-8686; Ottawa, 613-523-3489; Toronto, 416- 621-8579; London, 519-432- 1726; Cambridge, 519-648- 2519. --4-19-01 LOG building yard superin- tendent, experienced in scribed fitted method. Must be highly qualified. Salary commensurate with experi- ence. Also experienced log builders. Call 403-458-4855. 4-18-01 THE Walton Park requires a student to prepare the ball diamond for all scheduled games, keep the park neat and help with booth duties. A minimum of 8 weeks employ- ment at student summer rates. Apply to Roy Gingerich R.R. I , Walton, Ont. 887- 6251. 4-19-1 CLERK -MANAGER for Foto - Pro's store. Apply in writing to Jervis Photos Inc. Box 12,000. Clinton. Ont. 4-19-2 Bus. Opportunity HAVE-TRUCK-WILL- fRAVEL. Evenings and weekends, about town, light moving, delivery, refuse re- moval,. basements, garages cleaned, spring clean up. 527-0497. S-9-rf Situations ''Waited AVAILABLE to cut lawns. Phone527-0276. 7-18x2 CUSTOM corn planting, 527-1448. - 7-19-1 19 year old Walton area male seeks full time employment. Experience in farrow to fin- ish. Willing to attempt any- thing. Call 527-0099 after 6 u.n:, 7-18x2 LOST: 1 man's gold wedding ring• lost around Brussels Liquor Store. Reward. 523- 93'2. 2-19.1 Help Wanted RNA Required for • Shift Work PART TIME Apply - Director of Nursing, Kil- barchan Nursing • Home, 46 Church Street, Seaforth, Ont. 527-0860 CLASSIFIED RATES Farm- Stock Farm Machinery Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Wanted to Buy INT B275 tractor (loader) $10 , 3 furrow Ford plow $ISO 2 row rear mount scut er 550; M.F. PTO maure spreader $75; G.W. 6 ft. auger snowblower (like new) $500; 10 laying hens with cages $25; used steel roofing $1 per sheet, 4-45 gal. drums 52.50 each. Phone 482-7234 after 6. 9-19x1 Used Cars 1975 Olds Cutlass S. 2 door. one owner, new paint in 1982, automatic, radio, safety checked. 482-7309. 10-19-1 Articles for Sale MINI bike, Honda S.T. 90. Call Matt Haney, 527-1375 or 527-0197. • 11-19-1 1 year old Doberman 527- 0101 after4p.m. 11.19x1 'WHITE Birch trees, all sizes, reasonably priced. 482-3221. 11-18-2 BOARS: York. R.Q.P. tested, government health approved. good sound stock. Priced to sell. Phone 345-2170. 8-18-4 Simmental bull, 2 years old. Call Matt Haney, 527- '375 or 527-0197. 8-19-1 ONTARIO Simmental Classic Sales. Friday. May 27, 1983. Bull sale 2 p.m. Classic Sale ' p.m. Barrie Fairgrounds. Barrie. Ontario. For cata- logues contact Ken Levy.lox 1559. St, Marys. Ontario NOM 2V0. 1.519.284-2063. 8-19-01 GOOD supply of weaner pigs. Call Brad Carnochan 527- 1545. 8-19-1 MILLER polled Hereford complete dispersal. 12 noon, Monday. May 23. 1983. Large cows with calves, open heif- ers. bulls. Catalogues avail- able. Lloyd Miller. Chats- worth. NOH IGO 519-794- 21"3. 8-19-01 8 pigs. 501bs. Phone 482.7234 8-19.1 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAYS Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. 22 words -53.50 16c per word thereafter, BIRTHS -No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of $6. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement. 510 with picture. MARRIAGES -Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time. photo and cutline only. 515. iN MEMORIAMS-53.50 plus 30c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words. $3.50,1 each additional word 16c. CARD OF THANKS -25 words 3. 0. Each additional word 5c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -53.00 per insertion. SEMi DISPLAY-I.IS per cm PIGS for sale. Would like a steady buyer for 50 lb. wcancr pigs from a 70 sow herd. Apply Box 3704 c/o The Huron Expositor. Scaforth. Ont. 8-19-1 Farm Machinery 1982 Honda 750 CCV4, good condition, 2200 km. $2595 or best offer. Must sell. Phone 527-0522 after 5 p.m. ll -18x3 MUST be sold: 1983 Honda 450 custom has . only one month of riding. Full warran- ty still applies. Alhreasonable offers considered. Call Dave 527-0416. 11-19-1 KiPPEN and It's Families: Now in short supply. Avail- able from Mrs. Wilmer Ad- kins, Exeter. Mrs. John An, derson, Kippen. Mrs. Ken McLellan, Kippers. Ron's Health Centre or William's Hair Styling, Hensall. Mrs. Ken Wood, Clinton. Tremeer Printing, Seaforth. And Ruth Workman, Kippen. 11-19-1 kI for-•sale:,Alfalfa, Timo- `th ,'lr1rs't Cut''Hay. No rain. $1 per bale. Apply Lloyd McClinchcy, 526-7591. 11-19-2 18 cu. ft. freezer (2 yrs. old) $250. small roto riller (2 yrs. old) 5200. Phone 482-7234 after 6 p.m. 11-19x1 USED steel adjustable shely- ingg pallet racking, hand pallet trucks. safety ladders, fire extinguishers, storage cabinets. Lovers New and Used. 254 Adelaide St. S.. London 681-2254 Mon. - Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12. 11-18-01 400 bales. 2nd cut hay. Phone Tom Melady 345-2152. 11-19-2 1980 Mercury outboard motor, 7'/i h.p. with 5 gal. tank, excellent condition. Reasonable price. Phone 527.0531. 11-19x1 YELLOW Moped. Asking $250. Ca11527-0054. 11-19.1 12 x 65 ft. trailer has 2 bedrooms. laundry room. in- cludes back step, oil tank, storage shed. 58500. 519.887- 6692. 11-19-2 ENGINE Re -Build Parts, gaskets, starters, generators, water pumps, clutch/pres- sure plates, manuals, muf- flers, etc. Canadian Farm Centre, 301 Princess Street. Winnipeg, Manitoba. R3B 1M4. Phone (204) 942-5195. 11-19-01 STEEL from our factory. Manufacturer has all steel buildings at factory direct savings to you. Different sizes are available from 8 wide to 80 wide. Example 32 x 50 regular price, $6528, cost to you. $3956; 42 x 60 regular price 59744, cost to you. $5846; 46 x 90 regular price 515,030, cost to you 59518; 50 x 140 regular price 525,900, cost to you, 516,540. All buildings complete with heavy gauge roof and side- walls. Cpstom door and walls and accessories available at special discount prices. Mira- cle Span, first in steel build- ings, call 1-800-268-4942. 11.19-01 BUY your meats in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwy. #4, north of Clinton, 1' mile south of Londesboro. Watch for our sign. By the case or by the pound, call collect523-9508. 11-19-1 MENS 10 speed 21" bike. hardly used. like new. $90.00 or best offer. Phone 527-1832 11.19x1 CANADA'S lowest price Satellite TV Systems. Com- plete packages. Western Sat- ellite Supply. Saskatoon. Phone 306-934-1701. Dealer induiries invited. 11-19-01 Real Estate SEED BEANS: Foundation, EX -Rico and Seafarer, Certi- fied Seafarer and Kentwood. Early order discount until May 21. Lorne Fell, R.R. 2 Staffa, Phone 345-2697. 11-19-2 GOOD USED, American standard tub, toilet and sink. Complete with accessories, including medicine cabinet. (white). Phone Wroxeter 335- 3619, after 6:00 p.m: 11-19x1 POOL SALE. Manufactuer's clearance on above and in - ground pools, many models at fantastic savings, shop direct 416-522-1414. 11-19-01 HALF of a yyoung beef. Barry Gordon, 527-0047. 11-19-1 POTATOES: Red or white, also seedotatoes. Hwy. #84 west of Hensall. Phone 236- 4038. _ 11-9-tf APPROX. 4 square used roof steel. 5100 or best offer. 527-0493 after six. 11-19x1 Real Estate WANTED TO BUY: Small non -shedding house dog. Anita Looby, 345-2350. 12-19-1 WANTED: One pair men's roller skates, size 12 in good condition. Phone 527-1635. 12-19x1 OLDER QUILTS, oak exten- sion tables and chairs, steel and brass beds. Willing to pay good prices. Call Carol, Stratford 71-0941. 12-10-tf PIANO WANTED regardless of condition. Phone collect anytime 519-669-2280 or 519- 669-2198. 12-9-tf Wanted BOOKS needed for Huron County's largest used book sale, June 4 & 5. Proceeds to $lyth Summer, Festival. Drop donations off prior to May 30 at Maitland Valley Insurance, Brussels; Huron Expositor, Janis Bisback's, 86 Queen St.. Hensall. 13-19-3 Real Estate WORKMAN Real Estate Ltd. WINDOWS and doors. New const. or replacement. Con- tact Bill Feeney. Your local dealer for Twin Windows Inc. Showroom, Dublin. 345.2405. 11-9-tf GARDEN TILLING 40 inch tiller 345-2277 Real Estate 1.15 foot International 45 Vihra Shank cultivator with harrow, used one season. 52400. firm. Phone 527-0596. 9-1 5-tf Phone 527-0240 FARMERS For a good farm building at competitive prices PHONE RAY LAMBERS CONSTRUCTION R.R. #2 Clinton 482-3305 FREE ESTIMATES $ 1000 DOWN ,10% Interest 2 ACRES Large Brick HOME MORRIS TOWNSHIP Ph 482-9210 Real Estate Lta. Clinton Phon.: M.4371 NEW LISTING: 2 acre high- way property, near Hensall, 2 floor brick home in excellent condition, good work shop, fruit orchard, large garden. Priced for quick sale. STONE MANSION: on 2 acres, very good condition, 3 bay garage and large work- shop. East Wawanosh Twp. 70'ACREiSOLD wp» no buildings. MOBILE HOME: Corner lot, Dinsley St.. Blyth FARROW TO FiNiSH: on paved road near Clinton, 100 acres, very good buildings, 'F.C.C. mortgage assumable. SACRIFICE SALE: 2 acres with large brick home near Brussels, low down payment. 85 ACRES: on paved road, SO acres workable, stream cross- es property, good building site. HOLMESVILLE: 13 acres with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. EXECUTIVE CLASS HOME: on 20 acres, Goderich Twp.. very well landscaped, in - ground pool. NEAR BRUCEFIELD: 6 acres, good frame home, drive shed and barn. HENSALL: 11/2 floor home in good condition. financing available MEN'S WEAR STORE: Main Street location in prosperous village. Reasonable price. 14 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton, good frame home, work shop and small barn, trout stream on property. 100 ACRES: cropland, Hul- lett Twp. 46 ACRES: near Varna, 22 acres cropland, 9 acres hard- wood ,bush, large double home, barn. drive shed with workshop. 150 ACRES: near Auburn, 100 workable, good brick home, 2 small sheds, 40 acres bush. INVESTMENT PROPERTY: 50 rental units at Vanastra, 9 buildings, one property. sac- rifice sale. 50 ACRES: farrow to finish, Hwy. 118, near Wingham, new home, low interest, F.C.C. mortgage. NEW RAISED RANCH HOME: at Brucefield, attach- ed garage, electric heat with heat pump. 1.1111.111111111.111111111111111 JOHN St: 2 bedroom cottage, garage, family room, niceHlot. 542,000.00 E. WILLIAM ST.: 3 bedroom frame home, excellent condition, attractive lot. 537,500.00 JOHN ST.: Beautiful 3 , Bedroom home, large family room, garage, nice lot. EGMONDVILLE: 4 bedroom brick ranch, family room with fireplace, very attractive, 559,900.00 GODERICH ST. E.: 4 bedroom ranch, ground level walk out from family room to inground pool. $79,900.00 McKILLOPTWP.:5 G wjtp 3 bedroom home and 5d sow barn. Only 0500;00 HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom on large '/a ac. lot highway frontage, only 527,500.00 W. WILLIAM ST.: 3 bedroom, Targe new family room and kitchen. 538,500.00 COUNTRY HOME: 4 mi. from Scaforth, triple brick, 3 bedroom, very nice. STONE HOUSE: 7 acres, large SOLD modern ELIZABETH ST.: 3 bedroom bungalow, full basement, large shop, treed lot. Only $44,000.00 1.1 ACRES: Tuckersmith, 4 bedroom home in excellent condition, 529,900.00 HULLETT TWP.: 2 ac. on #8 highway, 3 bedroom house, 529,900.00 42 WILSON ST.: 3 bedroom, 2 storey, Targe lot, 523.500.00. Offers 3.5 ACRES: McKillop, 3 bedroom home, insulated barn, $45,000,00 100 ACRES: HullettTwp.$OL,DI, brick house. 61 ELIZABETH ST.: 3 bedroom home, large family room, much more. 540,000.00 CHALK ST.: Very attractive 2•--bectro-c i'Th � excellent condition. Offers HIGH ST.: 3-2 bedroom apartments, excellent condition, good investment, 540,000.00 GODERiCH ST.: Duplex, very modern, good condition. 535,000.00 3.5 ACRES: Stone and brick house, large steel shop. 542,500.00 BRUSSELS: 3 stores on Main St., Offers. HENSALL: 3000 sq. ft. commercial building, 559,000.00 offers. 4500 SQ. FT.: Commercial building in Seaforth, ideal for Tight industry, etc. large lot S80,000.00 WINTHROP: 21/2 ac. very nice, 3 bedroom home, $40,000.00 GOUINLOCK ST.: Very modern 2 bedroom 11/2 storey, full basement, 532,900.00 COLEMAN ST.: 6 yrs. old, 3 bedroom bungalow, full basement, $38,000.00 McKILLOP: 5 ac. 2 storey brick home, many renovations, 540,000.00 100 ACRES: Tuckersmith Twp., close to Seaforth. 5155,000.00 JARViS ST.: Beautiful 3 bedroom split level, large lot, 24' x 40' shop. 594,000.00 HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom 2 storey, family room, double garage, an exquisite home, 595,000.00 2 TROUT PONDS: 80 acres, small cottage, very picturesque. 5100,000.00 HULLETT TWP.: 5 ac., 2 storey brick home, 30 sow barn, good mortgage. $47,500.00 3 LEVEL SPLIT: in E$0 - 3 bedrooms, family room. large gar: .®LD' BRANTFORD ST.: 3 bedroom ranch, full basement, carport, a bargain at 542,000.00 NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, garage, full basement, nice lot, 555,000.00 CALL HENRY MERO SEAFORTH 527-0430 EGMONDVii•LF: 2 bedroom 11/2 storey, nice area. 525,000.00 VICTORIA ST.: Just that extra bit of charm, 2 storey, 3 bedroom brick home, close to uptown. CALL STEVE MURRAY ST. COLUMBAN 345-2172 WILSON ST.: 11/2 storey, 4 bedroom home, completely modern, 549,900.00 EGMONDVILLE: A cozy 3 bedroom brick bungalow with rec room. S33,900.00 CALL BILL HENDERSON SEAFORTH 527-0995 50 POLICE CARS, STATION WAGONS, TRUCKS, VANS & 4X4's 13 1977-81 Choy, Fords. 8 Plymouths 1 1979 Cadillac 3 1978 Plymouth Station Wagons 2 1978 Ram Chargers 1 1976 6 1 1979 Chev Vans 4 1975-78 4X4 Suburbans 8 Pickups 12 1975-78 half -3/4 ton Pickups; Crew Cabs 7 1975-78 162 ton Stake Dumps; Cab 8 Chassis 3 Hydro Utility Bodies 1 17ft. Stock Rack 2 Lift 8 Tows MIGHTON CAR SALES 6 miles east of Hanover on No. 4 Highway Phone Durham 1-369-3136 _ uliigaIi REAL ESTATELTD MAUREEN WILDFONG, Res: 482-3224 Office: 348-8355 EGMONDVILLE: New Listing. 10 year old one floor home, att'd garage. EGMONDVILLE: New Listing, 2 storey brick home,on etftra large lot. EGMONDVILLE: New Listing. P/2 storey home. Priced in the low 30's. !MILL ST.: Raised ranch and split level homes. Priced in the $50's. Owner anxious to sell, NEW LISTING: 4 year old brick bungalow, tastefully decorated throughout, att'd garage, close to arena. , , ..' • „ ,., ; ;, EGMONDVILLE: New Listing. Beautiful brick home, many extra features. Double garage, double lot. $70's. EGMONDVILLE: New listing, brick bungalow in mint condition. Att'd garage. Located in quiet country setting. $60's. MARGET ST.: 6 year old brick and aluminum bungalow, laundry on main, electric heat, att'd garage, $40's. - DUKE ST.: 3 year old split level home, mint. . condition, completely finished, att'd garage, $60's. MARKET ST.: 8 year old one floor home, ' 3 `: bedrooms, electric heat, family room, att'd garage. HA11PURHE' : Raised ranch style home, reduced in price: Must be seen to be appreciated. Nicely landscaped. COLEMAN STA' Aluminum bungalow, nicely. decorated throughout, close, to uptown. 538,000.00. EGMONDV1LLE: Brick exterior bungalow with 4 lar edrooms, beautiful family room with bar. s. COUNTRY LIVING: Executive style home with many features. "Dream House" is the word to describe. Call for -showing. NEAR ST. COLUMBAN: Beautiful well kept raised ranch style home, completely finished. Double garage. $80's. McKILLOP: New home, 1500 sq. ft. laundry and sunken family room on main. Att'd garage. $64,000.00. EGMONDViLLE: Executive type home, stone fireplace, Acorn kitchen, att'd double garage and workshop. OLDER HOMES JOHN ST.: 2 storey frame home SOLD ion, - 2 baths, large lot, workshop. .1 SPARLING ST.: Excellent family home, country kitchen, toy room, 3 bedrooms, full basement, garage. 530's. GODERICH ST.: Well maintained 2 storey home, many extra features. Must be seen. Garage. GODERICH ST.: 2 storey stone home, well maintained, sun porch area, 11/2 car garage, large lot. 90 x 120. $40's. CENTRE ST.:i'/: sto SOLDI home, nicely decorated throughou CHURCH ST.: 2 storey double brick home, new throughout. Attached apartment. Reduced. GODERiCH ST.: 2 storey brick home, 2 baths, formal dining, detached garage. Owner will sell quickly. GODERICH ST.: 2 storey aluminum sided home, 2 baths. family room, paved drive, pool 16 x 32. 538,000.00. EGMONDViLLE: 2 storey home, newly carpeted throughout, new hydro. double lot. S25,000.00 NORTH MAiN: 1'/2 storey home with a 1 bedroom apartment above or use as single home. 525,000.00 NORTH MAIN: I'/, storey home, modern kitchen, gas heat, priced for quick sale. 529,900.00 McKILLOP: Beautiful brick home in mint condition. att'd garage, full basement. ONE FLOOR HOMES GODEtICH ST,: Spacious 2 bedroom home with family room and laundry on main, gas heat. SiO's. W. WILLIAM ST.: Tastefully decorated home, new Acorn kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full basement. 530's. MARKET ST.: Nicely decorated 2 bedroom home, no basement. att'd garage, large lot. 530's. CHALK ST.: 3 bedrooms, no basement. electric heat, close to uptown. Try an offer. 1 •