HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-04-06, Page 6A6 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 6, 1983 413russels Atoms receive sportsmanship award WINNER -Mark Breckenridge, a grade eight student at Brussels Public School took second place in the biological category during last week's Science Fair. The win advances Mark to the Regional competition to be held in Wingham this week. (Photo by Svela) Council Seeks public opinion on dam The fate of the Brussels dam was the major topic of discussion at Brussels council, April 4. Although council feels the dam should receive major repairs. a public meeting will be held Monday evening. April 11. in the library, at 8:00 p.m, to present a proposal to the residents. Chairman of the Maitland Valley Conser- vation Authority. Dave Gower: Brussels representative to the Authority, Bruce McCall and Brian Howard. Resources Man- ager of the Authority attended the meeting to outline three proposals to council. Mr. McCall said the Authority passed a motion that an engineer's report on the structure be accepted. "We finally have two fellows here to talk about the dam." He explained if the project is to be successful and funding is available from various government grants."then Brussels must be a co-sponsor with the Authority . to raise the proper funding. Now is the hour. if something isn't done, it will be good day to the Brussels dam." Explaining the present structure is in a crumbling condition, Mr. Howard said a stipulation of the protince when the authority , purchased the dam in 1971 was there would be no construction to the dam for 10 years. "That has since lapsed." He noted that presently due in part to severe economic restraint, it is difficult to obtain grants for restoration of small dams. As an alternative, funding is available through employment programs. The gravity type darn, approximately 400 feet long, is in a crumbling state and the mill pond has filled with silt causing shallow The Brussels Atoms par- on Saturday morning against 1-0 lead, and held that lead against Normanby. Brussels ticipated in the 24th annual a team from Norwich. for their victory. This defeat scored four goals in the last Mildmay Carrick annual The teams were very even- put Brussels into the conso- five minutes of the first Atom hockey tournament ly matched and played end to lation round. period and never looked back. during Easter weekend. They end hockey. Norwich scored They played their second They added one more in the played their first game at 9:40 in the second period to take a game on Saturday at 4:45 second and two in the third with Normanby getting one in the third. Scoring in the 7.1 victory for the home team were Darren Johnston with two goals and Steven McCutch- eon. Scott Bremner, Brad Taylor, Steve Fritz and Brian McArter getting singles. As- sists went tri Neil Pipe. Steve Fritz, Dan Beuerman, Shawn Jacklin, Steve McCutcheon, Brad Taylor. The Atoms returned to Mildmay on Sunday for their Please turn to page 7 Meals on Wheels coming Correspondent help him or her laugh. Co-ordinator of the pro- seniors wishing the service JEAN B'EWLEY Freda Pipe read two gram is Miriam Zehr and she but it is hoped that they will 8B7-9047 poems, one of which was reports that there have been soon make their wishes March 29, the Callender written ' by her uncle Ben some kitchen volunteers. known so further plans can be Nursing Home sponsored a pot luck volunteer dinner at the library. The evening was arranged by Debbie Trollope. assistant activities director, and Jahice Acheson, activi- ties director for both Brook- haven and Callender. Junior ` volunteers, Linda Shaw. Wendy Heibein, Dawn Currie and Dianne Hall were on hand early to help organize the food as it came in. Tables were decorated for Easter with a large cake in the center and chocolate bunnies and chickens at each place. While, there were only 16 present. many more give of their time to make life more pleasant for the residents. Janice Acheson gave a short talk on "What is a 'Volunteer". She said, "A volunteer is a communicating link between the residents and the rest of the community." The goals of a volunteer are: to give residents mo- ments of happiness and an interest in life; to give them a belief. for those who have' no close 'family members, that someone is interested in them: to stimulate their in- terest in the outside world and to keep them informed and interested in community events; to restore the resi- dent's faith in herself or himself - in his or her own dignity and worth; to reas- sure him or her that he or she is still a member of the community and is not forgot- ten; to help residents make will be assessed after that the most of those abilities time and hopefully the pro - they still possess, to help gram will start up again to attain a feeling of achieve- September if enough interest ment, no matter how small; to is shown. water. • 1 he dant is now much like an earth -filled dike," Mr. Howard explained. Outlining the three alternatives, Mr. Howard says the first is a "do nothing approach. The majority of the dam will stand but it will crumble and leaks will develop. exposing the silt. 1f nothing is done. the dam will disappear, silt will be carried downstream and the beauty of the dant will be lost. He noted the darn provides only minimal flood control. "It has no great effect on major flooding. The only other benefits are of a recreational nature or as water storage during drought periods." IMPOSSIBLE True restoration of the dam is impossible due to advanced deterioration. The second proposal was a new structure. The new dam would have two spillways and the remainder would be of a simple gravity concrete weir. Compared to a similar construction in Eastern Canada, estimated cost to replace the complete dam would be $500.000. The third proposal was ail artificial island' approach. Basic construction would be of an earthen dam featuring a clay liner. "We could build upon what has already been deposited by Mother Nature," Mr. Howard said. "A walkway would be retained and a new spillway constructed." Gabion baskets and turfstone would be installed to resist erosion. Although a double spillway would be ideal, one would be sufficient if cost is an object. The cost of each spillway is approximately $175.000 and suggested cost of the small island is approximately $80.000. Please turn to page 7 Pollard, alifornia, when he was 92. It was entitled "Hap- piness of Life" and expressed his contentment with his age and his life. The poem had been pub- lished in the Brussels Post at one time but the date was not available. Two ads on the back of the clipping were the only clue. One advertised a dance in the Legion to Des- jardines orchestra, •price SI.50 a couple. and the other advertised a meal at 51.50. Joan Jacobs demonstrated crafts in an entertaining way 5with each person making an article of her own. Match to everyone's surprise, they turned out quite well. All talented? Jeanette Boynton won the door prize draw. Incidentally, she made the draw and had to take the roasting. April birthdays at Callen- der are Jack Thynne, April 5 and Luella Fraser, Apiif 1. On Wed_ residents decor- ated Easter eggs to be dis- tributed on Easter Sunday morning. • Mrs. Luella Fraser has been transferred to Wingham Hospital. Visitors with Mrs. Sadie Hall on Good Friday were her daughters; Mrs. Jean Scott, Milverton and Mrs. Irene Casemore, Petrolia. MEALS ON WHEELS Meals on Wheels is corning to Brussels for a two month trial period in May and June. The success or failure Cranbrook residents return from Florida Brussels Lions Club Invites you to attend the 4th annual TOWN AND COUNTRY 1 TRADEFEST Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 The card party Mar. 25 was for the hall board and W.I. Fifteen tables were playing with winners: high -Mrs. Keesa, Jim Hart, low -Carly Ezewski, Mrs. Elgin Adams, lone hands -Annie Milne, lucky table -#4, door prize - Mrs. Honeyford, Annie Engel. They will hold another card party on Friday eitening, April 8. Miss Mina Baker has been transferred from University Hospital. London to Seaforth Community Hospital. Mrs. Margaret McBrien, Seaforth, and Miss Gertie Pride, Kitchener, spent a few days with Mr. and, Mrs. Ken Miller and girls. All tttended the funeral for the late Seth Pride in Brussels on Satur- day. Mr: and Mrs. Angus Starr. Alliston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Cotton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert van Donkersgoed, Bernice and Luke have returned home from a motor trip to Florida. Misses Sharon, Rosanne, and Tracy Engel. London and at the Drivers are needed. 1t is hopeLl\ that there will be enougit volunteers that no one is completely tied to a schedule. There should al- ways be a backup in case of plan changes or emergencies. The arena kitchen will be used to prepare the food. The hot full -course noon meal will be served mid- week. probably Wednesday or Thursday. So far there has been little response from made, PEOPLE Mrs. Jaan Van Vliet held a family gathering at her home in Maple Villa in honour of the marriage of her grandson Douglas. and Yvonne Ham- lin. Winnipeg Manitoba...11W.AW.9MW..W..I.....W..I..a..AW.AW.IW.4 Guests were Corrie and Ron- 1 11 & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD.1 ald Hamlin, Midland, parents of the groom; Jan, Joyce. Janice and Joyanne van Vliet, 1 Sales, Service & Installation of R2, Brussels: Pieta, Laurie. Please turn to page 7 BERG j Sales -Service - Installation FREE ESTIMATES 5 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling Donald G. Ives R.R. 92, Blyth Phone: Brussels 887-9024 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Alr AW AI .9 ANI AIN" Aik ASSIFIED 1 Coming Events 24 Card of Thanks BLOOD Donor Clinic: Thurs- day, April 7 at Wingham High School, 12:30 to 4:00 anti 6:00 to 8:30. 1-13-2 4 Help Wanted ANY persons interested in helping with the Brussels community Daily • Vacation Bible School for 1983 please meet at the Brussels United Church, April 19, 7:30 p.m. 4.14,2 11 Articles for Sale We would like to express our thanks to friends, relatives and ueighbours for expres- sions of sympathy, cards and flowers for the late .Seth Pride. Special thanks to Rev. Innes, M.L. Watts funeral home and the ladies of the church for serving lunch after the funeral. Laura Pride and family & The Pride families 24.14-1 SALE of baking and good used clothing at the Brussels Library. Saturday. ApriI9 at 2 p.m. sponsored by St. Am- brose CWL. Everyone wel- come. I1-13-2 17 Wanted to Rent Ron Burdett, Stratford, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Engel, Paul and Susan. 1KWIG Specials April 6=12 Mac and Cheese KRAFT DINNERS .39 225 gr. Royalle 400 FACETTES 1.69 Limit 2 1 would like to take this opportunity to thank every- one for the cards, visits, phone calls, flowers and treats 1 received while 1 was a patient at Victoria Hospital, London. and at home.1 would. also like to thank everyone who was so kind to Sharon and the girls durin this troubled time. It is during the greatest darkness that a little light shines brightest. The THREE bedroom house in support 1 received from our Brussels. Phone 595-8249. small community once again 17-14-1 has proven this to be true. It would be almost impossible for me to thank everyone personally so please accept this card as ' Thank You" with my greatest sincerity. Fred Stephenson 24.14.1 Remember, it take but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. 23,Bus. Directory LAWN rolling. Brussels area. - Don Blake 887-9563. 23-14-1 TI special income ta4 returns done for 510.00 Phone Mary Lou Blake, 887- 9563. 23-14-1 Scott Twin Pac PAPER TOWELS .99 Royalle 8 to a pac TOILET TISSUE Limit 2 2.99 No Name PITTED DATES 1.99 24 e=5. Pipelines & i Milking parlours 1887-6063 R.R• 4 WALTON 1 Ship your Livestock • WITH Art Heffron Blyth SHIPPER FOR UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 1 aLivestock Marketing Division OF ONTARIO � Ontario Stockyards, Toronto PHONE BY 8 A.M. 523-4221 russets usiness irectory .Phone 527-240 1 ® Brussels Agromart Schneiders BUCKET OF CHICKEN 3.99 Limit 2 FERTILIZERS -Bag & Bulk • FEEDS•Provimi Agromix Cattle mineral Salt Aureomycin Crumbles Brussels i SEEbS-NK Corn PESTICIDES FARM SUPPLIES 887-6016 Franks or Magic Chef BLACK PEPPER 1.59 4 ors. Chapman ICE CREAM 1.65 2 Litre STEPHENSON GROCETERIA Brussels SELF -SERVE - OPEN 6 DAYS 887-9226 II. H. TEN PAS CONSTRUCT/ON LTD. Brussels RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL 887.6408 NOG 1H0 Milt St West We sell and install Pella and Hunt Windows - Patio Doors Insulated Entrance Doors • Insul Glass ��..- Builders Since 1956 THURS. APRIL 14 5 p.m.-10'p.m. FRI. APRIL 15 4 p.m. -10 p.m. SAT. APRIL 16 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. BRUSSELS, MORRIS & GREY COMMUNITY CENTRE BOOTH 925 Mrs. Yvonne Knight Agent for Elma Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company R R t. Brussels 8117 647h B.M.& G. Community Centre & Arena THURSDAY, APRIL 14 FRIDAY, APRIL 15 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. 4 p.m to 10 p.m. SATURDAY, APRIL16 10 o m to5pm. Adults - '2.°5' Children 6-14, ' 1 0° (Includes Draw Pr„e, Display Booths of Interest to oil Cars to Carpets -Wigs to Wheelbarrows Under 6, Free.. & •C0 TRADEFES3 E Come and see our Hunt and Pella Products Save dollars now and on next winter's fuel bill NWindows Patio Doors N Entrance Doors Folding Doors Replacement Windows Insul Glass Etc. /S, DOOR PRIZE ADULT PRIZES. 1 M,rrnwove Oven 2 Or'gmol Prenhng CHILDREN'S PRIZES: I D91u.P AM FM Pnrioble 519.4.0 7 AM FM Storeo Wolk mon I got, Take odvam•oge of the Free Draws n ninny of 11•e EXHIBIT BOOTHS 7 DANCE B M B G Commun,t9 ro.1,9 Saturday Night 9 00 to 1 00 AdmiscInn '5 G.- pet yr .. M,,. r 50 SWINGING BRASS 1,IF PIS • lobi. i, •m 1100 Proceeds For Rr.f119 510 10005 r len Mom., s' Be there e0,', lot ,h9 Early B,rA Draw ,ry Community P A SPECIALS Brussels Transport Ltd. 1 Destock Trucking and Shipping Serolie l oc al and 1 one Distance PHONE 887-6122 GEORGE JUTZI,BRUSSELS L • McGavin's Farm Equipment A Nil SPEC 'LIZE IN A COMPLETE LINE )1 Farm Equipment SALES AND SERVICE Brussels 887.6365 Walton Seaforth 527-0245 Betterment H. TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD. BRUSSELS 887-8408 BUIyDERS SINCE 1956 Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Watch and Jewellery Repairs -We Sell and Service- BULOVA- ACCUTRON -WATCHES S STORES- EXETER -ST MARYS SEAFORTH-CLINTON-WALKERTON 1 r>