HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-05-04, Page 13n Trappers meet in Belgrave ", -- , -4 Correspondent •.• MRS. LEWIS STOREHOUSE . 887.9847 The Huron County Trap - Brussels s s fire pper's fair attendance. met at the W.I- Hail in$elgrave April 29 with a fair attendance. Ken Marinette and Bob Pegg from the Natural Re- sources gave a tack on a . resgns chief I Marsh showedd a film on film on racorothy Telfer ofoons. Mrs. Do ° Weston spent a few days last The Brussels fire chief has resigned from the volunteer fire department. A member of the brigade for 24 years, fire chief Howard Bernard submitted his written resignation at Brussels council Monday evening. "I think it's time somebody new got on," said the chief. The resignation is effective upon the appointment of a new chief of the 14 -man department. Asking the council if they would accept thg resignation, councillor Gord Workman, re- plying to the reeve's question, said, "If a guy wants to quit. there's not much you can hold him to." A recommendation from the firemen on appointing a new chief, will be presented at the next regular council meeting, said Jerry Wheeler. chairman of the fire board. -"I've fully enjoyed working with the firemen and the department," said the chief. "I told my wife and she could hardly believe it." A reason for the chief's resignation is that his family has moved out of town, resulting in more time being spent away from home during the weekends. "The job of chief is getting more complicated all the time." week with Mrs. Sara Ander- son. Ross Anderson of the vil- lage had the misfortune of having a fall last Wednesday and has been confined to the Wingham and District Hospi- tal since then. We are pleased to say that there were no broken bones. Mrs. Mildred Vannan, Clarence Roth and Jack Mc- Burney are patients in the Wingham and District Hospi- tal. Belgrave neighbours wish then all a speedy recovery. Mrs. Margaret Kelly of Brussels visited Saturday af- ternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Johnston. Mr. ',Clarence Yuill and Mrs. Leslie Bolt visited in Leamington with their cou- sins Mrs, Mildred Elliott and Miss Fdith Stokes on the weekend. Cranbrook' garage sale set ford, Morris Honeyford, low • Roberta Simpson, Gordon Hanna. lone hands - Mildred Perrie, Lloyd Smith, birthday Keith Turnbull. Lucky table #7, lucky tallies -Alberta Smith, Marion Kceso, Gord- on Murray. Ruby Steiss, Mac McIntosh, Jean Conley, Mc- Kee Davidson, Dorothy Mar. tin, Jean Dunn. Ralph Keifer, Earl Mills, Mel Jacklin, Jack Conley announced the pro- ceeds of ro•ceedsof this party were hcing donated by the Foresters to the Hall Board for repairs. He also expressed thanks to all ho had attended throughout the season for their support. Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knight have returned after spendtng the winter in Florida. They were accompanied by Mrs. Russel Knight, Brussels. Recent visitors with Mrs. Ida Gordon were Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barnes and Miss Susan McKone. all of Lon- don. The garage sale sponsored by the Ladies Aid of Knox church has been set for June 8. There will be a community shower for Rosanne Engel in the community centre on Friday evening. May 6 at 8 o'clock. The Cranbrpok Women's Institute annual meeting was held on Thursday April 7 at the home of the president. Mrs. Frank Workman with 11 members present. They were reminded of the East District annual meeting in Gorrie on May 10. The 4-1-1 summary day "Ontario Heritage" will be held for this area at Grey Central school, Ethel, May 25 at 7 D.M. The Huron County Health vencrs•Agriculturc and Can - Unit Will be having an open adian Industries' - Mrs. T. house for the p1blic at Clinton Baker. Mrs. G. Engel; Citi - Ontario Street United Church zenship and World Affairs - May 12 from 9:30 - 4 p.m. Mrs. `E. Workman, Mrs. F. The annual reports were Smith; Education and Cul- tural Affairs -Mrs. D. Perrie. Mrs. Worktnan thanked Mrs. John Vanass; Family everyone for help and co-op- and Consumer affairs • Mrs. oration while she was press• C. Veitch, Mrs. Van Donkers- dent. good; resolutions - Mrs. L. The next meeting will be Knight, Mrs, W. Strickler. held May 5, 8:15 at the home The Forester's held their of Mrs. Jack Conley. final card party for the season All ladies of the community on Fri. evening April 29 with will be welcome to attend. 14 tables in play. In the draw Spinning and weaving will be for a smoke detector Wilfred demonstrated and also there Strickler was the w inner. will be a plant exchange. High scores- Mrs. M. Honey - The new officers for 1983 - 84 are: Past president - Mrs. F. Workman; President - Mrs. Jim Hart, Secretary - Mrs. Wilfred Strickler; as- sistant sec. - Mrs. Donald Perrie. treasurer - Mrs. Clare Veitch; District Director - Mrs. Workman: Alternate Dist. Dir - Mrs. Hart; public relations officers- Mrs. Bert von Donkcrsgoed. Mrs. Robt. Locking; curator - Mrs. Leslie Knight; Tweedsmuir Com- mittee -Mrs. Tom Baker, Mrs. Gordon Engel, Mrs. Fred Smith; standing comm. con - Pork prices lower Continued from page 12 Thirty-three hereford heif- ors consigned by Mac Love of Dundalk averaging 912 lbs. sold fur an overall price of 78.4(1. Chilice Cows -52.00 to 56.00 with sales to 60,00 Good Cows -49.00 to 52.00 Canners & Cutters -45.00 to 49.00 Heavy bulls traded to 63.00) All weights of pigs sold lower • 3010 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of 41.25. 40 to 50 Ib. pigs to a high of 52.00 50 to 60 Ib. pigs to a high of 60 to lb. pigs to a high of 66.00 'Oto 80 Ib. pigs to a high of -5.00 Spring is theme Continued from page l.. St. John's Masonic Lodge 284 and visiting Masonic members from other lodges attended Melville Presbyter- ian Church Sunday morning. Scriptures were read by Wor- shipful Master Leslie Knight and Immediate Past Master Fred Uhler, Lunch was served in the church basement to Masonic members and their wives. ST. AMBROSE Recent First Communi- cants at St. Ambrose were Amy. Chris and Dennis Tcrp- stra. Jeff Maas. Monica Ryan. Bobby Van Nes, Jer- ome and Timothy Kumprey and Peter Albers. The executive for the ('WE. was installed In a ceremony following 9:30 a.m. Mass with Pres. - Margaret Van Nes: 1st Vice Pres. • Joanne Phalcn; Rec. Sec. Anne Ryan; Corresponding sec. - Hannic Tcrpstra: Treasurer Cathy 1 erpstra. Baptisms at the May 1 Mass were Matthew Ross, son of Ross and Fran McCall and .lodv Catherine. daugh- ter of Paul and Debbie Blake. The annual meeting of St. Amhr'nseCW1.was held April 13 at the Legion Hall. Brus sols. with 14 regular mem hers and four guests in attendance A beef dinner Mid -Western Paving Driveways, farm lane, parking lot, repairs FREE ESTIMATES Box 209, Bayfield, Ontario 565-2422 served- by the Legion ladies was followed by instrumental numbers on the electric gui- tar by Tim Nolan. aceompa• Hied by Anne Kernaghan. Dianne Van den brook, Mary Anno and Anne Marie Tcrpstra gave the speeches delivered earlier in public speaking competition. Annual reports were given. Award of merit and perfect attendance awards were given to Irene Blake. Ten tables were in play at the weekly euchre which was held in the W.I. }fall on Thursday, April 26. Winners were: High Lady - Mrs. Jas. R. Coultes, Novelty Lady - Mrs. Minnie Arm- strong. Low -Lady - Mrs. Verena Bone. High Man - Mel Jacklin, Novelty Man - Mrs. William Black (playing as a man); low man - Herb Clayton. A potluck supper Is plan- ned for Wednesday evening May 4 starting at 6 p.m. followed by euchre at 8. Everyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Smithson of Downsview visit- ed on the weekend with her sister Mrs. Robert Procter. On Sunday. April 24 they, all attended the christening of Sherry Lynn. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Zettler of ('hepstow. Over 42 relatives attended the christ- ening. A turkey dinner was held at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Procter of Ailsa Craig *FLATROOFING *SHINGLES *MAINTENANCE *FREE ESTIMATES HENSALL ROOFING COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL RICHARD REGIFR EXETER 235-0911 BOX 1852 EXETER. ONTARIO NOM 150 TEMPO is coming BROOHAGEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Second Annual SALERAMA Saturday, May 7 . 12:00 NOON Dozens of Items will be auctioned at the community hall In Brodhagen. We will have a bake sole again this year. All these items have been donated, with proceeds going to community protects. If you have any Items to donate please call Milt Bode at Dublin - 345- 2032 to arrange pick-up. "Refreshments & food available on grounds, *Ron Gothke, Auctioneer. AT DON'S SHOE PLACE Mom You're a Star SAVE $5.00 ..$20.00 *Gold Star *Blue Star * Red Star * Silver Star on ladies' Sandais 520.00 off $10.00 off 58.00 off $5.00 off Cloud Walkers God.rlch Store only 60 Main Street SEAFORTH Open all day Wednesday Enjoy Summer In Great Comfort *Feelings by Kaufman * Dr. Scholl *Happy Hoppers * Sunseekers by Santana Fashion Year '83 Foot Beds 419P, by Ritter DON'S SHOE PLACE 'Because you're worth it' Summers Mall GOURICH Mon. to Pr1. 9:30 to 11:110 Saturday 11:50 to 6:00 on April 17, in honour of their little daughter Andrea and her grandmother Procter's. birthdays. Those attending were Donald Procter of RR 5 Brussels, Miss Marlene Mc- Gee of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pearson, Brus. sets, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bennett of London. ' A birthday party was held on Sunday, April 24 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Templeman of Walkerton in honour of their aunt Dorothy Procter's birthday when her sister Mrs. Carl Bennett of London and all her nieces and nephews gathered to make this a special day. Mrs. Joe Dunbar and Mrs. Garner Nicholson attended the 36th annual meeting of the Synodical Society of Ham- ilton -London W.M.S. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nichol- son, Sherri and Miss Leslie Cathers of Barrie spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Garner Nicholson.. • •• 1'A1/E111116011111611,1111SIMI11es1•,„ (filfstoK 527-0180 TREAT MOM TO A PIZZA ON SUNDAY OR ANYDAY To P.S. PRICE INCREASE MON. MAY 9TH REGULAR HOURS. EAT IN OR 1 sort Than 11 a ,. Miovte TA,°i OUT $Sa• •Ilam • 2a ni. 6 Air Conditioned HAND DIPPED CONES Parking is : . . si i • M 440 11 P1 FFTI is ilea 5-1! 11r, THE HURON EX OSITOR, MAY 4, 1983 - A13 FORDERED SOLD 1-o/he BARE WALLS f is arbor gifts' modified I:uuML IAGE SALE! OF EVERY SINGLE ITEM IN OUR ' THE NEXT FEW DAYS CAN BE THE MOST IM- PORTANT � SHOPPING DAYS - OF YOUR LIFE! For during the neat few days unld 11te remain• mg stock is sold. you have a once -In -a lifetime' buying pm YOU wdlopbeorluul!urntyd 50"-, OFF the regular price on every single item in our entire stock! 11 you are looking for real bargains here is your answer YOU CAN BUY WITH CONFIDENCE THAT YOU WILL POSITIVELY BE THRILLED WITH YOUR PURCHASES! • We are going to make the Rummage Sale the most talked about 'buying event ever staged in this commundy A SELLOUT IS EXPECTED SO BETTER GET HERE EARLY! OFF! f 9.30 4'1WoY. M sRP!!; s/ - Lp'4 KITCHEN l'83 GADGETSFkO .CANDLES OSOt`S „,:e 08 SOAPS 03.00' GEF'BLANKErs°O4. '1-4,,,44. ,9,q FRAGRANCES N'GN GOtryNS f , ErC bANyONEOF'q KgyD Y Sublet, ►I c/ fo a1 First Co - This amazing offer Is made with absolutely no strings attached to 11. Just think! We are offering you the opportunity to buy quality merchandise at one-half the regular price. Your 500 dollars are now worth 51.00, S5.00 will gel you 510.00 In mer. chandlse ... S10.00 will get you 520.00 worth o1 merchandise, YOU SAVE ONE-HALF. You can buy any amount you want and the more you buy the 1110111 YOU 5800. You can't lose , . , while taking advantage of this sensational Halt Price Sale. frEms the arbor M1/ANY2 ITEMSRICECED IN STOCK DU MUCH MORE THAN REP 43 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ONTARIO 482.3876 STORE HOURS: Open daily 9:30 am -S:30 pm, Thursday and Friday evenings 'till 9 pm Mr. Farmer: This spring let Thompson's supply your 1983 Crop Inputs. Expert advice by a qualified staff to assist you in your planning, Backed by 60 years of serving the agriculture Sector. We offer: - Complete soil and tissue analysis Computerized reports, including r1nicro nutrients and are easily understood Each plant has the most modern, fast custom fertilizer blending units in the area, back- ed by 10 floater units for custom spreading - Numerous delivery units and pull type spreaders. We are the main distributors for most farm chemicals and custom apply 28% nitrogen solutions for your weed and feed program. //3[4\ Plant Thompson's Hyland Brand Seeds for top yields and quality products - • Check out our Granular Soybean Inoculant prices any • Forage Seeds including Trumpeter Alfalfa • We can supply, deliver or apply We encourage you to book early FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE at all 4 locations o f Pt. Albert 529-7901 Mitchell 348-8433, Hensall 262-2527, Granton, 225-2360 •