HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-04-20, Page 9P yISIT THE HOSPITAL -Of Interest to chronic patients and nursery school students alike was the recent visit of the small fry to Seaforth Community Hospital. Here teacher Joanne Holland, right, leads the youngsters In a group activity. (Photo by Svela) Choose hospital carefully birth meeting hears A woman should be very selective when choosing a doctor and, hospital to deliver her baby. It is very important to have a good rapor so that the woman can let her doctor know what her wishes and expectations are. This was an important theme in the dis- cussion of 35 people who attended the workshop "Birthing: Options and Op- portunities in Huron County" sponsored by Wo- men Today last week. Pressure from the public has resulted in many chang- es in city hospitals. " The changes in local hospitals have been slower but this does not mean local hospitals are not receptive to peoples' wishes. Women Today has sent 11 hospitals in and surrounding Huron County a questionnaire about the pol- icies and procedures of ob- stetric care. So far five hospitals have responded by either filling out the quest- ionnaire or meeting with a committee member. Kathi Wilson. workshop leader, explained the child- birth reform movement be- gan more than 10 years ago. The first requests were to have fathers present at births, to have a choice of unmedicated births and to do away with strapping a wo- man down and putting her in stirrups. This has been ach- ieved at merely all hospitals. Now the issues have be- come much more complex. Women are questionning the routine use of internal fetal monitors, the rising Cassa - pearl rate, automatic opisio- tomics and the increasing use of syntocinon (a synthetic hormone) to start or speed up labour. Ms. Wilson recommended several books. The Silent Knife, by Nancy Wainer - Cowen and Lois Eptner; Changing Childbirth, Family Birth in the Hospital by Diony Young and The Rights of the Pregnant Parent by Vain -Jai. Howe -Elkins. The birthing committee will be continuing 10 meet. Anyone interested in being a part should write Women Today, R.R. 1. Belgrave. April 27, at 7:30 p.m. at the Vanastra Rec. Centre will be the McKay Hall in Goderich a panel discussion on Child will be a workshop of Wife Abuse. On May 16 at 7:30 at Battering. The quarterly Egmondville UCW hears about teaching in Indonesia Margaret Robinson of Clinton, who taught English in schools in Indonesia and Java, was guest speaker at �ondville UCW's Thank - offering meeting Apr. 5. Mrs. Robinson showed slides and talked about her experiences. UCW members said her talk "made us as Canadians realize how fortunate and wasteful a meeting for Women Today will be held May 3 at 7:30 p.m. at the Clinton High School. Visitors and new members are welcome. Record cr A record attendance of 75 persons at the Huron County Genealogical Socl `rya A Bilg! 6 els a figure N indication of the growing interset in tracing ones :cola", Miss Anne Clurk of Walton was elected 2nd Vice -Chair- man. A number of queries were read requesting information on families named Irwin, Munroe, Campbell, Morri- son, Linkletter and McDon- ald. Alison Lobb presented the program "Genealogy - Get- ting Started!', covering what you want to find; what you need to get. where to look. steps to ftollow, recording your informdtio , filing tips, letter writing ips, typing your own charts, i terviewi�nitg and research tip a tim- bering systems. Sh stressed that you contact all relatives, leaving no one out even if someone else thinks they inay not be interested. Full name, including middle names and nicknames, are very impor- tant, as are complete dates for • births. marriages and deaths. She suggested that THE HURON EXPO$ITppR,, APRIL 20, 1983 •r- A0 wcl .learns how to research roots yo slWays record the source of our lnformatlon for future re rence. Alison stressed th you should be persistent,, as ere may be many reasons for . people not answering cor esppndence immediately an •: always enclose a self- ad•ressed, stamped enve- lop ison noted that a good fill g system, one which wo ,ks for the individual, is mo f imkrtant right from the ver beginning of research. Ch nging systems part way thr•ugh takes valuable ,time. Ea•h file should be identified an perhaps colour coded. In so .e cases correspondence - do ments - information sh ets may require cross fill g when they involve more th . one person or area. hen researching, make yo r preparations in advance, no only contacting libraries an ,archives that you plan to vis t, but relatives also as th y may bq away when you pl to visit. Ensure that you tak along the proper tools; paper. pencils. recorder. etc. Keep a detailed record of your results for future refer- ence. It is most important to note where photocopies came society we are." Mrs. Robin- son was introduced by Marg- aret -Stephenson and thanked by the UCW president, Lois Moore. Half the offering was dedicated to further her work in Indonesia. Mary Helen McLachlan gave devotions and Merelyn McKnight and Dawn Papple sang a duet at the largely attended meeting. SUPER SPECIAL from (name of magazine, atlas, etc,) A booklet entitled "Genea- logy • Getting Started!" is available from the Huron County Branch A follow-up workshop covering Types of RelPRreh Racn„ree9 will be held ,at the, May meeting. ' Tyke mystery prize for the evening, a plaque. was won by Bill Partridge of Goderich. Regular meetings of the Branch are held the first Wednesday of each month at Lilacs are topic at Hort- Society The Seaforth Horticultural Society met at the Public School Apr. 13. The presi- dent. Ruth Beuttenmiller welcomed everyone espe- cially new :nemb rs who received a bonus. Trees and shrubs will be ready for pick up at the town shed on Railway St., Apr. 21 at 9:30 a.m. Mr. Holetich of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton was guest speaker, on lilacs. The largest lilac collection in Canada is at the Royal Botanical Gardens which is also second largest in the world. The largest collection is in P..^besrer. New York. 7:30 p.m. in the Board Room at the Assessment Office, Napier Street, Goderich. Guests are always welcome. For further information con- tact Alison Lobb 482.7167. Mr. Holetich showed slides. Members were reminded of the annual plant and flower sale at the Rathwelf building on May 7. A bus trip to the Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton and Phipps African Violets is planned for Sunday, July 10. More details will be an- nounced at the May meeting. Peter Uremko, London, will show slides on his own collection of wild flowers and give some' tips on flower photography at the next meeting at the school on May 11. All first year new mem- bers will receive a bonus. [3tiiIho LANE: Larry and lane Lane wish to announce the arrival of their daughter Katherine Ann born March, 1, 1983 at St• Joseph's Hospital in Lon- don. A sister for Jonathan and Heather. ANDERSON: Jim and Marg are happy to announce the arrival of -their son Matthew Eric on March 29, 1983 at Wingham and District Hospi- tal. A brother for Lindsay, Brad and Amanda. Proud grandparents and Eric and Marjorey Anderson and Mar- ie and Jerry Heffron. WHITELEY: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whiteley are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter Jessica Lynne, on April 10. 1983 in Ottawa. CHICKEN BREASTS 304'3g zehrs NOW'S THE TIME for your Spring and Summer WEDDING RENTALS ...we are taking orders now for p -coming Weddings. See us for the Nev 1983 FREEMAN FORMAL STYLE BOOKLET CapbdIs line market,. a( fine lbotts SPECIALS EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY, APRIL 26 SCHNEIDERS STORE SLICED SUMMER 9.46 /kg SAUSAGE 4.291b. B URNS SMOKED FULLY COOKED ROUND S.93/kg DINNER HAM 2691b, 2 L W BRAND STORE SLICED COOKNAM ED 2.29. PARAMOUNT RED SOCKEYE SALMON 7.75 OZ. TIN IDF1IY 111101110IPPIFIT 13 cu. ft. NO FROST REFRIGERATOR 1.79 FRESH CUT FROM THE LOIN CENTRE CUT PORK CHOPS 5.05 2.29 /kg Ib. FAST FRY "CENTRE CUT" PORK LOIN CHOPS S.27 /k9 2.39 1b. ScHNEIDEAS $WflT PICKLED C�ORNMEALED BACK BACON 7.25 /kg 3.29 Ib. COUNALYp�giLE 4. irk: PORK -WIN ROAST 1.29tb. SCHNEIDERS'C‘NTRY DRILL SMOKED SAUSAGE 0009 ..79 E.D. SMITH'S GARDEN COCKTAIL 28Oz69# JAR MOWED WHITE NSL WHOLE WHEAL CRACKED WHEAT ZEHRS BREAD 675 g LOAVES 2197 AUTOMATIC BOWL CLEANER VANISH 350 mL 1.19 14 oz. LIBBYS QUALITY ,SAUERKRAUT 59' N ESTLES 2 VARIETIES 660 g ICED TEA MIX 2. 99 N IGHLINER ASSTD VARIETIES FISH FILLETS ''- 2.49 NEILSONS (HALF & HALF) 10%s CREAM soomL89' PKG. OF 4 WESTONS CHOCOLATE SWISS ROLLS 99' 5 FLAVOUR VARIETIES KOOL-AID SUGAR FREE 2's VARIOUS 139 WEIGHTS . 3 Centre Cut. 3 Rib Portion A 3 Tenderloin Portion Combination FRESH YOUNG ONTARIO CHICKEN LEGS 194 kg BUDGET PACK PORK CHOPS 4.17 1.89 Ib. WITH EVERY S40 ORDER FREE CANADA'S WONDERLAND BUY ONE GET ONE SUMMER PREVIEW PASSPOFI_T COUPON SCHNEIDEI S COOKED HAM 175 g 1.69 PKG. FRESH CUT FROM THE LOIN PART 4 3Ib BACK ON . BONELESS PORK CHOPS OR ROASTS ‚.'5 2/kgIb.79 COUNTRY GOLD ROUND DINNER HAM 6.37/kg 2.89..' DUNNS 111110-011 .0.95/1.9 SLAB SIDE BACON 1.79 ib. NO NAME HOT OR SWEET ITALIAN SAUSAGE SOO9269 PURE MARTINS APPLE JUICE PORK AND BEEF BURNS BREAKFAST FARM STYLE SAUSAGE 3.06 /*9 1.39.. TENOEIILOIN PORTION' 4 Irks PORK LOIN ROAST 1.1191, SCHNEIDERS SMOKED SKILLET STRIPS Soo g 2.29 LIMIT 6 PER CUSTOMER 48 OZ. TIN 79# NORMAL,' DRY, OILY ENHANCE LIBBYS IN TOMATO SAUCE SPAGHETTI, ZOODLES OR ALPHAGETTI 450 mL SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER 3.4 9 NEILSONS 2•/. BUTTERFAT COTTAGE CHEESE 500 g TUB 1.3 3 VARIETIES PURITAN STEWS 680 g TIN REVIVE, APPLE, ORANGE McCAINS DRINKING BOXES 3,099° BOXES ORANGE PEKOE RED ROSE TEA BAGS CARTON OF 60 1.69 227 g ALL PURPOSE OR WHOLE WHEAT FIVE ROSES FLOUR 2.5 Kg 139 1.79 2 14 OZ. TINS f FOR NSILKIENCE HAIRM�/aIST 300 mL 12.ri 9 COUNTRY GOLD SLICED BOLOGNA REG. OR ALL BEEF 1.49 975 g 1011 OF 141 O2. NO -NAME T-BONE STEAKSe 5FROZEN 16.98 i SUPER SPECIAL VALUPLUS WIENERS 99,. PKG. SCHNEIDERS SLICED COOKED MEATS 9 VARIETIES 97' 175 g.PKG. BOX OF 12 - 6 02. NO NAME WING STEAKS 4 FROZEN 1398 NO NAME 3 VARIETIES MEAT CHUBS two 9 2.49 6 DAYS OF SPECIALS EVERY WEEK SCHNEIDERS BREADED HONEY OR PLAIN BUCKET OF CHICKEN -a3.99 We reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable weekly family requirements CRUSH OR PURE SPRING SOFT DRINKS ASSORTED VARIETIES 750 mL w BOTTLES £ FOR 8 EPs 3 VARIETIES LIBBYS BEANS WITH PORK 19 oz. 990 SWEET MIXED YUM YUM OR BABY DILL BICK'S PICKLES 1.SLJAR 199 REG. OR MARSHMALLOW NEILSON HOT CHOCOLATE 5w. £29' 3 VARIETIES KRAFT CAL -WISE DRESSINGS LAYS OR RUFFLES ASSORTED POTATO CHIPS 300 g PKG. 1.79 McNAIRS FLAKED, SHREDDED SWEETENED COCONUT COLOURED PRINTED WHITE, YELLOW, ALMOND ROYALE TOWELS E O. SMITH COCKTAIL 1.79 ROLL 1, 9 FURNITURE POLISH 2 �� BEHOLD 350 g 13 cu ft. No Frost Refrigerator No time warted m detroeting either the freezer or refrigerator sections In This attrac live NO FROST Refrigerator Its handy too with It's Many convenience (natures that nuke the Ideal storage of food so much easter Features Include _. • Top Mounted Freezer • Bl rtter Keeper • Two Vegetable C,lepere • Large Epp Becket • Dalry Compartment. • Adluetebl• Shelves • Energy Bever Switch • and even mora (not exactly as Illustrated) (PHELANS PLACE) )SebringvilJe - Tel. 393-6181 200 g 99' 500 mL 1.49 KRAFT CAL -WISE ASSORTED COLOURS ROYALE FACIAL TISSUE IEE SHEET 690 BOX SOFT STYLE REGULAR OR DIET IMPERIAL MARGARINE SLEEVE PACK DRESSINGS COLESLAW 1000 ISLAND CREAMY CUCUMBER 1.69 50ARL FOR YOUR LAUNDRY BOLD 3 DETERGENT 6 LITRE 4.79 • FROME$p POLY BAGS URtEN„QIANT PEAS on CORN 350 g 89° PKG. McNAIR SEMI -SWEET CHOCOLATE CHIPS 350 g PKG. 1.69 MACARONI MMD BEEF ESCALLOPED CHICKEN A110001.01 STOUFFERS ENTRES 326 g FROZEN 1.99 REGULAR DEODORANT COAST BAR SOAP BUNDLE OF 4 BARS 380 9 1.99 ALLANS 3 VARIETIES LICORICE CANDY 508 S9° NEILSONS ASSORTED FLAVOURS FAMOUS ICE CREAM 2 LITRE 3.19 S9'B. INSTANT SYRUP 3 FLAVOURS MILK MATE 350 ml t39 BADEN BRAND 227 g COLBY CHEESE 1.79, DIETRICNS SCONE ROLLS 12's 990 FLAMINGO BRAND 12 ° BUTTER TARTS 1.69 Country', enl_. FREE! OF 8 HAIIATITIRGER 000110 WITH THE PURCHASE OF ONE COUNTRY OVEN 16 07, PRUNELLA CAKE Ai 289 CSNITRY OVEN FRESH 12's MU OR WNELE INCEST ENGLISH MUFFINS 1.69 COUNTRY.OVEN DELICIOUS CHEEKY CHEESE BREAD 16 02.1.29 PRODUCT OF CHILE CANADA NO 1 GRADE PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA #1 PRODUCT OF USA NO. 1 GRADE ONTARIO FRESHNO.1 NEW! FRESHAREEN RED EMPEROR MUSHROOMS CABBAGE CELERY HEARTS CRAPES BUNCH 88 G G :96g894 3.!? 5�/kgIb. �Ib /k. ALbF. AGMDNT1 %49 NAISUIM1196/k.d9'.Rifit T 2/79", 1.99 T St DAL1FB11Nu GTN. s.ze • 1.79 EDV'kMrt oa 'APPLES c �11 1 73 u 33' NAVEL ORAL iES DOZ. S NIH l ►8'IONS1.S059# DNT 10 x1 ENSLISN CUCUMBERS EACH l;I i V IVRa7BBNCNES 1.29 3/99' MS` trair 6179' 1.19 PRBBYCT M Y BA FRESH 110 TOPS. RADISHES 16 o2. RAMS e 99 *" 'IU GoAis 4W (, 1' C• RABGRASS PREVENTER ,Dkg rlr %"�� ariblA'J EAc" HIGHWAY NO. $ THESE SPECIALS G®DERICH ONLY IN: AVAILABLE JbSEPHibit ST. (HWY. NO.4) WINGNAM MON., TUBS. D TO 6 P.M. WED., THUMB.. PRI. - D TO D P.M. SAT. Nt36 TO 6 P.M. WE WALLACE AVE. N. LISTQWEL 26 1110 2.99 3.79 INTERSECTION HWY. NO.4 AND B3 EXETER MON.. TURF., WED.. D TO • P.M. THURS., PRI. ♦ TO D P.M. SAT. 6136 TO D P.M. c A