HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-04-06, Page 7Brussels Post Council seeks public Continued from page 6 "If nothing is done, the level of the upstreatn pond will drop. The present bays are very poor and will be lost. The beauty of the site will be lost and there is a possibility of a mild ring forming causing a swamp. Silt would be washed downstream. With a new. structure, the effect on the environment should be beneficial.." Mr. Howard con- cluded that construction could be spread over two years. He addedihe former grist mill will be retained, Mr. Gower said the dam is on the drawing board stage. "We will work cooperatively with Brussels to get this project going." FUNDING? When asked by Reeve Cal Kreuter of funds available. Mr. McCall explained it; funds are to he obtained through a grant. "the village must act in good faith and raise a portion of the nwney. This portion would amount to approximately 20 per cent of the total cost, or 560,000.1 think people in our own area can be employed to enjoy the benefits. The 20 per cent would be a powerful force when approaching both governments. Hopefully, they, will both conic forward. "It i3 important to get going on the project. If we don't do it now, we won't have anything to work with in the future. 1 believe the dam is a definite asset to Brussels," Mr. McCall said. " W e don't want to set the village' up with a great expenditure," said the reeve. "In order to come forth with money, we should have it down to dollars and cents. Would the 560.00(1 have to come in one year?" To be viable, Mr. Gowing suggested currying the project over a two year period. CRUMBLE? , h1r. Howard explained the village first THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 8, 1983 - A7 Meals on Wheels will be operated on trial basis Continued from page 6 Murray, Randy and Jeanette Cousins, Kathy and Murray Mulcahy, and baby; Nancy and David Hessel, all of London. Word has been received of the death of George Wesley Pollard in Parkwood hospital, March 23, in his 85th year. He was born at Ethel, son of the late Wesley and Charlotte Pollard. He lived in Stratford for many years until he went to Packwood Hospital in Lon- don to be near his family. The funeral' was held from the Heinbuck Funeral Home in Stratford, Saturday, March 26, with interment in Avon- dale Cemetery. The late should consider whether. the dam should be rebuilt or let crumble. "Does council want the dant and is the village willing to be co-sponsors?" asked Mr. McCall. "Funds cannot be raised without co -sponsoring." "We need time to debate the issue,''. said the reeve, . Councillor Gord Workman felt the use of large equipment would be requited, This could take away from an employment program. He questioned whether the govern- ment would then favour the proposal. "We are working kind of blind. We don't know what's in there (dam and mill pond). What about a fish ladder?" Mr. Howard said he would have to check with the district office concerning the ladder. "It is•not likely a ladder would be installed because Brussels is not considered a major fish area," Clerk Bill King said such a tare amount (560.00(1) would have to be,debentured, "I don't think anything should be decided until a meeting is held with the people." said councillor Workman. Questioning a deben- ture, he said, "It's a case where we've been hollering for repairs to the dam for years." "Cost is a big thing, but it's do or die -for the dant," said councillor Jerry Wheeler. Because there is no industry, "we have to make the most of our village and of what we have to attract population." explained councillor Betty Graber. "We don't have industry, but we do have a river. We have to think ahead. In five years. if nothing is done. the dam will be gone." Councillor Wheeler agreed with Mr. Workplan to hold a public meeting, "We have to know the feelings of the people," George Pollard is a nephew of Ed Pollard, Brussels. Mrs. Murray Huether and a group of teachers are spending Easter weekend in Quebec touring Montreal and Quebec City. Ryan Scouller, Toronto, spent Easter weekend visit- ing his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Scouller, On Sunday Mrs. Scouller was taken to Wingham Hospital where she is being treated for a back problem. Easter weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Work were Kathy and Bryon Schlattman, Lon- don; Judy Work, Al Burton and his nephew, Jason. Kit- chener; Brian Work, London; and Gail Thompson, Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Arm- strong and Leanne; Mr, and Mrs. Doug Evans, Bonnie and Roger; Mr, and Mrs. Bob Richmond spent the week of spring break on a skiing holiday at St. Jovite, Quebec. Easter visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cal Krauter were Major and Mrs. David Krauter, Blair and Kendra. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson, Jessica and Luke, Kirkton. An Easter breakfast con- sisting of pancakes, Maple syrup, sausages, ham, eggs and hot cross buns was served at Melville Church. Voluntary donations received will go to carpeting the church nursery. Between breakfast and morning ser- vice, Mary Douma led a hymn sing. ROH,AX-CONSULTING SERV Q► 154 Isabella St., t�,+ SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 527-0557 -REASONABLE RATES- -PERSONAL SERVICE- • -NO ADVANCE PAYMENTS - WINNER -Gary Martin took top honours In the physical category, grade seven, with this display. Gary will advance to the regional competition with hopes of reaching the all -Canada exhibition level. Gary had his exhibition display last week at Brussels Public School. (Svela photo) Short Shots by Evelyn Kenriedy Let love conte last after the lesson is learned. Love, like all things must he earned. 'there are times when T.V. give drama lovers excellent programs. The mini-series, The 'Thorn Birds, based on Colleen Mc- ('ullough's book, was such a presentation. With Richard Chamberlain (remembered as the handsome Dr. Kildare and seen more recently in, Shogun) in the role of Father Ralph de Bricassart it could not help but draw aorlhy attention from viewers and acclaim. This sensitive and thoughtful interpretation of his character portrayals are impressive. His struggle between his love and devotion to God with burning ambition to rise to position of glamor and power in the church, and his love for the grown -bp Mcggie (played by Rachel Ward) a girl he had befriended in childhood, was heart stirring and thought- proveking. 11 was intensely interesting to a atch. ******* When one lives alone a holiday needs to be shared with some members of the family if it is to he a happy occasion. Having son Robert, grandsons. Andrew and Adrian. and Joan Meeker. all of ,Ottawa. for the Easter SUPER SPECIAL FROM THE SHOULDER Branch of: Niagara Farm and Business Consultants (1964 Hamilton, Onta,io Harry DenHaan Tax Consultant [Registered] VALUPLUS SLICED ACO SIDE BN FRESH PICNIC 19 PORK ROASTS 5009 • 4 FRESH ONTARIO 1.7 SHOULDER BUTT 'kg PORK CHOPS 3.°!gs f.3?Ih 9 91b. weekend made it a very pleasant time in this home. The traditional Bunny made a visit and [eft Easter baskets filled with goodies and hidden.. colored eggs for everyone. That .meant early morning scrambling for the young folk to discover where he had stowed his gifts away, Lots of fun and laughter. , For generations men were the "dominate male", head of the family with only what were considered masculine duties expected of them, That is definitely changing. With so many women now employed outside the home men have had to change their attitude or have dead tired, frazzled wives with nothing but "headaches" al day's end. They now share household chores and care of children with their working wives. Many men have adjusted with good grace to the new regime and show amazing skill at what was once considered women's work,-„ conies. nevertheless, the suspicion that there are those who resent their new role and long to still he the "dominate orale" in the family. ******* 'fhc Toronto Maple Leafs finally clinched a berth in the NHI. playoffs. Their fans are jubilant. The question now is how far can they go in those playoffs. Atoms receive award Continued from page h third game ;t noon against 'I'i*erton, They encountered a71771 her close game of hock. 'Utley took the lead in the first period with a goal scored hl Brad Taylor, assisted by Greg Wheeler. The second p, rind remained scoreless for hush to:inns. Scott Bremner ;Issistcd by Steve McCutch• Dun added a goal for Brussels early in the third period with Shaw n .lacklin assisted by Stele Mr( utcheon and Steve 1 tit/ adding another near the end. Brussels captured the 1•ywont to the MIL I and consolation championship at 4-3 Sunday afternoon. I hc1 encountered an old r1I al f roto a previous year in a tram from thortent The first period 01 the hockey game remained scoreless with Thorton scoring one goal in the second. Thorton came hack in the third to add two more goals and defeat the home town team by 3.0 score, l'he boys played good hockey throughout the tour- nament and were rewarded for their efforts. A most valuable player was picked for each team, for each game played. Those picking up the awards for Brussels were Neil Pipe, Steve Fritz. Andrew McCutchcon and Brian Mc• Arice The Brussels squad was i t ill honoured at the completion of the championship game and of Iht tournament when the coaches of the team were called to the ice surface to accept the "Most Sportsman- like Team" trophy from tour zehrs fine markets... of line foods AT THE DELI FRESH STORE MADE DELUXE PIZZA y t4 3.99 BURNS SANDWICH STYLE COOKED HAM SCHNEIDERS THURINGER SUMMER SAUSAGE SCHNEIDERS COOKED EYE OF ROUND CORNED BEEF'' 5.49/kg 2.49 Ib. 8.36/kg 3,79 FRESH SHOULDER BUTT ' PORK ROAST 8.80 /kg 3.99 lb. REGULAR OR KING'SIZE POPULAR BRANDS-ZO's 8 25's 2.84,,91.29,b NO NAME 454 g PKG. . CHICKEN WIENERS 1.49 PRIDE OF CANADA SLICED COOKED HAM 175 g 1.39 6MAPLE VARIETIESLEAF DELI MEAT 250 g CHUB 1.79 NO NAME SLICED -375 g PKG. CHICKEN BOLOGNA 1.19 FINE OR CHUNKY SCHNEIDERS HEADCHEESE CIGARETTES 11• 4.9 CARTON ^I 375,g 1i 19 UTILITY GRADE•3 Kg -6 LB. AVG. FRESH LARGE ROASTING CHICKENS 2.60 1.18 kg Ib. ONTARIO FRESH PORK SIDE RIBS 3.'92 f.78 - /kg Ib. REGULAR OR CHEESE SCHNEIDERS SMOKIES SCHNEIDERS FAMILY PACK BEEF BURGERS VAC. PACKED SCHNEIDERS SAUSAGE POLISH RING MAPLE LEAF REG. OR MINI SWEET PICKLED BRISKET CORNED BEEF TAW HOLUCNA, MOCK CHICKEN OR MACARONI & CHEESE MEAT ,CHUNKS 300 g PKG 1 Kg A.B.C. BRAND PINK SALMON 99' 7.75 oz. TIN 1.89 4.99 6,37 . kg 2,89 in 5.49 /k9 2.49 lb COUNTRY GOLD REGULAR OR ALL BEEF WIENERS P6 9 149 450 NO NAME BEEF BURGERS 5 LB BOX 40 x 2 oz. BURGERS 7, 4 2,84 /kg 1.291b. NO NAME BEEF STEAKETTES 5 LB BOX 20 x 4 oz 74,9 PATTIES 1 SCHNEIDERS 6 VARIETIES SLICED BOLOGNA 500 g PKG 2.29 MADE WITH PORK AND BEEF BURNS BREAKFAST STYLE LINK SAUSAGE 3.8 / g .49 Ib: PREVIOUSLY FROZEN SCHNEIDERS SLICED BEEF LIVER 21 /kg 990 Ib. RIO PIECES & STEMS MUSHROOMS 10N S90 TIN natll001 chairman John Thompson. He commended them for their Sport 5710015hip both on and off the ice. Local fans congratulate the Atoms for their fine efforts on the weekend. Team members arc Neil Pipe, Todd, Bice. Jamie Nicholson. Andrew McCutcheon, Brian McArter, Ron Stevenson, Peter Mac- Donald, Mese Fritz. Steve McC'utcheon, Scott Bremner. Dan Beuerman. Darren John- ston. Shawn .1ucklin; Greg Wheeler. -Brad Taylor. Coaches were Larr4� Rice, Dale Wheeler and Wayne Wheeler. Remember, it take but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527.0240. IRON OR REG. INFANT SIMILAC FORMULA 425 mL 1.29 KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 500 ml 1.39 NO NAME BABY SHAMPOO 500 ml 99s REG. OR SUGAR FREE PEPSI FREE DIET PEPSI on PEPSI COLA ON MOUNTAINDEW 750 490 PLUS mL DEP _ CRISPYCRUST 4" OR 10" TOTINO PIZZAS Public Meeting INFORMATION MEETIMG CONCERNING THE BRUSSELS DAM RESTORATION 1511,, 160q 2.49 ALL FLAVOURS JELL-O POWDERS B5 4 P6e6 3FOR 89° NO NAME BABY OIL . 50004 179 IN TOMATO SAUCE VAN CAMP BEANS WI111 PORK 19 07 11N 69' SEAFRESH FROZEN COOKED BATTERCRISP FISH FOR YOUR PETS ZIP DOG FOOD 14 5 or 37T TIN 150 q 1.49 NO NAME BABY POWDER 700 q 1.79 CHEF BOY -AR -DEE MINI -RAVIOLI BEEF ARONI SPAGHETTI 8 MEAT BALLS MINI BITES. ROLLER COASTERS 15 oz 890 TINS SEAFRESH FROZEN COOKED FISH STICKS DESSERT TOPPING DREAM WHIP 170 q _1/69 FOR -YOUR LAUNDRY OXYDOL DETERGENT 6L 246q 4.59 SWISS STYLE FLAVORS GAY LEA YOGURT 2FORq 990 DARK REO OR NEW ORLEANS STOKELYS KIDNEY BEANS BRIGHTS PRUNE NECTAR .A., 179 GAY LEA DAIRIES SOUR CREAM LSP MI 790 Photofinishing-41 PROCESS ROLL OR DISC COLOUR'PRINTS 1/3 OFF Sale 110/126 17 EXP 110/126 24 EXP 135 24 EXP DISC REG 4 94 REG 8 46 REG 8 57 75 EVP REG 595 ,0711 P I l PIPI c 40011 .4 SAL F SAL F SAI F SAI F 4 40 1 3.32 5.64 6.38 3.96 1q �r TIN ' 69f ASSORTED VARIETIES NESTLE'S MINI -PUDDINGS 4 , 5 n, (. T N 1159 FOR YOUR FABRICS BOUNCE SOFTENER 406)1(01 3.49 McCAINS FROZEN ' APPLE JUICE 12 S,1, TIN 1 99' NO NAME TODDLER DIAPERS P61, OF 60 8.99 TWO VARIETIES FRESH BATH SOAP 1100 69' OLD SOUTH FROM FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE I P071 16 0, 11N MILD. MEDIUM. OLD, BRICK, COLBI.FARMERS•MOZZARELLA SCHNEIDERS CHEESES 15n4 2119 CHEF 90Y•AR•DEE 2 CHEESE PIZZA MIX 2.49 WESTONS BRAN MUFFINS 139 OUR OWN PRIVATE LABEL FRESH BUTTER 1 LB. PACKAGE LIMIT 6 PER CUS1 OMER 188 HI -DRI WHITE OR YELLOW PAPER TOWELS 2 L PKG- ROL 990 I0044 PURE VEGETABLE BRAVO 011. 1110E ti171 3.79 KRAFT THIN SINGLE CHEESE SLICES 2.59 OUR OWN PRIVATE LABEL BRAND COOKIES 450q 129 PKI, Of f- 1.15 FREE! 1 DOZ DINNER RDII4 WITH OF ONE 16 OZ CARROT CAKE AT REG PRICE ENGLISH MUFFINS GARLIC BREAD PURCHASE ?.89 Country Oven 1.19 Specials 500 g PKG. 01 AIN OK, , 1 •, 12 or IAAF 1.19 Not av,llable P 911 sloes WESTON HAMBURG OR HOT DOG ROLLS S8# PKG. OF 8 Monday, April 11 PRODUCT OF HONDURAS CHIQUITA, DOLE OR DEL MONTE BANANAS PROD. OF ONTARIO CANADA N0. I CLEAN WASHED POTATOES PROD. OF ONTARIO CANADA N0. 1 ENGLISH fi' tE No Name Products CUCUMBERS 86 ,E 39' 10 LB BAG 88 PROD. OF 011111 CAN. NO 1 EMPEROR .�/� RED GRAPES 3.06 'kq 1139,b PROD. OF CHILE GRANNY SMITH FANCY APPLES 1.96 /kg 89' lb PRODUCT OF HAWAII GINGER ROOT 3.95'kg 1.7916 PRIM. OF U.S.A. CAN. N0. 1 SPANISH TYPE ONIONSS6'rk939'rb PROD. OF 0111 CAN 110 1 DUTCH SETS PROD OF CALIF. SIZE 113 NAVEL ORANGES PRODUCT OF DOMINICAN REPUBLIC COCONUTS PNC EA 99° PROD OF CALIFORNIA 79, GREEN ONIONS 1,,,N 777' 3/991 PROD OF NEAICO PRODUCT Oi ONTARIO WATERMELON 1.108 k9 49C1b COLE SLAW NO NAME 5 TOP SOIL 36 LITRE 2,99 7 7 7 FERTILIZER 3.99 NO NAME 20 10-6-4 FERTILIZER 3.99 NO NAME -WITH CRABGRASS PREVENTER FERTILIZER 10 9 9.99 007 1.69 8 or PKGS PRODUCT OF USA PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA 2/ti RADISHES 7 4, PKG 129 LEMONS I SPECIALS EFFECTIVE UNTI TUESDAY APRIL 1 L CLOSING 2 8 p.m. AT THE BRUSSELS LIBRARY Village of Brussels in co-operation with the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority HIGHWAY P40.8 THESE SPECIALS GODERICH AVAILABLE ONLY IN: MON.. TUES, 4 TO O P.M. WED., THURS., FRI. - e TO 0 P.M. SAT. S:34 TO 0 P.M. 2/99' 6/79° WP • IPP „qkl am.y ' Du omenhaSPS 1 IDA DRED 11 CAN. 5 lb f. 99 to ,easonable wee11'v a Y 'POulTemeMS JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM 175 WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 83 EXETER MON., TUES., WED. • 1 TO 0 P.M. THURS.. FRI. 0 TO 0 P.M. SAT, 0:30 T0'0 P.M,