HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-07-25, Page 66
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The more particular you are,
The better you will like it
The fine quality of Red Rose is most appreciated by those
who are the most particular.
Notice the clear, amber color in the cup and the delightful
fragrance when poured from the teapot.
Will you try a package to -day ? Ask your grocer to send you one!
1 .11
11 I I 1 1 11
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Nearly a million people died of the
plague in India during the first five
enonths of the present year.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medigine—Dr. Wood's- Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satiefaotion. Price 25
cents -
Appendicitis has made such steady
'pro,gress in Germany from year to year
that medical Booieties have taken it np
lox' special extended study.
I s sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. MI dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chas*
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
Austria's great salt mine at Wiellczka,
bag 600 miles of galleries and employs
-9000 miners, It hair been worked for
over 16 centuries.
In Santa Roaa, Oat., is a church with
45 sitting capacity of 200, which is
built entirely of timber sawed out of a
single redwood tree.
/saxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
_Headache, Billiousnese, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
The latest chair for the victim of sea-
Stioknese has a movable seat vibrated by
an electric motor. This is said to give
surprising relief to the sufferer.
A 16.year-old Hungarian girl, living
in Denver, is said to be the only female
maker of violins in the world. She has
just completed her fourth, and all of
them are said to be of fine workmanship
and excellent tone.
Free, for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a
Trial size box of Dr Shoop's Catarrh
Remedy. Let me send it now. It ie a
snow-white, creamy, healing, antiseptic
balm. Containing such healing ingred-
ients as Oil Eucaliptus, Thymol, Menthol
ete., it gives 'nets& and lasting relief to
Catarrh of the ncse and throat. Make the
free test and see for yourself what this
preparation can and will accomplish.
Address Dr. Shoop, Roine, Wis. Large
jars 5Q gellIg. $old by delelere,
Germany excels all other counties in
the production of honey. It is estimat-
ed that there aro 2,000,000 beehives in
that country, with an output of 20,000
tons. Spain is second with a production
of 19,000 tone from 1,690,000 hives.
Pleee get quick and certain relief from
Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please
note it is made alone for Piles, and its
action is positive and certain. Itehing,
painful, protruding or blind piles disap-
pear like magic by its nee. Large nickel -
capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by all
The Bell Telephone Co.'s line from
Goderioh to Port Albert, Kintail and
Dungannon is now completed and theme
points now have the means of speedy
communication with the outside world.
The "oentrals" are at H. Hayden's store
at Port Albert, M. Whitty's store at
If you want a sure curs for
here it is. :
The mucous membrane being in an
hallanted condition, causes running at
the nose t but when this Membrane is
• Mated the discharge teases.
Erery eflbrt should be made to _cure
Ontarrh, for it leads to Catarrh of the
Throat, Stomach or Bladder, Consurap-
tion and Bright's Disease.
"Oxygenator" 01 put up in large slut
bottles. Price, 11.2S, $1.00, and Mc.
"oxygen istor" is by All *Wesel•
awl retail druggists.
The Oxygenator Company
Taranto, Canadian
According to the Voter's Lists for the
townehip of Usborne just published
there are 801 voters.
The wife of Dr. J. 0. Orr, Manager of
the Industrial Exhibition, died suddenly
at Vancouver.
Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, infianiation
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
Ireland bas about twenty bacon fac-
tories which slaughter annually 850,000
Thevoter's list of the township of
Stephen shows there are 1256 voters in
the township.
Many people say they are "all nerves,'
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy snoh
people require. They reettore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
now nerve force to shaerered nervous
Thomas Durnin, of Dungannon, was
sworn in as a Justice of the Peace before
His Honor Judge Holt.
Libel suits asking for $280,000 damages
have now been filed in connection with
the Cayuga murder trial.
Peat fodder for cattle is made in Ger-
many of the top layer of peat, mixed
with per cent of molasses.
Bow's Thls
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.
CHENEY & Co. Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and fluancially able
to carry ont any obligations made by his
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testis
motsials sent free. Price 75 c. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
How do Americans pronounce the
name of their country? The head mas-
ter of a school to Ent/lend mays it is
Italy's state 'effete' took in $177,000,.
000 in a year and gave back in prizes
$9,000,000. Much of the money came
from the poorest people,
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Au immense Scottish celebration will
be held in Seaforth, under the auspices
of Lady Nairn camp Sons of Scotland on
Friday August 16th.
It is reported that Japanese merchants
with the aid of their Government, are
making persistent efforts to capture the
cotton markets of China.
I'll stop your pain free. To elfow you
first—before you spend a penny—what
my Pink Fain Tablets can dol I will moil
yeti fie, a Trial Package et thetn—Dr,
Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neuralgia,
Headache, Toothache, Period pains, etc.,
are due alone to blood congestion. Dr.
Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill
• pain by coaxing away the unnatural
blood pressure. Tient is all. Address Dr,
' Shoop, Racine, Wis. Soid by all dealeri.
There is said to be but one non-union
cigar factory in all New England, and
only 20 cigarmakers employed in the six
state* who ere not member* of the union.
• A lady told this story in en 'afternoon
dinner speech :—Onoe, upon tinier
there was a Sunday school alas* in
whioh all the little boys were wont
eaok week to subsotiba their ha'pennies
to a mbilloiutry box. One Sunday their
Weber should like next week
when you put your money In the box,
to] say a text to rne about it." Sunday
ewe, and all the little ones had theist
toxic till it osine to the tern of a little
fa:4W* lad. He dropped his ha'penny
in and seid he, " A fool and hie money
are seen *do."
The simplest way to aeoortain the
purity of olive (it is to freeze it. Pure
olive oil has the exclusive property Of
freezing at 3 or 4 degrees below zero
whereas other oils need a temperature
of ten degrees below zero.
For Over Sixty Tears.
An old and Weil-Tried-Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
for over sixty years by millions of moth-
ers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
oures wind colic, and is the beat remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Be sure you eels
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind. Guaranteed under
the Food and Drug Act, June 30th, 1906.
Serial Number 1098.
The United States snpplied Marseilles,
France, with 10,118,922 pounds of the
16,501,487 pounds of tobacco which that
port received in 1905, according to a re•
port made by Consul General Skinner.
The biggest horse in the world will
be at Toronto exhibition this year. The
hone was a portion of the Morocco ex-
hibit e.t St. Louie fair. It stands 21
hands 2 inches high, or 7 feet. 2 inohea,
weighs 2,835 pounds and is seven years
I will mail yon free, to prove merit,
samplee of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative,
and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The
Heart or the Kidneys. Troubles of the
Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely
symptoms of deeper ailment. Don't make
the common error of treating symptoms
only Symptom treatment ie treating the
result of your ailment, and not the cause.
Weak stomach nerves—the inside nerves
—mean Stomach weakness, always. And
the heart, and Kidneys as well have their
controlling or inside nerves. Weaken
these nerves, and you inevitably have
weak vital organs. Here is wnere Dr.
Shoop's Restorative has made its fame.
No other remedy even claims to treat the
"inside nerves". Also for bloating, bit-
iousness, bad breath or complexion, use
Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write me to-
day for sample and free Book. Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis. The Restotative is sold by
all dealers.
On Teasley 'Morning of last week
there was another break in Fordwich
darn. It is opposed that a musk rat
undermiued the cement work and the
water washed out a large hole o that
the pond was almost dry in the morning.
The break has been repaired.
It is very probable that within the
next few days, Mr. A. J. Rause! Snow,
the Government oommiesioner, Appoint-
ed to hive tigate the conduct arse opsr
Mien of the Iastitute for the blind at
Brantford and certain chargee Muted we
Mr, H. F. Gardiner, the superinteudent
will hand his report to Hon. Dr. Pyne,
minister of education. It is understood
that the personal charges against Mr,
Gardicer are not eubstantiated, and that
the euperintendent will be fully vin-
Stratford Herald: A rather rare
sight was seen on Ontario street this
morning. It was that of an old lady,
76 years of age, shingling a roof. It
might bo well to remark that she is
making a very neat job too.
An exchange remarks that a man can
start out any day, and inside of an hour
and thirty minutes he can engage a wo-
man to work for him for life at nothing
a week, while it will take two weeks of
solid search to get one to work at fair
'ago' and boerd,
Patrick Hefferrean, one of the most
otive and energetic citizens of Walk
erton, died on the 5th instant after an
illness of fourteen months during whioh
he underwent four operations. He was
born in Carleton County in 1851 and
came to Walkerton when 5 years old.
Prices are going up alround. At a
recent meeting of the Brant Council
those who have been supplying g ravel
for the roads were present with a de-
niand that the price of gravel be raised
to 100, per yard. The old ink& is
and as that rate had been set by law at
the beginning of the year, no inorease
could be made this year. Carrick has
inoreased the price from 80. to 9o., and
other townehips will likely follow.
The First Sign of Mental Decay --
The Wareing of General
Break Down.
Changes in the nervous system mani-
fest themselves slowly.
They shove first by muscular weak-
ness—a feeling that threatens paralysis,
or by a fullness in the head that indicates
approaching apoplexy.
It seems like stiffness but you soon
discover there's a laok of power—that
the endurance of this or that muscle is
1101. what it ought to be.
Your friends may notice a Alight
thickness of epeeole or that your mem-
ory is decidedly failing.
These symptommay grow Worse
very quickly if they are not treated by
Ferrozene. You most build np the
norvons system. This can be accom-
plished in no other way as thoroughly
and permanently as by the use of
Tina remarkable remedy, which has
cured tens of thousands of Canadian
people, increases enormously the diges-
tive power, stimulates the formation of
blood, the rich, red kind that puts new
life into the nerves.
The first result of these changes is
increased strength.
Natural circulation quickly follows,
and that fullnese in the head, so clue
turbing and alarming, too, quickly
passes away.
These chanties are wrought in a natur-
al way, for the reason that Ferrozone
treats the causes that excite these
For the aged and weak who need
strength—for those run-down and thin,
for the sickly and nervous who lack
etaying power—nothing compares with
No tonic gives such lasting good
health; try it yourself. Sold by all
dealers in Soo. boxes.
The annual financial report fo the
Luoknow Methodist Church for the year
ending May 31st, 1907, shows the follow-
ing totals: Quarterly board 31120.60;
Special Offering $1068.00; Educational
$39 25; Missionary $288.06; Epworth
League $89.35; Ladies Aid $174.90
Judge Riddell has made an order pro-
hibiting the trial of a Division Court no-
tion brought by an Oxford County man
in Orford against it man who lives in
Huron county. The judge finds that
Buchanan, the plaintiff, who lives in In-
gersoll, must sue in Huron county, and
cannot compel Brown, the defendant,
The ens in a healthy body and ruddy
complexion, the other in ill -health,
blotches, pimples, boils and sores, and
frequently in intenser forms as ulcer',
abscesses; erysipelas, salt rheum, etc.
Every organ of the body depends on
the blood for force and vitality, sod is
but scantily served when the blood is
impure. No remedy is so potent as a
blood purifier or more rapidly producee
new and healthy blood than
IS writ RSkich neutralizes the various poisons and
restores the vitalizing power of this ail
intportent laid.
r� ohbyigt druggist. anti 4101stg,
One of *be worthy pioneers of Seafortle
district, iu the person of Mrs. John
Young, passed away from the life on tbe
10th inet. Mrs. Young had reached the
good age of 82 years. She had been in
feeble health for about *ix years and the
change was a relief to her. Mrs, Youngli
maiden name was Harriet Smith. She
wait a native of Hull, yorlabiro, England
and came to this country when quite
young, Aft sr her marriage to Mr. Young
tht y settled ou Yonge street, near what
is now Toronto and 56 years ago oame to
Hibbert and settled on the homestead
farm on the 7th conoession, where she
continued to reside until about one year
ago, whet\ she came to Seatoith and
made her home with her eon, Mr, John
Young, and where she was tenderly
oared for until her death.
It was with deep regret and sorrow
that the people of Kincardine and dis-
trict learued on Saturday of the emitting
away of the Rev. F. M. Smith at hie re-
sidence on Princess street, Kincardine.
Findlay Malcom Smith was born on
April 13th, 1831, in the village of Oak-
land, Brant County. He was successful
in his studies and 50 years ago was or-
dained as a minister of the Methodist
Episcopal church. Among the many
places he was stationed was St. Davide,
Sinithville, Oranboro Lydden, Welland,
Anoaster, Flamboro, Eramosa, Mt.
Forest, Thornbury, Shelburne, Kincar-
dine, Garafraxa, Kenilworth, Hen-
fryn and Elmwood. It is twenty-five
years ago since he preached in M. E. chu-
rch here on Queen street, about the time
of the union of the Wesleyan and Metho-
dist Episcopal churl:bee. About thirteen
years ago Der. Smith was placed on the
superannuated roll of the church and
came to reside in Kincardine. He was
a man of fine physique, able and ener-
getio, who always kept abreast of times.
He was married on July 13th, 1859, to
Miss Catharine S. Rathburn of Blenheim
township, and a peculiar incident is that
his death occurred on,the anniversary of
his wedding day.
flraItK aud -Vitality for Old.
As old age creeps on vitality is lower-
ered, the heart beats more slowly, the
blood becomes thin and watery and the
power of resistance is lessened. It is the
old people above all others who require
the new lite and energy, which come
with the use of Dr. Chases Nerve Food.
Thousands of old people depend on this
treatment, becanee it calms and quiets
the nerves, gradually and certainly en-
riches the blood, builds np the system
and instils new life and vigor into their
shrivelled arteries.
No Race Suicide Here.
There was, says Canada, buried a few
weeks ago in the cemetery at St. Raphael,
county of &noises°, a widow named
Roy, who wasborn in the year of Water-
loo-1815—and who had almost attained
to her 92nd birthday. She married in
1834, and had 10 children, all of whom,
remarkable to say, are still living, the
oldest being 71 and the youngest 55 years
of age. Her oldest son has 14 living
children, 45 grand children, and one
great-grandohild. Two other sons and a
daughter have respectively 13, 12, and
11 children. Altogether the old lady
. has left 223 descendants.
who is a Seaforth man, to leave his noun-
ty. The amount at issue is only 318 30. Some Results of Torpid Liver.
• Headaches, bad taste in month, indig-
estion, feelings of fulness and discomfort
constipation, backache, kidney derange-
ments and bodily pains are some remits
of a torpid, sluggish liver. By their ex-
traordinary influence on the liver Dr,
Chase's Kidney Liver Pills positively re-
moves the oanse of these ailments and
Why Insurance Companies DIserimi-
nate Against the Gentle Sex.
If one is to believe the medical exam.
inera the reason a woman pays more for
the previlige of life insurance is that she
1 much more commonly a victim of in-
digestion and stomach troubles and the
fatal ailments that spring from these
11 1. not the acute attacks of disease
that influenoe the Insurance [examiners
alone, but the constant feelings or weak-
ness, heedaohe, indigestion and stomach
trouble. These things phyaioiaua say,
kills more people than many of the
serious diseases.
For (motive power in all stomach
troubles nothing else is as safe yet effec-
tive nothing else can be so thoroughly
relied upon to relieve all troubles of hub,
gestion, as Mi-ona. It is unlikely any
remedy heretofore known; it is not a
mere digestive tablet ; it strengthens and
restores to natural action the stomach
and bowels sled make* a complete cure
in even the wurse form of stomach
Walton McKibben sell. Misona itt
50.oent boxes under it guarantee to re-
fund the Money unless it does all that is
claimed for it.
The late Geo, Acheson, of Goderloh,
in his will provided for several sub-
stantial bequests to the Methodist church
including 33,000 to the trustee board of
North Street Methodist church; 32,000
to the general missionary fund, of the
Methodist church of Canada; 32,000 to
the Women's Missionary Society; $1,000
to the imperantation fund, There is
also a bequest of 32,000 to the Woman's
Christian Tetnperanos Union and one of
31,000 to the Goderloh marine hospital.
The Northern Spy ie an apple that is
self sterile. That is, the flowers will not
fertilise themselves, and bare to have
other trees nearby for the purpeee of
frialtatattiag. A gentleman from Heave -
let put out 'several sores of Spy. year.
*KO and failed to gat fruit at %0 year'.
A friend itaivited grafting a teW tree. of
another variety to blow* *boot the
!Atte lilt*. This was dons and OA
otohard immediately became remantra5
tive. This foot is worth knowing to the
A ruddy drop of manly blood
The surging sea outweighs;
The world uncertain comes and goes,
The lover rooted stay',
I fancied he was fled—
And after many a year
Glowed nnexhansted kindliness,
Like daily sunrise there,
My careful heart was free again;
Oh, friend, my bosom said,
Through thee alone the sky is arched,
Through thee the rose is red:
Alt things through thee take nobler form,
The mill -round of our fate appears
A sun path in thy worth,
Me, too, thy nobleness has taught
To master my despair;
The fountains of nay hidden life
Are through thy friendship fair.
Kidney Disease
And Its Danger.
Kidney disease comes on quietly—
may have been in the system for years,
before you suspected the real cause ol
your trouble. There may have been
backaches, neuralgia, eciatica, rheuma-
tism, etc. Perhaps you did not know
these were symptoms of kidney disease,
so the trouble kept on growing worse,
until disturbances of the water ap-
peared, or there wet gtevel or retention
ete wipe, or some suck sign of kidney
Doan's Kidney Pills should be taken
at the first sign Of anything wrong;
they strengthen the kidneys and help
them to filter the blood properly—help
them to flush off, and carry away with
the surplus water, all those impurities
which the bl... gathers up in its dr-
cuit of the b..y.
Mrs. Alfred Le131aftc, Black Cape,
Que., writes : "I feel it my duty to say
a Word about Doael'is KIDNET
I. suffered dreadful pains across ray
baek—so bad I eould not stoop or bend
After hal need two bones I now feel
met corn etely cured. I highly re•
Otrarafnid ours KIDPCIT r11111:' .5011
vvvyvvrryvvvreol rormyrrurrryvvyrryvvyyvill
Clearance Sa e
At Cost and Less.?
MUSLINS—Beautiful Flowered
Muslins, regular 30c at 25e
250 at 20e
tt 20c at 17e
15c tit 12:1
12 at 10c
I( 8e at 5c
E CORSETS—D. & A., up to•date Corsets, regular $1.00 at 80c; regular
75c at 60,L
10 DRESS GOODS—Of every color to be cleared out at half price. It
will pay you to get them. Come and see them anyway, we
„le will be very pleased to show you what we are offering.
FLANNELETTES—Our stock of Flannelettea is tbe largest in town,
and we give you better value than you can obtain elsewhere.
We cannot replace them at the price we ask from you.
We handle the IDEAL SKIRT SUPPORTERS—The best
le thing in that line ever invented.
▪ FLOUR—We have the "Renown Brand", Listowel Flour at $2.40
• per cwt. Try it—It is good.
* BUG DEATH—Try Bug Death for potatoes and all kinds of bushes
• and shrubs. A plant food as well as a bug exterminator.
le • A large stock of Canned Tomatoes, Peas and Corn at reduced prices.
0' A11 kinds of farm produce
GLOVES—Ladies' Black Kid Gloves, regular $1.25 for 80c; regular
$1.09 for 600,
WHITEWEAR—Ladies' Ready made Wbitewear, odd lines. Cheap
White Lawn Shirt Waists, fine embroidery trimmed, regular
81.50 for $1.O0; regular $1.25 for 90e.
Black Sateen Underskirts, regular $1.40 for $1.25 ; regular
$1.25 for $1.00.
Fresh Groceries Always on Hand.
i4,1 'sr
806111111011111191111111111011111110001101111111 011011111,0011110011111•••0001101110411011,
The Wingham Times reaches
the homes of most of the people of
Wingharn and surrounding country. It
keeps its subscribers posted on all the
news of the day—local, political and
• If you have anything to sell, or
want anything, advertise in The Times.
Rates on application,
An Advertisement in
Brings Good Results
We Think Printing
That's our business. We are
constantly on the lookout for new ideas,
and these are here awaiting your accept-
ance. It's no trouble for us to give you
intormation—to write or call—it will
place you under no obligation, and
perhaps we may suggest something you
can profit by. Prices right. Quality
ever the talisman.
• The Winghaifi Times
• 2