The Huron Expositor, 1983-05-11, Page 9ai
HERE'S WHERE WE PASTE UP—Reporter Susan Hundertmark, leff,-shows somerof-•the
200 people who toured the Expositor Friday where pages are put together. The draw for
an original oil painting was won by Laurens Regele.
b@waa04Aaa4 ovmcsi
Battered women's centre will open
Mrs. Ann McBride was the
guest speaker at the UCW
general meeting May 3rd
which was in charge of the
Sunshine Group. Gayle Pep-
per, Esther Cantelon and
Debbie Burdge led in worship
about mothers.
Mrs. McBride spoke on
wife abuse and the opening of
a centre for battered women
north and east of Bayfield.
Larry and Ann McBride will
be there to help and counsel.
Women with their children
can stay up to four weeks.
Arab speaks at Christian rally
Voluntary help and donations
will be needed.
Mrs. E. Stoll, the president
conducted the business. Mrs.
C. Henderson, secretaty and
Mrs, Marjorie Broadfoot
gave their reports.
Plans were made for visit-
or's day on June 8th. Unit 1
was in charge of the lunch and
invited everyone to their
plant sale on May 17,
The Oddfellows held a
euchre on Friday evening.
Ladies high -Mrs. Moir, lone
hands -Marjorie Broadfoot,
low -Anne Wilson, men's high
Mac Wilson, lone hands Fiat
Volland, low -Mary Broad -
foot. Lucky draw winners
were Marjorie Caldwell and
Jack Henderson. The final
euchre of the season will be
Friday, May 13th.
Miss Jane Allan, London
spent the weekend with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
- Mr. and Mrs. Don Brodid
had as their guests on the
weekend his parents Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Brodie, Chat-
Mrs. Mary Smith. Kitchen -
is coming
er and Mrs. Jean Provost
visited with their parents Mr.
and Mrs. John Broadfoot.
Mr, and/Ors. Ron Scott
and son Graham, Willowdale
visited on the weekend with
his parents Mr. and Mrs, Ken
Carnations were sold on
Saturday in the village and a
canvass made for the Multi-
ple Sclerosis Society.
Mr and Mrs, D. Triebner
attended the christening of
their great granddaughter at
Benmtller United Church on
Sunday morning and visited
with Mr. and Mrs, Jeff
Fisher, Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Plow -
right, London visited Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Ivan
Wightman. -
by' Jim's Flying Service Ltd.
on Wheat - Grai B
Correspondent Trustee Mrs. Ruby Bell. An indoor rally until fall and end guests with Mr. and Mrs.
was accepted to of (1(112.1.111? the Zurich team Ralph Holland, Gwen,
262-2025 attend
d the 50th anniversary of were the highest; Exeter 2nd; Michael and Mrs. Daisy Hol -
The IOQF and Rebekah Morning Star Lodge, Brus-
a6 Lodges will attend service on sols on June 4. Belva Fuss
Sunday, May 15 at 9 a.m. and played several ,piano selec-
thc anniversary service will tions. Following the meeting
he May 29 at I l :OO a.m. when entertainment was enjoyed
Rev. McDonald of Si. An- and lunch served.'
drew's Presbyterian Church, Unit 4 of Hensall United
Kitchener will be guest mini- Ladies'wemade ltorsick and shutted 61 s
The "Belles of St, Marys- ins this month.• Invitations
u° musical is planned in the were received to Brucefield
Carmel Church on Sunday, Church June 8 and to Carmel
May 15 at 7:30 p.m. Presbyterian Church June
HURONIC LODGE VISITS 13. A workshop will be held at
AMBER LODGE Mencstung Camp near God-
Noblc Grand Mrs. Marg- Crich, June 16, 9:30 a.m. to 3
aret Consitt presided for the p.m. Ladies please bring
meeting of Amber Rebekah lunch.
Lodge on Wednesday assist• PERSONALS
ed by Mrs. Margaret Upshall. Mrs. Ross MacMillan of
Members of Huronic Lodge, Waterloo visited last Friday
Clinton were guests and with her mother Mrs. Laird
presented Noble Grand Mickle.
Margaret Consitt with "The Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
Travelling Gavel". Officers
participating from Clinton
were Mrs. Bessie Town-
shend, 1.G.: P.N.G. Mrs,
Edith Cudmorc, Vera Mc-
Donald. Chaplin; Conductor:
Bcrva Cartwright; Warden visitor with his mother Mrs.
Ethel 'Taylor; Pianist Ethel Laird Mickle.
McPherson; the soloist C•leta SOUTHFOR CHRISTYOUTH
Holland sang. R:S.V.G.
Norma Ashton; L.S.V.G. Ed- The May Rally of South
na Cox. Elected officers were: Huron Youth for C'krist was .
Noble Grand: Mrs.Margaret held Saturday night May 7 in
.Upshall: Vice Grand: Mrs. Bruccficld School.
Eunice Aikenhead; Record- Diry�ctor Bob Heywood was
ing Secretary: Mrs. Evelyn in charge: with Mrs. Dave
Flynn: Financial Secretary , Steckle at the piano. The
Mrs,� Irene Blackwell; Trea- Zurich team were high
surer: Mrs. Dorothy Corbett: scorers. As this was the last
Bayfield 3rd. The team con- land in Clinton.
sisted of Sheryl Kuefer, Darla QUEENSWAYNEWS
Gingerich, Kevin Steckle, An anniversary reception
Brian Steckle, David Ginger- was held at the home for Alice
ich, Dprren McKinley; the and Don Rozendal for their
coach for the team was Mrs. 57th wedding anniversary. \
Keith Gingerich. Saturday Members of the family att-
night May 28 the staff and tending were Obe and Jean
members of Y.F.C. are going Rozendal, Mr. and Mrs.
to treat all the quizzers from Kraft
celebrating ly.'
the three teams to an evening
of games, and a pizza party at days were Mr. Roy Holt, Miss
Brucefield school. A mixed Lucille Jeffrey; Mr. Lloyd
quartette from Zurich Dave McDougall.
and Carol Steckle, Harold and Dorothy Etue, Marlene and
Esther' Gingerich favoured Jason Hamilton, Harold and
with three numbers, George Edith Widrich visited Mr.
Heizzen of Alsia Craig was and Mrs. Pat Desch. Philip
speaker. He is an Arab who Eisenbach visited Elizabeth
was born in Bethlehem and Eisenbach- Chester Mervin
gave his life testimony. At and Irene Dunn. Bob and
present he is a teacher in Darryl
v s ted with e and
Alsia Craig, He was been inWright
r.. United States and Canada for ter's mother Mrs. Vera Lam -
spent the weekend with her seven years. He told of his mie,BillTriebnervisitedwith
son and daughter-in•law Mr. conversion and his fancily life Mrs. Muriel Triebner. The
and Mrs. Don MacLaren, also about his father who was ladies of the United Church
,nodi and Brooke in Oakville. a drug addict and completely entertained the residents to
Mr. Charles Mickle of delivered by the power of bingo.
Hamilton was a weekend - God. Next big event wilt -Ge Rev. McDonald was in St.
the chicken bbq. on Saturday, Thomas this week attend'ng
June 1 1 at Ken Gascho's park the funeral of his cousin. nis
west of Zurich. father's nephew, Norwood
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chaffe Babcock of Port Stanley.
and Sally o1' Mitchell spent Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds,
Sunday with Mrs. Chaffe's Lynne. Paul and Joanne and
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bob Leencing of Winthrop
Corbett. were Sunday dinner guests
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sangster with Mrs, Dodds' parents
and Brad were Mother's Day Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol.
Bill C-653 discussed
Continued from page 8
Mrs. Pyke explained the
history of the original Farm-
ers' Creditors' Arrangement
Act saying that of the
142,000 farmers in Saskat-
chewan with a debt of more
than $482 million, only 5.094
proposals in a five year span
were accepted under the Act.
Current statistics show
farmers paid $641 million in
interest rates during 1981-82
and 34 per cent of the bank
loans under $1 million go to
farmers. Mrs. Pyke believes
Bill C-653 will provide assis-
tance for some farmers who
ha acted in good faith,
without favouring the debtor
to the dstraction of the
Toronto -Dominion bank
representative Larry Thomp-
son is not in favour of the
reenactment of the bill.
becau ie it permits debt to be
written down.
The reduction of debt and
the time period to liquidate
•assets are two main points of
the bill which appeal to
farmers. However when the
bill was in effect during the
1930s, it made long term
debt difficult to obtain and
suppliers immediately went
Mr. Thompson is critical of
two aspects of the bill. He
Drainage pays off
in cropping flexibility
Good cropper programs For instance.otes better 1ion may be possible
tnd more
tripping grog
to plant higher revenue cosh crops than before In every
case, drainage adds choice -you ore able to choose from
a larger selection of crops and varieties "
The Toss of 2 bushels of grain by ground equipment,
even under dry conditions, pays for 'our service .
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Thousands of hours of crop spraying experience to
insure the job is done right, ask your neighbour, -chances
are we have sprayed his crop.
Call nolw to have your fields looked at,
as we anticipate another busy season
Seaforth, Ontario . Phone collect 519-5274608
RON SCHEFTER Wingham, Ont.
says it basically removes the
right of a farmer to put up
security for credit and the
time needed to go through
the process of appraisal of
the assets, is a disadvantage.
Mr. Thompsot noted the
bill will not help farmers with
zero equity and the farmer
must have acted in good faith
with his creditors to use the
Allan Wilford. president of
the Huron -Bruce Survival
Association, speaking from
the floor said the impetus of
the bill is to make everybody,
debtors and creditors. deal
with good faith.
"The threat of the bill is
enough to make creditors
deal in good faith."
If banks are going to
liquidate, they should do it
responsibly., Mr. Wilford
says he knows of farmers
who have been sitting in
limbo for more than two
years. They should get their
act together and negotiate,
says Mr. Wilford,
Under the provisions of the
Act, the receiver, appointed
to appraise the assets will be
local and paid by the federal
government. Usually, the
receiver is paid by the banker
in a receivership and Mr.
Wilford says. whoever pays
the piper. calls the tune.
Hank and Ernie will
entertain at churches
This spring let Thompson's supply your 1983 Crop Inputs.
Expert advice by a qualified staff to assist you in your planning, Backed by 60 ,years
of serving the agriculture Sector.
tgia44O4111 - ....c ICA
\n cllIellainer ,.11111 a lhc,. arc all part of his
dtilcren,.c. ,.,.tin has crlss.
tossed ( amnia and the t' S
spreading ..the gospel it,
song and testin,tlnl". Is font
Ing Io 1 gntandlrlle and Kip
pen this Sunda,. and Bruce
ticld on Mas 2y.
He 1s 1 rile Harris. a
I- ,.ear -old Windsor man.
,.,.ho dcu•Inpcd his talents as
a ,.cntriloquist when Ire 4' as
in l ni,.crsu,. Hospital. Ion
don. ha\rtlg his leg anlpu
idled n1 ly
His dumnl,. Hank helps
ruin tell Bihbt ,ll stones In
thIldren As 'tell he does
makrt cocks concerts. and
has mad, r00 recordings
nuntstJ 4 "assuring others..,
that the (,od of all comforts
understands and cares about'
their pain and is able to bring
them through '
Mt Harris frill be at
fcn11111d4ille United Church
Sunda,. at 10 a n1 . at Kippcn
1 sued Church at 11 50 a m.
Bruccficld United on
'Oa,. _) at 10 a n1
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