HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-04-20, Page 4b A4 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 20, 1083 Mrs Lioyd Miler is .. Staffa WI president Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 Mrs. John Drake 'host'ed the annual meeting of the`"' Staffa Women's institute at her home April 13 with 18 members and one visitor present. The president. Mrs. Lloyd Miller presided. A collection was taken for Water For All. During business members were reminded of the 4-H achievement night for currant project "Looking Good" at Upper Thames School on May 9 at 7:30 p.m. A discussion was held regarding the 80th birthday and a committee was - named to look into the cost etc. of publishing a cook book. All reports showed, a very successful year. Mrs. Wm. Mahon stated that there was a membership of 29, nine of them life members and that the average attendance had been 17. The branch sponsors four 4-H homemaking dubs and celebrated 25 years of sponsoring 4 H this past year. Handyman hijs were given at each meeting and this proved most educational. The branch corresponds with a branch in Kent, England and contributes each month to Pennies for Friend• ship. Community activities include gifts to local nursing homes. cards and flowers to the community sick, and three trophies presented each year at Mitchell Music Festi- val. Staffa WI is proud to have seven new members this year. The nominating committee presented the slate of officers for 1983-84 and they were installed by Mrs. John Temp- leman. Plants, slips and bulbs were exchanged following the meeting. Officers are Past President Mrs. John Miller. President Mrs. Lloyd Miler, 1st Vice President -Mrs. Dalton Smale, 2nd Vice President Mrs. Ross McPhail, Secre- tary Mrs. Wm. Mahon. Trea- surer -Mrs. Charles Douglas, District Director -Mrs. John Miller, Alternate -Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Branch Directors Mrs. Bert Daynard, Mrs. Robert McCaughey, Mrs. Art Smale, Mrs. Bob Parsons, Public Relations Officer -Mrs. Carter Kerslake. Pianist - Mrs. Robert McCaughey, Assistant Pianist -Mrs. Wm, Mahon. Auditors Mrs. Cam- eron Vivian and Mrs. Bert Daynard, Press Reporter Mrs. John Templeman, Assistant Press Reporter Mrs. Cameron Vivian, Sun- shine Committee -Mrs. Cam- eron Vivian and Mrs. Ruby Reed, Tweedsmuir Curator Mrs, Ross McPhail, Tweeds- muir Committee -Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mrs. Ed Chappel, Mrs. Art Smale, Mrs. Jack SUNSHINEW-HIT SLICED BR.EAD Milt,....., .Imo vera Ham-' bley, Mr. Cameron Vivian, Mr. Tom Scott and Mr. Alvin Barbour, Nominating Com- mittee -Mrs. John Temple- man. and Mrs. Orpha Norris. Standing Committees - Agriculture and Canadian Industries -Mrs. Arthur -Kemp and Mrs. Orpha Nor- ris. Education and Cultural Activities -Mrs. George Viv- ian and Mrs. John Temple- man. Family and Consumer Affairs -Mrs. Dalton Smale and Mrs. Bert Daynard, Citi- zenship and Mild. Affairs - Mrs. John Miller and Mrs, John Drake, Resolutions Mrs. Hazel Harburn, PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris, Jill and Robert, Mrs. Orpha Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Skinner. Robert Heckman, Mitchell. Susan Norris, Kit- chener, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long- man. Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dow and Mr, and Mrs, Ross McPhail have returned home from an enjoyable holiday in California. Mr. Robert McCaughey is home again after being a patient in Seaforth Jason McCaughey is home after being a patient at St. Marys Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Drake and Murray, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs David Sim and girls. Southwold. St. Columban has parish party Correspondent MRS. CECILIA RYAN 345-2028 Sr. Viola Feeney, Ursuline Motherhouse, Chatham and Mrs. Mary Eckert of Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Eckert and family on Saturday evening. Mrs. Theresa Maloney of Ritz Villa, Mitchell visted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Maloney and family. Miss Joanne Swart of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swart. Mr. and Mrs. Jade Mac- Rae, Jenny and Ian of London and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Subject and family of Kitchener visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don Cronin on the birth of their first child, a daughter born on Saturday. April 16. Grandparents are Jim and Mildred Cronin of St. Columban and Jim and Dorothy Delaney of Dublin. PARISH PARTY A large crowd attended the St. Columban parish party held at the Brodhagen Com- munity Hall on Saturday night. Three door prizes were won by Gordon Cronin, David Regier of Kitchener and Jack O'Reilly. Don Melady, who spent the past few weeks with his parents and relatives return- ed on Tuesday to Nigeria. West Africa to resume his teaching career. KELLOGG S CORN FLAKES 0 49 675G. SEAFORTH SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET OPEN MON. to SAT. 9 n.m.•6 p.m. OPEN EVERY Thurs. & Fri. Nite till 9 p.m. SUPERIOR CUT MEAT PAPER TOWELS 2 ROLL PKG. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Chaplin (Ann Melady) and son William have moved from Thompson, Manitoba to the St. Columban area. They are temporarily living with the latter's brother Tom Melady. Ann will be working with the Perth District Health Unit out of Mitchell. We would like to welcome this family to the area. Cromarty WMS dinner features income tax skit Cromarty W.M.S. enter- tained Mitchell W.M.S. and other ladies and girls of Cromarty church at their annual pot luck dinner on Good Friday. •- .resident, Dorothy er, we • ed guests an presided for April meeting. She was as- sisted by Betty Dow. Muriel Scott, Lila McKaig. and Lil- lian 'Douglas. Taunya Van Allen enter- tained with several numbers on the accordian. A humour- ous skit was presented with Lillian Douglas taking the part of the father who cheated on his income tax in order to get a larger refund, and Muriel Scott as his wife. Edna Stoneman was their teenage ughter who had been ca _ ht cheating on a test. The skit e . ed with the. doorbell ringing • 'd all three hiding Jean Hoff er of Mitchell showed slides of-'apua New AYLMER FANCY TOMATO JUICE 89 4. :f Leriv.'%C•,isS��iGi:;ii:::i::%l'i::i�:i>.>.{i �: i:•', Guinea, and described some ot her experiences when she • and her husband spent some time in the South Pacific Courtesy remarks w"•re made by Betty Dow, Hibbert United Church were guests of Cromsrtt Presbyterian Church for the annual Good Friday evening service The Rev Kenneth Knight led in the worship service with the Rev. Wilfred Fearn reading the scriptures. Perth board says no to French immersion There will be no French Immersion program, pilot or otherwise, in Perth County public schools this Septem- ber. The Perth County Board of Education eliminated any chance at its April 5 meeting, when in a 13 to 3 vote it turned down a request for a pilot project for French Immersion in Stratford. The subject can't be brought back before the board for another three months. thus even if the board does approve a pro- gram at that time. it will be too late to implement for the coming school year. Before engaging in its own lengthy debate, the board heard arguments on both sides of the issue from the public. Dr. Philip McCabe of Stratford, heading the parent group in favor of French Immersion spoke again to the board. "There is no acceptable reason why French Immer- sion can't exist here in September 1983," said Dr. McCabe. The opposing public view was presented to the board by Elroy Bartman of RRI. Gow- anstown. He presented board chairman Dereck Ward with a petition signed by 742 people whom he said "are not ignorant of the issue", Mr. Bartman also pointed out that 35 people from the north end of the county had accomp- anied him "We -are not opposed to the Frcnch core program. We are not bigots or kooks." empha- sized Mr. Bartman address- ing concerns that have been raised through letters to the editors in various county newspapers. The Wallace Township res- ident outlined concerns of those who signed the peti- tion. Additional costs necces- sitated by such a, program for such things as books. class- room space and increased French consultant time were noted by Mr. Bartman. "Some children don't have readers," said Mr. Bartman. "The silent majority have stood up." stated Mr. Bart - man. McKillop people visit in Brucefield MRS. ED REGELE 17 Canadians at the sales. 527-1106 One registered American Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mc- saddle bred stallion was Callum, Chad and Janice bought and exported to Can - visited Saturday evening with ada. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hart- Sympathy is extended to man at Brucefield. the family of the late William Mrs. Joy McCowan and Boyd and also the tamiltes ot friends from Markham and the late Mrs. Gordon McGav- Guelph spent the past week in in. Lexington. Kentucky. While Mrs. Harold McCallum there they visited various and Mrs. Ed Regele visited breeding farms and near the on Tuesday at the home of Tennesse border. They spent Ethel and Elmer Dennis three days at the Red Mile Mr. and Mrs. Harold Me - track and Tattersall's Sales Callum spent a few days at' Arena where there were two their cottage at the Manitou. days of sales of registered lin Island. American saddle bred horses Randy Nevers spent the and one day of registered weekend with Mrs. Ed Reg - Hackney ponies. There were ele. KENT *GRAPE *ORANGE •FRUITPUNCH DRINK 'N BOXES Several trustees indicated that while they arr in favor of a French Immersion program they would be voting against the idea of a one•veat pilot project for Stratford "I do not sec any purpose for a pilot project said Listowel trustee Rev. John Anderson. He personally supports the idea of a French immersion program for Perth County and doesn't think tht Board could learn anything more from a pilot project 'Mr. Anderson said that to some of the people he repte scnts, voting no to Frcnt h Immersion program is sync holicofvoting no to increased taxes. "I don't think it does hut they think it does stated Mr. Anderson, Blanshard Ton nship trust ee Peter Black who has continually opposed French immersion. on the basis that more emphasis is needed in expanding the board's core programs, responded to the argument that Perth studen's will need French in the future to obtain employment saving "unemployment is just as great among Quebeckers Trustee Herman addressed the concern that the pilot project would benefit Strat- ford students only. She noted that if the pilot project is approved now and again after the first year it would he extended into the county. Superintendent of program Keith Thompson said Mrs Herman was making the _correct interpretation. The board turned down the proposed one-year pilot pro Ject which would have been offered in Stratford at Central Secondary School for kinder. garten and grade one with the cost to be covered by grants available from the Ministry of Education. 3OF x• $7.99 CASE 9250 ML. NABOB TRADITION BLEND VAC PAC •X FINE COFFEE •FINE •REGULAR GROCERY FEATURES 'TOMATO TOMATO OR VEGETABLE SOUP 2 75,4,, POST SUGAR CRISP $1 99 COW BRAND BAKG SODA 69,G . Z 5 5 369G , COOKED SPAGHETTI FACELLE ROYALE 69t!. TOILET TISSUE 1 .89 McCQRmicic S SNACK CRACKERS 350G PAMPERS TODDLER OR TODDLER ® 4 9 PLUS DIAPERS ' acs —BAKERY TREATS FROZEN- FOOD _. BAMBI 100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAD McCAIN'S DEEP & DELICIOUS SWANSON'S FROZEN CAKES ENTREES RED ROSE S ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS 99 19 OZ $1 33 • 5.5 TO 8.75 OZ. 450 G. $169 . 60, WESTON'S CHOCOLATE SWISS ROLLS BUTTE 9 TARTS $1 • 10'5 994 Prices effective until Saturday, April 23, 1163 In most Superior Stores W Rrssrvs the is Limb Oswtttiss t. Nerd hely tq.4..srta SEAFORTH SUPERIOR MARKET SUPPu 1