HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-03-16, Page 22A22'- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 181 1983 nus1s Post Short Shots by Evelyn Kennedy Do not harbour hate and resentment within 'you. It is like a festeing sore that provokes unrelenting pain. It leaves indelible imprints on your face that cannot be erased. It influences your outlook on life. In the end it will destroy you. How proud we should be of our Canadian team at the World Figure Skating Champion- ships held last week in Helsinki. It was a delight to watch their fine display of skill, grace and beauty on the ice. After a waste of years not seeing a Canadian on the winners' podium it brought a thrill of pride to see some there to have medals presented to them for their excellence in the exacting demands of figure skating. Underwood and Martini won the bronze4or pairs. It was apparent that the spectators, as well as the knowledgeable commentators', felt they did not get the marks they deserved for their performance. They were the favourites of the crowd who gave them a standing ovation and booed the judges. Brian Orser (dubbed "King of the triples") was awarded the bronze medal with his outstanding performance in free skating. Several Canadians were in the top ten in their class. They predict a bright future for our young figure skaters. A disgraceful I0cidcnt took place recent• ly at the B.M.& G. arena here. It was not the hockey players but some of the Brussels fans who became unruly. Instead of cheering on their home team they apparently lost control of themselves and behaved in an unaccept- DISC JOCKEY STEVENS Country Gold & ROCK 'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties. etc. 5 years experience Phone Brussels (daytime or evenings) 887-6159 able manner. They hurled abuse at the visiting team, followed them to the dressing room area pushing, shoving and punching. The whole thing got out of control and the O.P.P. were called in. Two, officers had to escort the visiting players from the arena. No matter what fans think of the actions of opposing players they should not let their anger get the better of them and indulge in such rowdyism. This is the sort of thing to be expected from hoodlums, not from hometown hockey fans. . An article read not long ago claimed that elderly persons were persuaded, or shoved, into nursing home because members of their family, or other relatives, wanted them out of the way. They found them an inconvenience, a nuisance and an embarrassment when they had company. It is hard to believe that this is entirely true. The writer must be a very cynical person. It may be true in some cases but it seems impossible that most families of the residents of nursing homes could be so uncaring and ipsensitrve. There can be another side to the matter. It could be that many of the elderly chose, themselves, to leave the homes of their family rather than become a care or a nuisance to their loved ones. Perhaps they prefer a place that is equipped to give them the care they need or simply to get away from the hustle and bustle of modern family life. That is at least a more pleasant conclusion than to believe they are shoved aside when they are old and no longer needed in a family home. Cranbrook 4 -Hers sample their cooking Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 The Cranbrook Continental Cooks met at the home of Linda Minielly. Donna and Stacey Miller made the vege- table and macaroni casserole, Julie Ezewski and Leanne Minielly the plum dumplings, Christine Gulutuzen and Bev Hart. the beet soup, Susan Cox. Melanie Fcener and Need las Catering Service? BILL AND DEE WILL CATER TO: Weddings. house parties, special occasions. baptisms, anniversaries, dinner meetings FOR ANY NUMBER OF PEOPLE IF GIVEN ADVANCE NOTICE Hot. cold. or light buffets Prices to suit every budget. Olympia Restaurant Open 7 days a week Jcan Locking. the breaded pork chops with cherry sauce._ All sampled the food and said it was good, The next meeting they learned about Italian and Greek foods and prepared antipasto middle Eastern stuffed vegetables and Greek style applie pie. Members thought these reIipes were tasty. Party preparations were undertaken and the menu planned. The Canadian Order of Foresters are having a card party on Friday evening. March 18. Everyone is wel- come. Brussels 887-6914 BERG 1 Sales -Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R.R. M2, Blyth s Phone: Brussels 887-9024 1 1 1 1 1 • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling THE FIRST HALF of the Brussels ended Sunday with Kitchener winning the Triple championship The above photo shows Elma-Logan attempting to score against Plattsvllle in the "C" consolation game. Elma-Logan led after the first perfbd, 4-0. Atom play resumes this weekend In the B.M. & G. community centre, - (Wassink photo) Qptlm1st 9th annual A Atom over tournament Welland, 1-0. Cattle The market at Brussels Stockyards traded actively on a heavy supply of slaughter cattle at prices $2.00 cwt. higher. Pigs sold at steady to higher prices. There were 1210 cattle and 1360 pigs on offer. Choice Steers -78.00 to 82.00 with sales to 84.25. Good Steers -75.00 to 78.00. A steer consigned by Jim Hayden of Goderich weighing 1120 lbs. sold for 84.25 with his lot of 10 steers averaging 1223 lbs. selling for 80.45. A steer consigned by Maple Emblem Farms of Dungannon weighing 1190 lbs. sold for 83.75 with their load of 42 steers averaging Belgrave Lodge plan There was a good attend- ance at the regular meeting of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge with N.G. Alice McArter in Eharge. Final plans were made for the hot luncheon euchre on Mar. 21 and -practice was held for the degree under the. IeadershipofD.C. Vera Hast- ings. The travelling' prize was won by Mary Davidson. do- nated by Delores Wheeler. The lunch committee served a cup of tea enjoyed by all. Eleven members attended Past Noble Grands Club of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge at the home of Marguerite Crawford, Aleatha Rutin co. hostess. Pres. Verna Thomas conducted the business. Mary Lowe gave sec. treas. reports and roll call. card was signed by all prese t for a member. It was decid to give a gift to Lodge on 5 Tfr birthday. Other items dis- cussed to be decided at next Lodge meeting. April meet- ing to be held April 4. Hostess to be announced later. Eu- chre was enjoyed by all present. Prizes going to high Mary Lowe. Sarah Stephen- son, low -Vera Hastings. hot luncheon euchre Marie McTaggart. lucky delicious lunch was served by saucer Leona Connelly, birth- hostess and social hour enjoy - day Marg McCutcheon. A cd by all. Ship your Livestock WITH i Art ; Heff ren Blyth SHIPPER FOR UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 1 Livestock Marketing Dcivision 1 Ontario Stockyards, Toronto 1 OF ONTARIO PHONE BY 8 A.M. 5 523-4221 .-. An, .AM, ,AEI ,AM, , AEI ,w,w 0'A/0 w,Al.' ik flet li tt pp4 ,D 4 tt AHIGHER INSURANCE RATS? ili *1 higher cwt sell 2.00 selling for an overall price of ?9.30. heifers Four steers consigned by Wilhelm Bros. of R.R. 4. Walkerton averaging 1272 lbs. sold for 81.80. Two steers consigned by Trudy Beitz of Wingham averaging 1195 lbs. sold for 80.50. ioice Heifers•74.00 to ?x.00 w to 81.00. Good Heife -71.00 to ?4.00 Two heifers consig . r b Bill Rintoul of RR3. Wingham averaging 1155 lbs. sold for Eight heifers consigned by J.P. Connels & Sons of Palmerston averaging 1157 lbs. sold for 77.10 with their lot of 24 heifers averaging 1088 lbs,. selling for 75.90. A heifer consigned by Ross Clayton Bosman and Deb- ' Hurst of R.R. 2, Atwood r bie Wilson of Prince George 81 QO with 940 Ibof 18 heifes. sold rs B.C.' visited his parents Mr. averaging 996 lbs. selling for and Mrs. Gordon Bosman 74.95. and family. A heifer consigned by, Mrs. Hazel Procter was Grant McDonald of Ripley able to return to her home last weighing 1070 lbs. sold for week after being a patient in 81.00 with his offering of 32 the University Hospital. L, heifers averaging 1030 lbs. don• selling for an overall price of Mr. William Gow is a., �$ 03. patient in the Wingham and Thirteen heifers consigned District Hospital. by Hugh Harris of Wroxeter Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Nix - averaging 1233 lbs. sold for on, Jeremy and Jordan 'of Waterloo visited on the week- end at the home. of John Nixon. Eleven tables were in play at the weekly euchre which was held in the W.I. Hall on Wednesday. March 9. Win - 1182 lbs. selling for an overall price of 79.70. Fifteen steers consip'ned by L &B Farms of Wallenstein averaging 122' lbs. sold for 82.00 with their offering of 42 steers averaging 1284 lbs, selling for an overall price of 80.60. Six steers consigned by Barry Heinmiller of Palmer- ston averaging 1163 lbs. sold for 81.60 with his lot of 13 steers averaging 1230 lbs. selling for 80.15. Four steers consigned by Jerry Kuntz of Formosa aver- aging 1160 lbs. sold for 82.30 with his offering of 30 steers averaging 1235 lbs. selling for 80.45. residents home MRS, LEWISSTONEHOUSE 887-9847 The Belgrave Quitters Neld- a successful dessert and Court Whist party Mar.'11 in _the W.I. Hall. A program, which included a sing -song led by Mrs. Ross Anderson and Mrs. George Johnston at the piano. Heather Hopper delivered her speech on "Socks", Steven Coultes played two piano solos; Mrs. George Johnston played sev• eral Irish numbers on the piano. Mrs. Leslie Bolt read three poems: Rev. John Rob- erts stated that according to historical facts. St. Patrick was of a Welsh origin, not an overall price of 76.10. Twelve herefordei ers consigned by Jack Flanagan of Dublin averaging 1113 lbs. sold for 77.00 with his offer- ing of 77 hereford heifers averaging 1021 lbs. setting for an overall price of '5 04.. A heifer consigned by Joe Zettler of R.R. 2. Walkerton weighing 1100 lbs. sold for 78.50. A heifer consigned by Rob Lowry' of R.R. 1 Kincardine weighing 1100 lbs. sold for 80.25 , . ffering of 49 s mainly hereford, averaging 974 lbs. selling for an overall price'of .4.45. Choice Cows -51 .00 to 55.00 with sales to 63.25. Good Cows -48.00 to 51.00 Canners & Cutters -45.00 to 48.00. 30 to 40 Ib. pigs'traded to a high of 61.50. 40 to 50 Ib. pigs to a high of 71.50. 50.to 60 Ib. pigs to a high of 76.00 60 to ?0"lb. pigs to a high of 81.50. 70 to 80lb. pigs to a high of 86.50. Brussels Stockyards wish- es to announce die appoint- mcn+et-ei lfen Collings i of Ripley 'EO'fep'fe$ent them in the Kincardine. Ripley and surrounding areas. -1 H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Sales, Service & Installation of Following the program Irish. 19 1 tables of Court Whist were in vers were: Mrs. Jas. R. 1 Pipelines & - play. Winners were: Mrs. Coultes, Mrs. Mary Chani- 1 Lewis Stonehouse, Mrs. Ag- ncy. Mrs. Clarence Hanna, Milking parlours nes Bieman, Mrs. Laura Sant Fear. Garner Nicholson S, Johnston, Mrs. GeorgeJohn- and Jas. R. Coultes. ;887-6063 R R• 4 WALTON ston. Bert Johnston,st, Alex There will be euchre again Nethery. George Procter and 'next week starting at 8 p.m. McCains JUICE Apple, Orange, Revive 3/1.00 Chapman's ICE CREAM Ken Davis. Everyone is welcome. CLASSIFIED All Brands CIGARETTES Cartons Limit 1 11.49 Kraft Large White 250 gr. MARSHMALLOWS .69 Shout Liquid SPOT LIFTERS 1.89 650 gr. 2 Litres 1.65 No Name & White Label 1 Coming Events HOT LUNCHEON Euchre. Morning Star Rebekah Lodge will hold a Hot Luncheon Euchre on Monday, March the 21st at I p.m. in the Oddfellows Hall. Everyone welcome. Admission 52. I.10-2 7 Situations Wanted TODDLER DIAPERS 1.99 12 s 1 arge Heads LETTUCE .59 LAWN rolling, Brussels arca. Phone Don Blake 887-9563. 23-10-4 Niagara Frozen APPLE JUICE .99 12 ors. STEPHENSON GROCETER1A Brussels SELF -SERVE - OPEN 6 DAYS 887-9226 17 Wanted to Rent 2 or 3 bedroom house near Brussels. Call after 5 p.m. 887-9257. 17-11-2 23 Bus. Directory Ti special income tax returns done for $10.00. Phone Mary Lou Blake, 887-9563. 23-10-4 Now 24 Card of Thanks The family of the late George Bridge wish to express sin- cere thanks and appreciation to relatives. friends and neighbours for the cards. flowers. donations and gifts of food during, our bereave- ment. Thanks to Dr. Mc- Gregor and staff in I.C.U. Wingham Hospital, Dr. Mc- Larty and staff , n third floor west and I.C.U. Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Charles Carpentier. Max and Barb Watts. the hoard of the Presbyterian Church for offering their facilities for lunch served by the U.C.W. and Rebekah Lodge and the neighbours who served lunch at home. Your thoughtfulness will al- ways be remembered. Jean Bridge Glenn, Ben. Allan. Harold and families 24-11x1 ,, AMP' ,w, w,w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w/' w,w 4 4 4 Too often careless drivers nudge up your rates with clams SAFECO doesn t think responsible drvers should have to pay for the carelessness of • others So 'f you have a good record, see us about SAFECO Chances are you can save money. - GIRO FECO SAFECO insurance Company o1 ',mecca Fbme Office -goatee Washington AITLAND INSURANCE ALLEY BROKERS LTD MURRAY SIDDALL C.L.U. Brussels Monkton 1117 1,611 i w' 1 24 1 w Stratford 1'I 1',11 russets usiness irectory Phone 527-0240 • II OD Brussels Agromart FERTILIZERS -Bag & Bulk FEEES•Previmi Agromix Cattle mineral Salt Aureomycin Crumbles Brussels SEEDS -NK Corn PESTICIDES • 'FARM SUPPLIES 887-6016 COME TALK MONEYf ••• H. TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD • Brussels RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL 887.6408 Mill St WestNOG 1H0 We sell and install Builders fella and Hunt Windows gs Sindo s Patio Doors Bunce 1956 Insulate,t Fntrance Doors - Insul Glass 4 Mrs. Yvonne Knight The representative for the Clinton/Sea- forth territory will be in the area on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. agent for Elma Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company y 1-1 k t Hru•" I. He- h4 -h If your only claim this year is a CHILD TAX CREDIT H&R Block will prepare your income tax return for the special price of Clip 'n Curl Men's and Ladies Hairstyling 510 J, 4 Brussels Transport Ltd. The Federal Business Development Bank Is here to'help you Tell us of your plans to grow We can . otter you flexible financing, fixed or floating Interest rates Flexible financing is funding In many forms medium and longterm loans. loan guarantees and equity participation Presently, you may qualify for a Small Business Investment Grant and thus be entitled to up to- a 4% rebate on specified loan interest We offer a brain bank of expenenced people. too Come talk business with us We'll tell you about financing counselling. management training and,government ass!s),1nce programs Whatever your need. we have the flexibilil, I help - lust talk to us - For an appointment. call FBDB Stratford and ask tor Bob McClinchey at 271-5650 [collect] 1 I, r rn, king and Shipp,ng Senn I n, al and I on¢ Distance PHONE 887-6122 GEORGE JUTZI,BRUSSELS -7- McGavin's Farm Equipment N.l SPEC HAZE IN A COMPLETE LINE 11 Farm Equipment SAI F S AND SERVICE Brussels - 887.6365 Walton Seafnrih 52'-0245 at participating offices It pays to be prepared by H&R Block Main St., Brussels Phone: 887-6343 H&R . BLOCK Anstett Jewellers Ltd. = THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS CO LICENCED HAIRDRESSER & BARBER - VICKIE McCALL 5 Ontario St. Clinton Open • A.M.-II3S P.M. Weekdays. 11.1 Sec phone i...s n ONN TODAY - NO AMMO/MUM NICIADAIT Federal Business Banque lederale Development Bank de devetoppement Your success is our only business Canai'a Watch and Jewellery Repairs - We Sell and Service - Bl/LOVA--ACCUTRON-WATCHES 5 STORES- FXETER-ST. MARYS SEAFORTH-CLINTON-WALKERTON r,