HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-08-01, Page 4THE WINGIIAM TIMES, AUGUST 1, 1907 T1SERS al nand be left at this V than Saturday noon, E changes must be left San Monday evening. palmtents accepted up 'qday of each week. BLISTDID 1872 NOM! TIMES. 'rRBi.IariZR.12,rD Piaopin To tr. AUGUST 1, 1907. ,ND COMMENTS. Frown Conservative, of raa elected to the Ontario sr Dafferin by a majority 0. elation was made of the nada would in time out - ed States in population. it not that fantastic read- future is fulfilled, it is with her vast agricultural iealth Canada will advance markable developments s of what was once rozen North are year more fully revealed. The in which Canada's past pro - lefty been made is itself a -te at which she is moving •ringlield Republican. tai Witness says that it been a proud moment Sor y Fisher, Minister of Agri- -ere the King and Qaeen at Exhibition expressed their sa t at the fresh and wholesome the Canadian fruit preser- storage. Mr. Fisher, Bays "more than anyone is res• r the policy of cold storage nabled as to keep our cheese nd transport them in prime Sand it is his intention to ex- tern of cold storage to fruit as to keep a supply through- lntry wholegome and df fairly ce all through the year." n of cold storage warehouree and fish: there should be more ese articles tor the seller and ere will be better and cheaper mportance of Ontario is to ired by the number of trips ere of Whitney Government cessary to take to Europe on Mess, then indeed we are a ple. They have been in than three years, and yet the is now on the ocean on his p abroad. Hon. Dr. Pyne has ; Hon. Mr. Matheson has ex - the "alone•in•London" Senea- r. Back has the briny miet brow; Hon. Dr. Willoughby ting out to find out something urs; Hon. Mr. Monteith will y to investigate emmigration. ',ant of the Government will e soon as any earthly ex concocted for thus expend - public money. The deputy of education is also ticketed for n public bnsine8.—Brookville neervative organs are taking e of Sir Wilfrid's return to re- s alleged evil tendencies of his tration. While it is generally that public honesty is of a low in Canada to -day there are of outside of the Conservative ho will heeitare to place the lame ngon the shoulders of Sir Laurier. Let the question be ly: How many members of the ative party in the House of Com - long to the Plum Tree Club? proportion of land grafting and grabbing has been participated e nominal Oppositionista? What en the price of silence at times? gnawer to these questions might erably 'eaten the force of the that Sir Wilfrid Laurier is all- slble for the lack of simple honesty administration of affairs.—Mon- tar, Conservative. W17 f5in your hat to your n hair? Can't do it? arven't enough hair? It must you do not know Ayer's r Vigor! Here's an intro - *ion ! May the acquaint - result in a heavy growth rich, thick, glossy hair! this splendid hsir-foftd, p your falling hair, and get of your dandruff. ae best kLad of a testimonial -- 1a a lar eater sixty ;rest's." atutoiti ao Sura iimstt.u. MIA GOOD WORDS FOR CANADA. The foreign trade of Canada observes a writer in the current Harper's Weekly, has grown during the last ten years from $239,000,000 to $552,000,000, and Is now two and a half times per head that of the United States. The expansion of the Canadian market is attested by the sta. tisties of the economic prosperity. Last year Canadian railroads in which $t,280,- 000,000 are invested, carried 30,000,000 passengers and 102,000,000 tons of freight and earned $106,000,000. The paid-up capital of the banks in the Dominion is $33,000,000, and the aur of their assets is $767,000,000. In 1905 the revenue of the Dominion was $71,005,000 for 6,000,- 000 people, in 1885 the revenue of the United States was but $65,000,000 for 27,000,000 people. No better proof, says the writer, oonld be afforded of the immensely greater purchasing power of Canada today than was possessed by the American republio half a century ago, inview of these facts, it is not strange that Canada should face the future with supreme confidence. It is curious to note that some special attention is paid to the Hudson Bay route project among the many which are engaging public attention at the present time. This route says the writer, will be open for five months in the year, and will shorten the distance between Liver- pool and the wertern shippers of grain by about 2,000 miles --is now definitely assured no fewer than six railways to Port Churchill, the best of the Hudson Bay harbor having been already char- tered. The figures of the great preponderance of Canadian foreign trade on the per capita basis over that of the United States have been- already noted. They are figures in which Canadians have some cause for gratification and which may give Americans ground for thought. —Ottawa Journal. • THE GREEN BUG. R. I3 Petitt, etomologist of Michigan Agricultural College experiment station, says of the green bug: "From all parts of the state, com- plaints are coining in with respect to the condition of the oat crop. The last week has seen a notable change in the onclook. The young oats in a large part of the state have suddenly become as if stricken with blight, the outer leaves tnruing yellow and a ter wards reddish until after a little time the field appears as if badly rusted. •A closer examination shows there are few if any rest pustules, Careful Examination with the aid of a powerful lens shows the culprit to be a minute green insect called a thrips, very small and very quick in its movements, jamping like a flea when dirtnrbed, and disappearing completely. These little creatures have narrow wings with fringes of long hairs instead df the or- dinary form of wings. They scrape the oat leaves and cause them to become withered and to turn yellow and die." The Letter of the Law. Dean Harris is one of the best known Clergymen of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada, and is as remarkable for his literary productions as for his ecclestical virtues. In the city of St. Catharines he was so popular with citiz- ens of all denomination& that he found it comparatively easy to collect subscrip- tions from. Anglicans, Baptists, Presby- terians and Methodists. But a time came when the last-named brethren were desirous of erecting a new church and they ventured to call on the Dean in the course of their financial canvass. The latter expressed his deep regret over not being in a position to contri- bute to the new tabernacle. He was re- minded that members of Protestant churches had assisted him in the church - raising industry. "I know, I know," replied the genial priest, plaintively. "I would be glad to help you, but the rules of my church positively forbid the faithful to con- tribute towards building a Protestant church" The conversation then took a less painful tarn, and finally the Dean asked: "And what are yon doing with the old church?" "We're going to pull it down." replied one of the heretic callers. A great light dawned upon the Dean's countenance. "And will that not Dost you anything?" "A matter of several hundred dol- Iare." a "That'fi a ffetk -situation. Now. I'll tell what I'll do, Tho Mother Church has nothing to lay against pulling down what Protestants have let tip, and it'll be a good deed to destroy the works of the enemy. I'll help you tear it down," And the Methodist brethren went on their way rejoioing, with a substantial sum towards the levelling of their place of worship. The Dean had made good. --Canadian Courier. --•-- Mr. F. J. MoOallum, station agent at l4&idlsnd, is dead. Mr. Geor-ge Watson, architect, died at London, in his 96th year. A St. Catharines boy was bitten by a tarantula, and lies at tie point of death, Constable Rogers, of Winnipeg, who rubbed a hoose on hie beat was sen. tempted to thrall Than 1st tier peisitantS;ary. ALL WEAK WOMEN Will Find New Health and Strength in Dr. Williams Pink Pills. The weak woman can depend upon it that be blood is out of order, for if her blood is rioh and pure she will be strong, Healthy and happy. Bad blood is the cause of nearly all the aches and pains from which women suffer. Keep the blood rich and red by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and suffering will not exist. Mrs. James R. Kratz, of Jordan Station, Ont., has tested the value of these Pills and strongly advises other women to use them, She says: "For more than a year I wag a great sufferer from weakness, I was completely worn out. I lost flesh; could not rest a might, and in the morning I arose .. • e tired than on going to bed. I had ken doc- tore treatment with no ben: • t. I grow worse day by day and wa:./ginning to look upon my case 3 s h. teless when I was advised to try ► r. ., illiams' Pink Pills. To my great ' 'y before I had taken the pills a mo '• th they began to help and by the time I had taken eight boxes every symptom of my trouble had left me and I was once •more enjoying perfect health and strength. I look up• on Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a veritable life savor and never lose a chance to re• commend them to my friends," The success of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is due to their power to make new, rich red blood This new blood streng- thens the nerves and gives nourishment to all the organs of the body, thus curing anaemia, indigestion, neuralgia, rheu- matism, nervous debility, headache and backache, and all the secret ailments of girlhood and womanhood. The Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be had direct at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 from The Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. A man named William Dixon, a far- mer, was murdered near Thessalon, the top of his head being blown off with'& rifle. John McFarland was arrested on suspicion of the crime. Live Stock Maricet.. Toronto, July 30—The ran at the City Cattle Market today was 50 loads, 1,694 head of cattle, 841 sheep and lambs, 221 calves. In addition to the above cattle on sale there were 41 cars of American cattle going through to seaboard. The market was steadier than last week, with prides if anything, a little firmer. The run was light, and this helped to steady prices. The demand was fair, but not brisk enpugh to send the market up any from last week's de- clines, and it is probabie that if there had been a heavy run there would have been some weakening. As it was the market was slow, but prices held about firm. There is very little doing in 0x• port cattle, but one or two fairly good loads were bought for shipping. The stocker trade was very quiet. Sheep and lamb market weak and lower. Hogs—Quotations were unchanged from last week. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice ' $5 00 $5 25 Medium 4 75 4 90 Bulls..,.. 400 450 Light 3 75 4 00 Cows 3 50 4 00 Feeders— best 1000 pounds an• d up- wards 4 70 4 85 Stockers choice 3 25 3 50 " bulls 300 3 25 Butchers'— Picked 5 00- 5 10 Choice 4 50 4 60 Medium 3 75 4 00 Cows........ 3 00 3 50 Bulls • 300 350 Hogs— Best 6 00 Lights 6 75 Sheep— Export ewes ... 4 25 Bucks.,,. 3 00 Culls 3 00 Spring Lambs each.. 6 50 Calves. each . 3 00 4 50 3 50 3 50 7 50 10 00 WINGHAlli MARKET REPORTS Wingham, July 31st, 1907 FIour per 100 !be ..-. 2 25 to 2 80 Fall Wheat -...... 0 85 to 0 85 Oats, 0 42 to 0 42 Barley .... ..... 0 45 to 0 50 Peas 0 75 to 0 75 Butter ...... .... 0 20 to 0 20 Eggs,per doz 0 16 to 0 16 Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 00 Hay, per ton... 11 00 to 12 00 Potatoes, per bushel new, . 0 00 to 0 00 Tallow per lb ,,0 5i to 0 06 Lard .., 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples per lb 06i to 0 07 Live Hogs, per cwt. 6 50 tp„6 60 Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. A NY even numbered section of Dominion 21.. Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may n person who be homesteaded by any pe eo w o is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres, more or less Bntry must be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land is situate. The homesteader is regnired to perform the conditions connected therewith under one of the following plans: (1) At 'eget six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) Of the homesteader resides npon a farm in the vicinity tri the land entered for, the retjuirements as to residence maybe satisfied by such person residing with he father or mother. (8) If the settler has his permanent residence noon farming land owned by him in the vicin- ity of his homestead the requirements as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the said. land. Six months' notice in 'writing should be gi7eu to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent pf. W. CORY, T)eputr of the lltieF'tor of the Interior. af.B.•-•VJnaethoriaed pu"iri(oatdrm of this ad- vorttooniont will not be pekl fair. • Coal Suits FOR WARM WEATHER At a Bargain The hot weather is really just commenced. Do not melt in that heavy suit when you can get a BEAUTIFUL, COOL, LIGHT SUIT made to your order so cheap. Come in and see them, We have a few Youths' Long Pants in Navy Blue. Extra valve at $1.00 for 70c, come along before they are picked np. A BIG REDUCTION IN UNDERWEAR. I11AXWL3LL & HILL T11141M11MOVILMVINialtle10161111001011=ItilifillrOMMIt Mal tit he Big Store, - W!ugham. JNO KERR "TABLE DLICACIESI .?1,1 Some Things that are New and Delicious Merchant Tailors .and Men's Furnishers6 . M'rh ....ibuitAr) trA +Jl 's� 2.1 fJ LIP VVVVYYVVVNA4VVVVVVVVVVYVYNI AAAAA% AAAA AA AAMAMA11 jTwo Weeks' Sale of Shoes!j pi, IIWe 5o pair odd, large sizes Men's heavy working Shoes to be sold below cost. Call and see them. • ;' Special value. We carry a full line of TRUNKS, VALISES, and TELESCOPES. • REPAIRING DONE NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. R. JOHNSTON. c MAAAANN AM/1MMMAAAAAAAA MAAAAAA AAAAAAMHAMMN Preserving Time Is here. The quality of the preserves will depend largely en the quality of the Kettle. A large stock of First Grade Granite Kettle*, three coatings in all sizes and colors to select from. Why not have ono of -our Blue Flame Coal Oil Stoves for the hot season at Reduced Prices. CENTRAL HARDWARE WINGHAM. H. BISHOP. ;furs, PEANUT BUTTER—Imperial Peanut Butter contains all the nutritious parts of the Peanut. Recommended by Physicians as a perfect food. Suitable for picnics, luncheons, camp or cruise. Put up in glass jars 15c each. WALDORF RELISH—Fancy Chop Pickles, just the thing for picnics, etc. Put up in fancy glass bottles 15c. each. CANNED PINEAPPLE—Delicious Chunks, only 10c a tin. Extra quality Singapore Pineapple, put up in chunks, every can well filled. Quality guaranteed. NEW JELLY POWDER—at 5c a package or 6 for 25e. "Bee" Jelly Powder is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We have it in strawberry, raspberry, vanilla, lemon, orange, cherry, pineapple and pistachio. UPTON'S JAM—Assorted, per jar 10c. MACHONOCHI.E'S ORANGE MARMALADE -Large jar 153 each. Old English,Fig and Lemon Marmalade 15e PICKLES—All kinds in bottle and in bulk, mixed. WHITE ONIONS—Walnuts, etc., in bottles, 10c up. WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE—par bottle. 10c. Of course you'll need a Can Opener, we have them, the best on the market, price 5c each . want large quantities of first-class Butter in tuba or boxes. We'll pay good prices. . LISPifC' '��Tra4ktrairMSW4 aP .LGG-'�y'd-ti wigyc? li ♦♦♦♦••••♦♦♦•N♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦O •• • •Z • •♦ • • I 1 4.0 • • • •Z • • We need a lot of help for :t the next sixty days, and t you can help us by filling Z your furniture require- ;• ments. • • 1401 • giving special prices in all kinds`of Furni- _ • • COUCHES, • estern We are including A PARLOR • SUITES, ♦ DINING ROOM SUITS Fair! DED ROOM SUITS, FANCY CHAIRS ♦ • OUR Z• • .•. ,f E• • • Extension .'1'�• ♦ • • Tables ,a• • j • are sold by their reputation. �,,,..- e • • We can give you a Iarge " + table opens 8 feet long, with" , ; ` :y • 5 legs, for $6.€iCl'.• •• w • • 1 JAMES WALKER & CO, L1ondon,Sept.6 I L;:.:z: anaeers.N The Exhibition the People all Like to Attend EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND IT PROFITABLE TO GO! KNABENSHUE'S AIRSHIP daily,' and a full list of Attractions, with plenty of Music. Fireworks after programme each evening, concluding with that grand displaay, 'THE SIEGE OF GIBRALTAR: REDi OED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Send to the Seeretary for Prize Lists, Programmes and all information. W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary, Give us a can. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1