HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-05-04, Page 18A18 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 4, 1 3 The NEW Huron Expositor ell Phone 527-0240 DEADLINE: Monday, 4:30 ik4m. Coming Events Coming Events SEAFORTH and District WILDWOOD Manor {ranch. Ringette invites you to join Georgetown, Ontario. 40 them in their first Oriental minutes west Toronto. Sum - Tea Garden and 'Dessert mer (':nit. Wilderness ad - Luncheon. Seaforth & Dis• venture. Horseback riding. trict Community Centres, trails. competition. Swim - Wed., s'June 1st. 8 p.m. sting. Complete sports pro - Featuring fashions by Sea- gram. Family holidays. forth merchants. Dessert, Groups sveleon e, 416-8 7- beverage. priers. Admission 6852. _ ___-_ 1.18-01 $4.00. 1-18.4 . - L.O.B. A. Dessert Euchre. TV Stars Family Brown corn- May 4. 7 p.m. Orange Hall, ing May 28 to Brussels BMC Adntissioll-$I.75. ^ 1.18-1 Community Centre 1-18-2 l'HE Sr:d'orthHappy Citizens THE Huron ('aunty Unit of will sleet in the Scaforth the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Legion Hall at 1:45 on fhurs• will be conductingCarnation day May 5. 1983. Plcasebring Dae on Sat. May 'It, in sandwiches. Everyone web- Seaforth. linnondville and c Btucclicld. Ml's. Duke and BAKE SALE: Delicatessan her C.G.I.'1 - girls t: ill he in table, grocery' draw. Thurs- Seaforth. • Mery Nutt and day Mav 5, 10:30 a.m.-former volunteers in Fgnmndale Pliunstecl store. Sponsored and Mrs. Seta and •talon• by the Ladies Division of the tors in Brueelield. Make n Seaforth Agricultural Soci- donation, „ear a carnation. civ.. Join us for coffee and All proceeds go to research, -I muffins. J____.-17-2 BRIDAL Shower for Joyce BRIDAL Shower for Joanne Blake on Friday, May 6, 1983 Rinumcl-. May 4, 8 p.nt. at St. Ambrose R.C. Church, Northside United Church. Brussels, 8 p.m. Everyone Miccll:urcuus. l:veryonc tvc1 1t1,e 1-17x2 w_ekoine. _l -18x1 -�- THE Annual Dinner Meeting The Huron County Health of the Huron -Middlesex Pro- Unit invites you to attend the gressive Conservative Assoc. Expectant Parent Education will be held on Monday. Mav Classes beginning Wednes- 9th. ':30 p.m. at the Lucan day. May 25. 1983. 'These Contnnmity Centre, Guest classes will be held in Clinton speaker is Hon. Dennis Tint- . area only. The cost is $3.00. bred. Minister of Agricul- The next series of classes will ture. For tickets contact your begin the week of September municipal chairman or cxccu• 12. 1983. For further informa- tive members.I17 2 tion and pre -registration. SINGLES Dance at the Surat- please call the Health Unit ford Fairgrounds C'anncx office in your arca at 887-9331 building. Sat. May -. Dane• 1-18-3 ii'? -I, I -18-I Help Wanted ST. ('LIEME:NTS Roman Catholic Church is celebrat- ing its 125111 anniversary %vith 't Pontifical Mass to he held Sunday. ,lily 3, 1983. at 2 p.m. followed by festivities and ,I potluck supper. All parishioners. former parish - oilers and friends arc invited. For more information write Box 351, St. Clements, Ont. NOB 2V10. 1.18.01 HORSE anti 1 ark Auction. Saturday. May 21, 1983, Max yille Fairgrounds. Mas - Ontario. Selling -5 U.S. and Canadian registered horses. (613) 6-8 3(110. Con- signment deadline May 10. 1.18-01 CLINTON Legion Bingo. every Thursday, 8 p.nt. 1st regular card $1. Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of 515.00. $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week. 1-9-tf Help Wanted ENERGETIC person to help with housecleaning Apply in writing to Box 3703, c/o The Huron Expositor, Seafprth. Ont. 4-18-1 EARN extra money part-time as a Regal sales representa- tive. Our gift catalogue is all You need. Write Regal, 939, Eglinton Ave, E., Dept. 445, Toronto. M4G 2L6. 4-18-01 BECOME a professional transport driver. Call us now. Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School, Thunder Bar, 807-623.8686; Ottawa. 611-523-3489; Toronto, 416- 621.8579; London, 519-432- 1'26: Cambridge. 519-648- 2519. 4-11-01 SEAFORTH STEAK HOUSE Waiter or waitress required, no experience necessary, full- time 'morning hours or part- time. Please call for appoint, stent anytime 527-102.4 x2 Tt11•: Blyth 'Sumner Festival lequi1'C"s the following: clerk - typist. Must have 45 w.p.m. speed. Some evenings. May 24- Aug. 211. Cleaning persun- purt linty. 311110 20 to Sept. 10. 130‘ office assistant -most- ly 01 01111145. .1(1111' 2- to Sept. 0. Apply in writing by May 11. 4:18-1 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST Resulred By Huron County Home Care interested applicants please reply In writing, to Mrs. C. Rutter, Acting Director, Home Care Program. Phone 482- 3411. RELIABLE live-in person needed for companion and light housekeeping. Must have driver's licence, wage expected. references preferr- ed. Apply to Box 99, H 4 IS!, Ont. 1 Bus. Opportunity Huron County Health Unit Invites you to an OPEN HOUSE - HEALTH FAIR being held on THURSDAY, May 12 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH, CLINTON. Opening ceremony at 10:00 a.m. with Jack Riddell, M.P.P.; Murray Elston, M.P.P.; Tom Cronin, Chairman, Huron Couhty Board of Health, and Dr. H. Cleslar, M.O.H. "Jump Rope for Heart" skipping demonstration at 10:30 a.m. by Usborne Central School students. Tea room, displays (including Health Unit services, as well as community health agencies), and health films in operation throughout the day for your enjoyment. Everyone Welcome! NO CHARGE. An opportunity to obtain information from health professionals - Just for the Health of It! - r RENT! BUY! Situations Wanted Farm Stock HAVE -TRUCK -WILL - 1 RAVEL. Evenings and weekends, about town, light moving, delivery. refuse re- moval. basements, garages cleaned, spring cleans upf 52.049 . THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the CHILD 'HEALTH CLINIC TEENAGER waiting full time or part time work, anything considered. 527- 1664. 7-17-2 FOUR girls willing to pick stones, do odd jobs. raking etc. Have experience. Phone 527.1923 ask for Diana. 7-18-1 VERN'SChimney Sweep Ser-' vice. Seaforth, Ontario. Phone after 6 p.m. 527-0 7-8 19 year old Walton area male seeks full time employment. Experience in farrow to fin- ish: Willing to attempt any- thing. Call 5r0099 oafter 6 p.m. EXPERIENCED young man would like work on farm, dairy or general construction. work. 345-2349. AVAILABLE to cut lawns. Phone 527-0276. 18x2 Farm Stock to be held at the Health Unit Office, Seaforth Hospital on THURS. MAY 12, 1983 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. for: I. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. 'Hearing Screening 5. Vision Screening 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years. 'ADULT IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO BE OFFERED AT THIS CLINIC THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNiT • invites you to attend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC BOARS: York, R.O.P. tested, governnmenthealth'approved, good sound stock. Priced to sell. Phone 345-2170. 8-18-4 PUREBRED Charolais bulls • with Avignon breeding. Ferg Kelly, Dublin, 345.2197. 8-17-2 REGISTERED Polled Here- ford bulls ready to work, halter -broken, Ed Powell, R.R. 1 Wingham. Phone 335-3893. 8-17-2 Real Estate held at the Health Unit Office Mediical Building. Brussels 011 TUES. MAY 10, 1983 front 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: I. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3 Immunization 4 Hearing Screening Vision Screening 6, Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 \'cars. ADULT IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO BE OFFERED AT THIS CLINIC CLIP AND MAIL- HUTTON REAL ESTATE ASKING PRiCE $15,750 with all offers consider- ed. 3 bedroom. Brussels home, Targe living -room. kitchen with dining area, house fully carpeted, 5 YEAR OLD 3 bedroom Brussels, bungalow on a large lot many fine fea- tures includes fully fin- ished basement with rec roost. attached garage. Asking 549,900. 2 BAY GARAGE: Village of Ethel, hoist and air compressor. parts room, . office. bathroom hook- up for trailer home with extra septic system. drilled well, financing available, Asking $26,000. BRICK HOME with new added fancily room, Vil- lage of Gorrie. Property consists of 5 lots. work- shop. 24 x 38. Asking 525.900. BRUSSELS: 3 bedroom home with acreage. House has oak floors throughout. Building 30 x 36. suitable for horses or workshop. Asking $2'.900. Contact MEL MATHERS W Ingham 357.3208 Representing L.W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. PIGS for sale.. Would like a steady buyer for 50 lb. weaner pigs front a 70 sow herd. Apply Box 3704 0:The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. 8.18.1 PRESTIGE Hereford sale, May 14, 12 noon. Barrieview Sales Arena, Barrie. 35 tested bulls, 41' selected females. Ontario. Hereford Association Box 68, Langton, Ontario I-519-875-4803. 8-18-01 18 YEARLING beef calves. Glenn Pepper. 345.24614.18-1 Farm Machinery Bob & Betty's Variety & Gifts and Radio Shaek Dealer A.S.C. Main St., Seaforth Video Disc Rentals - Urban Cowboy Wo• - Poseidon Adventure - Apecolypse Now - Victor -Victoria Book your movies now 527-1680 Articles for Sale Articles for Sale ONE 4 -row Allis Chalmers scuffler with shields, seldom. used: one 4 -row Smith bean puller. new blades; one 520 Innes • windrower. 519-29-2 655.. 1-15 foot International 45 Vibra Shank cultivator yfith harrow, used one season. 52400. first. Phone 527- 156., Classified Order -Gram SELL! TRADE! ni" ih, 4,Ilm,int ,tli%nrti'l'mont for weeks PRINT ONE WORD IN EACH BOX CHEQUE ENCLOSED Name Address Postal Code Phone Mail to: The Huron Expositor 10 Main St. Box 69, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1WO (I BILL ME 22 Words ONLY $3.50 50c discount If paid within one week Real Estate WHITE Birch trees. all sizes, reasonably priced. 482-3221. 11-18-2 WINDOWS and doors, New const, or replacement. Con- tact Bill Feeney. Your local dealer for Twin Windows Inc. Showroom, Dublin, 345-2405. II-9-tf Real Estate Ltd. CANADA'S lowest price Sat- ellite TV Systems. Complete packages. Weston Satellite Supply Saskatoon, Phone 306-934.170-1. Dealer in uir- ies invited. I 1 01 CONVERTIBLE bicycle suit- able for 4-6 year old. also tricycle, both in good Condi- tion. 527-1837. 1 I-18.1 .The Covered Wagon has arrived in Seaforth just in time for - Mother's Day Look for itat MacLean's Flowers 90 Main Street Seaforth - 527 -0121 - ate. ui REAL ESTATE LTD Real Estate Real Estate. Harold WORKM AN Real Estate Ltd. E. WILLIAM ST.: 3 bedroom frame home. • excellent condition, attractive lot, 537,500.00 JOHN ST.: Beautiful 3 bedroom home. Targe ' family room, garage. nice lot. • Clinton Phone: 404371 300 ACRES NEAR BRUCE - FIELD: Cash crop and hog farm, paved road. FARROW TO FINISH: On paved road near Clinton. 100 acres, very good buildings, F.C.C. mortgage assumable, SACRIFICE SALE: 2 acres with large brick home near Brussels. 87 ACRES on paved road, 50 acres workable, stream cross- es property. good building site. HOLMESVILLE: 13 acres' with farrowing barn. I floor brick bungalow, paved drive. EXECUTIVE CLASS HOME on til acres. Godcrich Town- ship. very well landscaped. in -ground pool. INVESTMENT PROPERTY: 4 unit apartment building, central location in Clinton, vendor will tinancc. '160 ACRE FARM' on paved road near 1O •ro. 150 acres win CO�_ry attrac- tive buildil. - NEAR BRUCEFIELD:6 acres good franc home, drive shed and barn. • HENSALL: I' 2 floor home in good condition, financing available. HULLETT TWP,: 8 ' 2 acres, 50 workahlc. payed road. good building site. 5 ACRES, MORRIS TWP,: • I' i floor brick home. large barn. %cry nice lot, under $40.)10)) 00 M.ENS WEAR STORE AND BUSINESS: Main Street lova• tion in prosperous village. Reasonable price. NEW LISTING: 14 acres, 5 miles from ('imam. good franc home. work shop and ' l small Karn. trout stream on property HOTEL:F !`®d well equipped. Mi., 100 ACRES: ( ropland. Hul- lett Township 46 ACRES NEAR VARNA: 22 acres cropland. 9 acres hard- wood hush large double home. large barn. drive shed with workshop 150 ACRES NEAR AUBURN: 100 workahlc good Krick home. 2 small sheds. 40 acres hush INVESTMENT PROPERTY: 50 rental units at Vanastra. 9 buildings one property, sac- rifice sale 50 ACRES: Farrow to finish. Hwy u8. near Wingham• new, home glen, interest F.0 C mortgage NEW RAISED RANCH HOME AT BCLD: Attached garage.RUelectrEFeIEic heal with heat pump Priced right NEW LISTING: Mobile on { corner lot. Morris Street. ilikinmsomms EGMONDVILLE: 4 bedroom brick ranch, family room with fireplace. very attractive. $59,900.00 GODERICH ST. E.: 4 bedroom ranch. ground Icvcl walk out from family room to inground pool. 519, 900.00 McKILLOP TWP.: 5 ac. with 3 bedroom home and 50 sow barn, Only 545,000.00 HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom on'large '/: ac. lot highway frontage, only $27,500.00 W. WILLIAM ST.: 3 Bedroom, large new family roost and kitchen. 538,500.00 COUNTRY HOME: 4 nti, from Seaforth, triple Krick, 3 bedroom, very nice. STONE HOUSE: 7 acres, Targe shed, very modern ELIZABETH ST.: 3 bedroom bungalow. full basement, large shop, treed lot. Only 544,000.00 1.1 ACRES: Tuckersmith, 4 bedroom homein. excellent condition. $29.900.00 HULLETT TWP.: 2 ac. on 118 highway, 3 bedroom house, 529,900.00 42 WILSON ST.: 3 bedroom, 2 storey, large lot, . 523,500.00. Offers GODERICH ST. W.: V,sO%D ee 4 bedroom, close to'itptnwn. 535,0041 3.5 ACRES: McKillop, 3 bedroom home,, insulated barn. 545,000.00 61 ELIZABETH ST.: 3 bedroom home. large fancily room. much more. 540,000.00 CHALK ST.: Very attractive 2 bedroom in excellent condition. Offers HIGH ST.: 3-2 bedroom apartments. excellent condition, good investment, 540,000.00 GODERICH ST.: Duplex. very modern, good c'ondition, 535,000.00 3.5 ACRES: Stone and brick house. large steel shop. $42.500.00 BRUSSELS: .3 stores on Main Si., Offers. HENSALL: 3000 sq. ft. commercial building, 559,000.00 offers. 4500 SQ. FT.: Commercial building in Seaforth, ideal for light industry, etc. large lot 580,000.00 WINTHROP: 2' : ac. very nice. 3 bedroom home, 540.000.00 GOUINi.00K ST.: Very modern 2 bedroom 11/2 storey. full basement. $32.900.00 COLEMAN ST.: 6 ars. old, 3 bedroom bungalow, , full basement. 538,000.00 McKILLOP: 5 at.. 2 storey brick home, many renovations. 540,000 00 100 ACRES: Tuckersmith Twp., close to Seaforth. 5155.000.00 JARVIS ST.: Beautiful 3 bedroom split level, large lot. 24' x 40' shop. 594,000.00 HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom 2 storey. family room, double garage. an exquisite home, 595,000.00 2 TROUT PONDS: 80 acres, small cottage. very picturesque 5100,000.00 HULLETT TWP.: 5 ac.. 2 storey brick home, 30 sow Karn. good mortgage. 54/.500.00 BRANTFORD ST.: .l bedroom ranch. full basement. carporta bargain at 542.000.00 NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, garage. full basement. nice lot. 555,000.00 LARGE STORE: On Ma,m0ELRDoe aI location. 534.000 00 Offers CALL HENR SEAFORTH 527-0430 EGMONDVILLE: 2 bedroom 11/2 storey, nice area. 525,000 00 VICTORIA ST.: Just that extra bit of charm. 2 storev..1 bedroom brick home, close to uptown. CALL STEVE MURRAY ST. COLUMBAN 345-2172 WiLSON ST.: 1' : storey. 4 bedroom home. completely modern. 549.900.00 EGMONDVILLE: A cozy 3 bedroom brick bungalow with rec room 533.900.00 CALL BILL HENDERSON SEAFORTH 527-0985 MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 MILL ST.: Raised ranch and split level homes. Priced in the $50's. Owner anxious to sell. NEW LISTING; 4 year old brick bungalow. tastefully decorated throughout. att" d garage, close to arena. EGMONDVILLE: New Listing. Beautiful brick home, many extra features. Double garage, double lot. 570's. EGMONDVILLE: New listing, brick bungalow in mint condition. Att'd garage. Located in quiet country setting. $60's. MARGET ST.: 6 year old brick and aluminum bungalow. laundry on main, electric heat, att'd garage. $40's, DUKE ST.: 3 year old split level hone. mint condition, completely finished, att'd garage. $60's, MARKET ST.: 8 year old one floor home, 3 bedrooms, electric heat, family room. att'd garage. HARPURHEY: Raised ranch style home. reduced in price. Must be seen to be appreciated. Nicely landscaped. COLEMAN ST.: Aluminum bungalow. nicely decorated throughout, close to uptown. 538,000.00. EGMONDVILLE: Brick exterior bungalow with 4 large bedrooms, beautiful family room with bar. 540's, COUNTRY LIVING: Executive style home with many features. "Dream House" is the word to describe. Call for showing. ' NEAR ST. COLUMBAN: Beautiful well kept raised ranch style' home, completely finished. Double garage. $80's. McKILLOP: New home, 1500 sq. ft. laundry and sunken fancily room on stain. Att'd garage. 564:000.00. EGMONDVILLE: Executive type home. stone fireplace. Acorn kitchen. att'd double garage and workshop. OLDER HOMES JOHN ST.: 2 storey frame home in good condition, .2 baths, large lot, workshop. $20's. STARLING ST.: Excellent family home, country kitchen, toy room. 3 bedrooms, full basement, garage. $30's. GODERICH ST.: Well maintained 2 storey home, many extra features. Must be seen. Garage. GODERICH ST.: 2 storey stone home. well maintained. sun porch area, I'/2 car garage, large lot. 90 x 120. $40's. CENTRE ST.:1'/2 st'oom home, nicely • decorated through6�OLDca, CHURCH ST.: 2 storey double brick home, new throughout. Attached apartment. Reduced. GODERICH ST.: 2 storey brick home, 2 baths. formal dining. detached garage. Owner will sell • quickly. GODERICH ST.: 2 storey aluminum sided home, 2 baths, family room, paved drive. pool 16 x 32. 538.000.00. EGMONDVILLE: 2 storey home, newly carpeted throughout. new hydro, double lot. $25,000.00 NORTH MAIN: 1'/: storey home with a 1 bed• tom apartment above or use as single home. 525,000.00 NORTH MAIN: 1't, storey home. modern kitchen. gas heat, priced for quick sale_ 529,900.00 McKILLOP: Beautiful brick home in mint condition. att'd fI l ONE FLOOR HOMES cnt. GODERICH ST.: Spacious 2 bedroom home with family room and laundry on main, gas heat. 530's. W. WILLIAM ST.: Tastefully decorated home, new Acorn kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full basement. 530's. MARKET ST.: Nicely decorated 2 bedroom home. no basement. att'd garage. large lot. $30's. CHALK ST.:'3 bedrooms, no basement. electric heat, close to uptown. Try an offer. • CLASSIFIED RATES DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS iS 4:30 P.M. MONDAYS Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. 22 words -53.50 16c per word thereafter. BiRTHS-No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of 56. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement. 510 with picture. MARRIAGES -Free fot 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time. photo and cutline only, 51 S. IN MEMORiAMS-53.50 plus 30c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words. 53.50, each additional word 16c. CARD OF THANKS -25 words 3.50. Each additional word 5c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON OF WEE'( FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -53.00 per insertion. SEMI DISPLAY -1.15 per cm. Phone 527-0240