HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-03-30, Page 16A16 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 30, 1983 HAPPY 1 Corning Events BRUSSELS Curling Spring Dance, Saturday, April 2, Brussels CommunityCentre, Ticket available fom any curling member or at the door. 1-13-1 1 Coming Events 4 Help Wanted 11 Articles for Sale 11 Articles for Sale EASTER BAKE SALE: Thursday, March 31, 11 a.m. in the former Kitchen Centre. Sponsored by Egmondville U.C.W. 1.12.2 MAYTIME Supper in Mel- ville Presbyterian Church, May 25th. 1-12-2 ANNUA,f- Ham Supper at the Cavan Church, Winthrop, on Wednesday, April 13, 5-7:30 p.m. Take out orders. 1-13-1 OVER Slaty Eitness Classes • Spring Session starts April 11. 1-13.1 BEEF Barbequc. Hensall United Church, April 13, 5, 6 and 7 p.m. Adults 56.00; Children 6-12 $3.00; 5 and under free. For tickets call 262-2446 or 262-2201. 1-13.2 THE Huron Bruce Federal P.C. Association will hold a meeting, Tuetsday, April 5th, at the Legion Hall, Clinton, at 8:00 p.m. to choose dele- gates. 1-13-1 DUBLIN Lions Annual Dublin Fest, July 9, 1983. 1.13.1 EAST Central. Ontario Here- ford Zone Sale. Registered Herefords, 16 yearling hulls, 30 females. Peterborough Fairgrounds. Sat. April 16 show I0:3() a.nl. Sale 1:00 p.m. Catalogues Box 35. Carrying Place. Ontario, KOK ILO. 1.13-01 CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday, 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51. Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15.00. $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200 must go each week. vt I-9-tf RUMMAGE SALE. Saturday April 9th, First Presbyterian Church, 2-4 p.m. Auspices Fireside Fellowship Group. -- I12-3 BINGO every Thursday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5 CLINTON 1st regular card $1; 15 regular games of $15; 3 Share -the-' Wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restrict cd to 16 years of over. I-9-tf BACK by popular demand. London Bohhv at the Scaforth Community Centres, May 14tH, 1983 at 9 p.m. Sponsor- ed by the Scaforth Lions ('tub,'t ickets available at Bob Betty's & Bob's Barber Shop. 55.00; person. Lunch included. 1 12 4 HAVE you heard of the "Scaforth Harmony Kings the mens' Barbershop Char• tis? Now. are you interested in joining a "Sweet Ade - lines'' group' If you arc, conte to the Scaforth Public School auditorium Wed. April 6. 8:00 p.m. or for more information call 52'-013' or 52'.08'6. 1.12.2 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CENTRE 4 Help Wanted CAMPGROUND looking for silent or active investors/ partners for expansion pur- poses. Please write to Drawer /1166, c/o The Mitchell Advo- cate. Mitchell, Ontario. NOK INO. 4-13.1 APPLICATIONS will be re- ceived for summer jobs with the Seaforth Recreation Dept. for the Playschool. ---.y ground. and Teen Prams. Application forms -are avail- able at the a.Oreation Office. Deadlin r applications is Friday. April 15, at 5 p.m. 4-13-3 APPLICATIONS will be re- ceived for summer jobs at the Scaforth Lions Park and Pool. Application forms are avail- able at the Recreation Office. Deadline for applications is Friday, April 15 at 5 p.m. 4-13-3 WATKINS • Full and part time available. Earn what you need by building your own Watkins business. Establish• ed since 1868, Call 5485 Bill ('ou pl and. 4-13-01 MOUNTAIN HOTEL now accepting- applications ter rooks, waitresses. gift shop cashiers, front desk, house; keepers. bartenders, gas joc- kcys. Apply in writing to: Glacier Park Lodge. Rogers Pass, B.C. VOE 2S0. .4-13-01 EARN extra money. Mo narch's beautiful catalogue of cards and gifts makes it easy and profitable. No experience neecicd. For free catalogue and information write or phone: Monarch, Box 516, Hamilton. L8N 3K3, (416) 527-3891. 4-13-01 PUBLICITY director required for Blyth Summer Festival from May 16 to Aug. 26. Requires pleasant personal- ity. interest in theatre, ability 10 work without supervision. some public relations related experience. Apply to the General Manager. Blyth Sumner Festival, Blyth, Ont. Before Apil'. LIVE-IN babysitter required. Phone 52'-0468. 4.13-1 BABYSI'irE.R needed to conic in to look after a two year old child and a year old child, Monday through Fri- day from 12:00 - 4:30. Salary negotiable. Phone 527-1558 after 6:00. 4.11-tf SEAFORTH Restaurant and Steak House requires a waiter or waitress, experienced, full time or part-time. Available anytime 527-1020. 4-12x2 ESTABLISHED firm in Whitehorse. Yukofterritory. with active corporate, com- mercial. and litigation prac- tice is accepting applications Mfrom solicitors with not less an years current experi- ence and in private practice. Submit resume. Anton, As- quith. Campion,' 04 Lambert St.. Whitehorse / ukon Terri-, tory. YIA IZ• Attention: Ms:GraceJohn on. 4.11.01' SECRETAR :OOKKEEP- ER, ful ime. Apply to Draw 190, c/o Signal -Star is ing Ltd.., P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4136. 4-12.2 5 Bus. Opportunity LEARN welding in 5 weeks. Arc, Gas, MIG Government test, blueprint reading in- cluded phone or write 416- 255-2369. Institute of Techni- cal Trades 734 Kipling Ave,, Toronto M8'Z SGS. 5-13-01 GREENHOUSE Business in Magrath, Alberta, 10 acres with buildings. Financial assistance and training avail- able. Call Willard Paxman 403-752-3205 or 403-752.3664 Box 150. Raymond Alberta. lOK 2S0. 5-13-01 HAVE -TRUCK -WILL - I RAVEL. Evenings and weekends, about town, Tight moving. delivery. refuse re- moval, basements. garages cleaned, spring clean up. 52'-0497. 5-9-tf 6 Teachers Wanted PIANO teacher required im- mediately for a lade 4-5 student. Phone 345-2178. 6-13-2 7 Situations Wanted WILL habysit in own home. Call anytime. 527-0035. 7-12-2 HAS dairy. hog. cash crop experience. Also interested in mechanic apprenticeship. References available. 345- 2869. 7-13-2 8 Farm Stock GEORGE White saddle tank sprayer, 100 g.tanks; also 2 sets of flexicoil land packers 22 and 24 ft. wide. Phone 527-1600. 11-12-2 LIVE Easter bunnies for sale. Call 527-0936. Ask for Jeff. 11-12-2 SEED FOR SALE: Herta. Bruce and Massey barley, Elgin and Laurent oats, Glen - lea Wheat. Mixed grain from above varieties. Single and Double cut Red Clover, Certi- fied Maple Arrow Soybeans. Seafarer. Kentwood and Ex Rico white beans. Lorne Fell, Staffa,345-2697. 11-12-2 HOOVER washer spin-dry, gold colour, good condition. SI00. Phone 345-2868. 11.13.1 BOARS. York, Hamp X Dur- oe. Good clean stock. R.O.P tested. Priced to sell. Call Tony Wiedcrman. 345-2170. 8-12-4 9 Farm Machinery FREEZER: Woods 27.3 cubic foot. 5500.00 or best offer. Phone Steve, days 482-3905, evenings -527-1588, 11-13-1 WOOD shavings for livestock bedding. Compressed in 4 cu. ft. paper bags. Call Mahlon & Steinman, RR1, Shakespeare Ont, NOB 2P0. 655.2739. 11-13-2 BALES: Second cut alfalfa hay. 51.25 per bale. Lavern Godkin, Walton, Otit. 527- 1877. 11.13.1 BUY your meats in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwv. 114 north of Clinton, 11/2 mile south of Londesboro • watch for our sign. By the case or by the pound. Call collect 523-9508. 11-13-1 N.C.A. T.V. 20". 525.00. Phone 527.0503. 11.13x1 r STRAW and hay for sale. 482-7446. 11-13-1 8 h.p. 34" twin blade electric start Lawn Elite tractor lawn mower. Phone 5271635. 11.13x2 ENGINE re -build parts, gaskets.starters, generators, water pumps. clutch/pres- sure plates, manuals. muff- lers. etc. Canadian Farm Centre, 301 Princess Street. Winnipeg. Manitoba R3B 1 M4. Phone (204) 942-5195. 11-13-01 INTERNATIONAL 119 spring tooth culivator with hydraulic lift. 527-1308.. 9-13x1 held at the Health Unit office Medical Building, Brussel, on WED. APRIL6, 1983 from I :30-3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure TENDER 10 Used Cars NEED a building this spring? We have the most complete line of metal buildings avail- abll. for agricultural, com- mercial, institutional or resi- dential use. Special Spring prices! Fall collect anytime, 05-474.1180. 11-13-01 FARM stock for sale:. 5 farrowing crates, like new condition. Phone 482-7548. 11.13.1 POTATOES: Red or white, also seed potatoes. Hwy. 1184 vest of Hensall. Phone 236- 4038. 11-9-tf ROOF Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. For tender information Phone: 482-9560 After 3 p.m. • Tenders to close Friday, April lath. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. 1979 9' 2 Maple Leaf truck camper, show model, sleeps 4. 'ridge. stove. sink. TV antenna. 2 piece bath, fur - carpet, luggage rack . and ladder. tic downs and jacks. and awning. 523-4275. 10-13.1 CLASSIFIED RATES , DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS '4:30P,M. MONDAYS Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. 22 words -53.50 16c per word thereafter. BIRTHS -No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of 56. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement. 510 with picture. MARRIAGES -Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and cutline only, 515. IN MEMORIAMS-$3.50 plus 30c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words. 53.50, each additional word 16c CARD OF THANKS -25 words 3.50. Each additional word Sc. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWiiNG INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THiS OFFICE -53.00 per insertion . SEMI DISPLAY -1.15 per cm. Phone 527-0240 - 1481 Olds Omega 4 dr. sedan, auto, p. steering and brakes, radio, rear defogger. very low mileage. 14,000 miles• likc new, locally owned. Phone 52'-1854. 10-13x1 11 Articles for Sale SEED HERTA BARLEY Registered, certified, clean and treated MAC STEWART RR1 Dublin 527-0897 Select Seed Grower CLEARING OUT Apple Sale: No. 1 Macintosh $S. per bu„ fresh apple cider, honey, maple syrup, apple butter, red and white potatoes, wooden and plastic barrels at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524.8037. 11.10-tf WATERBEDS. complete with pine frame, pedestal, CSA heater, safety inner mattress, and fill kit. $259.00 at Vanastra Furniture, 482- 7922. II-9-tf 12 Wanted to Buy WANTED to Buy: An incuba- tor with a capacity for 400 or less eggs. Phone afterl6 p.m. 527-0448. WANTED: Old brass light fixtures, old shades, any type table (amps, odd parts, gas fixtures from old houses and stores, Evenings. Stratford. 273.2846. 12-13x2 OLDER QUILTS, oak exten- sion tables and chairs, steel and brass beds. Willing to pay good prices, Call Carol. Stratford, 271-0941. 12.10-tf PIANO WANTED regardless of condition. Phone collect anytime 519.669.2280 or 519- 669-2198. 12-94 13 Wanted WANTED: Old brick build- ings. for wrecking and sal- vage purposes. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc. 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542.- 4088. Ontario s largest sup- plier of reclaimed brick, 1 3-9-tf EASTER 14 Property for Sale PUT a Viceroy pre-cut Super - home on your lot. Send 55.00 for Viceroy's big new 68 page homes book for the 1980s. Features a huge variety of dazzingly beautiful homes. Coyle Viceroy Homes, Tony Moffatt. RR3, Kippen, 26 - 5047. 15 Property for Rent APPROX. 190 acres land for rent. by tender. Tenders to be in April 1st. Apply Mervin Dietz, RR1. Dublin, Ont. NOK IEO. 15-12x2 FOR Rent in Dublin. 1 bed- room apartment. fridge and stove available May I. 345- 2061_ 15-11-3 2 bedroom . apartment with stove and fridge. North Main. 527.1715. IS -13x1 50 acres land to rent. Lot 9 Con 1.1 McKillop Twp. 345- 2869, 15-13.2 2 bedroom apartment with stove and refrigerator avail- able April 1st. Apply Box 3698, c/o The Huron Exposi- tor. Scaforth. Ontario, 15-13-1 HENSALL' LIVESTOCK 15 Property for Rent FOR RENT in Seaforth, 3-1 bedroom apartments, newly renovated, broadloomed. Call 26,2-3146 or 527-0712 after 5. 1S-9-tf 16 For Sale or Rent 19 Notice 19 Notice PHIL'S Refrigerator and Ap- PREGNANT and distressed? pliance Service. Prompt,' de - Married or single. Free con- pendable service to all makes fidential support. Call collect and models of domestic ap- .Birthrigght 432-7197 or after 6 pliances. Phone 887-9062,19-9-tf m. 527-0115, 19-9-tf p• FOR Sale or Rent: 150 acres, Hwy. farm, south of Wing - ham, excellent land. some plowed. 887.9493,/ l6 -13x1 17 Wanted to Rent APPROX. 50 acres of cash crop land in the Walton or Brussels area. Phone 527- 1600. 17-12-2 100-500 acres land, M & T Farms, Kippen. 262-6018, 262.6068. 17-13-3 SUNWORTHY WALL COVERINGS 20o% OFF at Ball - Macaulay 527.0910 Seaforth SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P -M. All classes of livestock FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 24 HOUR SERKICE PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345-2235 'WE INVITE YOUR -CONSIGNMENTS Greg Hargreaves 262-2619 Hensall Victor Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton Barry Miller 236-2717 xeter and 229-62 5'Kirkton FIRE HOOD FOR !' �! SALE Dry t i Mixed Hardwoods • Delivered -Any quantity 482-9250 TOM REIDY REALTY LTD. Realtor LOGAN TOWNSHIP: 50 acres, 1'/2 storey '3 { bedroom brick home. Barn set up for cow -calf operation. LOGAN TOWNSHIP: Monkton area, 50 acres, 11/2 storey. 4 bedroom, brick home, barn set up for hogs. ELLICE TOWNSHIP: 50 acres, cash crop land along paved road. ELMA TOWNSHIP: Monkton area, 42 acres, excellent drainage. LOGAN TOWNSHIP: 49 acres systematically tiled, suitable for cash crop. WALLACE TOWNSHIP: Gowanstown area, 57 acre farm, approx. 50 workable, excellent drainage.1! storey 3. bedroom brick home, barn presently set up for cattle. Contact ROBERT GILBERT - 345.2654 CHARLES WALKOM-348-8197 JiM WILLIAMS - 343-5702 TOM REIDY -347-23 WORKMAN ASSISTANT SECRETARY -TREASURER • for a mutual insurance company Good accounting background required. Knowledge of general insurance an asset. This is a good opportunity for advancement. References required. Submit resume, marked application before April 15, 1983 to: USBORNE AND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Box 423, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 ulliga: REAL ESTATELTD. MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 IfOR'IY-TW() Pedlar arch cow stalls, fifteen factory made calf stalls. Badger stable cleaner with a new 24 ft. slide and 250 ft. chain. 887-6695. 11.12-2 Al PAGE home cassette deck. 3 years Old. Asking $100. Phone 52'-1669. . _ _ II -12x2 WINDOWS and doors. New const. or replacement. Con• tact Bill Feeney. Your local dealer for Twin Windows Inc. Showroom, Dublin. 345-2405. 11.9-tf BACHERT MEATS CUSTOM KILLING Cutting a Wrapping FREEZING 'AKlLL DAY ON TUESDAY All Meat Oovl Inspected on the farm 1 MILE EAST OF WALTON 887-9328 HUTTON BRUSSELS: Attractive 5 year old, 3 bedroom honk. living room. din- ing room. kitchen, laun- dry. full finished base- ment. with beautiful rec room, attached garage, large lot. Price 549,000 VERY SCENIC: 4 acres near Belgrave, river at hack, mature trees, elec- trically heated. 3 bed- room home, large kit- chen, living room and hath. Asking price 526.500. Must be sold to close estate. • EXCELLENT BUILD- ING LOT in Brussels. GARAGE: Brussels area excellent one storey building, two bays. of- fice, parts room. 2 pc. bath, hook-up for trailer home on lot. Two septic systems. drilled well. Included hoist and air compressor. Asking 526,000. Excellent fi- nancing. GORRIE: Brick I'h storey home. Newer add- ed family room, living room, good kitchen. full basement, dniied well, real good. 20x40 shop. Property consists of 5 lots. Asking 525,900. Contact Merl Mathers Wingham 357.3208 Representing L.W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. EGMONDVILLE: Very well kept older hone, 3 bedrooms. separate. dining. 2 baths, double car garage. Lot 82.5' x 189'. CHURCH ST.: 2 storey brick home. completely renovated Acorn kitchen, fireplace, hideaway laundry, gas heat, full basement. -NEW LISTING: Mill Street. a very nice size lot 59.62 x 148.5'. This is your chance to build that house. COLEMAN ST.: BSOLD:low. 4 bedroom home, with central wse built in 1977. SPARLING ST.: 2 storey home 3 bedrooms, full basement. large family home. Det 'd garage. $30s. NORTH MAIN: 2 storey home, completely renovated inside and out, 2 baths. laundry on main. GODERICH ST.: 2 storey stone house with full basement, new roof put on last year. 3 bedroom home. patio doors off sunroom. ALEXANDER ST.: ISOLD Ior style home, 2 baths, fireplace. !aur in. atta'd garage. JARVIS ST.: One SOLD/ home, with 3 bedrooms, new mast n on main floor. MARKET ST.: 5 year old brick and aluminum bungalow, laundry on main, country sized kitchen REDUCED: Centre st.. 1'/2 storey frame house. good location. PROPERTIES ARE SELLING. LIST YOUR PROPERTY NOW! Build Your Own Home $3,000 GRANT Available until April 30. 1983 LOTS AVAILABLE IN DOIG SUBDIVISION Phone 527-1577 Maureen Wildfong Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Morse: MaA371 NEW LISTING: 14 acres, 5 miles .from Clinton. good frame home, work shop and small barn. trout steam on property. NEW LISTING: Mobile home. on corner lot. Morris Street, Blyth 150 ACRES NEAR AUBURN: 100 workable. good brick home, 2 small sheds, 40 acres bush, HULLETT TWP.: 251 acres, excellent buildings. paved road. BLYTH: 1 acre with 11/2 floor brick home, insulated shop, financing arranged. INVESTMENT PROPERTY: 4 unit apartment building. central location in Clinton, vendor will finance. SACRIFICE SALE: 2 acres with large brick home near Brussels. 300 ACRES NEAR BRUCE - FIELD: cash crop and hog farm, paved road. HOLMESViLLE: 13 acres with farrowing barn. 1 floor Krick bungalow. paved drive NEAR BRUCEFIELD: 6 acres good frame home, -drive shed and barn. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Main Street. Blyth. under $15.000.00. could he resi• dcnce 2 MILES FROM CLINTON: 100 acres. 97 workable. no - buildings. 100 ACRES: Crop Land. Hul- lett Twp. 68 ACRES: 62 workable. 6th line. Hullett Twp, 91 ACRES AT BELGRAVE: Good house and barn. 70 acres' workable. hardwood bush. owner will finance. BAYFIELD AREA: Hwy. 1121 5 acres with ranch home, many extras. nicely wooded. 50 ACRES: Farrow to finish. Hwy. 1#86. near Wingham. new home, low interest F.C.C. mortgage. NEW raised ranch home at Brucefield, attached garage, electric heat with heat pump. Priced right. INVESTMENT PROPERTY: 50 rental units at Vanastra. in 9 buildings. on one property. Sacrifice sale. 11/2 FLOG"- oma on double lotSOLys. 46 ACRES on paved road near Varna, 22 acres workable, 9 acres hardwood bush, large double home. Targe framed barn, driveshed with work- shop. Real Estate Ltd. SEAFORTH OFFICE HENRY A. MERO BILL HENDERSON ST. COLUMBAN OFFICE STEVE MURRAY 527-0430 527-0430 527-0995 345-2172 EGMONDViLLE: 3 bedroom ranch, full finished basement, large heated shop: 2 lots, 565,000.00 50 SOW BARN: 3 bedroom home, on 5 ac. in McKillop. Only 545,000.00 HARPURHEY( 4 bedroom home on a large 1/2 acre lot. Only $27,500.00. • CHURCH ST.:'Nice 2 bedroom bungalow, family room and workshop. ,531,001100. • LARGE STONE HOUSE: On 7 ac:, very modern ti large shed, call for details. 65 ELIZABETH ST.: 3 bedroom cedar sided ' bungalow. full basement. Targe garage, behuti- fully treed lot, Only $44,000.00 1.1 ACRE LOT in Tuckersmith, 4 bedroom home in excellent condition. A bargain at 529,900.00 HULLETT TWP.: 2 ac, on 118 highway, 3 bedroom house. $29,900.00 42 WILSON ST.: 3 bedroom', 2 storey. on a large lot, nice location. $23.500.00 123 JAMES ST.: 3 bedroom Victorian style home. many renovations completed, large lot, $28,000.00 Offers. 3.5 ACRES in McKilr'op. 3 bedroom home, insulated barn for pigs. 545,000.00 - 61 ELIZABETH ST.: Tastefully redone 3 bedroom with large family room. bar and much more. 540,000,00. CHALK ST.: Very attractive. 2 bedroom, excellent condition. $32,000.00. 54 HiGH ST.: 3-2 bedroom apartments in very good condition. 540,000.00 EGMONDVILLE: A cozy 3 bedroom brick bungalow. full basement with rec room. Only 533.900.00. L.A. Bill Henderson. EXECUTIVE RANCH: 2 yrs. old.. large '-2 ac. lot over looking Bayfield River, very nice GODERiCH ST.: 2 storey frame duplex. good location. large lot. 535,000.00 BRUSSELS: 3 store fronts on Main St. Open to offers. HENSALL: Large commercial lot with 3000 sq. ft. building. former building supply. 559,000.00 WINTHROP: 2' 2 acres. 3 bedroom home, nicely renovated. Must he seen. 540,000.00 67 GOUINLOCK ST.: 11/2 storey 2 bedroom. rec room. house completely rebuilt and in good condition. $32.900.00 EGMONDVILLE: 3 bedroom sided. 11/2 storey hone in a nice arca. Only 525,000.00. L.A. Steve Murray. 57 COLEMAN ST.: 3 bedroom bungalow, Mil basement. 6 years old. Only 538,000.00 s, d EAST OF WINTHROP: 2 storey brick home,,large barn. 5 acres, good location. 540,000.00 151 JARVIS ST.: Ideal home for a retiring fart couple. beautifully appointed, 3 bedroom spti.rA,. level, 2. acre lot. 24' x 40' workshop. must be seen. 594,000.00 HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom 2 storey home built in 1976, main floor family room. double garage. an _ exquisite home. 595,000.00 Offers. 2 TROUT PONDS: On this 80 acres. nice bush and small cottage. 65 workable acres. 5100,000.00 HULLETT TWP.: 2 storey brick home. 30 sow Karn. 5 acres. excellent mortgage. 547,500.00 EXQUISITE: 3 bedroom. 2 storey completely modern. large lot with some hush. Many many features. $54,000.00 EGMONDVILLE: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, full finished basement. built in 1976, $44,000.00 BRANTFORD ST.: 3 bedroom brick and alumi• num sided home. full basement, carport. have a look. 542,000.00 WATER ST. EGMONDVILLE: 11 year old duplex. 2-2 bedroom units, well rented, in excellent condition. Asking 548,000.00 12 ROOM STONE house on 2 acres in excellent restored condition. heated workshop. garage. Good mortgage. $59,500.00 R1EW HOME: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, attached garage. full basement, nice lot. 555,000.00 LARGE STORE on Main St. in good condition, ideal location. Only 534,000.00 i SI 55 1