HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-04-13, Page 4THE: HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 13, 1983 Da[llfiu u ©Ind Q i : BUSY CHEF—Charles Friend of Dublin was at the St. Thomas Anglican hall on Friday evening helping to cook the spaghetti supper for the eager eaters. Helen Southgate Is in the background. (Photo by Hook) St. Columban CWL names new executive Correspondent MRS. CECILIA RYAN 345-2028 The annual meeting of the Catholic Women's League of St. Columban parish was held on Tuesday afternoon in the parish rectory. Fr. Oost- veen opened the meeting with the league prayer. mad-- red ild-red Cronin presided. All standing committees gave annual reports, noting a very successful year. A bake sale was held after the Good Friday ceremonies. Auctio- neers for the sale were Joe Visser and Bill Murray. The nominating committee of Angeline Swart and Jean Van Drunen brought in the . new executive: president, Mrs. Ken Ryan; first vice president, Mrs. Jack O'Reil- ly; second vice-president, Mrs. Thos. Murray; .third vice president, Mrs. Ray Maloney! recording secret- ary, Mrs. Don Cronin, cor- responding secreta`ry,' Mrs. Peter Van Drunen; treasurer, Mrs. Leon Maloney. Fr. Oostveen installed the new executive and Mrs. Ryan took over the business. The parish party dance will be held on April 16 at the Brodhagen C. of C. Hall. On May 1 a mass will be offered in honour of Our Lady of Good Council. The diocesan convention will be held in Windsor on May 10 and 11. The date was set for the June Social, Wednesday, June 15. Tickets will be sold on a quilt made by the ladies. Mrs. Theresa Cronin won the mystery prize. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Murray visited their son Douglas in Grand Prairie, Alberta during the past week. Mrs. Margaret Lane spent Easter week in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Flanagan and family. Sister Jean Moylan of Windsor visited with her mother Mrs. Mary Moylan on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ryan and SteRhen of Melbourne visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan and also attended the Whyte - Van Bakel wedding reception on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nolan and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sararas and family of Exeter attended the baptis- mal ceremony of their grand- daughter Laura Mary, dau- ghter of Gerry and Gail Sararas of Mt. Carmel R.C. Church on Sunday. The godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cornish of Lon- don. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Danny Nolan and boys. Dinner followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Sararas, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Regier and family of Kitchener visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. Congratulations to Regi Van Bakel and Bill Whyte who were married on Satur- day, April 9 at St. Columban R.C. Church. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mike VanLoon on the occas- sion of Shawn's second birthday on April 6 were: Mrs. Woutrina VanLoon of London; Mr.and Mrs. Jack .O'Rourke, Kevin and Mich- ael, Mr. and Mrs. Gary VanLoon and family and Frank Cronin all from Dublin area, Mr, and Mrs. Brian O'Rourke and Jennifer of Seaforth and Delaine O'Rourke of London. Liz Klaver returned home Friday from a two week vacation spent in Jamaica. Miss Barb Duffy of Guelph spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Duffy. Miss Cathy Ferguson of Cambridge visited on .Satur- day with Mr. and Mis,,,,Bob Cronin. Thanks, coaches, for a season well done Correspondent JOAN CRONIN 345-2772 Another season of long red woolies, cold frosty days and freezing arenas is over for a year as the ice surface is gone until the fall. The hockey sticks and skates, figure skates and broomball equip- nienll is stored away for a few months. only to be replaced by baseball or soccer uni- fornts, muddy cleats and well-worn baseball gloves. It will be rather a pleasant change to sit on the bleachers swat mosquitos on a so mer evening while listen - i} to the umpire yell strike. hose super people un gave up their evenings an , weekends to coach or help in any way with teams during the winter months, you are really special. It is so easy for the onlookers to voice an opinion it seems. but from the players' box it is quite a different picture. The coach-' es. managers and trainers not only instruct but encourage. congratulate. and are patient with the youngsters, and give them values which help mold their characters in the future. Teamwork. sportsmanship and common courtesy to each other and their opponents is the backbone of these young teams. Criticism is an abso- lute essential and it is the hardest to lake and often harder to give, but in the end is only for the betterment of the individual and results in the execution of one's talent at 'its best. • To the wives of these coaches, you know that old saving girls --behind every great man there is a good woman --there is no trouble knowing what sex 1 am. These ladies must be well - endowed with the virtues of patience and understanding as hubby paces the floor and mumbles and pings off the garbage can when walking by after getting wiped out at a game. They also try to be humble as the jubilant roars of a win are heard. As the youngsters pile in the coach's car and head off for an all day tournament, they never even Think to ask where Mrs. Coach is? But we all know -- she is pacing the floor hoping they have a safe journey. that there will be no injuries and that they have a successful day. (Also wondering how long it will take to clean up the popcorn and pop cans out of the car in the morning). The season is over and whether your team won or lost the championship is not as important as our children and those you worked with having had the opportunity to know you. Oh, by the way, one full year has passed since 1 began to write this column and 1 certainly feel that 1 owe you, my readers, a vote of thanks for putting up with such punishment. When 1 began a year ago I had two motives in mind for my work: one was to keep the community interest and spirit alive and the other was to create a smile or a wee chuckle in your day. if 1 have done either of these, 1 will have accomplished what 1 set out to do. I will never get any great awards for my literary creativity, but that does not matter as long as one enjoys what they do and to me this is a labour of love. and I too welcome your criticism in order to give you my best. * * * .0* * The First Dublin Brownie Pack has had an interesting and fun few months in 1983. In January they learned sonic of the basics of crocheting under the guidance of Doro. thy Kupskc and some Brown- ie mothers Ricki Van- -steelandt, Mary Deloyer and Cathy Elliott. On January 27, Karen Mahon talked to the girls about nutrition and exercise and led them in some yoga as well as dance exercise to music. February was International month when they worked on Canada Badge and World Friendship Badge. They saw an excellent Guiding film wha showed what Guides and Brownies do in Finland, Ghana, India and South America. They also saw slides of some of the countries where other Brownies and Guides live. For Thinking Day each girl explored her roots and shared this infor- mation with the pack. Some brought family trees, pic- tures. artifacts or naps of where their ancestors came from. In a short Thinking Day _\ Ceremony each girl lit a candle on a cupcake for a Brownie iri another country and told about that Brownie. The pack exchanged a Think- ing Day card with the First Dapp Brownie Pack of Farvie, Alberta. On February 27, the Brownies joined the Beavers, -Cubs, and Scouts for a special church service at Hibbert United Church. In March the emphasis has been on Golden Bar and Golden Hand work. The Fly- UpCeremony will be on April 28. Fourteen out of the 17 Brownies will have completed Brownies, so there will be openings for many new, int- terested Brownies. For any girls ages ti to 8 who would be interested in.tarting Brown- ies in September, please call Mrs. Ricki Vanstcclandt at 527-0648 before April 28. Visitors with Mrs. Marie Melady at her home this past week were Mr: and Mrs. Bill McMillan, Seaforth; Mr. Don Melady, Nigeria, Africa, Sis- ter Agnes Coyne, Windsor; and Mrs. Fergus Kelly Sr. and Mrs. Marjorie Moore of R102, Dublin. Visitors with Mrs. Marie Sister Marie Brebeuf of Leamington and Sister Mary Magdelen of London were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger u hthis past week. Mrs. Angela Klinkhammer has returned home from Chicago where she was visit- ing with her sister Mrs. Lillian Hill. We wish Mr. Patrick Givi- lin, who is a patient in the Seaforth Community Hospi- Tal,a speedy recovery. Michael Cronin has return- ed home from the Seaforth Community hospital rodhagen babies baptized Correspondent MRS. H. LEONHARDT 345-2419 There were two children .baptized during the worship service in St. Peter's Luther- an Church, Brodhagen, on Sunday morning. They were Sharon Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ander- son, RRI Bornholm. Hcr sponsors are Mr. and Mrs. Murray Anderson of Mitchell and Mr, and Mrs. Randy Partridge of Stratford. Daniel Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilbert, Brodhagen. had as sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Reis, RR2 Milverton, Colleen Gil- bert and Douglas Gilbert. Guests at the Gilbert home after the service were the sponsors and the Reis child - FARM DRAINAGE Inst, tion of CLAY OR LASTIC TILE Open Trench — or — Trenchless [ALL WORKMANSHIP & MATERIALS GUARANTEED) Call tor a quote! H. SEBBEN & SONS LTD. R.R. 4 STRATFORD Ph. 273-1943 °°t ,',. 0C,S h Q` 00 j O °FE 3 30/ Qge4440 L 0 opt 1'4 fs SEAFORTH SEWING CENTRE presents 10% OFF NEW SPRING FABRIC ARRIVALS 1025 Pfaff SEWING MACHINE Reg. $799.00 SPECIAL $64900 MpN SDA E 1pttit tip 2.8 PER" ATAlL rMr:E. SEAFORTH SEWING CENTRE Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mon. to Sat. - open Wed. 4 ren, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Muegge, Pastor and Mrs. Horst and Stephen and Mrs. Melinda Gilbert, Stratford. 4-H The Brodhagen Blushing Beauties met and answered the roll callwhich was "what is your money saving idea using a skin care product" or "describe your interview with an older person about the types of skin care pro- ducts she/he uses." Sherri Bennewies presented inter- esting information on skin care. Sherri asked eight ques- tions and scores told whether a person's skin was oily, normal, or dry. She told a bit about cleansing your face. '1 -hen everyone was to apply a facial mask. Everyone found out that the facial masks made your face very tight. After the 20 minute long procedure, you took the mask off and you had nice soft, smooth skin. Then with a partner each put on a little make up. Everyone felt dif- ferent with make-up on, but had some fun with it. Thanks a lot Sherri for the time and effort to help members learn about skin care. ROY'S RADIATOR SERVICE RR2 MITCHELL Also specializing in Frontnd Alignment & Wheel Balance "ONE MILE SOUTH OF DAVE'S SUNOCO SERVICE" 348-9114 Lawrie Decorafing Wellington St. Blyth 523-4525 3 Blocks East off Main St ,-- Sale Monday, April 11 to Monday, April 25 r - SEAFORTH SUPERIOR'S SUPER SALE BILL WATCH FOR OUR FLYER DELIVERED IN THE MAIL FOR OUTSTANDING BARGAINS OPEN: MON. to SAT. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. OPEN EVERY: THURSDAY & FRIDAY NITE TILL 9 P.M. MAXWELL HOUSE waEwzd ([Coronet Marlene Carpets C✓Savante (Rog. '45.1S sq. yd.) $186 sq. NOW Rog. '24.0 sq. yd. Now $,• 725d. Armstrong C illIMUe (44 colours) (Irrogulat-s) Rog. '11'4.3• sq. yd. NOW 25 13 • eq. yd. COFFEE • 10OZ. JAR 8 OZ. DECAFFEINATED GOLD SEAL "RED" SOCKEYE SALMON 8 9 1 7.75 OZ. • TIN VAN CAMP'S . BEANS WITH PORK 19 OZ. 5 9 TIN "BUY IT BY THE CASE" NIAGARA, ORANGE JUICE 12.5 OZ.69. 5 TIN LEAVER "PIECES &STEMS" MUSHROOMS 4 10 OZ TIN FACELLE ROYALE 3 PLY FAC0IAL T8ISSUES COQ..,.. 0 100'S SUPERI ' ' FRESHLY GROUND. MEDIUM BEEF $1 49 • • LB.,.,LB. HEINZ KETCHUP *2-O'" 1 L. . ' EAT SIRLOIN, T-BONE °R WING STEAKS $1 39 I'3.29KG. I47.49KG. Fuca SLICED ROUND STEAK OR BOTTOM ROUND STEAK ROAST $9 39 LB.. P ROUNSEAK :;::ZP OR •SIRLOIN TIP ROASTS. $9 59 LB. 4.111 • AMIE • '5.29 KG. '5.69 KG. PRODUCE PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 FLORIDA TOMATOES 7 9 FARM FRESI FLORIDA PINK OR WHITE GRAPEFRUIT - O 5 F R 9 9 479t '1.74 KG. LB. BAKERY TREATS FROZEN FOOD SWANSON S •BEEF •CHICKEN •TURKEY T.V. DINNERS MRS. SMITH'S APPLE CRUMB OR . REGULAR PIE si & 99 • 24.6 OZ. SUPERIOR HOTDOG OR HAMBURGER BUNS 2 ° $ 1 . °? DEMPSTER S STONE GROUND OR COUNTRY BRAN BREAD 79c 675 G WESTON'S DONUTS PLAIN OR SUGAR 99 DOZEN Prices o Moo until Saturday, April 16, 14$5. In most Superior Stores We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities to Normal Famil R *9 enf1 SEAFORTH SUPERIOR MARKET 5r "a Yet, Ret!r• S.1s no vn titnvn __SUPPLIED & SERVI E B , • A