HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-04-06, Page 14A14 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 8, 1983 , Belgrave . group discusses nuclear tests August •10 fond m for the Correspondent MRS. LEWIS STONEHOUSE 887-9847 At the recent Belgrave UCW meeting, discussion was held on nuclear testing and members are urged to April II. Miss Laurie Scald- Blyth Theatre suppers• write their M.P. with their well, London, a medical stu- Seventa&feswereinplayat concern. dent recently returned from the weekly euchre which was All ladies are invited to Zaire,, will be the guest held in the W.I. Hall Wed - North Street United Church. speaker. nesday March 27. Goderich, the evening of The U.C.W. are caterine Winners were: high lady - Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, most RRSP .questions for fax time° As for the maximum, a term deposits. These in- other Capital gains you deposit -type RRSP maturing elude stocks, mutual funds, have, and any excess can within live years is insured bonds and mortgages. be parried back one year or free by the Canada Deposit QUESTION: This year I forward for lip to five years, Insurance Corp., a govern- invested 35,00.0 to buy so that it would take two The maxi• %shares in a company that years to fully deduct the covered is went under at the beginning 84,000. of Octobey. I also lent c 83,000 to the same com- pany. What provisions are there to deduct these losses? --Reader's Question QUESTION: I have read suggestions that people should have more than one Registered Retirement Sav- ings Plan. What is the optimum number, and what is the maximum amount that should be held in one plan? --Reader's Question Dollar Sense offers general financial advice by mem- bers of The Institute of Chartered .Accountants of Ontario. Sheldon Buchalter is with Tepperman & Bu- chalter. Chartered Accoun- tants, Toronto. ANSWER: There would be no point in having a dozen or more RRSP's. Penalties for cash -ins and minimum amounts re- quired in some cases might make this impractical. But it's nice to have two of three small, cashable RRSP's for emergencies. ment agency. mum amount 520,000. -- including in- terest -- so you should keep your RRSP's under this figure. One aim to keep in mind in buying RRSP's is to set them up so that they mature periodically. This way, if you have an un- expected expense, you will have the security of knowing that the money will be avail able in two months, or whatever. You will thus avoid being hit with • an interest penalty if you have to cash in a five -,year cer- tificate before it is due. A final thought with RRSP's is that there are plans based on a variety of investments in addition to ANSWER: You don't say whether the company is publicly or privately -owned. If it is a private company, the $8,000 is treated as a business investment Toss. In this case you can write off half the amount against all other income in the year. With a public company, this is treated as a capital loss. You still get to deduct $4,000 against other in- come, but not all at once. It is deductible to a maximum of12,000 $2,000 a year plus any Tea recipes make a refreshing change The Spiced Tea Toddy is a version of an old favourite. For a "spirited" version you can add port wine. You may have seen Blueberry Tea listed on menus and wonder- ed how to make it at home. It is simply made with hot tea, Antaretto and Grand Marnier. To brew a good cup of tea, bring fresh, cold water to a rolling boil. Rinse the teapot with hot water, use one tea bag for every 2 cups or if using loose tea, one teaspoon for each cup plus "one for the pot". Take the teapot to the kettle. Pour out the warming water. add the tea. then pour the.boiling water over the tea. Stir and let brew's minutes. Tca should be fully brew- ed. never under brew for a weaker cup. If too strong add boiling water to the cup. SOME ' HOT" TEA TIPS Add delicious aroma and flavour to your tea by adding a few pieces of dried orange or lemon rind to the tea canister. To make your own flavour- ed tea. add a drop of extract - vanilla. almond. lemon, etc. to a cup of hot tea. Add one or two pieces of hard candy such as pepper- mint, lemon or cinnamon drops. To make your own spiced loose tea. add crumbled cin• namon sticks. whole cloves and dried orange or lemon peels to loose tea. Store in tightly covered jar. Or add a vanilla bean or cinnamon stick to your rani• stet of tea bags. Flavour tea by using sugar cubes that have been dipped in orange or lemon juice. Or for a sweet and different taste, add powdered lemon- ade mix to your pot of tea. Lemon or orange slices are good garnishes and add fla- vour to hot tea. Use cinnamon sticks or candy' sticks as flavourful stirrers, SPICED TEA TODDY 4 cups boiling water 8 tcabags 4 cups apple juice 4 whole cloves 2 whole cinnamon sticks 'h cup brown sugar 1 orange, cut into 8 wedges 8 whole cloves Cinnamon sticks (optional) Pour boiling water over tea bags. Cover and let steep 5 minutes. Remove tea bags. Meanwhile, combine apple juice, 4 doves, 2 cinnamon sticks a d rown sugar in ucepa 1 sar ntj:&,S minutes to &lend flavoytts: Combine with tea. Serve in warm mugs. Garnish each mug with an orange wedge that has a whole clove stuck in the skin. Use a cinnamon stick as a stirrer. Makes 8 cups. Note: For a "spirited" version. add 1 cup port wine to apple juice mixture and heat. ' SUNSHINE PUNCH 1''1 cups strong hot tea '1 cup sugar 1 cup orange juice '.2 cup lemon juice 1 cup light rum 'a cup orange liquer Orange or lemon slices Stir sugar into hot tea to dissolve. Add remaining in- gredients and heat until steaming. Serve in warm mugs and garnish with orange or lepton slices. Makes 4 cups. GINGERY TEA 750 m1 unsweetened orange juice or pineapple juice 50 nil, brown sugar 2 cinnamon sticks 2" piece fresh ginger rout. peeled and sliced 3'5 nil. strong hot tea Orange or lemon slices lone hands lady -Mrs. Garner King gave an address on the Nicholson, low lady -Mrs. living conditions of the In - Lewis Stonehouse, high man- dians and their laws. Ed Marsh, most lone hands Visitors over Easter week- rylan-William Gow, low man- end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston. George Michie were Mr. and There will be euchre again Mrs. Don Whitfield and next week starting at 8 p.m. Jenny of Sault Ste. Marie. Everyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mrs. Garner Nicholson. McLennan, Cari, Adam and Mrs. Agnes Youngblut and Luke of Kitchener. Mrs. Margaret Dunbar at- Mr. and Mrs. Lislie Vin - tended the combine meeting cent of Oakville were week - of the annual meeting and end visitors with Mr. and Spring rally at the Presby- Mrs. Stanley Black and Mrs. ,terian Church, Seaforth. Dorothy Logan. The guest speaker was the Mr. and Mrs. Rob Roy of Rev. N. A. King of the United Lakefield, Mrs. Rick Ball and Church, Chesley: He was the Matthew of Hanover, Ann former .rninitter at the Cape Catherine Jean of Hamilton Crockerindiah Reserve. Rev. and Richard Anderson of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Storer and Adapt of Kitchen- er. , • Thirty-five members of Knox United Church attend- ed an Easter Sunrise Service at the church Sunday morn- ing. The service was conduct- ed by Mrs. Ross Anderson with Mrs. William Coultes, Ruth Higgins. Mrs. George Procter, Mrs. Ross Higgins, Mrs. Laura Johnston, Ross Anderson and Rev. John Roberts taking part. Break- fast was served by the social committee of the U.C.W. Middapaal Sales, Service Chemicals, Accessories WHIRLPOOLS Si PATIO FURNITURE BULK LIQUID CHLORINE 527-0104 , 234 Main St., Seatorth Shop Stratford C1tyCentre 0' Opo' ;he � r a 13.14 C'onibine juice. brown sugar. cinnamon sticks and ginger in saucepan. Simmer 5 minutes to blend flavours. Add tea and heat to steaming. Remove cinnamon and gin- ger. Serve in warm mugs garnished with orange or lemon slices. Makes 1125 mL (41/1 cups). Individual drinks to savour: BLUEBERRY TEA ' A popular drink in restaur- ants, here's how to prepare it at home. 'Combine: 1 mug of hot tea. 1 oz. Amaretto, 1 oz. Grand Marnier. • SCOTTISH McTEA Combine: 1 mug of hot tea. 1 oz. Scotch. 1 tbsp. honey. HOT RUM TEA Combine: 1 mug of hot tea. 1 oz: white or light rum, sugar .to taste and add a cinnamon stick. if you like. SKIER'S SMOOTHIE Combine: I mug ofihot tea, 1 oz. Galliano, add an orange or lemon slice. WINE TEA Combine: '/r mug Of hot tea, 1/2 mug of hot red. wine. slice of lemon and sugar to taste. For further information contact: Tca Council of Can- ada. 701 Evans Avenue, Suite 501. Etobicoke, Ontario M9C IA3.(416) 621-9944. Gordon\ F. Reynolds, Executive Di- rector. Barb Holland, Home Economist Consultant (416) 787.9054. USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 TENDER Shaws "Quite possibly the funest store of its kind in the country!" The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Blyth will accept tenders up to and including April 11 at 3:00 p.m. for the consideration to purchase the following property: Plan 1 Part Lot 9, Queen Street, West Side, on which there exists a two storey brick veneer commercial building commonly known as the present site of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Blyth, Ontario, Lot'ls zoned Commercial. The land and structure there erected, Inclusive of certain fixtures as listed: vault and vault door and other fixed improvements such as counters, parti- tions and air conditioning units; is considered for sale In an "as ie. condition, on date of tonder.open- ing. Certain fixtures and platforms will be removed from the Masonic Lodge Room. Interested tenderers may arrange to view the land and premises by ap- pointment with the clerk -treasurer of the village of Blyth, at his convenience after Mar. 30. 1983. It is understood that the said lot and the premises, there erected or to be erected, cannot house any type of financial business, whether private or branch of, trading in the business of receiving for d� oO'sit, or offering to loan nrlrney- to members of the rytcet—a large for a periodebf 5 rears from date of oc parley. The Corporation of the Village of Blyth will assume that all the tenderers hav? made cOfisual tip spection of the property and the structQre there erected, on receipt of any or all tenders. tenders to Include a certified cheque in the amount of 10%. The cheques will be returned to the unsuccessful tenderers within 45 hours of the opening of tenders. Date of closing to be 30 days from dote of accep- tance of tender. Legal costs such as survey, appraisal, or adjustments to be paid for by the tenderer. The Corporation of the Village of Blyth shall provide adequate in- surance on, the premises until closing. The highest tender or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be opened Monday, April 11, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. in a closed ses- sion of council. Telephone: 523-4545 Corporation of the Village of Blyth P.O. Box 239 Blyth, Ont. NOM 1H0 OPENS Monday April 11th, at 9:30 p.m. at 129 Ontario St. Stratford Yes! the door ,s open to over 4.000 square feet of "possibly the finest store of room. Browse our Kitchen and Contemporary Housewore Section. Introduce Its kind in the country," Enjoy our greatly Increased stock of the finest name yourself to Crabtree and Evelyn quolity products brand products including Wedgwood and Waterford. See our Royol Doulton Q. c Grand Opening Specials! (Wonderful Things To. See! - SWEET SUCCESS SEE ... SEE e e e Browse our beoutiful new store and enjoy a `Rheo Thompson Candy OJr Life Size Paddington Bear Priced at $1,100.00 Our Incredible selection of Kitchen and Contemporary Housewares SEE ... _,' SEE ... E SEE . . The fabulous Royal Doulton PRINCESS BADOURA Priced At $22,000.00 'See Our extensive Selection of Hummel Figurines 7ricxd Up To 514,00000 Bradshaw's Our New Section Of Crabtree et Evelyn LONDON 'A.nn,r•n.,, • Ape, egeeu.ed ra be apnro.ed a o dna. h,,, r,,, ”1001.00,”1001.00,range a iod,'1,e and ..,. , gSa..art, Blenm.ngdoIe. 00,, 129 Ontario Street Stratford Phone 271-6283 IFFATTE, Ell 0 Builders BuVt Shop Where The.::::., :...................... ......... INCOME TAX Specialists at H&R Block are specially trained to provide you an accurate and complete Shop and Compare on your next furniture purchase 9 - RETURN :..............:::. and to check for all deductions, credits and exemptions so you pay the lowest legitimate tax.J Dur work is CHAIN LINK FENCING Galvanised 2 ',Ilq.46 Green and Brawn ? .11gx46 SOFT ROLLS l el Us Estimate your Complete Chain L ink FpnCmo GUARANTEED and if your return is questioned we will represent you to the tax deparfnient at no extra cost. IT PAYS TO BE PREPARED Compare price, selec- tion and service. You'll find the best for Tess, In Clinton at Ball 8 Match Home Furnishings 71 Albert Street CLINTON 482-9505 Open stir days a week • 4, ridgy till ♦ pm. so see us soon. This year, have your tax return done by HIR BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS Decorative . Face Brick by Z -Brick t ed Inca Brick reg 5 59 hite Inca Bock req 6 59 sed Inca Brick req 6 59 ld Ch,caga Inca Brick req 6 59 ountry Rustic Brick 3 cofat rs req 6 99 Approx,nytely 4 s, tt ,pr canon SPACIAL BUY CERAMIC FLOOR AND WALL TILE ''A direct shipment from Italy'shl me t r o Oa Floor Tilefrom 0215 per so fi 4x6 Fbor Tilefrom 5218 per 3C1 n 6x6 Wall Toe from 8185 per so h 14 Beaulltul CalpurS lo Chonse Frnm off all in-store stock L ergh Prr,d„cls SHE_`PPARD CASTERS 0 Off all in-store stock BRICK, 0 NOW 5475 NOW $560 NOW 5510 Now s560 Now 3594 The Beautiful New HUNTINGTON STYLE Polished Brass Finish passage 3P1 •11• P.wary Set '15' unq ,n xnnh s25• x24 .32 9 .32 Id .36 Movable Interior Pine SHUTTERS Q.5 h n5 each req 9 'n Fran', req in '5 parr req I? 59 Parr Al, r)thpr Shiite, NOW NOW NI)W s5514 S773 5863• NI1W 51070 (1 5 Ontario St. Clinton I Open H A.M.-S:30 P.M. Weekdays, 9.1 Sat. Phone 4112-0377 OPEN TODAY - NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY r • PHONE 348-8437 (Hwy. 8, Just East Of Mitchell) PHONE 34$-8437 (Highway e, lest East Of Mitchell) itig c � i