HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-07-25, Page 88 THE WING Ah TIMES, JULY 25, 1907 MINQR LOCALS. °•W'riday, July ;13th, ^-C Q holiday—next Thartday. Xte E.. Jollnsten'a advt. on page 4. —Today i civic holiday at xanoknow. holiday—one: meek from to - 4;1411q, T11e1414y WAS Civic holiday at Tees. glutei'. —Friday, August find is Wroxeteea vivito holiday. —•Parkey Hal won the )reefer -ail Imes at Proton last week. --Monday morning's shower of rain helped the growing oropa. --Special prices in dinnerware are be- ing offered at Griffins'. See advt. --D, F. AfoDonald shipped a oar load of cattle to Toronto on Wednesday. --New stook of visiting oarda just in. Leave your order at the Tams office. —Garden party at Mr. Hugh Tacker'a Con, 9, Tarnberry, to morrow (Friday) night. —Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters, meets tomorrow (Friday) evening. --Mr. Wm. Constable- has sold hie residence in Pleasant. Valley to Mr, Switzer. --Thirty-one people were killed and seventy injared•in a railroad accident at Salem, Mich. —The Teeewater News is not being )published this week, the staff taking the initial, week's holiday. --Mrs. 0. Guest has been in rather poor health for some time, The old Iady is in her 78th year. .-..Wingham junior baseball team Was defeated at Lucknow on Wednes- day of last week, Score 12 to 8. —Mr. John N. Francis, aged 83 and Mrs, Sarah J. Tisdale, of Chicago, were married at St. Thomas last Tnnrsday. —Roderick McLeod, a resident of Kincardine from his youth was drowned while bathing in the river at that place on Thursday evening. —A large number of people have been passing through town during the past week on their way to the Old Boys' Re -Union at Kincardine. —The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held this ;Thursday) afternoon, commencing at 3 o'ciook in the 0, 0. F. hall. —Owing to having an engagement to play at Eadie's garden party on Friday evening, the band concert will be held on Thursday evening this week. —Mr. Chas. Barber has commenced the work of building the concrete abut- ments for the new iron bridge to be built over the Maitland River, south of Wingham. ---The rhubarb in Mr. Wm. Tompkins' sardeu bee wade wOudesftil growth this tear. The leaf of a stalk pulled on Tuesday evening measured 42 inches each. way and the stalk was seven inches Mr. Cohn Kennedy, of Seaforth was round. —For Wiugham's civic holiday return of Hamilton, are visiting their cousins, oalltng weekon old Wingham friends this Lillian and Clarice Moffat. . tickets will be sold by the G.T.R. to any Mian McConnell, of Windsor is visit- Mrs. D. E. McDonald and children place in Ontario, good going afternoon leave to -day for Kincardine where the trains July ori ,and all trains August lug at the home of her uncle, Mr. C. A. will spend the next few weeks in camp• Rintonl. let, good retttraing up to and including ing at the lake. CONTINUA rioN —say is a Hummer THE REQ) TICKET ON EVERY PIECE OF GOODS, MARKED PLAIN, THE PUBLIC SEEM TO APPRECIATE. . * . . PRICES ON ALL LINES NEVER HERETOFORE HEARD OF! Any quantity of Produce Wanted. THE BEE HIVE STORES, PERSONAL. A. E. ENGLAND Mrs. H. E. Isard is visiting relatives and friends at Kincardine. We shall be glad to have contributions to Mr. M. McD. Fleming, of Listowel, this column from any of our readers. if yon wee in town on Wednesday. have visitors or purpose going away yourself. drop in and tell ns, or send us a note to that Miss Jean Ross, of Clinton is visiting effect. with. Wingham relatives and friends. Mr. W, P. Grierson was visiting at Mrs. P. V. Burgward, of Seaforth, London for a few days. ie v isiting at the home of Mr. A. Kelly. Mrs. Jas. McGuire, of Ohesley fa visit- Mrs. Jas. Maxwell is visiting for a ing at Mr. R. A Hutchison's. few weeks with relatives at Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill are spending Mrs. V. R. Vannorman and her friend, a few weeke at Bay View, Mich. Mrs. Thompson, 'were visiting at Dun. Mrs. Duffield, of Toronto is visiting gann0u this week. Master Ross Maxwell is spending part s fev dans with Mrs. Hanson, of his holidays with his untie, Mr. Mies Isard and Miss D, Barwaah are Hugh Ross, at Clinton. spending this week at Kincardine. Mise Mary Parrott and Edith Tansley, Atigaat 24d. Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Beeler, of Gerrie Mrs. Leiper, of Hullett, and Mrs. Kerr —On the "mann" of the Old Boys, wsie Calling on old Wingham friends on and children, of Pittsburgh, Maes., Monday, -faired Mrs, B. $clines and Mrs. John lie•Union at Kincardine on Tuesday j wee )screws match loetiveeil the te".ms Miss Mamie PatersOA is spending Goy, of Turnberry, last week. Df Kincardine and '1iingham, the latter a Yew weeks with Mrs. J. D. Long Mr. Jas. CaiweIl of Brandon and Mr, winning. ':Score, 3 0. The Teesewater of London. W. Elliott, of Kettle Creek, Alta. were baseball nine also went up against the Mrs. Adams and little daughter Viola calling on Wingham friends this week lake town team, and were victorious, are spending a few days at the lake, at while on their to the old boys' re.union the score being 6 to 2. Kincardine, at Kincardine. —Mr. A. Dnimage has opened an offloe Mrs, and Mies Thompson, of Barrie, Mrs, O. Kerslake and children, of in the VaoStone building and has en- are visiting at the home of Mr. V. R. Wingham, spent a few days visiting the gaged in the Are and life insurance bust.- Vannorman. • former's parents, Mr. and Mre. Mathew nem, loaning money, and conveyancing. arm W. J. Moonily, of Stratford was Harburn, West Ward, efface our last Mr. Daimage has had many years ex- visiting for a few days with her cousin, issue.—Mitchell Advocate, perienoe in these lines and will guaran- Mrs. H. B. Elliott. Mrs. Robt. Marlow and her daughter, tee satisfaction. Read his advt. in an- George Orvis, who has been in Kin- Lillian, of Swift Oarrent, Sask., are other,colamn, cardine for the last few weeks returned visiting at the home of her brother, —The public have little appreciation of to town on Saturday. Wm. Ellacott of town and also at her the value of well conducted local news- ttev, W, Lowe, of London was call- sister's, Mrs. Andrew Gemmill of Tarn - papers. Their offing of beneficence to ing on his numerous friends in Wingham berry. the community are so common that they for a few days this week. Mr. J. V. Guest, accompanied by his are unnoted, but none the less no town Mrs, John Gray returned to her home wife, and son, Leroy, of Chioago, is or city can advance without its news. in Toronto after a few days visit with visiting relatives and friends in town and papers are in the forefront of its ad. her son, Mr. W. G. Gray, vicinity thia week. Mr. Guest is a for. vanCement. They are the life of the Mrs. J. Mountain and two Children, mer resident of Wingham, having left community. They must lead in every were visitingat the home of her here over twenty yearn ago. effort to invite capital, enlarge indust- foe and enthuse the people in the use of brother, Mr. Robt. D. Mason. MieaLnlalsbister,of Saskatoon, Sask., their advantages Mrs. Connell of London visited in is spending her holidays at the home of Wingham for over Sunday, with her her parents in Morris. Miss Isbister has husband, Conductor Connell. been re-engaged to take charge of the Mies Edith Beemer, of the O. P. R. same eohool as last year, with an advance is salary of ten dollars a month. Telegraph office, Toronto, is spending a few weeks at her home here. Mrd. Oherles Barber and daughter, Miss Lizzie Barber, are spending a week with friends in Kincardine. fastest making passage between an European and American mail port. The best time ever made on the New York route was five days and eight hours. Miss Bertie Maines, who has been operator in the telegraph office at Lucknow for some time spent Monday at her home in town before leaving for Renfrew, where she takes a good position. Dor. R. H. Crsawder returned home on Tuesday evening after an absence of twelve weeks spent in the Old Land. He spent part of the time at his parental home in Manchester and visited London and Paris, He reports a very pleasant trip on the water, never having missed a meal through sea sickness. the ever made A Filthy Habit, It is very annoying to business people. when they come down to the store or office in the morning to see the cement Walk opposite the door plastered with tobacco spit, Where young men are in the habit of congregating or sitting on door steps during tha long evenings after business hours the sidewalks are in ei filthy state. This is partioularly so on Monday morning, after Saturday night, all dais Sunday~ and Sunday night's accumulations. The habit is filthy enotilth when it does not interfere With anyone else but the chewer, It is A decided nuisance to others, especially with long skirts of light colors. Mr's. W. W. Gray, of Stratford has been visiting for a few days at the honie of her cousin, Mr. 0. A. Rintoul. Mr. and Mrs. A. Omens, and children, of Parkdale, were visiting for a few days With Mr. and Mrs, Abner Cosena. Misr Frances Baemer has returned home after spending a couple of Week' vaobtion with relatives in Toronto. Dr, R. and Mrs. Agnew, of Clinton, ' are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Agnew. Mr, Robert J. Galbraith, of Guelph, IS spending his holidays with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Galbraith, Bey. Canon Craig, of I'etrolie, was the guest of Bev. T. S. Boyle st St. Paull rectory fora couple Of flays )art week. DBOKEN• LOTS OP-- StationOry is (boxed) and Envelopes a pecfol pr•lo�t leas Ont for school open - log SAUNDERS A young daughter of James Jones of Southwood was impaled on a hayfork and Ties at the point of death. Adam Lodwick shot hie wife dead near Vallantyne's Corners while the woman was in bed with a young infant in her arms, Four girls from Port Ryerse went out in a punt, and were driven across Long Point $ay, being picked up by a tug next morning. Rev. George Jackson of Toronto, who is holidaying in Scotland, deolaree that he lass seen more public drunkenness in Edinburgh in three days than all the year round in Toronto. BORN. �► Proprietor - ,rte mri or.s atro.. '. 1 1 WANT to buy y' '-} 1 Seo • • d- n fry Hand SCHOOL B00:., Will [r —t give beat grioes. P . Cu sAU DERE • 'vvvvvvvvvinvvswi:wvvi CHRISTIESI 1 1 i The Store Of Quality Fon Teas and Coffees Spices and Vinegar Groceries and Provisions 41. Huge reduotiona in Dinner Seta, Tea Sets, Toilet Seta, eto. .�t BitADW1N—In Galt, on July 19th, to 14Ir. And Wits. [ ra. A. E. Bradwin, formerly of Blyth; a son. � ChristieTurnberry, on July 20th, 1: e /HenChristie wife of Mr. Henry Hoyles; a son. Mr. and Mre. R, Elliott and Master Frank Elliott, of Brantford have been visiting with relatives and old friends. Mr. Elliott returned home on Monday but Mrs. Elliott and Master Frank will remain itt town for a few weeks. Mr. Joseph England and his two sons, Joseph John, and Bev. Ohrlstopher England, of Michigan, formerly of Morris, were renewing old acquaintance - ships in and around Belgrave. Their Oki home was where Reeve Taylor now lives, and they were the first settlers of Morris, Mr. Itobt. Maxwell, sr. returned home on Saturday atter spending serer• al weeks in Scotland, visiting the scenes of his boyhood day's. hale in the old lend Mr. %towel) flatted with a brother he bad not seen for fifty-two years. Mr. Maxwell came home on the Empress Of Britain and the boat made a record trig, landing the made from Li0erpot to 'rotor *kt I t Are days and three lours, • DIED SnonTREED-In Seatorth, on July 17th, James Shortreed, formerly of Morris, aged alt years, 4 months and 9 days. MoKaT—In Grey, on July 8th, Dirs. George McKay aged 74 years, Alritim—At Nicholls Hospital, Goderich on Thursday, July 18th, 1907, Edward Cleary attrili, of Ridgewood Park, Goderich, of con- gestion of the brain. Gm7,Etr—At Oberlin, Ohio, on July 21st, Jane Helm, daughter of the late John Ritchie, of Winghaln, and Wife of Mr, Wilford Gillett, in her 47th year, tnsurance! Mousy to Loan !;, Conveya�piiii' ! Ovvtcih:--West of lit k of Hamilton, corner of Diagonal Road and John street. It'EPREBENTING The Western, and Union Pire In- surenee Companies, The Canada Life, and the London And Lancashire Life AS01111 neo Companies. Roe had. upwards of 20 yearn of ex- psrience fa Conveyancing, and ata pre- med to exeonte 'Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Agreements, Wills, correctly and at moderate charged. money to Loan on Iritrm and 'town Property. All business sytriotly private and 001f4 Admitted. A oalt *aliened. A Otilitliartli Grocer and China Merchant MNMM/MMANAMAAAAMMAA Farmers and Feeders WINGHAM. . t'+rilaswrat� a • TelegraphDperators li- Are wanted badly by ourCan- adian Railway Companies. They are forced to advertise for them today, With 3000 Yniles new road building the demand will be still keener. Wby not get ready? Tho work is *lean and nice and the salary very good. We prepare you quickly at little cost. Write us for free par- ticulars. Central Telegraph School, Gerrard East, Toron- to. W. H. SHAW, President, Wool, WANTED—Highest price paid in cash oz,trade.--T. A. Mlnr,s, ' Joseph Long, of awdon township had a number of IIB the poisoned, and Robert Cowan, a eighbor, has been arrested on anapioio . FALL TERM Opens Sept. 3rd. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. V•••/ This School which is an old and well established one stands to the forefront as the greatest Commercial and Shorthand school in the West. x Oar Teachers are experienced In- structors, oourses thorough and practical. We assist graduates to , positions. Write for our free cata- logue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. YVVYWWWWWWWWWWW nMMMAMhl1'MMN/MNMM01 'Two Weeks'SaIe of Shoos! I5o pair odd, large sizes Men's heavy working Shoes to be sold below cost. Call and see them. Special value. We carry a full line of TRUNKS, VALISES, and TELESCOPES. REPAIRING DONE 1VEA.TL1r AND PROBPTLY. ,PSC„ JOHNSTON- M AMI� MMMAAMO AANMAAAA Attention 1 ! . The following prices will prevail for one Week after each issue of this paper at my mill and Marc, Belgrave, wbero the largest stock of feed, eto., in the county is kept:— Flour Ogilvie's Royal Household Manitoba, per sank . $2,60 Gienora - - $2,86 Beat Family Ontario, per sack . $2.30 Oatmeal--Manitoba'rbeet, per saok$2,25 Ground Oil Cake, per sack . $1,7G ()racked Corn for bine or young chickens, per 100 lbs - $1.25 Oats—good and clean, per bushel - .¢8 Gement--Best Portland per bbl $2.10 and $2.15 Coat --Beat Anthracite, per ton • $7.00 Coat Oil 5 gallons for .75 I also have unlimited quantities of Corn, Peas, Oats, Barley and Wheat for chopping from $24.00 to $80.00 per ton chopped, leave your bags and have them filled, Bran, Shorts, low grade Flour, Salt, eto. always on hand At lowest pricer. Highest cash prioe every day for all kinds merchantable grain. Try me for quality and pries, Re Eat ificitionzio SULGRAVE, OM* 3 W AMM`/1NMNN%1MAKAAAli AA6 estern Fair� The Exhibition, the People all Like to Attend. EXHIBITORS AND 'VISITORS FIND IT PROFITABLE TO GO1 KNAt3ENSHUE'S AIRSHIP daily, and a full list of Attractions, with plenty of Music. Fireworks after programme each evening, concluding with that grand displaay, 'THE SIEGE OF GIBRALTAR: REDUCED RATES DN' ALL RAILROADS Send to the Seoretary for Prize Lists, Programmes and all information, W. J. RzID, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary.. London, Sept. 6 to 14