HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-05-04, Page 19LARGE ESTATE AUCTION SALE Wooden, ware, fancy cast iron collection. crocks. jugs, aber beaver jar, highly collectable fruit jars, old bottles. old guns. tins, bells etc., to be held for the Estate of Percy and Roberta Woolacott at the Mitchell Arena, Mitchell. Ontario Saturday, May 7th, at 10:00 a.m. Approx. fifty four pieces of wooden wares. fancy round butter prints, scoops. ladles. bread boards. large oval butter bowl, etc. Approx. fifty fancy old cast iron pieces. including cookware. door stopper. tea kettle. trivets. mouse trap. lady boot jack, dog and frog. matchstick holders. iron kettles. small and large, old cast iron Jolly Nigger Bank. old tins and match holders, school bell. string of bells, shaft bells. cow bells. brass bells, tin candle moulds, apple peelers, two single shot guns. 22 rifle, old air rifle. Colt 45 hand gun, copper powder flask, leather shot flask, whisky flask. "FAC required to purchase guns.' Over 100 crocks and jugs including seven blue finger painted jugs. Goold and Co„ Brantford, Canada West. H. Shuler, Paris. Van Egnlond and nwnrc. Large collection of highly collectable old fruit jars and bottles, including Beaver true amber quart facing right, number four. Three Wan - cta Cocoa Boston amber quart screw top. Amber pansy. flint pint Beehive sealer with four bees Beaver pint. Beaver quart and two quarts. Amber Mason pints plus other top names, apothecary bottles, siphons, crock bottles, etc, plus other items too numerous to mention. NOTE: This is a large quality sale and a must for bottle and jar collectors. TERMS CASH LUNCH BOOTH AUCTIONEER — RICHARD LOBB 519-482-7898 Estate or auctioneers not responsible for acci- dents day of sale. NOTE: "Coloured photos of antique glassware and furniture of the upcoming May 28th and May 29th sales will be on display at May 7th sale. Catalogues will also be on sale for $1.00 each or 52.00 each by mail. Please send money order to Richard Lobb, Box 342, Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1 LO." Articles for Sale FOR SALE: Old tyme long eared, black, tan Coonhound pups. great voice, with or without registration certifi- cate. Mervin Howe. R.R. 5 Aylmer, Ontario. NSH 2R4. Phone 1.519-773-9472. 1148-01 POTAT(LtES: Red or white, also seed potatoes. Hwy. #84 west of Hensall. Phone 236- 4038, _1h9--tf Come to us for all of your lawn and garden needs. Because of last weekend's rain, our ,a COUPON 4� M DAY BUYS sale has been extended 'till Saturday, May 14. SII TNI MAT 3 Issue OF FOCUS NEWSMAGAZINE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS' Money -saving coupons on fertilizers, roses. and morel VERBEEK'S FARM 8 GARDEN CTRE. Isaac St., CLINTON 482-9333 Articles for Sale DIAMOND pendant and ear- ring set. White gold. Ap- praised value $1300. Viewing appointment. Apply Box 3701 c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. 11-18-1 POOL SALE: Manufacturer's clearance on above and in - ground pools. many models at fantastic savings. Shop direct, 416-522-1414.1148-01 11 year old Doberman. 527- 0I01 after4_p.m. 11-18-I CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING AND PROCESSING Kill day Tuesday. From the producer to consumer. `I Sides of Beef and Pork. 1/4's and counter cuts. BENDER'S ABATTOIR and HOME GROWN MEAT MARKET M111 St., Hensall 262-3130 plant 262-5528 home Articles for Sale' • NEED a building this spring? We have, the most complete line of metal buildings avail- able for agricultural, com- mercial, institutional or resi- dential use. Special spring prices. Call collect any time. 05-474-1180. 11-18-01 USED store island and wall shelving , showcases, wall - cases, glass shelving, brack- ets, counters. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St. S„ London. 681-2254 Mon. - Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9.12, 11-18-01 MUST sell all steel Perma- Arch buildings, 19 x 24 Do-it- yourself kit complete with 8 x 10 sliding doors, instructions and guarantee. F.O.B. Fac- tory, Mississauga. Ontario. Retail price 53475 while they last only 52395. Call collect 1-416-6,8.1585. 11.18.01 CAMPER trailer. 51500 or best offer, frig. stove, sink and bathroom. Sleeps 6. 527-1798. _11.18=1 TOWN OF SEAFORTH "May 12 is Canada Health Day". Canada Health Day will be celebrated on May 12, 1983. The theme is "I Take Care of My Health . Do You?" The municipality of the Town of Seaforth • officially proclaims May 12, 1983, as Canada Health Day ALFRED F. ROSS t 'Mayor i TOWN OF SEAFORTH Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until Tuesday, May 24, 1983 for the following work' Renovation of the old fire hall at rear of Municipal Building to accommodate a Police Station. Labour: This project is made possible in conjunction with the Canada Ontario Employment Development Program. To meet the requirements of this program three labour positions will he filled by Persons supplied by the municipality. Specifications and proposal forms may br olit,tino(i from the undersigned. JAMES CROCKER Clerk Treasurer Town of Seaforth Articles for Sale ONE wheel type double disc, 10 feet ,with hydraulic ram. One 4 section spring tooth harrows, One small grain box. 527-0896. 11-17x1 1982 Honda 750 CCV4, good condition. 2200 km. 52595 or best offer. Must sell. Phone 527-0522 after 5 p.m. 11-18x3 0001) used boys bike for sale. CaII after six. 527-1888 1 —._. ....-...._. - a ROCKWELL Beaver 10" band saw, #28115 practically new: 8 day antique clock. Apply Box 3705, c/a The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. I1 -18x1 FREEZER: Pair of red leather bucket seats. 527-0660. 11-18-1 PREGNANT and distressed? Married or single. Free con- fidential support. Call collect Birthright -432-7197 or after 6 p.m. 527-0115. 19-9-tf WANTED Dealers - for a year- round super indoor FLEA AND FARMER'S MARKET Just off Hwy. No. 4 at Vanastra. Opening soon - hurry to reserve your table! Inquiries welcome - (519) 482-7401 Wanted to Buy MESH Playpen inood con- dition. Phone 52712.18-1 USED boot type roller skates, men's size 6 or 7. Ph. 887-6063. 1 OLDER QUILTS, oak exten- sion tables andchairs, steel and brass beds. Willing to pay good prices. Call Carol, Strafford, 271-0941. 12-10-tf NOTICE. Due to Bridge Construction, Grey Township, Side Road 15/16 between concessions 16 and 17, WILL BE CLOSED from May 4th, 1983 to July 6th, 1983 inclusive. Please make alternate travel arrange- ments. ROY WILLIAMSON, Grey Township Road Superintendent PIANO WANTED regardless of condition. Phone collect a6nytime 519.669.2280 12519- Wanted WANTED: Old brick build- ings. for wrecking and sal- vage purposes. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc. 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, 1-542- 4088, Ontario's largest sup- plier of reclaimed brick. Apts. for Rent Notice SUNWORTHY WALL COVERINGS 20% OFF Ball Macaulay 527-0910 Seaforth Notice To the landowners of the Township of Morris The Township of Morris are participants in the Canada Ontario Employment Development Pro- gram for 1983. The township roadsides will be upgraded by the program. Any landowners in the township of Morris wishing their roadsides to be improved by clearing of brush, removal of old fence rows. removal of trees. removal of the debris etc, Contact (he undersigned by May 27, 1983 LLOYD MICHIE Township of Morris Road Superintendent 887-6472 Notice PHII: S Refrigcratot and Ap pltance Service Prompt de pcndable service to all makes and models of (lonmstt( alt pliances Phone 88-.9062 144 if "-1 PROCLAMATION PITCH -IN '83 WHI Ill A` 111111 1.'111111, MO p,uks re, rcational areas. beaches Itikhw,t+'. Mid school groiincls t„ ,i• I.i, Ing th,'m I„ nut sighs: and 'P5111 R1 V11,11, 1 ..111 I', ,I.i1s h, , ausing physii al hat in to man and anneals. and Will RI Ati ildnieIt11, ssne,s and negligence ar, ill( main (ontrlhutol, tai tot, ut the nc(erten,c and sl„r:121 n1 liltrr, and WHI RI Al th, Heel ,,111 h, redu,cd h, mod, 11 toihnologs edu(a1110 sir( aunt,. 1, 1,1 1n. ni and tl„lalcd 111111 h, Lin s ext respote,thlI pa, Eagle; And Wit f• Al the 1 non of Srarnrlh Is concerned with the problems caused by Inter and to bring it to the attention of the public It is deemed appropriate to appoint th, deck of Mils tot; I't8).asthe start ulthe -Pitch In'83-(ampaigninthc Iowa 01 Seaforth. and urge all ( evens to (o operate wish the Town of Seaforth in 1h• elimination and reduction 01 liltrr and littering; Suntor ( aliens wishing a.'. -Ian(c in cleaning up their properties arc asked 1,• phone the folio, ole persons„h' will arrange for school Children to assist Ihi n1 Mr. Poul( arroll 527-0790 Mr. Ras (ontois 527-0321 In addition the Pohl( Worts Department has s(heduted additional spring • 1, an up (lays in on pin. ton wuh 151( h lit 81' Residents are asked to to °perati l's I( aping up then properll, - h a, Ing Johns and litter prnperls bagged al thi urhsidc bySMONDAY• MIPs 9 signaled OF GODERICH STREET TUESDAY, MAY 10 - SOUTH 01 GODERI('H ST. TO VHF RAILWAY TRACKS WEDNFSDAI , MAY 11 • SOUTH OF RAIZ WAY STREET NOW . I. Allied Ross. Mayor of Seaforth do hereby declars; 1h, week May 9 IS IUri3PITCH-IN '83 mthe 1ownofSeaforth ALFRED ROSS TOWN OF SEAFORTH i Auction Sales ' RICHARD LOBB Auctioneer AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482-7898 SAT. MAY 7 at 10:00: Woodware cast iron col- lection, crocks, jugs, amber Beaver jear, high- ly collectable fruit jars, old, bottles. guns, tins, bells, etc. to be held for the Estate of Percy and Roberta Woolacott at the Mitchell Arena, Mitchell' Ont. THURS. MAY 12 at 1 p.m.: Combine, swath- er• tractors, machinery etc. for Carl Richardson to be held at Lot 29, Con, 4 Tuckcrsmith Town- ship, 2 miles east of Bruccficld. FRI. MAY 13, 1 p.m. Combine. tractors, ma- chinery Etc. for Ross Lovett. 5 miles north of Clinton, Ont. on Base- line Rd. SAT. MAY 14th at 10:00 a,m.: Furniture, an- tiques, and appliances at Richard Lobb's Barn, MON. MAY 23rd at 10:00 a.m.: Furniture, antiques. and appliances ete. for Esther Jamieson at Richard Lobb's Barn. SAT. MAY 28th at 10:00 a.m. and SUNDAY, MAY 291h at 11:00 a.m.: Top quality andrare antique glassware, and furniture to be held for the Estate of Percy and Roberta Woolacott at the Mitchell Arena, Mitchell Ont. Catalogues will be available at May 7th sale for May 28th and May 29th sales. 2 bedroom apartment, heated all downstairs. Available now, Phode Gordon Nobel. 527-0840. 15-18x1 3 bedroom farm house be- tween Clinton and Bruce - field. Available immediately. Phone482-9196. 15-18-1 2 bedroom apartment with stove and fridge. North Main, 527.1715. 15-18x2 FOR RENT in Seaforth, 3-1 bedroom apartments, newly renovated, broadloomed. Call 527-0712 after 5. to o.f For Sale or Rent TWO houses for rent or sale in Brussels. Immediate pos- session. Phone 291-116-15-4 60'Lis- towel. i 4 towel. •--.-•-•---•--•---a.-••--••• • BRODHAGEN •• • • • SALEORAMA. ••• • • AUCTION •• • • • to be held at the Chamber of Commerce Hall. • -- THe HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 4, 1983 A19 The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes beginning Wednes- day, May 25, 1983. These classes will be held in Clinton area only. The cost is S3.00. The next series of classes will begin the week of September 12, 1983. For further informa- tion and pre -registration, please call the Health Unit office in your area at 527.1243 1-18-3 FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 24 HOUR SERVICE PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345-2235 Hensall Century Farm Sold CLEARING FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION • Brodhagen,on •• • • • • • Saturday, May 7th• • at 1:30 p.m, • • PARTIAL LIST CONSISTS OF: 19'9 Dodge D50 • • • sport truck, truck topper, bicycles. new gas • • barbeque. dune buggy, chain saw, deep freeze, - • • roto tiller, lawn mowers. oil stove, T.V., fans, • • doors, Ferguson manure loader, iron and wooden • • fence posts, lamps. farrowing crate, fruit jars. • • vase. • • • This is only a partial listing • • There will also be a bake sale. • • TERMS: CASH • • PROCEEDS FOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • • COMMUNITY PROJECTS • • R.G. GETHKE • • Auctioneer • ••••••••••••.•••••.••••••••- VV.,' are pleased to offer for sale by Public Auction. an excellent line of farm equipment for Bell Huron I ,rnts, 1' 1 miles north of Hensall on H4 Hwy. on Saturday, .May 7th, at 10:30 a.m. FEATURING: 6 tractors. J.D. 4640, J.D. 4030. .1 1) 3020. Cockshutt 1850, Cockshutt 1650, Ford 50 ;tibilei. complete line of tillage and planting cquipment..1.D. 24' a cultivator: J.D.25006x 18 - plow . 8''plow. Int 6200 bean combine: windrowers. strawberry equip power hoe. bird alarm. irrigation pump & pipe AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Plan to attend. for this is a large outstanding line of well maintained cash cop and strawberry equipment. all in excellent condition ready to work for you. RF FFR TO LAST WEEK'S EDITION FOR FULL LISTING! PROPRIETORS: BILI. & DOROTHY BELL and JACK & TOVE BELL For further information contact: RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES INC. Dick Robinson, Sales Manager Phone 527-1336 or 527-1458, Telex 069-55223 �/I ir��riie1/ k7�.�.10ciate1 AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 7 7 MAIN ST SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1W (5191 527-1458 REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE Three bedroom one storey home to be offered by Public Auction for Mrs Elizabeth Connolly of Dublin. Ont. Wednesday Evening, May IA, Property known as Plan 316, Lot 28 and west part lot 29, Raglan Street in the village of Dublin. Ont. situated on a large lot 80 ft. x 132 ft. is a three bedroom frame house with full basement, natural gas furnace, natural gas water healer, three piece bathroom. kitchen with cupboards, sun porch. combiliation dining and living room with carpet. There also is a garage or workshop 22 ft. x 14 ft. TERMS ON PROPERTY: 101/ "4, down evdning of sale. balance due in 30 days. Being ottered subject to a reasonable reserve bid. For viewing of property phone Mrs. Grace Murray �• at 345.2787. AUCTIONEER — RICHARD LOBB LTe..._....._ Clinton,482-7898 Note: Also selling Admiral 26” floor model colour Vwith fancy cabinet. GARDEN TILLING 40 Inch tiller 345-2277 ••••••••••••• ;R.G, GETNKE • AUCTION CALENDAR • • SAT. MAY 7th: Brod- 4. • • hagen Chamber of Com- • . • merce Saleorama Auc- • • tion. • • SAT. • MAY 21: Consign- to • ment Auction. Sale of • • horses, tack, smaller • • farm machinery. etc. to • • be held at Walnut Lane • • Farm 11/4 miles from •. r • Bornholm. For more in- • • formation call 347-2465. • • MON. MAY 30, 7:00 • • p.m.: Property auction of • house and lot. Part lot • . • 16. Concession 2, Logan. • • ' 1'/4 miles from Mitchell. • Elizabeth Court . Apts. 176 Oxford St., Hensall 1 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE NOW, MAY AND JUNE [Includes utilities, carpeting, •appfiances, laundry facilities PHONE 262-3448 or 262-2615 Clearing Auction Sale Combine. three tractors. swather, farm machin- ery etc. to be held at Lot 29, Concession 4 Tuckersniith Township, two miles oast of Brucefield. Ont. for Carl Richardson. Thursday, May 12 at 1 p.m. COMBINE: Gleaner F7 self propelled combine ith cab, heating pick up header and four row narrow corn head SWATHER: International 175 self propelled swather with 14 ft. head. TRACTORS: John Deere 4630 diesel with cab, heaterair, radio dual external hydraulics etc. recenth overhauled 20 x .38 T -bar duals, selling separate. 18 4 x 18 T bar duals, Cockshutt 1850 diesel with cab, fender tanks over under shift, Massey Ferguson I 15 diesel. David Brown 990 tractor (red). MACHINERY: iohn Deere 2500 series mount six furrow x 18'• bottom plow with hydraulic automatic reset Cockshutt four furrow semi mount 16" bottom plow. iHC 181,1 ft vibra shank cultis ator Danish style 10' 1 ft. cultivator. Massey Ferguson t13 seventeen run seed drill with fertilizer. John Deere 1240 four row plate type corn planter with insecticide boxes. etc recently rebuilt. Martin built 2000 gal. liquid manure tank with vacuum pump and tandem axles. Old unit for agitating manure. Gehl mixmill with variable speed loading auger magnet etc McKee Corn Hog grinder. blower for high moisture corn. Continental 300 gal. 1.1 S. trail sprayer with fibreglass tank. set of drop norzles Mauer type four row bean puller, Innes 500 ar. bean svindrower with cross convenyor Hagadorn 8 ft. single auger snow blower. four wagons with gravity bins. Beal'. 16 ft. silo unloader, Buzz saw. Woods rotary chopper. Allied 36 ft. x 6" portable grain auger. PT() drive. 10 ft land packer. Pioneer chain saw fanning mill. portable air compressor. Airco 22S amp welder. plus a few misc. items. TERMS CASH FARM SOLD AUCTIONEER — RICHARD LOBB Clinton 482-7898 For Information phone the owner CARL RICHARDSON 482.7898 CARL RICHARDSON 519-527-1487 Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. • R.G. GETI3KE • • Proprietor • CLEARING AUCTION SALE Self propelled combine, three tractors, forage and tillage equipment etc. to be held for Ross Lovett at Lot 34. 35. 36. Concession 8, Holten Township, five miles north of Clinton, Ontario on Baseline road or five miles south of Auburn. Ont. Friday, May 14, al 1 p.m. COMBINE AND SWATHER: Gleaner C2 sclf propelled bean special combine with cab. straw spreader. four row narrow corn head, 12 ft. grain cutter bar head and Innes pick up..Cockshutt 503 self propelled 10 ft. swather w hay conditioner. TRACTORS: Case 1070 diesel with cab, heater, radio, turbo charger. dual external hydraulics. 20.8 x 38 rear tires, 1100 x 16 fronts. 20.8 x 38 T bar dual wheels. Cockshutt 1850 diesel tractor with cab, hydra power drive, external hydraulic outlets, 18.4x 34 rears 1 100 x 16 fronts, Cockshutt 1550 gas. tractor w7 hydra power drive, White 1524 hydraulic bucket manure loader, 15.5 x 38 rear tires. FORAGE EQUIPMENT Gehl 600 forage harvest• cr with two row wide corn head and hay pick up. Dion model N14 forage blower nearly. new condition. Quantity of forage pipes. Two Dion self unloading forage boxes on ten ton and six ton wagons. Little Giant self unloading forage poxes on ten ton and six ton wa ns. Little Giant 36 ft. has and grain elevator PT rive. wagon and flat rack. TILLAGE PLANTING ETC.: Overum five furrow semi•mount adjustable plow with spring trip bottoms. Oliver 360 four furrow 14" bottom mounted plow. Allis Chalmers 16 ft. wing wheel disc w 'm & w harrows. Kent 24 ft. wing cultivator with lift cylinder and Cockshutt White 543 four row corn planter with fibreglass hoppers. Kongskildc 11 ft. cultivator with two foot extensions. Geo. White two hundred gal alumi- num tank trail sprayer with hypro piston pump 25 6boom and drop nozzles. Global disc 4/ 6. wide, two gravity bins on wagons, IHC 9 ft. trail cultivator. JM 10 ft. hydraulic fertilizer auger. Gehl 65 mixmill with variable speed loading auger. mixer tank rusad out, good hammermill. Continent 220 gal. saddle tanks. Lucknow 8'/ ft. double auger snowblower with hydraulic hood turner 5 section Allied diamond harrows with pole NOTE: Very leo, or no small items. Farm Is sold TERMS CASH AUCTIONEER — RICHARD LOBE 482-7898 OWNER ROSS LOVETT PHONE 519-482-9802