The Huron Expositor, 1983-05-11, Page 14a. 8 14 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 11, 1983 TOWN OF SEAFORTH AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth: For The Year Ending December 31, 1982 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CON'T We have exam_ned the balance sheet of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth as at December 31, 1982 and the stato,'-tnts of ret,'uc and expenditure, capital operations, and reserve and res, rye funds continuity and analysis of year end p,•sition for the year then Our examination was made in accordance with benera113 accepted ,u•'»t1» - standards, and accordingly included such tests and other proc,dur, '- as we considered necessary in the ctrcui,,tances. In our opinion, these tivancta4 :.tat env 0ts prc'.r. nt fairly the financial position of the Corporet ton 0f tht Tow 01 S.afort1. a +,t December 31, 1982 and the results of its operations for tbo y,x„r th..6 ended in accordance with generally accepted account tt, principl',.fur Ontario municipalities applied on a basic tun»».tent with 1».at o1 th, preceding year. ,f 1 ,. London, Canada Chartered Accountants February 9, 1983 l.icvnco No. 257 BALANCE SHEET as at December 31, 1982 ASSETS Current assets Cash Taxes receivable Accounts receivable Other current assets Investments Capital outlay to be recovered in future years Other long term assets O, H. R. P, loans receivariale STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for the year ended December 31, 1982 Accum,tlaltd net revenue (deficil) at the Ixgimung of the year Fxpentblures anti transfers Mame, Tal expenditures Crenecil government protection to persons and properly ir:unpurta non services h.r,vuunment:l servers Ilcalth servers • Social and laindy servo rs Her reuuun and cultural services I'I.,nnmr and development ( llher-Re';erve for wnrkiue lands l 'lag expenditure (musters • I r:u,sle rs to w)pun or unntty 1'1114,, lu 55 110»,1 boards I olal transfers 1 nlal expend?tures and Transfers Revenue by purpose Muni` q,,J pea poses 1 .0,1,011 Payments in heti of 1,555 On6rrm grants Other grants Fres and to it , harm's 011ier 111 .,O-.1. r 1 roe Revenue 10,pay (or municipal purpust•s Iteg,untar , mn11 rt•gesrlt011 I .11,,lion� P.,t meats til hcu 0( taxes Ontario grants I Rhee Resenue to pay the region nr omit) rrquosltion 4 40111 1.0,nd n'gws, limn 1`,i)n,enls m 11,1 1,7 hint's (((her R1,t•n110 10 pas the uhonl (n t,»l rcquninon 1 nOd rc.ennr At cumulated act rcvenee )deli, 1) at the end of the teat Analysed as ftllnws (;rncr,il rr•rnur Region it county School hoards Special charpcs Special arras 1 osal hoards Municipal t nlerpnces 19142 Swirl (7,404) 1982 Afloat (7,404) 1981 Actual S 36,015 200,849 - 233,450 211,476 217,602. 218,979 189,073 305,922 329,264 262,9262,9688 139,977 188,188 200' 8 1,599 190,216 155,882 194,793 9,530 7,572 3,132 *10,000 38,600 1,064,296 . 1,133,343 1,049,177 84,936 299,830 384,166_ 1,456,466 159,826 _52 1 , 0(1(1 155;424 62,142 260,619' 12,500 I, (171, 7 0 87,986 307,928 395,914 1,536,661 77,842 279,776 357.18 1,406,795 595,191 355,544 23,327 21,184 382,347 353,187 27,254 20,747 245,545 234,035 9,50(1 20,000 (,073,164. 1,0114,697 84,503 89,253 78,909 433 84,9,6 299,7(0 299,830 1,456,466 0 433 89,686 114,461 314,461 334 79,243 279,436 279,436 LIAslunEs Current liabilities Temporary loans Accounts payable and accrued IiabiLaes Other currcnt liabilities 1,487,311 1,363,376 (49,350) ._.(7,404) (55,674) (7,603) 893 (10) 5,431 209 (49,350) Net long term liabilities Reserves and reserve funds Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts (7,404) STATEMENT OF CAPITAL OPERATIONS for the year ended December 31, 1982 tnfinanced capital nutlat ,Unexpended capital financing) at the beginning of the s ear (appal expend,ntre (,,neral government Protection to pres.'s and properm, l ranspnrfarnnn `cr'i,rc Environmental vont/ Health sr:viees Social and (amds trn„cc Rn rrau"n and cnitu'al crinis Planning and dr ,cl.,omrnt Ocher gnlal cspcndrture (-spiral financing ( nntnhutions from the revenue fund Contributions from reserves and reserve funds long term luhihnrt .n, a rd Ontario grana other Inca) capital finanerng 1'nf,naneed exptul outlay It Inez ',ended apical financing) at the end o/ the year „p.^rut . ••• 1982 Areal 1981 Actual 0 I -0 _ 7br .esa,wpa"Jiwa Worn..+ n i..gr.l part efibis f : eidstamen... 1982 Actual 31,344 95,347 53,642 46,500 226,833 42,000 59,974 328,807 1982 Actual 10,000 93,074 103,074 42,000 233,083 (49,350) 328,807 1981 Actual 94,941 81,757 123,735 2,000 77,500_ 379,933_ 50,000 61,454 491,387 3. Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the end of the year The balance in the revenue fund at the year end is available to re3"c (to be added to) the levies of the following classes of ratepayers: 1982 1981 $(-5-554,12),, General ratepayers 67,43 (10) School board ratepayers 209 County ratepayers $ (49,350) $ (7,404) 4, Charges for net long -tern liabilities Total charge& for the year fur net long-term liabilities were as • follows: 1982 1981 Principal payments 4,715 $ 8,000 $ ,75:n Interest $ 12,715 $ 12,475 The charges shown above were paid from general municipal revenues of the raunicipalft.y and are included in expenditures on the Statement of Rcvetue and 1.'pendi Wore classified under the appropriate functional headings. Investments 1981 The inv0;tronts included in current assets ere recorded at cost Actual 43,335 as at the end. of the year. 160,000 of $ 46,500 and have n market value of $ 60,207 1.. Comparative amounts Curtain of the 1981 amounts have been reclassified to conform with Clic presentation adopted in 1982. 50,000 protection services Effective January 1, 1980, the municipality entered into an 228,584 ttl;rcun,ont to provide fire protection services to Seaforth' and other surrounding (7,404) - townships, Included in these statements arc the town's portion of the total costs to op' rite the fire department during, 1982• 491,387 _s- formation of the Seaforth and District Comvunity Centres Manmcement Committee 220207 _ NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - 1. Account in.. policies (a) Statersnt of revenue and expenditure This statement reflects *revenues and expenditures of the revenue fund. There are no local hoards or municipal enterprises consolidated 1n those results. 1,1 Statement of capital operations This statement reflects the capital expenditure of the municipality t.• b4 r,covrred from the general municipal revenue of the municipality. .c1 Balance sheet. This statement reflects the assets and liabilities of the revenue �xthe capital fund and reserve funds. 1,11 I'(.rd assets The historical cost and accumulated depreciation of fixed assets t;• not reported for municipal purposes. Instead, the "Capital outlay to be r,c,•v.•red in future years", which is the principal portion of unmatured l,,n. _Corr liabilities, is reported on the balance sheet. tot )lnnicipal enterprises Municipal enterprises are those activities whose costs are ub;a.,ntially recovered from service charges on the users. The enterprise „f t!iis municipality whose revenues and exp,:g.i„1,Ltures have not been consolidated in these financial statements is the Waterworks and the i ir,hoard. ,ll Char{os for net long-term liabilities D.•ht retirement costs including principal and interest are charged a,u(nst current revenues in the periods in which they are paid, interest char;es arc not accrued for the periods from the date of the latest interest payment to the end of the financial year. bet long-term liabilities (a) The balance for net long-term liabilities reported on the balance sheet is made up of the following: Total long-term liabilities incurred by the municipality and outstanding at the end of the year amount to .'f the longterm liabilities shm..m above, the responsibility for payment of 2,153 36,452 principal and interest charges has been 649 11,310 assumed by others (see (b) below) for 152,183 130,976 a principal amount of 28,570 ;:et long-term liabilities at the end of the year - 33,029 27,871 216,584- 206,609 102,534 108,509 114,050 98,100 216,584. .206,09 t,_mtal pasn^ents required on the net lone. -term liabilities are as follows, 1981 1984 1985 1986 $ 248,005 206,00(, $ 42,000 Principal Interest $ 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 $ 3,844 2,870 1,794 615 $ 42,000 $ 9,123 (81 nn January 1, 1969 the Huron County Board of Education assumed from the municipality the responsibility for the payment of the principal and interest charges on the debentures issued for school board purposes. • Thu Seaforth and District Community centres Management Committee carie 'into esu atenee as a result of an tii:roemcnt dated September 1', 1982 between Seaforth and surrounding townships. The original agreement expired December 31, 1'182 and was subsequently renewed by the members through to December 31, 1985. The corraittdc was fanned to manage and control all present and future operations of the Conr,unity. Centre. Under the terns of the agreement an operating deficit is shared bythemembers on the following percentages: Town of Seaforth 53.3 Township of McKillop 25.0 '\ Township of Tuckersm}th 13.5 Township of Hibbert 5.8 Township of Ilullett 2.4 The aforementioned percentages are to be reviewed every three years and arc to be adjusted based on usage. Included in these statements are the town's portion of the total costs to operate the Community Centre during 1982. RESERVE AND RESERVE FUNDS STATEMENT OF CONTINUITY AND ANALYSIS OF YEAR END POSITION for the .year ended December 31,1982 Available at the beginning of the year for future municipal purposes Revenue ( onirlbut(ons from the rese110C fund Contributions from developers Repay»^est of forgiveable 0,11,0,2. loan Intcresl earned Expenditure Transfers to the capital fund Transfers 10 the revenue fund 0,11.11,P, loans - repayable 0.11.R. P. Crmmr i s n ions Available at the year, end for future municipal purposes • 1982 Actual 1,9)0 20,180 .4,310 9,500 8,08(1 .,-51 ,,494 233,083 1971 Actual 2x13.» 1., 24,"1. ANALYSIS OF YEAR-END POSITION as at December 31, 1982 Reserves Industrial Working capital Reserve funds Industrial 0.9.8.P. Working capital Year end position of reterves and reserve funds T5, .no.,p..y09r .me....., ,,..r..r p.e. Oa. /r...d.? .u...r.r 1982 Actual 66,710 21,570 88,210 590 103,429 40,854 144,873 233,083 9x1 Actual 63,561 101,421 63,600 228,584 228,584