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The Huron Expositor, 1983-04-20, Page 8
AA; r'HQ HI IRON. •EXPOSITOR APRIL. 20- 1983 F.�stp�ci•d show delights children Bob Schneider shares the c of his music when he in concert at Blyth emorial Hall, Saturday, April 23 at 2 p.m. Schneider has become one of the most popular of the children's entertainers, in Canada spinning his imagin- ation and abundant energy into a fast -paced show guaranteed to have not only children but adults clapping and stomping along. He recently won the Juno award for the best children's record of the year in Canada. Originally a teacher from the United States Schneider Th1ENWIZARD OF OZ, a musical, will be presented by students of the Grey Central Public School this Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m. Director, Margaret Whitmore said parents, teachers and students assisted, making costum- es, lighting and constructing the set. Grades three. four. five and six students have been practising for the last three Cribbage d®gaow Sorry there was no contri- bution to the column Inst week but we had been busy putting together a bulletin for the members of the Branch. We hope you received it in the weeks to produce a top quality musical. The costumes aqd makeup are superb. Playing the leading roles are: Dorothy, Cora Lynn Kuepfer; Scarecrow, John Eric V n Veen; Tin Woodman, Jared McCutcheon and Lion, JOff Earl. 1Photo by Wasslntk) team goes to Ont. finals mail last week. 1 would like to Sports chairman Jim War - take this opportunity to thank son reported his mixed all who helped. Frank Phillips euchre was a success with 23 took the photo of our build- tables in play. The pot luck ing. Don Eaton for stamping supper was enjoyed by all and mailing. The office staff with quite a variety of dishes of Robert Bell industries for to choose from. After the the use of their copier and euchre the rest of the evening also their help and to thosewas spent dancing. This who helped address them, coming weekend, the crib - also to my secretary (my wife bage team will be represent - Barbara). Thanks again folks. ing the Branch at Toronto in the Ontario finals. The names New reporter of those on the team are Don Eaton, Bill Wilbee, Jack Eisler and Al Nicholson. Good luck guys. There is also an installation team and their wives going to Brussels to install their newly elected officers to their var- ious offices. Any members who would be interested in attending this function in Brussels are invited, The date.is April 23. at Brussels Legion at 8 p.m. After the installation the evening will be spent danc- ing. Jack Muir in charge of entertainment is holding a Spring Dance on Saturday, April 30. The music is to be live and the price is only $2.50 per person. There are tickets available on a first come. first go basis. We hope to see a good crowd at this function. Jack deserves our support. Word was received of the death of Comrade Orville Oke last week. Comrade Oke was a second -war veteran and for a number of years was postmaster of the Seaforth Post Office. We extend our Sympathies to his friends, family and wife in the loss df a father and husband. Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun aid in the morning we will te- member them. -Gordon Scott F.R.O. Songfest has hand -clapping. music A number from Hensall attended the Song Fest in Londesboro United Church on Sunday evening when the church was packed to listen to an evening of inspirational, hand -clapping gospbl music. " CPT euchre and draw winners Winners of the CPT Euchre Apr. 14 were Ladies high: Grace Pepper; lone hands, Greta Kerr; low, Mrs. Al Stevens; men's high, Everet Felker; lone hands. Bob McMillan and low, Bil' Kelly. Draw winners were: Har- vey Dolmage, Seaforth; David Elliott, Kitchener and Vera Hastings, Brussels. learned the power of music as a teaching aid and has worked wltl!.:y groups of children . qev tR the English language: Thiittechntque has been expanded to make,him a favourite with children at concerts across thel country. He writes songs about things that are important to children like going to school, eating, running, monsters and even ' a bit of nonsense. The secret of keeping his concerts vital, he says,' is his continuous contact with the children themselves. He works with a new group of children in each locality before the concert and in - dudes them in his perfor- mances. For his Blyth visit, for instance, he will be working with the students of Blyth Public School and they will make their stage debut hi his concert. His contagious enthusiasm makes not oniir. his friends on stage, but the entire aud- ience relax and join in the fun, laughing, clapping and singing along. As one woman said, ' I had the same sense of delight the kids do, a kind of recapturing of the best moments of childhood.'+ Tickets for the concert are Surprise Reverend Duke! The minister of First Pres- byterian Church, Rev. T.A.A. Duke, was surprised Sunday morning when mem- bers of the congregation organized a special service and reception to mark his 40 years in the ministry. 'They were joined by the congregation of St. Andrew's Clinton, where Mr. Duke is also minister. It was a lay -person's ser- vice and Hal Claus welcomed the congregation, represent- ing the Sunday School. Beryl Nicholson, of the board of managers, gave a prayer, and special music was pro- vided by the junior and .senior choirs. Rev. R.D.A. (Bob) Currie, a classmate of Mr. Duke at Knox . College„ gave the address, and Mr. Duke offic- iated at communion. Following the service, which was attended by fam- ily members, old friends and members of other congregat- ions where Mr. Duke served, a reception was held in the church hall. still available through the office at 523-9300 at 53.50 Blyth Centre for the Arts box each. THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA Large3Day Chesterfield and Chair Liquidation Sale at The Wingham Sales Arena Friday, April 22, 9 - 9 p.m. Saturday, Apra 23, 9.6 p.ni. Monday, Apri 25,9 - 6 p.m. The Wingham Sales Arena has been instructed to liquidate thousands and thousands of dollars worth of the fine quality chesterfields and chain, love seats and ottomans. This One selecdon comes in Colonial high backs, wing back styles, plaid colours In 100 per cent nylon material, many colours to choose from such as beige, browns, rust, and a variety of floral patterns. These suites are available In 2, 3 and 4 piece sets and sectional corner suites. Also a good selection of pull out sofa beds in various styles. Many more terrific savage on occasional chairs, some wall units, book cases, desks, etc. Be sure to attend this sale and furnish your home for very little money. TERMS - Cash, Cheque, Visa, Master Card Accepted THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA 357-1730 JUST NORTH OF WINGHAM ON HIGHWAY #4 —16ar THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA SOMETHING TO CELE- BRATE: Reverend T.A.A. Duke and his wife Charlotte celebrated the 40th anni- versary since his ordination as a minister at First Presbyterian church here on Sunday. (Photo by Hook) 40 YEARS ALREADY—Reverend T.A.A. Duke celebrated his 40th anniversary, of ordination a a surprise service at First Presb4 fian''churcch,yd Sultdayrr:K)1tOx;tCollege Gassmates,A'tet t,D.A. Curre-pf Awn] _Sound middle and Rev. George Y©ung, of Sarnia right, were among the special guests, (Photo by Hook) For Exclusive and Unusual Gifts The f' Arbor; 41•Albert§f Clinton 482-3876 DUBLIN AND DISTRICT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION BINGO Jackpot ' $550.00 in 55 Calls Friday, April 22 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for September 1983 Here's a face you'll be seeing more often around Seaforth,, especially at the baseball park or the hockey arena. Susan Hundertmark, a Journalism graduate of Ryerson Polytechnicallnstitute in Toronto and a native of London, is the new reporter at the Huron Expositor. A family dinner was held to celebrate Dr. and Mrs. John Turnbull's 40th wedding anniversary, Sunday, Apr. 17. PARTS8DEPOT SERVICE DEPOT at TOM SAWYER WATSON APPLIANCE REPAIR located In SobrIngvllle at PHELANS PLACE Ph. 393-6181 Production by Seaforth Public School Pupils of Grades 5 to 8 Seaforth Public School APRIL 26 AND 27 - 8 P.M. Adults $2.00, Children $1 .00 will be held at HULLETT CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL LONDESBORO Wednesday, April 27 Please contact the school at 523-4201 with the names of those to start school unless you have already completed a pre -registration form. WEDDING RECEPTION for Kevan & Cathy Broome Friday, April 22 9 TO 1 SEAFORTH LEGION PA TH P51 100451 00011110 TR521.751 WED.-THURS. APIA *.21 LAST 2 DAYS FOR Walk down the aisle with Classy a I - St. Columban MINOR SOCCER REGISTRATION Saturday, April 23, 1983 WEDDING RECEPTION TH! vi:iuiw for PAUL GRIDZAK & NANCY HIUSSER April 30, 1983 8 to 1 UPPER HALL SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE Everybody Welcome SHOWING 0/7 7,31 WITH PAUL NEWMAN STARTS FRIDAY 2 GREAT MOVIES EACH NIGHT AT 7:30 P.M. Mu A Drive -I n i 1 SOMETIMES THERE'S ONE THING ON YOUR MIND... FRI.-SAT. BOX OFFICE • OPENS • 7:00 P.M. ; SUN. Be00 P.M. Your• to go totally crazyt: WITH CANADA'S TENNIS SENSATION CAGLIMA !ASSSTT PLACE: St. Columban School TIME: 11a.m. to 1 p.m. LOCAL TAMES ONLY FEE $10 use very best deserve Only CleSSY Formal wear designs and manufactures Ihp., Own high Quality collection 01 the latest styles and Iash,Ons And berallSo we kOnw how special your day really is as an authorized Glassy dealer we are able IO OHO, you yO,lr firs) rhO.rp from Ihp widest selection and largest inventory of the hnest format wear In Canada Gassy a'eouIa110^ it, tog acs based On Ol,aldv and sin,• 0 you ran rnunt On Oto slab 1! h,endly professionals 00 wading V help yrs, OW, Ihp perlert wedding V,.,l n„• SIM, and lake. advanl age of hill coe[.,al 011e, rd $20 roll the rental nl your Page. RIO c 0„'1 0.0 IIj...k'! 0050101 01 '5 Manufacturers of the CLASSY label of quality. t 348-8463 • MITCHELI VISA the co lnwrnnte 0 . run ,1„17 BRUCE SMITH DRIVE-IN TREE*TEM CLINTON leg REECE 8T111t:ET 5e2 -703a -- THIS WEEKEND: APRIL 22-23-24 FRIDAY. SATURDAY. SUNDAY sox OPPIt OPENS AT 7i36 P.M./FIRST SHOW AT B:M The boys we back in town. Nick Nolte.. Edda M rphy.- — School§ Out but Bobby's eduratlon has '1St tkf,un 2ND FEATURE E NIAJA E `• 'ONUS FEATURE FRIDAY -SAT. • TRIP WITH THE TEACHER • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • Sales Representative Mitchell Co-op Store 130 Georgina Street Mitchell, Ont. NOK INO Bus: 348-9975 Res: 348-9975 6. C co-OpCZ oti INSUSANCI AND IIMANCIAI SI•VICIS SPECIAL SHOW PARK THEATRE SAT. -SUN. APRIL 23-24 ir`il h MATINEE ONLY 2i00 P.M. ONLY LIFE•HOME•AUTO•BUSINESS•P 1 �7s V • 0.-4q4;10°,..• ..T; ` DoH lJ;s. :< �. tj r ��-, 527-0180 is NOW . You Can Get BACON ON YOUR BURGERS Is.‘HOURS: F - AT IN • Sun. through Thurs. -Midnight Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.TAKE OUT __ -j • PA TH P51 100451 00011110 TR521.751 WED.-THURS. APIA *.21 LAST 2 DAYS FOR Walk down the aisle with Classy a I - St. Columban MINOR SOCCER REGISTRATION Saturday, April 23, 1983 WEDDING RECEPTION TH! vi:iuiw for PAUL GRIDZAK & NANCY HIUSSER April 30, 1983 8 to 1 UPPER HALL SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE Everybody Welcome SHOWING 0/7 7,31 WITH PAUL NEWMAN STARTS FRIDAY 2 GREAT MOVIES EACH NIGHT AT 7:30 P.M. Mu A Drive -I n i 1 SOMETIMES THERE'S ONE THING ON YOUR MIND... FRI.-SAT. BOX OFFICE • OPENS • 7:00 P.M. ; SUN. Be00 P.M. Your• to go totally crazyt: WITH CANADA'S TENNIS SENSATION CAGLIMA !ASSSTT PLACE: St. Columban School TIME: 11a.m. to 1 p.m. LOCAL TAMES ONLY FEE $10 use very best deserve Only CleSSY Formal wear designs and manufactures Ihp., Own high Quality collection 01 the latest styles and Iash,Ons And berallSo we kOnw how special your day really is as an authorized Glassy dealer we are able IO OHO, you yO,lr firs) rhO.rp from Ihp widest selection and largest inventory of the hnest format wear In Canada Gassy a'eouIa110^ it, tog acs based On Ol,aldv and sin,• 0 you ran rnunt On Oto slab 1! h,endly professionals 00 wading V help yrs, OW, Ihp perlert wedding V,.,l n„• SIM, and lake. advanl age of hill coe[.,al 011e, rd $20 roll the rental nl your Page. RIO c 0„'1 0.0 IIj...k'! 0050101 01 '5 Manufacturers of the CLASSY label of quality. t 348-8463 • MITCHELI VISA the co lnwrnnte 0 . run ,1„17 BRUCE SMITH DRIVE-IN TREE*TEM CLINTON leg REECE 8T111t:ET 5e2 -703a -- THIS WEEKEND: APRIL 22-23-24 FRIDAY. SATURDAY. SUNDAY sox OPPIt OPENS AT 7i36 P.M./FIRST SHOW AT B:M The boys we back in town. Nick Nolte.. Edda M rphy.- — School§ Out but Bobby's eduratlon has '1St tkf,un 2ND FEATURE E NIAJA E `• 'ONUS FEATURE FRIDAY -SAT. • TRIP WITH THE TEACHER • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • Sales Representative Mitchell Co-op Store 130 Georgina Street Mitchell, Ont. NOK INO Bus: 348-9975 Res: 348-9975 6. C co-OpCZ oti INSUSANCI AND IIMANCIAI SI•VICIS SPECIAL SHOW PARK THEATRE SAT. -SUN. APRIL 23-24 ir`il h MATINEE ONLY 2i00 P.M. ONLY LIFE•HOME•AUTO•BUSINESS•P 1