HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-03-23, Page 21‘CLASS-IFIED 24 Card of Thanks 23 Bus; Directory , 2.4 Auction Sales 131(GANTIC Farm Equipment monthly • consignment auc- tion. Friday, March 25. 1983, \yam -0 a,m, sharp. New and used equipment including approxi- mately 75 to 100 tractors. Some industrial equipment. approximately 30 combines. automobiles; and over 250 pieces of all types of farm equipment plus snowblowers and lawn and garden equip- ment. Terms: cash or good cheque day of sale. Not responsible for accidents on property. Trucking and lunch available. Tractors selling at approximately1 p.m. Auc- tioneer: Cliff Gilbert. Don't miss it. See you there. Wayne� Ward Farm Equipment, Hw NO. 6, Wiarton. 519.534-1638 or 519-534-2980 20-12-01 AUCTION:•Saturday, March 26th. 11 a.ni. DeLong Haul- age, 155 Barrie Rd., Orillia. Watch for signs. Case 580C extendahoe, 1975 Mack tan- dem, S700, Jeep Cherokee 4x4 with Myers plow, Sullair 125 diesel air compressor. asphalt rollers, jumping jack, ,cut off saw, cement vibrators. 1970-Chev. S.A. dump, tan- dem dolly with brakes, 1969 and 1975 Ford tandem dump. asphalt spreader, plus many good articles. Consignments still accepted. McLean Auc- tions and Liquidations. Osh- awa 416-576-7550, Toronto 416-686-3201 or on site 705- 325-7527. 20-12-01 24 Card of Thanks 24 Card of Thanks Barry, Pani, Christina and Amy Gordon wish to thank the nurses on 3 south. Strat- ford General Hospital, Dr. Kohn and especially Dr. John Underwood for services ren-- dercd above and beyond the call of duty. Special thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Gor- don and Aunt Vicki. 24-12-1 Thank you to everyone who remembered me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits while 1 was in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London and South Huron. Hospital, Exeter. To Dr. Dedman, and the nurses in London and Dr. Englert and the staff in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Thank you for your excellent care. Thanks to the O'Connor Am• bulanee, Zurich and Box Ambulance, Seaforth but most of all thankou to my husband and our family who .each in their way did so much for me. Even to our youngest granddaughter Laura who cane to the hospital to see me when she was only 6 days old. Your love and concern I'll always cherish. Sincerely Grace Sararas 24-12-1 1 wish to say thank you for cards, visits - and telephone calls while 1 was a patient in Victoria Hospital. John Bowman 24-12x1 I would like to express my sincere thank you for the many get well wishes. gifts, [lowers and treats during niy illness while in hospital and since coming home. Espe- cially all the phone calls and visits by Pastor Horst, L.C.W. cif Brodltagen and Ladies Aid of Grace Lutheran and friends. Thanks to Dr. Malkus and the kind nurses for their care. All was deeply appreciated. • Louise Bennewies 24-12-1 I would like to thank everyone for the lovely cards and. letters and gifts. A special thank you to Aunt Janet and Uncle Ed and to Mr. Carroll. Lisa Andreassi 24-12x1 'I -he organizers of the bowling tournament would like to thank all the merchants who donated prizes. To Gord & Gorda Nobel for their time in the use•of the bowling alley. To Michelle Bennewies, Bob and Mary. Helen Costello for scoring, and to all the bowlers who made the tournament a great success. John Hauwert and Reg Dick 24-12-1 FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 24 HOUR SERVICE PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345-2235 The family of the late Ella Munro wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives. friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, memorial, do- nations and food. Special thanks to Rev. J. Vanslyke, Whitney-Ribey - Funeral Home and Ladles Aultiliary of Br. 156 for the lunch and Legion service. Your acts of kindness-wfV6ever be forgot- ten. Marie and Jack Muir & The Munro Family 24.12x1 I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my neighbours, friends and rela- tives for their cards, flowers, visits and acts of kindness during the passing of my brother Glen Smith: Special thanks to Dr. Malkus and all the staff of Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. to Mr. David McKnight for all his comforting words, to Mr. and Mrs. Watts of R.S. Box Funeral Home for all their assistance and the members of the 156th Branch of the Can. Legion. Your thought- fulness will long be remem- bered. Agnes Hunter 24-12x1 Sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to niv friends for their visits, gifts, flowers and cards while 1 was at Clinton Hospi- tal. Special thanks to doctors and nurses. Mrs. Eva Mills 24-12x1 FofA topic computers PROFESSIONAL all breed dog grooming. Experienced caring groomer. Pick up and delivery available. 345-2511. 23-10-3 VACUUMS: New and used. All guaranteed., Also com- plete line of Electrolux pro- ducts. Call Bob Organ after 4 p.m. 348-8796. 23-11-8 HOW TO PLAY popular piano. New home study course. Fast. easy method. Guaranteed. For free infor- mation, write: Studio C0321 Russell & Associates 10060- 102 Ave., Ft. St. John. B.C. V I J 2E2. 23-12-01 26 Personal Mr. and Mrs: Theo Van Bakel and Mrs. Margaret B. Whyte are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of Re- gina and Bill on April 9, 1983 at St. Columban Church, St. Columban . 26-12x t Remember, it take but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. Attention Farmers WE PAY 120. TO 850. PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY INJURED 011 CRIP- PLED COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE,. The Huron County's Fed- eration of Agriculture monthly meeting will be held on April 6, at Grey Central Public School, in Ethel, at 8:30 with coffee time starting at 8:00. The guest speaker for this evening will be John McNeily, an accountant. with Ward and Mallette in Exeter. Mr. McNeily's topic will be the use of computers in farming, giving the pros and cons of having such a con- venience. Also speaking will be Peter Mason of Canfarm. Both men will be showing how to manage farm finances better, particularly in con- junction with an accountant. CALL COLLECT 24 HRS. A DAY BOATS A WEEK MARK LEIS & SONS LIVESTOCK Milverton 595-4845 Serving the area since 1974 rc for ceebts Seaforth Mr rSt. Petriet's Day wM Nursing theohursd�Y with special ltish music pro- vided by Ider'le Flynn at the piano, Winn McCartney, Stanley Hikers and Warren Whitmore ong.violins. Lorne Lawson and Ken Cowan on mouth organ and Art Finlay- son inlayson on electric guitar. Danc- ing was enjoyed by residents. and staff and many wore a touch of green. Sid Pearson thanked every- one who had taken part with special mention to the orche- stra who were wearing their new shirts for the occasion and extended a hearty invita- tion for a return visit. Special , desserts were served for dinner and supper, courtesy of Jackie Racho, also cookies for the afternoon party. Bigo was held on Friday afternoon with winners being .under B•Mrs, Doris Smith. 1 -Mrs. Gladys Ruston. N - Mrs. Verna McClure, G-Mts. Margeurite Shill, 0-1la Gard- ner, 4 corners- Mrs. Maxi e Elliott; full house- Mrs. Shill, Mrs. Gladys Rust and Mr. Charles Ross. PERSONALS Mr. Charles Ross attended his brother's funeral in Kit- chener on Tuesday accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sproule of Goderich. The late Harold Ross died very sud- denly in his 64th year. Visiting with Mr. Finlay Ross were Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott and Mr. Stan Mrs.ley IsabelHillen. Scott also Mis- ses Ina and Ellen Scott of tS ARTHRITIS HEREDITARY? There are a few forms of 'arthritis, which are, but most aren't. Most of the common forms such as osteoarthrijis and rheumatoid arthritis show only a weak tendency to be inherited. E HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 23, 1983 -- A21 St. Patrick's Day ,at the Seaforth London visited with Mr. BIB `y Mrs. Gladys Ruston and Church service was con- • Mrs, Ria Voogel spent the ducted last Wednesday af- weekend' itt their respective , ternoon by Rev, .Archie Rob- hoines. erston of Bethel Bible Mr. Ross Houghton has Church. Mrs, Mervyn Lobb been admitted to Stratford sacconis accompanist bb and dd r. and d Geeral, Hospital. lovely duet. Last Tuesday a St. Pat- rick's euchre was held with volunteers assisting. High ladies score was Gladys Rus- ton with men's high Sidney Pearson. Most lone hands went to Penny Cara. A card Visiting : w h Mi, Nolan were H.r. Hussey Of E mondViUe also lxIr. and. WS, Barry Young and daughters. • Mr. and Mrs 'Russell Bol• Mr...George Addison visit - ton visited with Mr. And Mrs: ed friends at the Manor on Robt. McClure also .Mr. Fin- Thursday. - lay Ross. Mrs. Margeurite Shill and Miss Maty Lamont visited Miss Elspeth Wallace have her cousin Mr. Kelly Lamont. returned to Seaforth Manor Mrs. Dorothy Papple,visit- following their recent stays in ed her aunt Mrs, Lillie Hudie. Seaforth Hospital. Manor has been sent to Margaret Smote one of our faithful Volunteers to wish her a speedy recovery. uurindoor gardening pro- js ectell. Gardnr's amaryllis is now blooming and has eight flow- ers open with two. bads still to open. Mary Finlayson, activ- ity co-ordinator, says this is the first time she has seen one bulb with 10 blooms. WHEAT GROWERS Spring is fast approaching , , NITRATE? UREA? or 28°0? CUSTOM APPLICATION: WE ARE EQUIPPED WITH 10 FLOATER UNITS available to you through MITCHELL, HENSALL, GRANTON, & PORT ALBERT. Each unit is capable of doing UP TO 500 ACRES PER DAY. CLINTON COMPUTER - SERVICE LTD. *Data Processing A/R, A/P, 0/1, payroll and statements 'Record Preparation *Income Tax *Cash Flow preparation *Estate Planning Phone 48279260 IT'S WORTH THE DRIVE! We can help!! • Now is the time to make arrangements for Nitrogen Application to your wheat. • Custom Application or use a Rental Spreader • Apply Nitrogen or have it mixed with clover or grass seed. The choice is yours. "We have almost 60 years of experience serving farmers." "Let us serve your 1983 crop needs." JOHN ELLIGSEN ELECTRIC LTD. Form•R.sld.ntlol•Commorcle 1•Industrlal "FREE ESTIMATES" Ph. 345-2447 R.R. No. 4, Walton GRACE COMMUNITY l•, CHURCH Huron Centennial School • BRUCEFIELD,ONT. 482-9260, 565-5341, and 236-4979 10:00 a.m.-Family Bible School . 11.00 a.m.-Speaker Randy Mann '4, g pettvery Service-. - - 9LOSED MONDAYS OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY NIGHT' TILL P.M. Main St., Dublin 345-2250 GC; GOF:'F].) ER (1, (ill(1(Ii1 int I Limit Lire Mitchell 348.8433 Henson 262-2527 Granton 225-2360 Port Albert 329-7901 4 Or-ganizational Meeting of MEN'S BALL HOCKEY LEAGUE Monday, March 28 AlaiWeakiprOyeihez • usiness • FLORIST Hildebrand Flowers 15 Main St. Seaforth Office 527-0555 Res. 527-1784 r Complete Floral Service with a personal touch. McKELLAR at 8:15 p.m. AT THE SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES' (Upstairs Room) Bauer Travel Service ANO Pathway Tours LAKE GEORGE/GLEN FALLS Entertainment COMMERCIAL AND BARN PAINTING SANDBLASTING e Free Estimates CALL Laurie McKellar 345-2879 R.R.#2 STAFFA FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tour includes 3 nights accommodation • 1 \ • Deluxe highway coach Accommodation) transportation • Lake cruise L 2 breakfasts 2 dinners 1 Lake Cruise ` Mears > r _ Prizes Shopping > a a 59 Goderich St. W., Seaforth Rev. T.A.A. Duke, Minister Mrs. Carol Carter, Organist SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1983 PALM SUNDAY 11:15 Worship Service, Sunday School and Nursery COME TO WORSHIP MUFFLERS--, Mnffle'Wnrid PIANO irectory r--APPLIANCES—N r DECORATING Appliance and Refrigeration PIANO TUNING • Repo rs • • Rebieldir,g • Keys Recovered • Darnpp.Chosers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell Mufflers guaranteed a. Krog as you own the car 51 sl ORTII \IO1I1Rti I 11). 527.111I(I Top name entertainment Party with dining, dancing and ST.THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH entertainment • Draw for 20 package holidays • Shopping (factory outlet and malls) * Services of a tour escort 4 Day Package Single Double Twin Triple Ouad 9359.00 24S-00 249.00 239.00 235.00 pr,rP. -] rtPn oer Dersor Inn in tanadlar rrp,As Deposit of $50.00 will ensure your reservation Bauer Travel and Mr. Bob Van Kleek, of Pathway Tours, invite you to an audio-visual presentation of this super holiday at the SEAFORTH LEGION HALL, APRIL 19 at 8 p.m. Refreshments will be served Seaforth 2) Jarvis 51., Seaforth Rev. Gordon Simmons, Minister SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1983 11:30 a.m. Holy Communion Sunday School available during scrvic(' EVERYONE WELCOME R.W.PAI.IN NANCY J.LARONE Organist Choir Director 527-1237 1 NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH 54 Goderich St, West, Seeforth' SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1983 PALM SUNDAY 11 a.m. Church Service, Church School and Nursery CHEERS AND TEARS Rev. J.G. Vanslyke Minister Margaret Whitmore Audrey McLlwain Organist -Choir Director Jr. Choir Leader OPTICIAN David tongstoff ltd Optician K7 Main 51, 5, Srafurlh (il' I (IMI 1111515 1'x11 OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Fined Promplh -rc WINTER HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9.5:30 Saturday 9 - 12 Closed Wednesday SEWING— SEWING MACHINE SUPER MARKET Over 100 machines on display Service to all makes Sales -While, Eine, Husgvarna lots of used machines from 839.95 SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LTD. 149 Downie SL (2 doors soulh of Hudsons) Stratford, 271-9160 "—FUNERAL HOME 1 Whitney - Ribey Funeral Home Graves Wallpaper & Paint REPAIR SERVICE Moore Featuring `PAI N -I -ti Jim Broadfoot ('anadian & Imported 482-7032 2N'all Cos erinhs J 527-0550 Sea:milt /--FARM SUPPLIES -N (-FUNERAL HOME-- lc o•oo� Feed Seed Fertilizer Farm Supplies Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils Seaforth Co-op 527-0770 . �0 , \\1 HAI 1/04, ._DECORpATINGor 8� s Exterior Decorators -.Wallcoverings - Kem Paints Window Shades •• I'LDEBRAND PAINT AND PAPER' PHONE 527-1880 15 Main St . Seaforth INSURANCE Barbara A. Watts Funeral /Director 47 High r t, Sea{! -t Phone 527-0855' CARPENTRY SEAFORTH INSURANCE CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W. RiBEY DIRECTOR 39 Main St. S. Seaforth .Home .Business .Farm .Auto .Life Sickness & Accident Investments 87 Goderich St . Seaforth Phone 527-1390 J&J Carpentry •Concrete Forming and Finishing •Framing •Drywall •Roofing •Cabinet Making John Ryan COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 ammimmimmasimmomimmL Sincere and Courteous Service 527-1610 527-1520