HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-03-30, Page 18(1 Ale THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 30, 1983 Shay the Glory of Easter -Come to Church gay ro GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Huron Centennial School BRUCEFIELD, ONT. 482-9260,565-5341, and 236-4979 10 0(1a m-hamily Bible School 11 00 a.m -Speaker Randy Mann Cavan AlmWealOTNello S.S. #1 HULLETT—Reader Edith Baker has loaned this photo, taken in the 1930s of the school a mile arid a quarter north of Hwy. #8, now a private home. Students are, from left, Jack Carter; Stewart Freeman (deceased); Roy Freeman (deceased), Keith Dale (deceased); Bill Holland; Anderson Bell; Lorne Carter; Cleve Carter (deceased): John Bell, Ross Freeman (deceased), Lawrence Jamieson (deceased); Ken Carter; Harvey Nott, Mervyn Nott; Teacher, Matilda Fowler /deceased); Helen Phillips (deceased); Jose- phine Dale, Verna Freeman; Eva Holland; Edith Dale; Betty Glazier (deceased); Kathleen Ross; T-heda Freeman; Dorothy Holland; Clarissa Dale; Marjorie McMichael; and Ethel Dale. .Huron MPP opposes closing of BY JACK RIDDELL MPP i CENTRES FOR THE b DEVELOPMENTALLY HANDICAPPED In past columns. 1 have given you some background on the issue of the Govern- ment's plan to close down six centres for the development- ally handicapped in this pro- vince. Today. I would like to give you some further infor- mation on this,government - plan which hagenerated such concern and anxiety. As David Peterson recently pointed out. economic con- siderations are being placed ahead of human concerns itt the Ontario Government's decisions to close six centres for the'developmentally han- dicapped. Several members of the Liberal Caucus have spent considerable time in recent weeks touring the centres and coRerring with residents. parents and staff. To date, there is not one single shred of evidence that the residents stand to benefit from the closings which were an- nounced last October by Frank Miller. the Minister of Community and Social Ser- vices. in thc name of justice and humanity. y, tl ,c government should immediately suspend its plans and launch a thor- ough process of analysis and consultation to determine what is best for the almost 1.000 residents affected by the proposed move. 11 should reconsider the decision to abandon the 1981 plan to increase spending on com- munity-based services before even contemplating closure of the six regional centres. Liberal first-hand. studies have demonstrated all .too clearly that the three groups dirccjly affected by the Mini- ster's announced closures residents. parents and staff - are firmly convinced that the facilities serve an invaluable purpose in assisting residents in the transition from larger nstitutions to coMmunity- ased group homes. For many,people they constitute a bridge from institutionaliza- tion to the community life we all desire for those capable of achieving it. Remove that bridge and - inevitably - a great void in the rehabilita- tion process is created. Ontarians etre not prepared to stand by and watch govern- ment callously disregard the plight of disadvantaged members of our society. Parents groups, staff and community leaders are to be applauded for the efforts which' they have made to influence the government, to prevail upon those in author- ity to reject the Minister's plan which has an immense potential for human misery - even tragedy. fhe Ontario Liberal Party-- is artyis totally in support of the move to persuade the govern- ment to reverse this uncon- scionable and unfeeling deci- sion before a point of no return is reached. We believe that the gov- ernment should lose no time in taking action to: initiate assessment of needs of men- tally retarded now in the community which are not being met by existing pro- grams; assess the effects of closures on people already in the community,: increase the amount of new funds in financing community based services: -=reduce population of larger institutions while centres United Church Winthrop EASTER SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. - CHURCH SERVICE The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated 10:35 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL maintaining six smaller facili- ties as alternative to closure: give 'priority, to community involvement and edueatibn; assess needs ()I' chronic care for the mentally retarded and commit appropriate funds td provide the services needed. David Peterson. in an open letter to the Premier, said "It is impossible to deal in abstracts in this matter. The laudable,objeetivc of "dcin- stitutionalizi(Ig ' the mentally • retarded is not something that can be achieved by broad government fiat. Emotion gets in the way. "It is impossible to sepa- rate the emotion. 1t wells up in every discussion. whether with staff, or parents or those so dependent upon us for shelter and care. Anxiety within the centres and in the homes of the ..parents is running high. Many resi- dents harbour great fears of the traumatic change which awaits them. The parents meanwhile are struggling to find w ays to keep the centres open. Thee argue that their .children are incapable of surviving in connnunity group homes and might therelcrr be returned to larger, impersonal institu (inns. In the letter, David Peter- son made a'(tersonal appeal to the Premier to speak directly to those invoked. and to place a moratorium on the rlosurns, pending further nnsuluuant and review. Rev. J.G. Vanslyke. Minister • Marjorie Papple, Organist FIRST,PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 59 Goderich St. W., Seaforth Rev. T.A.A. Duke, Minister .Mrs. Carol Carter, Organist SUNDAY, APRIL — EASTER 11:15 Worship Service. Sunday School & Nursery Northside United Church EASTER SUNDAY 7 a.m."- SUNRISE SERVICE David McKnight will speak Merelyn McKnight - guest soloist Breakfast will follow COMET() WORSHIP ST.THOMAS A.N,GU.CAN CHURCH Rev. Gordon Simmons, Minister MAUNDY THURSDAY MARCH 31 8:30 p.m. "Holy Communion.' GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 1 '11:30 a.m. EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL3 11:30 a.m. "Holy Communion'. HALLELUIAH CHRIST IS RISEN! Everyone Welcome R.W.PAI.IN s NANCYJ.LARONE Organist Choir Director 11 a.m. - Church Service, Church School and Nursci v NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH EASTER SUNDAY 7 a.m. Sunrise Service and Breakfast David McKnight will speak I I a.m. Regular Service. Church School and Nursery Mr. Vanslyke will preach Rev. J.G. Vanslyke Minister Margaret Whitmore AudreyMCLlwain Organist -Choir Director Jr. Choir Leader Investigate the cause of headaches. Headaches tend to be one of the most common prob- lems seen in any general, practitioner's office. The symptoms known as head- ache can be caused by many things and there certainly are many - myths surrounding both cause and ,cure of this affliction. Two of the common on folk- , myths surrounding head- aches arc that children cannot get them and that a very large percentage of sufferers do so because of eye strain. Cer- tainly eye disease and fatigue can and do cause headaches btu eyes arc not the Ieadirt'g cause of headaches as many would suppose. Then again, neither arc brain tumours despite the great fears of a large number of headache sufferers. USUAL CAUSES When investigating the cause of headaches your doctor takes a careful history and docs apprt,lrriate testing to rule out unusual causes of headache such as tumours or major vessel abnormalities. In the majority of cases a doctor concludes your head aches are cit her the tension or migraine variety. A tension headache is usually described as a feeling of a tight headband being worn. The pain results from the muscles til' the back, scalp and neck contracting in re,• sponse to stress and this type of headache tends to get worse as the day goes on. Unfortunately. the severity of the headache is not necessar- ily directly proportional to the amount of --stress but the treatment of choice. of course is to eliminate 01 at lead lessen the stress cans ing the problems. Analgesics (pain relievers) and massage w ill relieve thc spasm in the muscles and reduce the ten sine headache. Migraine or vascular hrad- achcs are caused by the consttiction and then dilation of blood vessels in thc brain. this producer, a throbbing type of headache which is usually localized to one side attic head. Often that side of the head may be tender to touch. the sufferer may have THEFUTURE IS WHERE WE ALL SPEND 1IIE REST OF OUR L1VES. Fr In'RI Fl to 'RF #2 Ft ITIiRF #3 nausea associated with thc headache and he or shn may find they ore very' sensitive In .rfight and noise. Causes of migraine heath nrhr include 11(511 thuds such as chocolate,, peanuts, nwnosodiunt glutamate (Chi- nese food and many pre served foods), cheeses and red wine, medications such as Mirth control pills. changes in barometric pressure stress and family history, TRIGGER FOODS The treatment of migraine headaches usually involves isoicling foods that trigger then, in that person as well as the use of analgesics. Some prnplc get considerable vv arsine, that they are getting a vascular headache, such as blurred vtsiun, sudden nau- sc., in nnmbiless and tingling in ail arm or Ir g 1 hese people tall he gi.,•n sltrcial merit' riecs which will •vard off the 5: adachc before it bcconu s Severe. Other in•nple have migraines with such fre- quency tltat it is necessary to put them on regular daily medication to try to prevent or at least cut down the .y,ci- dcncc and sevcrny ut WLc loch.. I), t EASTER'S THRILLING IMPERATIVES Margare Rev. J.G. Vanslyke. Minister Whitmore Audrey M(L(vain - USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone -527-0240 • usiness McKELLAR 4,i/i/i .AW i Ai MI,/ si_i /iaisiwi -ice' s 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SHIP YOUR CATTLE \ 1 THE CO-OP WAY UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO 1 1 1 \ COMMERCIAL AND BARN PAINTING SANDBLASTING ONTARIO STOCK YARDS (416] 767-1143 YOUR U.C.O. SHIPPER IS O'ROURKE TRANSPORT DAVID OR BRYAN 345-2913 Shipping Day Every Tuesday Morning 1 RESIDENCE - 348-9009 1 'OLORIST Hildebrand Flowers 15 Main M. Seaforth Office .527.0555 l Res. 527.1784 �� Complete Floral Service with ■ personal touch. i Free Estimates CALL Laurie McKellar 345-2879 R.R.#2 STAFFA PIANO i' irector APPLIANCES Appliance and Retrigeratron REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broa.dfoo'f'' 482-7032 J 7—FARM SUPPLIES —ECORATING�� Graves Wallpaper & Paint eanfemin 11nt ter 1 caturing , 1':V ti is ( anadian & Imported 55 n11 (m Prins S27 -ORS° `seal tlrth —FUNERAL HOME PIANO TUNING MUFFLERS --m MnfflrVgrld tsa = Mufflers guaranteed as long as you own the car SI 11 ORTH 110THR5 I TD. 521.1010 J (K Nears old Although he's hero paralvretl trot, rhe waist down sin( r birth his bright nnvetsannn and last ,nation with w heel, halt haskerhall tell vnu a for shout rhe tease hr's fighting for that Inc.umeans that (a, k is going to have n• work hart I r, tight his disandrry and it's., hghr hes going n, win f aster Seals helps. but wr san mis do that with vont help Co please - Rai k a fighter JAS( 152 i, years old I Ie has ,nh o , arm bit he's learning it, teak. rhe en, That uas made be haat w„rk vets well Right n„u he urars unit list, vt less vt.0 In his Innen• he wants to uirk uirk his hands and ht rat hies •n thing hr ,i.ies like tights. 1 aa, , 5, als 6, -Ir. her ,gam I ar.,rl, 1- • 11 uirk welt heir n• hat k a tighn-r HARMAINF is 4 years old She's paralyred from the u -arse , lou n and has been sin, barb 1 hanname has learned rn walk with t ants a rad she fighrs in, wnh rhe sptnt of a ha molt Ask her what she wants to de, is hen she grows tip ant 1 tlhe says Maybe hr a,stater" Vt1th vont help F'tsrer Seals , an help keep up the fight for this bright girl's fume' Notice of ANNUAL MEETING of the Van Egmond Foundation OPTICIAN David longstaff ltd Optician h7 Main Si. S. Scafnrlh OPTOMETRISTS 15I) OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Filled Prompth • Rebi in., • KeysRecore•ed • (bmop Choses BRUCE PUISIFER 348.9223 Michell SEWING___ SEWING MACHINE SUPER MARKE T Over, 100 machines on display Service to ell mantes Sales-Whlte, Eine, Flusgverns Iota of used rrlechlnes from 239.95 SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LTD. 140 Downie SI (2 doors south of Hudsonsl Stratford, 271.9(60 "-FUNERAL HOME Whitney - Ribey Funeral Home Monday, April 11, at 8 p.m. BACK A FIGHTER . - WITH EASTER SEALS. At the Van Egmond House NOMINATIONS TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL BE ACCEPTED FROM THE FLOOR Meeting open to all interested parties WiNTER HOURS, Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9.5:30 Saturday 9 - 12 Closed Wednesday CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W RIBEY DIRECTOR Feed Seed r ert,hie, t arm r'u000es Petroleum Supplies lier3'-nq oils Seaforth Co-op ` 527-0770 DECORATING • Exper f{\ s F vterierrt DecnInter�ioale5 �! .yWancovengs 'I Kem Pannts .'..' '✓vindnw ShadPs a 'HILDEBRAND PAINT AND PAPERI PHONE 527-1880 vMarts St Seatar,J _ n C INSURANCE.. f17 Cm -tenth St Seaforth Phone 527-1390 SEAFORTH INSURANCE 39 Main St. S. Seaforth Home .Business Form AtIb Life . Sickness & Accident . Investments Barbara A. Watts Funeral Director 47 High Street Seaforth Phone 527-0885 • CARPENTRY J&J Carpentry •Concrete Forming and Finishing • Framing • Drywall •Rooting •Cabinet Making John Ryan COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE S27-1303 Sincere and Courteous Service f 527-110 0 527-1520 J