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The Huron Expositor, 1983-03-30, Page 5
( v DQJbflflw ©id ©E? c) Dublin Diamonds formed in 1975 Correspondent JOAN CRONIN 345.2772 Have you ever heard of the Dublin and District Dia- monds Association before? Well, neither did 1 until this weekend and yet 1 have been - writing about them and their monthly card parties held during the winter months. In the past I and many others have referred to them as senior citizens which is only partially correct. In June of 1975, with the aid of Sister Florence. they formed the association for which the government at that time gave them a small grant to help get going. To qualify for the grant they had to have 10 signatures at least and six of these must be 65 years acid over, while the remainder could be juniors. Then in September of 1975, they received their one and only grant which was to give their organization a strong beginning. To be a member of the group you need not be 65, as the word Diamond suggests 60 or close to R. There are no fees required and member- ship is voluntary, it is non -denominational and the word district means sur- rounding area, not just Dub- lin. There is usually/ a donation at the door Which helps curtail the cost of. prizes for the card parties and help with-•l*lre>Soodies at the lunch which follows the cards. In the past the group has taken trips to the Ice Capades in London and Kitchener, attended the Roy- al Winter Fair and has gone to Niag�a Falls. The Dublin and District Diamonds do not just travel and play cards. They have' wisely used their meager funds to acquire carpel bowl- ing and they also play INTERESTED FACES -Many of the members of the Qublin Diamonds, a club for senior citizens (and junior ones too...see Joan Cronin's story) were an interested audience for a variety program which highlighted a series of card parties which have been held all winter. The final afternoon of cards, the program, and a supper were held Thursday at St. Patrick's school in Dublin. (Photo by White) The kids are delighted it's Easter bunny time Easter is this coming weekend and with that comes the thought of a new Easter bonnet and the hopes of wearing your new Spring outfit, weather permitting. The Easter Bunny also arriv- es with his chocolate treats and colourful eggs. But most important is remembering that it is Good Friday and the Crucifiction of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection on Easter Sunday, which is observed in all churches. Many families gather on Easter Sunday like at Christ- mas time and serve the traditional ham or leg of lamb at their Sunday dinner. School children have a holiday on Easter Monday, which helps them recouper- ate from all the over -indulg- ing which often follows after the Easter Bunny has left. With Easter, one always thinks of Spring, but this past week has us having second thoughts or more to the point, very serious doubts. The March break was certainly not what I and many others planned. All that house-cleaning which. was going to be done with the windows open and blank- ets drying on the clothes line was just a passing Enough Mother Nature sure wrecked my schedule. That old adage, 'Many hands makes light work', was to be the motto, but the work is still to be done and the hands are all off too school. Oh well, kids, don't smile too widely, there are always Saturdays. The little children enjoyed the snow while it lasted, and their elders endured it when commuting to and from their work. The month of Aprif is almost here and that is supposled to _ bring showers which in turn brings the May flowers. The flowers are already up so all that is left to come is the weeds. All in all, I wish you all a very happy Easter and be sure to leave the bunny a big carrot. He needs his vitamins too. There will be no Dublin and District Bingo this week as it is Good Friday but it will resume on April 8 with a Jackpot of 5450. on 53 calls. Mr. -and Mrs, Don Ben- ninger and Brad of Ennis - more spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ben- ninger." Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Benninger and family of Horne Payne, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger. Mr. and Mrs. Kieth McCarthy and family and Mrs. Mary McCarthy have returned from a week in Florida where they were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Matt McCarthy. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Looby and Anita have returned home from Horida. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Maloney have returned home from a week spent in the sun also. ' Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Verberne of the birth of a boy on March 23 in Seaforth Community Hospital. Teacher from Nigeria visits in St. Columban Correspondent MRS. CECILIA RYAN 345.2028 Don Melady. an English school teacher in Nigeria. West Africa is spending the Easter holidays, three weeks, with his parents Mr. and ,Mrs. Ted Melady. Derek Peter. son of Fran• cis and Marguerite Van Drunen was baptized on Sunday, Mar. 27 at St. Columban, R.C. Church by Rev, Fr. P. Oostveen. The godparents were Peter Van Drunen of Kitchener and Mary Jo Maloney. Other guests attending the cere- mony were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Druncn. Mr. and Mrs. John Nynatten of Kin - kora, Mr. and -Mrs. John Houben and Gregory of Kinkora. Mr. -and Mrs. Peter Nynatten and children of Kinkora, Bill and Trudy Koert and children of Se- bringville, Renee Lepelaars of Stratford and Mike Van Drunen. After the,...ervices everyone visited at iRa Van Drunen home. M'r. Joe Hicknell of St. Peter's Seminary, London and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Raay of Dashwood visit- ed on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hicknell, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Malon- ey who spent the March school break in Florida re- turned home on Monday. Guests on Sunday with Mr.and Mrs. Gerry Ryan on the occasion of Jason's second birthday were: Mrs. Delaine Cronin, Wayne Cronin and Melita Harms• worth. Dale Cronin and Susan Conveney, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cronin, Frank Cronin, Frank Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan. Louise. Mary Jo and Mark Ryan. Visit in McKillop ( nrrespondcnt MRS. ED REGEI.l'. 527.1106 Mr. and Mrs. Harold MI ( allum were recent visitors Stith Mr. and Mrs. Russel McCallum at pl 5t. Mars s. Rcicni sisltors tsilh Mrs Fd Rcgcle very' Mr. and Mrs Clarence Rcgcic a5, Sealnrth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kisincr of kI Bornholm. Mr and Mrs Akin Hirai of Mitchell. Mrs Mars Malmies and Mrs. ( tarn Aikens 01 Rui villa. Min. hell. Miss Brenda Gl:u sills of (Cellula s'sued '01111 her grandmother Mi s 1 d It( gcic DDAA holds baseball registration the Dublin and District Athletic Association held re- gisttation for ball teams on Sunday at the School and anyone who missed it I'm sure can contact these people. There is also a desperate need for coaches to help carry out the instruct- ion of these sports. 1 Flowers in Winthrop lir a lust (lass last vcck Mrs. Startles I'rcs,catnr of ('Gluon t 'stied :n the hoax' n1 Mr and Mrs Harold Mc( alluni one day last tta•ck Mrs. Martini hare. Aug(' hoc. ( orris and ( ors n1 Slrallnrd 51s1ted last ,tuck ttith Mr and (rs Harold Me( a Mr and Mrs Robert 1 nk land. Robert and Dears 01 IlurnnN I';ok. yivled last Wed nc 5(1,15 v ith 5.1,'5 1 d Repele. lilt id, (daily 1111 tato vas h,Jld,ninu vitt/ her ernml In„Iliur Mrs. LII 1(egcic rc lul ni d hunts In ( redibut un , W' dnesda, ti1r dad Mrs Staines I'ii clot ..I ( rcdnnli spcn1 Sun 'Lit 11(111 !,Ar and Mrs 11:nnld M, ( alliin and t :its Staffa couple home from south Winthrop U( W meeting will he Apr h at It p m Stephen Hildebrand will de monstrate flower arrange ments Mr. and Mrs Allan ( amp hell have returned home after two weeks -4n California I ( orrespnnden' MRS. JOHN TEMPT! '\IAN 345-2346 Mi and Mrs Duni an'cn1 lase ruturm•c1 from a 11.11tiav in the southern .111(5 Corporal and Mrs RR hard ( amcron. of ( ' 13 Pei ava v0. visited this past week with their families. Master Corporal Al Rhino. .1 (- 5 B Petavas.0. visited over the holiday week with Mr ;Env: Mrs Lloyd Canter on Miss Darlene Templeman. Godcrich spent a few doss with her family Misses .fill Norris and Sara Goldstein. London spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bob Norris and family Mrs. Linda Fakay. Van server. British Columbia. and Mrs Bruce Thoraldson. Winnipeg. Manitoba. visited Sundas wiih Mr and Mrs. Bolt Noris and I:unils Ii ander and Vicks Snuthinld holidayed for a lets 11055 vnh their grind. pari Ins Mr and Mrs Inhn Drake and Murray Visiting On l Mrs 1)astld Sim. Snuihwold Mrs Margaret Papplc and mann('. London. Miss for rains Pa plc. Blvth. Miss 1race s McPherson Seaforth and Brian Bromlcs. Bfsth lames Stoll and Olga Prosper were marrii d in the Hihhert United / hurcli with the Res W 1- earn 1cling At time of writing Mrs Fd Butson. Miss Vera Hamblcy and Robert McGaughey arc all patients in Seaforth (om mutiny Hospital We wish them all a speedy recovery. Mrs John Templeman at• tended the London are excel; live meeting at Brown's (hurch on Tuesday THE HURON. E.,tQI1TQR,t'MARcH,. O, 4!3,, •:AS shuffleboard m the St. Pat- rick's School gym. They have purchased cards and card 'tables and other necessities for their meetings. The original Directors' Council was made up of the following- members: Joe Shea, Mrs. Joe McLaughlin, Mrs. Fergus Kelly, Sr.', Mrs. Ann Burchill, Mrs. Camilla Evans, Mrs. Marie Melady. The following were the four juniors at that time: Charles riend, Mrs. George Du- charme, Mrs. Joe Shea and George Ducharme. Mrs. Burchill is now deceased and another member has taken her place. The winners of the cards were Norval Elliott • mens high, Angela Klinkhammer - ladies high, Margaret Car- penter - ladies low and Alvin Hinz - mens low: To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shea, Mrs. Ester Kelly and Charles Friend who have continued to do all the paper work and organizing of events, the community salut- es you on keeping this worth while venture going and we wish you all the success possible in the future. Members of Hibbert Township council toured the newly -completed Lions Club Pavilion in Dublin recently. Pictured here back row from left are councillors, John Kinsman, Walter MacKenzie, and Tom Schoonderwoerd, and Athletic Club president, Ernie Harburn. Front row from left are deputy reeve, Don Johns, reeve, Ivan Norris, clerk -treasurer, Charles Friend and Lions president Jim Snowdon. (Photo Horst) PART SKINNEDFULLY UP TO 7 Kg - 15 LB. ,. FROM THE LOIN a,....,„,' r ... �M1r 1,1(i."4, COOKED FROZEN .YOUNG UTILITY-- OR T-BONE NG FOR EASTER SERVING - SPECIALS IN EFFECT .UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY UP TO 7 KB - 15 LB. GRADE 'A' TURKEYS 2• 38 1.°I! WHOLE OR SHANK PORTION SMOKED HAM TURKEYS 1.94 STEAKS 7•25,kg APRIL 5, 1983. /kg �zehrs markets 01 fine 10«.1. GRADE A 2.5 K6.5 LB. YOUNG DUCKS x.84 �. TURKEYS • UP TO 7 KI -15 LB. BUTTERBALLS 3 .04 • 38 f• 19(no 2 /kg Ib. /kg 88'lb. 3.29,. • /kg Ib, b, /kg m. FULLY COOKED PART SKINNED BONELESS BONELESS OUTSIDE sCHNEIDERS • B VARIETIES SANDWICH STYLE MEAT SPREAD CAMPFIRE SAUSAGE MEAT TURKEYS • UP TO 1 KB • 151.13. • MIRACLE BASTE Q• 04 BUTT PORTION. 2.84/k91.29 1b. FULLY COOKED PART SKINNED CENTRE PORTION 3.73/k91.69 1b. FULL CUT ROUND STEAKS EYE REMOVED BOTTOM - ROUND .; STEAK OR ROAST ROL250 L f9 a75 g 99# ROPL 1.38 .A/ /kg ' Ib, GRADE N HENS xo-z4 0. IncH �49 ,� 15/. 15.. CpUNTRv BOLD T COOKED• 5 VARIETIES SLICED MEATS 890 PRIDE OF CANADA SIDE BACON• SLiCEB�49 so0 •/kg CUT FROM GRADE 'A' BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK 7.03 3. �9 Ib. CORNISH GAME NEW ZEALAND LEG OF LAMB FROZEN 5.93/kg 2,691b. BONELESS ROASTTOR STEAK SIRLOIN TIP 6s7/kgs98b.PKG. 23% OR LESS FATI 17� Ib. • 2.79. FRESH CANADA 'A' GRADE - sCHNEIDERF HALF OR WHOLE SMOKEDOLDf HAM BONELESS RUMP OR INSIDE ROUND ROAST MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 3.92/kg 1. nib. SCHNEIDERS FARMERS MARKET 3 VAR. 500 g 3 49 DELI SPECIALS Lp1AD0[As CNIG FM Olt LUNCHEON - slit /k9 LOAF ?.+lib. TURKEYS AVAILABLE IN LIMITED SUPPLY 80 99 IJ8• /kg ,/ • Ib. . 37 89 /kg �• Ib. SMOKED SAUSAGE scxxElBERs - swT. PICKLED CORNMEALED BACK BACON 7.69/kg 3491b. OLDS FASHION 9•241kv KOLB SO SA 6.517k9 SMOKED HAM 419 Ib, COIL 2.99a 'N'SERVE SUPER SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL REGULAR BROWN OR SOFT `N' CRUSTY A DINNER ROLLS WESTONS SEASONED MONARCH SOOT STYLE IMPERIAL D YARLETJES ASST'D RUFFLEW ,t,YS POTATO '� OR DIET COKE, T,Ae, SPRITE OR �•SUGAR FREE ` SPRITE ' C FRESH FROM WESTONS OF 12 BREAD STUFFING 310 g PKG. 99ns MARGARINE 1 Ib. TUB 890 CHIPS 200 g PKG. ��0 CASE OF 24 - 10 OZ. TINS LIMIT:cPKG. ,,,,,,ES479 SUPER SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL. SUPER SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL , SUPER SPECIAL _,,. SUPER SPECIAL ASSTEO COLOURS DUVET BATHROOM TISSUE 4 ROLL PKG. f,69 FANCY QUALITY CUT PEAS, CREAM CORN, GOR KERNEL BGEOARIIS,440zo.L STOKELYS VEGETABLES INS $1.691.59 Z f GIANT FROZEGREN GR. PEAS KERNEL CORN OR VEGETABLES ONE KILO PKG DIETRICHS 100°% WHOLEMIXED WHEAT BREAD 675g 79 LOAF s. 3 VARIETIES BICKS DILL PICKLES ONE LITRE EASTER GIFT SIZE ALLENS WISHING WELL CHOC. HEN 156 g EASTER.GIFT SIZE -DOMINION EASTER EXPRESS RABBIT 10.5 oz. 2.99 - "MORE SPECIAL. _ MORE SPECIALS" , "MORE SPECIALS" "MORE SPECIALS" "MORE SPECIALS" Neilsons P SOUR CREAM zso,,,i 69 Garden Blend BRIGHTS JUICE 11 119 Stokely 2 varieties e KIDNEY BEANS 14 or S9 De Jean Regular COCKTAIL SHRIMP 4or 2.69 Crosse 8 Blackwell 191 MINCEMEAT 160. 9 Clubhouse L MANZANILLA OLIVES 1.99 Jelled or Whole Cranberries OCEAN SPRAY i 4 or 119 Popular DREAM WHIP 170 9 169 Red Only Toothpaste CLOSE-UP 100101 99' Lemon Juice' !w REALEMON 675 mL 5t 375 m1 Neilsons Chocolate TOFFIFAY 3949 4. 49 Chocolate NESTLES QUIK 7509 2.49 Apple. Orange, Grapefruit BRIGHTS JUICES 11.,,,. 1.19 Welchs Frozen GRAPE JUICE ,20, 1.19 Dole Brand 139 PINEAPPLE JUICE 46 or 9 New Freedom • 3 vas MAXI PADS este., 10. o. 12 , 1.49 All Grinds Tradition NABOB COFFEE 369 9 2 77 Budseye F COOL WHIP 500101 89 Highlines Cooked Frozen FISH IN BATTER 700 0 3.39 Green Giant Regular or French Cut GREEN BEANS i kg 249 All Purpose FIVE ROSES FLOUR 4.69 Neilsons 2 varieties COTTAGE CHEESE soo 9 139 Richs COFFEE RICH 1 k9 - 79? Westons LEMON FILLED BUNS e. 1.15 Sealtest Yogurt Asst d. Var 1 1911 LIGHT 'N'" LIVELY 500 g s k9 Johnsons BABY POWDER 400 2.59 Skippy 2 varieties PEANUT BUTTER 500 9 1.99 Premium Ice Cream e. NEILSONS NOVELTIES � i s 2.29 Clubhouse Red 250101 MARASCHINO CHERRIES 1.99 Powdered 89° AJAX CLEANSER 600 9 9 Swt Mixed or Yum YumF,ench BICKS PICKLES ,1 1.99 s Prepared MUSTARD 500 on 89' • Plastic Fdri1 ` GLAD WRAP 3o m 79 Stokely s e BEAN SALAD 14 o. 69 Laundry Detergent ARTIC POWER 6 LIl.. 4.39 Pure Corn Oil n MAZOLA i s2.2YWHEAT Weslons Stoned THINS 100 9 99 12 Inch Wrap ALCAN FOIL 2s .1 9 Ocean Spray Cranberry Cocto`I 2 �� CRANAPPLE DRINK 40 0. We reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable weekly p y _lama/ requirements. SUPER SPECIAL 1 _ 1 SUPER SPECIAL 9 1 SUPER SPECIAL t ' J', SUPER SPECIAL I' 1 B PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CRISP FRESH PKG 680 CALIFORNIA GREEN ASPARAGUS PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 3O6. /kg t39 Ib • PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA CELERY STALKS LARGEI EACH 790 LOW EXCELLENT BUSHY EASTER MULTI .� -BLOOM STOCKSPINACH • PER 6" POT PRODUCT OF MEXICO, CANADA N0. I SWEET GREEN PEPPERS 2.54 1.29, PRODUCT Orli, CANADA N0. 1 GREEN SEEDLESS GRAPES 3.73 -k9.1.69 ib PRODUCT OF U.S.A. C*NADA GRADE FANCY D'ANJOU PEARS 1.96 7k9 d9' Ib COUNTRY OVEN BAKESHOP SPECIALS PRODUCT OF CANADA -N0. 1 GRADE CELLO CARROTS 5 1b PKG 99' ONTARIO MADEVARIOUS CHINESE DRY NOODLES , 70 9 P00 89' COLOURS FLOWERING MUMS 6 POTS 5.79 BANANA CREAM CALIFORNIA SWEET EATING SIZE 113 S 1.69 NAVEL ORRNGES GOLD PRODUCT OF CANADA EXTRA FANCT B.C. QEIIFIOUS APPLES 1.52,k969'�. ASSORTED CHOICE MIXED GREEN PANS 7 PAN 5.99 COFFEE CAKE 1.. 1.89 DOZEN ONTARIO CROWN BEAN SPROUTS 130 /k9 59'10 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA N0. 1 FRESH YAMS 73'/k9 33' ib COLOURFUL HYDRANGEA .9.99 TO 15.99EA. COUNTRY OVEN FRESH PRODUCT OF CANADA EXTRA FANCY 1.52 69' ONTARIO NO. 1 RUTABAGAS 2/79 7.7.7 00 1044 FORMULA 399 -NAME FERTILIZER 70 ev ooz DINNER ROLLS 79' B.C. RED DELICIOUS APPLES ikO Oa PRODUCT OF MEXICO '1.29 CHERRY TOMATOES A 99 WAXED PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA FANCY MACINTOSH APPLES 3 lb ,NO NO -NAME 20-5-10 FERTILIZER ,0 Kg 6.99 COUNTRY OVEN FRESH 1.29 P1N1 PRODUCT Of CANADA N0. 1 GRADE COOKING ONIONS 5 io PKG 99' PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FRESH TENDER ROMAINE LETTUCE BUNCH 89' FOR YOUR TRANSPLANTING NO -NAME TOP SOIL 36 L 2.99 RAISIN BREAD 16 oz THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: HIGHWAY NO. B .p.a.. EP GODERIC,w,P.M. WED.. THURS . FBI. - 9 TOO P.M. SAT. S:36 TO A P.M. r HW WINGHAM INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 113 1175 WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL EXETER MON., TUES.. WED. • ♦ TO • P.M. THURS., FRE. O TO tl P.M. SAT. 11:311 TO 0 P.M. Jr