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The Huron Expositor, 1983-03-30, Page 4
A4 • THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 30, 1983 :vat' DubQOn ©Ind ae@ca UTILITY GRADE FROZEN TURKEYS SEAFORTH SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET OPEN MON. to SAT. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. OPEN EVERY Thurs. & Fri. Nite till 9 p.m. SUPERIOR CUT MEAT NO MEAN FEA T -The McQuaid Sisters from Seaforth had toes tapping at the Dublin and District Diamonds' party Thursday. The trio, from left, Madonna, Carolanne and Annemarie, step danced and played their violins at the same time, They were accompanied by their mom, Dolly McQuaid, on piano. (Photo by White) 6 Perth school s busier? The Perth County Board of Education has approved in- creases in secretaries' time for both .elementary and se- condary schools. A committee made up of principals and administration recommended additionat sec- retarial time. because. de- spite declining enrolment, - the secretaries workload is increasing. The additional time is effective Sept. I, 1983. Listowel Central Public School principal John Patter- son said that over the years schools have been losing secretarial time and yet the workload is increasing. He attributes the increase to several factors including spe- cial education paperwork and the handling of purchase orders by the secretaries. An additional 122.5 hours per week has been approved for elementary schools, up 3frgm the current 623 hours pdr week. The number of s retarial positions for sec- ondary schools will increase to 21.2 up from 19 now. Superintendent of schools Adam Stecher said the pre- sent cost to' the board for secretarial salaries is 5249,535 for elementary and 5289,489 for secondary. The additional hours and number of secretaries is expected to cost 570,000 and to 580,000 above the present salaries. Listowel trustee Rev. John Anderson asked how to ex- plain to ratepayers the ever increasing costs of education despite declining enrolment. 'Education is not static," replied Mr. Stecher, noting that the public has all kinds of expectations of the schools. "A few years ago parents weren't as visible as they are now. Their demands and expectations are growing." Trustee Rodney Bell of Shakespeare suggested other alternatives such as dicta - phones and secretarial pools he considered. He asked for a delay in approving the in- creased secretarial time, but it was approved by the board in an 8.5 unrecorded vote. Director of education Paul Sherratt•said the new policy. for secretarial time, based on school enrolment, does take declining enrolment into con• sideration. The new policy will give each school secretary a maxi- mum of 35 hours per week except for Elma Township Public School, Upper Thames Elementary School in Mit- chell and Avon and Jul*, Public Schools in Stratffrd which will have a maximumpf 42 hours of secretarial time per week. Secondary schools' secre- tarial staff will range from a low of 2.6 at Mitchell District High School to a high of six at Stratford Northwestern Se- condary School. JELLO JELLY POWDERS 85 G. PKGS. LIBBY'S FANCY A READING—Some Dublin Diamond members were on the program of entertainment Thursday. Here Helen Mc- Laughlin gives ftreAing" (Photo by White) TOMATO JUICE. • 48 OZ. TIN STOKELY'S FANCY HONEY POD PEAS GROCERY FEATURES 'ASOME NICE MUSIC—Although i1 was the week after St. Patrick's Day, Mike Kelly played some fine Irish music on his accordian for the Dublin and District Diamonds. The club, mainly for seniors, has been going strong since 1975. (Photo by White) Trees or -dustbowl The choice is ours Trees are a very important asset to our environment. They help retain soil moist• ure. out water table and also provide a natural habitat for wildlife. Our forefathers cleared land in the 1800s and early 1900s in order to farm. Parts of Huron County are very vulnerable to prevailing westerly winds off Lake Huron. Our soilt have be- come more and more barren being stripped of tree growth over the years. A tree cutting by-law has been in effect in Huron County since 1968. h was repealed in 1914 and updated in 1979. The by-law is in place Perth F of A to discuss Ferguson's bill The Perth County Fed- eration of Agriculture will host an information meeting Tuesday, April 5 on Bill C635 or more commonly known as MP Ralph Ferguson's bill. Twd speakers will be pre- sent at the meeting, superin- tendent of bankruptcy from the federal government. Yves Pigeon. and Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture executive 1 !member Bridget Pike. Perth Federation of Agri- culture representative Bren- da Ward of the Monkton area said copies of the bill will be available at the meeting. She added that the meeting will provide an opportunity for all small businessmen to (earn about pie bill. The meeting will be held in the cafeteria of the Mitchell District High School. and fines have been assessed for its abuse. Trees of a certain size are allowed to be cut for, the purposes of logging or for ones own use. such as firewood, Further information re- garding the tree cutting by- law is available from the County Clerk -Treasurer's of- fice in Goderich at 524.8394 or by phoning your tree commissioner Joe Gibson at 482.3229 Kent County has an active windbreak program. 1t is needed badly. At times, parts of Kent are now like a desert dust howl. We should take heed in Huron and avoid this situation. You may see some tree planting taking place this spring. Seedling trees such as white spruce. cedar, poplar and pine are available through the Ministry of Na- tural Resources for a nominal fee. Now is the time to assess your own farm situation and the possible need for a windbreak. Trees must be ordered in the spring and early summer for next year's planting. FROZEN FOOD BAKERY TREATS •Stan Paquette, Assoc. Agr. Rep. for Huron County •PEACH HALVES 8 SLICED *FRUIT COCKTAIL •EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF EASTER CANDY. Prices effective until Saturday. April 2. 1,88 In ,nest Superior Stores We Rs the Right to Limit Quantities to Normal WIRT R rMtts 4 SEAFORTH SUPERIOR MARKET ♦BUNSMASTER DINNER ROLLS 14 OZ•TURKEYS, HAMS, GARDEN Se s �n Pei'r S.,s no yrn • Aan .• FRESH VEGETABLES. SUPPLIED i SERVICED Sr ELLIOTT NAitR & CO. LTD 1