HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-03-30, Page 15-V Fanny Residents celebrate St. Pat's day THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 30, 1983 — A15 Sunday morning worship was held in the Huronview chapel with Rev. Norman Pick in charge. Jim Rose, at the piano and accompanied by his group of musicians, got old time music started with a medley of Irish tunes. They also played many favourites for everyone. Ken Cowan, in tine tenor voice. led the residents in a rouzing singsong. Elsie Henderson and Ken sang an Irish duet "It Is For Harrigan", accom- panied by the group. It was disappointing when so few turned out for the music session with Bruce Cookson. However, we hope there will be a larger attend- ance next. time. If you don't care to sing. come° anyway and listen to the music and have some fun, By now, no doubt, every- one has heard the record. the "Bird Dance". Well it really has caught on at Huronview and everybody is doing exer- cises to the music regardless of age. So anytime of day you are apt to hear the strains of this great music as you walk through the halls. Tuesday afternoon, Special Care folk met ig the auditor- ium for an hoyrlbf music and dancing. Refreshments were served and we had a great time. The March birthday party was held Wednesday after- noon and convened by the Women's Institute of Credi- ton. The program opened with a singsong cgpsisttnR of Irish tunes and led by Olen Hodgins who was master of ceremonies. Anne Cottel gave a couple of delightful readings. Mrs. Maggie Clarke pleased everyone with her violin numbers. Lois Hodgins at the piano and Glen on guitar with Max Ducharme on violin, played a medley of old favourites in fine style. Glen's two little daughters. Michelle and Kristy, won everyone's heart when they sang a couple of ducts and then wished happy birthday in song to all those having March birthdays. During the serving of fancy cupcakes and tea-; Elsie Hen- derson joined the musicians and played for everyone's pleasure. WI groups take up issues Women's Institute (WI) members across the province are taking a look at some controversial issues this year. Women's rights, women's use and misuse of drugs and alcohol, and microtechnol- ogy's effect on women in the workplace and in the home, are only some of the suggest- ed topics. These topics, prepared by provincial conveners and ex- ecutive members, are being • sent to branch conveners in a factsheet to help them plan 1983-84 meetings. Each WI branch can decide which topics or sub -topics it is FINE CLOCKS—Leonard Strong of Egmondville who designs and makes cedar and cypress clocks had a display at Mitchell Legion Branch 128 flea market last Saturday. (M. Dynes Photo) ROY'S RADIATOR SERVICE RR2 MITCHELL 348-9114 Also specializing in Front End Alignment & Wheel Balance "ONE MILE SOUTH OF DAVE'S SUNOCO SERVICE" Tasty Nu Bread made the old fashioned way with tt e finest ingredients for over 50 years.-, Guaranteed fresh! Available at TASTY NU BAKERY CHEESE HOUSE, Seaforth A nice surprise David Geddes got a nice surprise last week when a group of Windsor men who belong to the Belle River Lions Club presented him with a Tele Caption Unit. This unit allows Dayid to watch T.V. while the words are being printed across the bottom of the television set. David is a grade 7 pupil at the Robarts School,; for the Deaf in tendon. This year various Lions Clubs in Ontario and Quebec are sponsoring the deaf and supplying Tele Caption Units. As Belle River did not have anyone in their district, they sponsored David. Shop Stratford's City Centre's 4e- 0010:4 10,•41 interested in developing. Co-ordinating this effort is Joyce Canning, former home economics supervisor for On- tario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF). 'Canning says her new post as OMAF's co-ordinator of rural women's groups strengthens the ministry's tie with the 86 -year-old WI. "The ministry has always held a close tie with the Women's Institute. But this is the first time the ministry has been involved in develop- ing specific programming." The objectives of the WI, - founded in 1897 by Erland Riddell roast celebrated Huron -Middlesex MPP Jack Riddell was roasted by his fellow MPPs and political colleagues on the occasion of his 10th anniversary in the provincial legislature. On March 15, 1973, Jack Riddell from Hay Township in Huron County was first elect- ed to the provincial legisla- ture and anecdotes from that time were recalled by cam- paign officials. The roast was held on March 16 at the Seaforth Community Centre. Muriel Murphy and How- ard Aitken of Goderich and Ian McAllister of Zurich re- 'citbd --sto'ribk" l?bm the fitst campaign. Mr. Riddell's son Wayne of Clinton got in the act of roasting his father when he talked of the quali- ties needed to be a politician. MPPS taking part in the roast included Ron Van Lee and -Adelaide Hoodless, remain unchanged. The WI encourages sound homemak- ing skills, develops women's leadership skills, identifies problems and needs in the community, promotes re- source material and develops happier, more useful citizens. Canning says stronger pro- grams. using these suggest- ed topics. reinforces these objectives and may give the WI a united voice on some issues. The WI is one of the largest women's organizations in On- tario, boasting a membership of more than 26,000. Last year, 1,311 new members joined the group. But' Can- ning hopes stronger pro- grams focusing on key wo- men's issues, will attract many more new members. Horne of London North. Sean r �1 - w i'l_ _ Conway of Renfrew North; o Richard Ruston of Essex North Eric umm�C ham of g Wentworth North and Mur- ray Elston of Huron -Bruce. The master of ceremonies for the roast was former Huron - Bruce MPP Murray Gaunt. Congratulatory letters were read from provincial Liberal leader David Peter- son, former provincial Liberal leader Robert Nixon. Rainy River MPP Pat Reed. Kit- chener MPP Jim Breithaupt. Perth MPP Hugh Edighoffer, Sarnia MPP Andy Brant and St. Catharines. MPP Jim Bradley. At the doge of ,the -roast, Mr. Riddell was presented with an engraved clock from the Huron -Middlesex Liberal Association. • Time to plan summer work "Now is the time to start planning for summer employment," says Angelina Arts, the new supervisor of the Canada Employment Centres for Students in Goderich and Exeter, utner government pro- grams such as the Ontario Youth Employment Pro- gram, which offers employers a subsidy of $1.25 per hour, Experience '83 and the Student Venture Capital Program will also be offered again this year. For further details contact Angelina at 524-2744. All of Huron County except Grey, Turnberry, and Howick Townships are serv- ed by the Goderich and Ex- eter offices. The Canada Employment Centre for Students in Goderich is located above the post office at 35 East Street. The other area office is located at 305 Main Street in Exeter. Currently, the Goderich of- fice is open from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. The Exeter office will not be .opened until March, when Angelina will open the office every Wednesday. Until then, Exeter and area students and employers are encouraged to register at the main Canada Employment Centre in Exeter. Employers who are in- terested in hiring students for summer work, should be aware of the following employment facts: The minimum wage for students under 18 is $2.65 and for students 18 and over it is $3.50, construction being $3.75. The minimum ages for employment in different Top o' the mornin and begorra 'tis a grand day for the Irish. To celebrate this fine day, about 50 residents met in the auditorium for a St. Patrick's diner. The menu consisted of fried eggs, pota- toes, sausage, chili sauce. rolls and apple pie with cheese. We thank the activity girls and staff for providing such a bountiful meal. A program followed and taking part were, Mabel Scott and Myrtle Fairservice who de- lighted their audience with humourous readings. Frank Bissett presided at the piano for a singsong: Margaret McQueen and Elsie Hender- son pleased everyone with their Irish ducts and Elsie sang a lovely solo. In keeping with the theme of the day, every resident received a shamrock which was on the breakfast tray. Pat Thurlow was the win- ner of the lucky shamrock. May you be a half an hour in heaven before the 'divil' knows yer dead --Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all. Do you know how tall a Lepre- chaun is? Twenty•tour inch- es. A Second -UREA FQ.RMpkDAHYDE— FOAM INSULATION , REMOVAL COURSE Is Being Offered In Stratford This course is for Homeowners and Contractors. Course dates are .. Apr. 23/24 and Apr. 30 /May 1 t (Two Consecutive Weekends) Application Forms are now available U by contacting , PHIL BROWN 273-1117 or at 115 obourg St. Stratford after 5 p.m. he applications must be submitted before April 15 to be registered for the ourse. 12, 13 1Ro 1pX-CONSULTING SERV/ `t• 154 Isabella St., col" SEAFORTH,ONTARIO 527-0557 -REASONABLE RATES- -PERSONAL SERVICE- -NO ADVANCE PAYMENTS: Branch of: Niagara Farm and Business Consultants [1964) Hamilton, Ontario Harry DenHaan Tax Consultant [Registered) fields are 14 years or older for shops or offices, 15 years and -up in general industry and 16 years and older for construction. Students interested in fin- ding inding summer .employment should register at the Stu- dent Centre as soon as posssible, and are encourag- ed to read the wont ads and to use their connections — parents, friends, and relatives — to find employ, ment. Any student who doesn't already have a social in- surance number should app- ly now. The Employment Centre staff can show them how to do this. MCCLURE: Murray and Chris are happy to announce the birth of their son Timothy .lames on March 17. 1983. Tini's grandparents arc Jim and Dorothy Delaney and Jim McClure, VERBERNE: Mary Ann and Frank and Chris Verberne wish to announce the birth of Barry Joseph born March 23. 1983 in Seaforth Community Hospital. Sltfl: Norm and Elaine are happy to announce the birth of their first child Candice Jillaine, Feb. 20, 1983. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Graver, Mit- chell, and Mr. and Mrs. David Sim, Kippen. DILLON: Brian and Karen Dillon wish to announce the safe arrival of their little brother Michael James, on March 21 at Stratford Hospi- tal. Proud parents are Jerry and Debbie. Grandparents are Red and Hazel Dillon, Max and Gloria Lcarn and great grandmas Lois Learn and Frieda Keller. PAYNE: Wayne and Iris are thankful to announce the arrival of their first baby. a girl Amerley Lynn born on March 23. 1983 at St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz. Third grandchild for proud grand- parents Mary Alexander and Carl and Hilda Payne. WOOD: Jill and Scott are pleased to announce the birth of their baby brother. Dean Shawn, born March 2', 1983. Proud parents are Rick and Joan Wood. . BOB & BETTY'S VARIETY & GIFTS & Radio IIhaek DEALER ASC. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. TILL 11 P.M. Your Lottery Headquarters EASTER CARDS --SERVIETTES See Qur NFew, Puzzle,Racit 32 DIFFERENT DESIGNS by Coutt's Hallmark MOVIE RENTAL See What You Want When You Want Book Earty - Avoid Disappointment One Night Booking Mon. to Thurs. Any One Night $1695 See 3 Top Movies for Only + TAX Now Over 100 Movies To Choose From YOUR RADIO SHACK HEADQUARTERS BRICKMAN'S 15 NOW OPEN: Mon. -Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m. -5 p.m. 1 'While -LI -Wait" Sharpening Clinic at Sill's Home Hardware 13.14 Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION St. Patrick's School Mr Larry Cook, Principal Mill Street DUBLIN, Ontario 345-2033 FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1983 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. [by appointment] Kindergarten children need to be 5 years of age on or before 31st December, 1983 ,Please bring proof of age (Birth Certifi- cate and Baptismal Certificate). Attention Veterans Ex -Service Men and Women and Dependents The Rin al Canadian Legion Ser. ice Bureau Officer CLARE WALL Provincial Service Officer of London will be visiting in the area. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance, regarding: lal War Disability Pension; lbl Treatment for entitled veterans; lel Application for Benevolent Funds; Id] Appeals against adverse original applications for War Veterans and Widows Allowance, Is requested to contact the Service Officer or Secretary of the local Branch, whose name appears below, not later than: April 9, 1983 To arrange an interview, contact: GEORGE MILLER, Service Officer Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1 WO Phone 527-1512 or 527-1010 — By, — Mr. Gordon Blanchard, Factory trained expert DATE: Saturday, April 9th TIMES: 9:00a.m. to 3p.m. Household Knives Scissors 99C 1.99 Pinking Shears 3.49 12" Chain Sows 3.99 Reasonable Prices on Hunting Knives, Saws and Shears NOTE: Bring In knives etc. from NOW until Saturday, 3 p.m. 'Be Sharp" - Come to.... ALSO OPEN THIS GOOD FRIDAY 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. See our large selection of EASTER LILIES AND OTHER SPRING FLOWERS OUR PRICES HAVE NEVER BEEN LOWER! Our Targe volume and low overhMead SAVES YOU ONEY" COMPLETE GARDEN CENTRE Visit us to -day for all your gardening needs. BRICKMAN'S COUNTRY GARDENS 10 Mllvarton Rostock Wartburg Geo. A. Sills' & Sons Home Hardware 527-1620 RR N0. 1 Sebringville Lot 24 Con. 7 EIHce Twp. Brlckmarra Klnkora to uatowet 119 Hwy PHONE: 393-6223 Mitchell to London NCI Hwy Sebrinpvtlle Stretford to St Marys 1