HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-03-23, Page 10Alp — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH -0, 1983
THE FACE OFF—It ,was an exciting game between
Seaforth Midgets and Caledonia last Wednesday evening In
OMHA semi finals. A huge crowd attended. The Midgets
,played again in Seaforth last night, Tuesday.
Midgets lose first game
The Seaforth Midgets
began the best three out of
five OMHA semi-finals last
Tuesday in Seaforth against
A large crowd saw a
fast -paced, exciting hockey
game as Caledonia scored
the winning goal with only 29
seconds left in the game.
Seaforth scored first on a
goal by Dan Sloan. Jerry
Wright and Dave Campbell
drew assists. Caledonia tied
it up before the end of the
first and then took a 2-1 lead
at the 11:23 mark of the
second period.
Dave McLlwain tied the
score at 2-2 and then scored
the go-ahead goal with 38
seconds left in the second
perjod. Scott Driscoll and
Barry Campbell assisted on
Dave's first goal and Kevin
Melady and Greg Murray
drew assists on the second
The teams drew only four
" minor penalties each.
The second game Friday in
Caledonia saw Seaforth drop
an 8-6 decision.
The end of the first period
saw a 2-2 score. Greg Murray
scored, assisted by Kevin
Melady, then Kevin Melady
netted one, assisted by Greg
A 4-4 score was at the end
of the second period. Dave
McLlwain scored assisted by
Greg Murray and Kevin
Melady and Kevin William-
son scored assisted by Dave
(Photo by
McLlwain and Greg Murray.
Seaforth went ahead 5-4 on
a goal by Dave McLlwain,
assisted by Kevin Melady
and Greg Murray. Caldeonia
then took a 6-5 lead before
Seaforth tied it up 6-6 on
Dave McLlwain's goal,
assisted by Barry Campbell
and Kevin Meladv.
Seaforth had nine of the
sixteen penalties called in
the game.
Dumpers tops in tourney
The Dumpers broomball
tram travelled to Palmerston
for a double knock out tour-
nament over two weekends of
play. beginning March 4 and
ending March 13 with the
('4th Dumpers winning the
Central West Ontario Broom -
hall Championships.
'fhe win gives the loam the
right to represent the Central
West Region at the Ontario
Championships in Barrie
March 25, 26 and 27.
In five games at Palmer-
ston the Dumpers defeated
Cambridge 2-1, St. Clements
3-0, Palmerston 2-0 in over-
time play, Grand Valley 3-1,
and Palmerston Jr. Farmers
again. with each teani having
some excellent scoring
chances in the game which
ended in a 1-1 tic. In the
overtime play the Dumpers
took control and scored three
' of a free tank of gas
Loretta Dolmage.
R. R. 44, Walton
Congratulations and Thanks
for your patronage! ,
Seaforth Gulf Service
527-0333 Seaforth
Mon. to Thurs. 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Fri. 7 a.m. - 11 p.m.,
Sat. 8 a.m. - 11 p.m.
9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
times to defeat them 4-1.
Team members are 1 Neil
Murray, Al Murray, Gord
Henderson, Rich Archam-
bault, Rick Fortune, Tom
Burke, Frank Verberne, Ken
Empcy, GAry Bennett, Dale
Kennedy: Jim Finlayson.
Brad Finlayson, Greg Hum-
phries, Brian Sowei'by, Bill
Docking, Greg Vanhie, Mur-
ray Houston, Bob Vanhie and
Kevin Henderson. Coach is
Gord Dick; manager -Elgin
Dearing and trainer -Dan
The winning team from the
Provincial Championships
will represent Ontario in the
National Championships to
be held in Newfoundland this
Best of luck Dumpers, their
fans say.
Escape ....
to your own
back yard.
Your Child's Portrait
In vivid color
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listed below. Your 1,melt gift pi, hire 11 1I2 s 5I will
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tnl lode itt011 jS. It's (nor w,n of saving "1 hank you
to our reitular rustomers. .red "Wel( mile.' to ever)
nnr else.
11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Roth's Food Mkt.
Sales, Service Chemicals, Accessories
527-0104 234 Main St., Seaforth
Seaforth AtOms
win two of three
Seaforth Atoms travelled In rime, Seaforth
to Durham last Tuesday scored only two goals -
night and Saturday afternoon one by Ja on Papple assisted
tis Continue their W.O.A.A. by J. S ootlderwoerd and
playoff series. Ray Mu y and Ray Murray
The boys pulled up their picked Op the ast one
socks and skated hard to win assisted by J. Schoonder-
both the games after losing woerd. Pjnal score was 6-4
the first one in Seaforth. for Seafol,th.
Mike Van Loon played two Saturd at Durham the
super games in net. game w nt into overtime
On Tuesday night they again. Se forth .won 3-2.
won 6-4 in overtime. Paul Llwain picked up
Ray Murray scored for Seaforth' first goal in the
Seaforth in the first period game at t e 3:04 mark of the
assisted by Brent Vanden first peri , assisted by Ted
Akker followed by a goal by Sills an Jason Horan.
Durham to end the period Durham en scored one to
1-1. Seaforth started off the end the riod 1-1.
second by a goal by Brent
Vanden Akker assisted by
Ray Murray, and Paul
Durham followed with a
goal to end the .second 2-2.
In the third Durham scored
two and Seaforth scored 2;
one by Brent Vanden Akker
assisted by M. Smale and
Ray Murray and the other by
Ray Murray, assisted by
Brent Vanden Akker.
Durham scored the only
goal in the second and
Seaforth Ole, only goal in the
third by Brent Vanden Akker
assisted byl Murray and Sills.
Game was then tied 2-2. In
the overdone, Brian Cook
scored the winning goal,
assisted by J. Horan and B.
Seaforth now leads the
series two games to one.
BROOMBALL HEADQUARTERS—The new Seaforth and District Community Centres
plays host several nights a week to area broomball games. The photo shows a face off at a
recent Thursday night game. (Photo by Hook)
Junior girls ringette commence play off series
The Seaforth and District
Junior Girls Ringette team
started their playoffs on Feb.
17 against Howick in Howick.
This game was a 4-1 victory
for Seaforth. Scoring for
Seaforth was Lisa O'Dwyer
with a hat trick and Chris
Spring ;t
With Every Dozen
Do -Nuts
_purchased receive
BREAD�..i s • ,
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Delicious Blueberry
Fresh Chelsea
(Save 20c)
1.49 pkg.
Onion or Cherry
Imported Edam
2.39 Ib.
Tasty - Nu Bakery
and Cheese House
527-1803 Seaforth
Howick then returned to
Seaforth dp Feb. 25. Tho
Seaforth girls were once
again victorious with a 9-1
win. Seafcxth scorers were
Jane Rowcbffe, Chris Camp-
bell, Lisa 5'Dwyer, Jennifer
FUN CURLING—Seaforth curlers had
local club Sunday.
fun day at the
(Photo by Hook)
Pryce rink wins first.
bonspiel draw
A busy time has been at
the curling club the last two
weeks. March 9 saw Hoegy
Farm Supply and Chipman
Chemicals sponsoring - a
men's bonspiel.
Winning the first draw was
a Seaforth rink of Gordon
Pryce, with vice Neil McGav-
in. second Laurie Fisher and
lead Doug Kirkby. Second
prize went to Orval Bauee,
third to Rick Fifield and
consolation to Allan Siemon.
Winners of the second
draw were Roy Pennington's
rink from Teeswater with
second prize going to Alex
Slrathdec. third prize to Bob
Fothcringham and consola-
tion to Bob ,larnurth.
On March 5 Marlene Rob-
erton took a rink 10 the
President's Spiel in Listowel.
With her were Loretta Dol -
mage. Marg Sallow's and
Elsie Bcucrman.
March 10 .loan Beuermann
took a rink to St. Marys. She
had Elsie Bcucrmann, Aud-
rey Beuermann and Beatrice
Dawson and they report a
great time.
On Friday March 9, Harold
Pryce had his Pioneer Corn
customers out for dinner and
Parents take
on novice
March 16 the moms and
dads took on the players of
the Novice Greens. John
Moylan briefed his mom on
kick outs. corner shots and
general stops for the goal.
Rita Moylan did an a xcel-
lent job of goalie considering
the pads were heavy and the
helmet and mask got in her
way. The buys took this game
very seriously and wanted to
win so badly.
Betty. Beuttenmiller was
cherry picking and got a
breakaway but forgot the
puck. The ankles and legs
soon weekened when the
young upstarts came sizzling
by to score.
The final score ' There are
some discrepancies as to how
manv but all the parents do
know one thing it's not as
easy as it looks from the
Parents do love their little
players, win or lose. and
appreciate all the people who
come out to take part. After
the game the families enjoyed
a pot luck dinner
The next tournament date
is Mar. 25 at Listowel.
Saturday the Toronto Do-
minionnk sponsored a
bonspiel for the bankers.
Good food and good curling
was enjoyed by all.
Sunday!. the curling club
had a ftp day with Mrs.
Miller cataring with her fried
chicken supper. The girls
skipped and let the fellows
sweet and the winners had
the glory :of winning. Good
Watt, Jacquie McNichol, • Vanden Akker, Kendra Pap -
Kendra Papple, Amy Vanden ple, Lisa O'Dwyer, and Lisa
Akker and Lisa Strong. Strong. Assisting were Tracy
Seaforth then came up Taylor, and Dana Klose.
against Goderich on Feb. 28 Goalie Leanne Whitmore did
in Goderich. Outcome of this a fine job in net.
game was 6-2 for Goderich. March 7 Seaforth travelled
Scoring for Seaforth were to Goderich for . their third
Tammy Taylor • and Jane game. The outcome was 6-4
Rowcliffe. win for Goderich,. Seaforth
Goderich then returned to scorers were Lisa O'Dwyer
Seaforth on March 6. The with a hat trick and Lisa
Seaforth• girls wanted this Strong..Assisting was team-
. game and the result was a mate Amy Vanden Akker.
5-5 tie with Goderich. The fourth and final game
Seaforth scorers were Amy was played on March 13 in
Seaforth. The Seaforth girls
worked hard but the final
result was 6-3 for Goderich.
Scorers for Seaforth were
Lisa O'Dwyer and -Tammy
Taylor; assisting was Amy
Vanden Akker and Jacquie
The Seaforth girls worked
hard throughout their play-
offs and gave it a good try!
Special thanks to Tom
Papple and Marg Dale for
their hard work and encour-
aoement all season.
Seaforth Atoms win
consolation in Brussels
Seaforth Atoms returned
to Brussels on Sunday to play
in the tournament consola-
tion Semi-final. They played
against Walkerton and won
5-2. Walkerton took 14
minutes in penalties in this
Seaforth scored two goals
in the first period, both by
Ray Murray and assisted by
Brent Vanden Akker. Wal-
kerton scored two in the
second to tie the score.
In the third Seaforth pulled
away scoring .throe goals,
one•byRay Murray unassist-
ed, one by Brent Vanden
Akker assisted by Murray
and our goalie Mike Van
Loon; and the final goal by
Jason Papple unassisted.
The boys then advanced to
the consolation final against
Wallaceburg. Seaforth won
this game 5-3, giving them
the "B" consolation trophy.
Wallaceburg started the
scoring off in the first period
then Seaforth followed with
three goals to end the first
period 3-1. Seaforth scored
the only 2 in the second and
Wallaceburg the only two in
the third. Final score 5-3 for
Scoring for Seaforth were
Ray Murray with 2; and
singles going to Brent
Vanden Akker, Brad Schroe-
der and Mark Smale. Assists
went to Ray Murray- 2, Brent
Vanden Akker- 1, J.
McNichol- 1, K. McLlwain-
1, and B. Schroeder- 1.
Ray Murray was named
M.V,P. and Jason McNichol
was the 'lucky winner in a
draw for a sports bag.
Bantams wins first
game in WOAA finals
Seaforth met with Durham
in Seaforth on Mar. 17. This
• was the first game in the
YV.O.A.A. Bantam "CC"
Finals. The Seaforth team
played hard and over-
powered Durham with a final
score of 7-0.
There was good forward
and defence playing by the
Seaforth team and a shut out
game for the Seaforth goal
tendehs. This was also a game
filled With penalties. expe-
cially the third period.
Mike Betties and Chris
See Us For Your
Soybean Seed
527-0249 R.R. 1 Dublin
Cardno opened the scoring
each scoring two goals and
scoring each one a piece
were Pat Murray, Ron Pryce
and Trevor Price.
Each picking up two assists
were Pat Mbrray, Trevor
Price and Jeff Reid. Picking
une sist each were David
A ey. Ron Pryce, Mark
Stap eton. Mike Betties and
Scott Driscoll.
This is the best of two out of
three series and the second
game will be played in
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Keatings Pharmacy
nHARt,nx Hours:
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Main Wed„ & Sat. 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Seaforth 527.1990 J