HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-03-16, Page 20Meares - i 15' A20 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 16, 1883 Every•dayis bright and sunny with an .'Action Ad' to make you money 1 Coming Events SEAFORTH Optimist Movie Night. March 18 "Monkey's Go Home". Adults $2.00. Kids S1.00. Doors open at 7:30, main feature at 8:00 at the Community Centr1-10-2 10 2 2nd Annual Ham and Egg Supper. Sponsored by Super Group, Egmondville United Church, Thursday, March 17, 1983, 5-6:30. Adults S4.50 Children S2.50. Preschoolers free. Tickets available from: Darlene re 527-508. Brenda Wesenberg 527-1385. 1-10-2 CLINTON Legion Bingo` every Thursday, 8 p; 1 regular card $I . Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15.00. $5 least on ec split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200 must go leaac`f week. BINGO every Thursday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. S CLINTON 1st regular card Sl; 15 regular games of SI5; 3 Share -the - Wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restrict- ed to 16 years"or over, 1.9-tf SEAFORTH'S 5th Old Tyme Fiddle Jamboree, Sunday, March 27th. 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. Scaforth District High School. A large number of champion novelty. and ama- teur fiddlers will be perform- ing. Mao: solo or group step dancing. Everyone welcome. Admission: Adults -$2.50, children. under 12 -free (ac- companied by adults). Sup- per and refreshments avail- able to all spectators. Bring the whole family. Sponsored by the Van Egmond Founda- tion. 1-11-2 • TOWN & Country Home- makers Annual Meeting, Wed. April 6th, 1983. 6 p.m. for 7 p.m. dinner. Community Centre. Blyth. Tickets 57.50. Available from Lois Hodgert 527-0046. Speaker: Elaine Baillie, Activation consult- ant Ministry of Health. I.11-1 FAMILY FUN with a musical concert featuring the "Crip- pled Cri - plcd Ducks". Richard Knech- tcl and Jim Mcdd and the Pleasure Pae, Sunday. March 27 at 2:30 p.m. at Blyth Memorial Hall. Adults 54.00 children $1.50. Call 523-' 300. 11-2 4 Help Wanted EARN extra money part-time as a Regal sales representa- tive. Out gift catalogue is all you need. Write Begat, 939 Eglinton Ave., E., Dept. 444. Toronto, M4G 2L6. 4-11-01 RESPONSIBLE mature per- son to babysit in our home two pre-schoolers, Monday to Friday, 8:45-3:45 daily begin- ning May 1st, 1983, Some light household duties as well. Salary negotiable. Re- ply in writing to Box 904, Seaforth. Ontario NOKI WO 2 • 4 Help Wanted W ANTED: Reliable full time live-in babysitter for 3 pre- school children. Wages nego- tiable. Apply Box 3693. c/o The Huron Expositor. Sea - forth, Ont. NOK I WO. 4-11-2 W ANTED: Reliable mature person to- babysit two small children. ages 2 years and 2 months. 527-1759. 4.11-1 SEAFORTH business re- quires a full-time bookkeeper to do daily bookkeeping with- out supervision and must be able to maintain subsidiary and general ledger. Success - BABYSITTER needed to ful applicant will be able to come in to look after a two prepare accrual based finan- year old child and a year old cial statements. Knowledge child, Monday through Fri- of payroll and income taxes day from 12:00 4:30. Salar would be an asset. Please enclose a resume .stating negotiable. Phone 527-1554 f experience and salary expec- aftcr6:00. tattoos to Box 3695, c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, WANTED: Housekeeper for Ont. NOK TWO. 4.11-1 elderly gentleman, to live in or on a daily basis. Car 5 Bus. Opportunity available for use by licenced driver. Terms negotiable. Call 887-9389. 4-11-2 HAVE -TRUCK -WILL - TRAVEL. Evenings and 5004, commission, Extra weekends, about town, light money. Sell every day cards, moving, delivery. refuse re - garden seeds. collectors moval, basements, garages spoons, gifts, party goods. cleaned, spring clean up. 40-pay7c catalogue. Free 527-049?. 5.9-tf Seeds Write: VeriBest, Box 309, Bracebridge, Ontario DOES your oranization need POB ICO. 4-11-01 to raise funds? Sell spices or fresh fudge. We supplyr all BECOME a professional forms and information. Call transport driver. Call us now. Mr. Taylor (416) 767-2341 or Mery Orr's Transport Driver write 75 South King way Training School. Thunder Toronto M6S 3T4. 5-11-01 Bay 807-623.8686. Ottawa 613-523-3489. Toronto 416- 621-8579, London 519-432- 1726. Cambridge 519-6408- 1 2519, LOBA Euchre. March 21, 2 p.nt..Orange Hall. • 1-11-1 ON behalf of the Seaforth and District Community Centres. we would like you to reserve Saturday. June 4. 1983 for the official opening of the centre. Plans arc underway for a programme continuing throughout the day and eve- ning. Further information will be forthcoming upon completion of details. Ken J. Coleman Chairman Official Opening 1-li:l I.O.O.F. Euchre, Wednes- day, March 23. . 1-11-1 APPLICATIONS by mail, for part and full time summer employment now being re- ceived. Jervis Photo Inc. (film processing plant). Box 12000, -Clinton. Ont. NOM ILO 4-9-4 BOOKKEEPER for Seaforth merchant. Must be'able to do daily bookkeeping, accounts payable and receivable. Pay- roll and ledger work. Apply in writing, state experience and wage -td Box 3690, c/o The Huron Expositor. . Seaforth. Ont. 4-10-3 FAREWELL Party for Harvey and Bessie McClure, March 25, Walton Community Hall, 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. 1-IIx2 STRAWBERRY and Ham Supper, Cromarty Presby- terian Church. June 22. 1983. 1.11.1 4 Help Wanted FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 24 HOUR SERVICE PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345-2235 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES being held in the Seaforth Hospital commencing THURS. MARCii 31, 1983 from ":30-9:30 p.m. Series will begin with 2 Early Bird classes follow• cd by 6 Regular classes. The cost is 53.00. The next series of classes will begin the week of September 12, 1983. For pre -registration or further information, please call the Health Unit HELP WANTED: Bar help. - office in your area at waiter/waitress. Apply in 52'-1243. person. CommercialHotel, Seaforth. - 4-11-2 5 Bus. Opportunity TEN unit motel with full kitchens. Rent by day, week or month plus, three bedroom house. For more information write Box 1281 Kincardine, Ontario NOG 2G0. 5-11-01 7 Situations Wanted WILL do house cleaning in Seaforth area. 527-1448.11 2 DBE your areas first repre- sentative with a new oppor- tunity offering extremely high financial rewards. Mini-" mum investment of under $500.00. Call collect today. Twin County Pure Water, 1-519-363-2189. No Sunday calls. - 5-11-01 MEN'S Clothier, needed, community of 25,000. Wide open market, several excel- lent locations available. Con- tact: Norm Leigh, Manager, Chamber of Commerce. Box 1098, Station B. Fort Eric. Ontario L2A 5N9. Tel. (416) 871-3803.••, 5-11-01 WILL do housework or spring cleaning. 527-1863. 11.1 8 Farm Stock PULLETS: Ready to lay in 2 weeks, small or large orders available. Call 527.16418.10 2 PUREBRED Duroc boars, serviceable age, guaranteed closed herd. 527-0,44. 8-11-1 FOUR white faced calves, 10 weeks old for sale. 527-1989 8.11x1 PALOMINO gelding rides western. Call 527-0358. 0x2 F-1 YXL open gilts for sale. Veterinarian inspected. Foundation stock from Bod- min Limited'. Contact Laverne McClure 527.1156, 8.10x1 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CENTRE, held at the Health Unit Office Scaforth Hospital, on WED. MARCH 23,1983 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 11 Articles for Sale WEANER deck panels, 2 feet high. 4 feet long. Also 20 foot lengths of 4 inch auger. Call 527-1641. 11.11-1 SATELLITE TV SYSTEMS. Complete package. $2,495.00 Western Satellite Supply. Saskatoon. Phone 306.934- ('01 11-11-01 BROWN, WHITE baby chicks, Special meat. Heavy breed Cockerels (White Rock) 3 -neck -old Capons. Small orders our specialty. Bon- nie's Chick Hatchery, Box 154. Elmira. Ontario. .N3B 2Z6.(5191669-2561. 11-11-01 BUY your meats in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwy. #4 north of Clinton. 1'-+ mile south of Londesboro, Watch for our sign. By the case or by the pound. Cail collect 523-9508. 11-11-1 i WANTED Applicatios forrunning the Concession Booth II\ at Winthrop Park APPLY IN WRITING TO: LAURIE FISCHER R.R. 4Walton Closing Dat -'is March 31 For information call 345-2869 Remember, it take but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. CLASSIFIED RATES DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAYS Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. 22 words -53.50 16c per word thereafter. BIRTHS -No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of $6. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement. 510 with picture. MARRIAGES -Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time. photo and cutlinc only, 515. IN MEMORIAMS-$3.50 plus 30c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words, $3 50, each additional word I6c. CARD OF THANKS -25 words 3.50 Each additkonal word Sc. 50e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO TH1S OFFICE -53.00 per insertion. SEMI DISPLAY -1.15 per cm. Phone 527-0240 Township of GREY Gravel Tenders Sealed clearly marked tenders are how being received for (he purpose of crushing, hauling and spreading of approxi• mately 25,000 cu. yds. of 5/8- Granular "A" gravel for the roads in the south half of the Twp. of Grey. Work to be completed by .lune 1. 1983 to the satisfaction of the town- ship road superinten- dent. • The contractor to be responsible for any rules and regulations which may he applicable under the Pits & Quarries Act. Apply to the under- signed for "contract forests. Tenders must be re- ceived by the undersign- ed by 12:00 noon, Thurs- day, March 31, 1983. and he accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the enclosed bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and all tenders subject to M T.C. approval. ROY WILLIAMSON Road Superintendent TOWNSHIP OF GREY R.R. N3 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO NOG (HO Real Estate Ltd. 11 Articles for Sale POOL SALE. Manufacture"r's clearance on above and in - ground pools. Many models at fantastic savings. Shop direct. Call collect 416.522- 1414. 11-11-01 39" box spring and mattress, - $30; 19'5 Cady Moped - 5150; Bumper pool table, 21/2' x 4' - $20: Granada guitar amplifier 550; Warm Morning wood stove -$'S; Phillips stereo sy- stem. AM -FM. 8 track. re- cord changer, Provincial cab- inet -$200; P205.751214 all weather Radials. never used - S35. Phone 482-7234, 1 I -IIx l Clinton Phone: 4$2-9371 NEW LISTING: Mobile home on corner lot, Morris St., Blyth. 150 ACRES NEAR AUBURN: 100 workable. good brick home, 2 small sheds. 40 acres bush. HULLETT TWP.: 251 .acres, excellent buildings, paved road. BLYTH: 1 acre with Ph floor brick home, -insulated shop. financing arranged. INVESTMENT PROPERTY: 4 unit apartment building, central location- in Clinton, vendor -will finance. SACRIFICE SALE: 2 acnes with large brick home near Brussels,�-F I� 12�'ACRfµµ't'f 88R" BLYT large frame home ,and goo hog barn. 300 ACRES NEAR BRUCE - FIELD: cash crop and hog farm, payed road. HOLMESVILLE: 13 acres with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow. paved drive. NEAR BRUCEFIELD: 6 acres. good frame home, drive shed and barn. OMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Main street, Blyth. under $15.000.00. could be •resi- dence. AUBURN: 5 acres on Mait- land River. good house and Karn. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. DINSLF SO`D ANCE: I floor attached garage, ..,eetric heat. 2 MILES FROM CLINTON: 100 acres, 97 workable, no buildings. BRUSSELS: 1' /2 floor, 3 bed- room home. oil and wood heat. priced under 520,000.00 for quick sale. 100 ACRES: Crop land, Hul- let Twp. 96 ACRES: 85 workable, near Walton. F.C.r. mortgage. PRICE REDUCED. 68 ACRES: 62 workable, 6th line. Hullctt Twp. 91 ACRES AT BELGRAVE: Good house and barn. 70 acres workable. hardwood bash, owner will finance. BAYFIELD AREA: Hwy. #21 5 acres with ranch honk, many extras, nicely wooded. 50 ACRES: Farrow to finish, Hwy. #86. near Wingham, new home. low interest F.C.(..mortgage. Elizabeth Court Apts. 176 Oxford St., Hensall 1 BEDROOM AVAILABLE NOW APRIL, MAY (includes utilities, carpeting, appliances, laundry facilities PHONE 262.3448 or 262-2615 Count 011 the Classifieds to,Do the Job MASSEY barley grown front foundation. Contact Jim An- derson.527.0044, I1 -11x1 MALE peacocks for sale. 527.1628. 11-11-1 ELECTRIC fixtures. single laundry tub. miniature lawn barn set consisting of house. barn and farm animals. used clothing in good condition, curtains, all lengths; hand crocheted tablecloths. large sizes. never used, velvet bedspread with curtains to match, Targe lawn wishing well and many other articles. 345-2958 for information. 1-6 p.m. 11-11-1 BAILIFF'S_ Sale by Tender. Subject to reserve bid and under instructions received and by virtue of a seizure. 1 will sell by tender the follow- ing:equipment of Woodward' Wood Supply Ltd.. Carnar- von. Ontario. One portable automatic wood splitter, made by North American Sawmill Machinery Ltd., complete with infeed log trough, cut off saw. hydraulic splitter. Trough takes wood from splitter and loads truck - electric motors and hydraul- ics. To be removed from property by buyer. Inspection by appointment. 1-1975 Trail - mobile. 261t. tandem alumi- num dump trailer, ser. no. 575-1306-3765-004; 1-1974 ' Trailmobilc 24 ft. tandem, aluminum dump trailer ser. no. 1303.231.3004; 1 - forklift truck. InkpectIon of Trailers and ;f6tkliftt;:tfd1k' at anytime of Hallibburti$nlFuck SS""ervice, Hwy', 121, I mile south . of Haliburton. Terms: cash or certified cheque. Sealed ten- ders will be accepted until 12 noon on March 29th, (983. Ed Fujar - Bailiff Box 278, Haliburton, Ontario KOM 1S0 705.457-2617. 11-11-01 11 Articles for Sale ARE you concerned about your water? We will test your water and demonstrate our water purifier. Free 5 day trial. Twin County Pure Water, 1-519-363-2189. No Sunday calls. 11-11-01 FOUR large heavy duly feeder hog s. SZ? -0645. 11 -II -1 LADIES 2 tone nay and light blue full length sweater coat. Size 16-18. Excellent condi- tion. 527-1535. 11-11x1 MAPLE wood, S25.00 per traitor load. 527-1448. 11-11-2 ONE small. used deep freeze. 521.1686. 11-11-1 11 Articles for Sale CLEARING OUT Apple Sale: No. 1 Macintosh $5. per bu., fresh apple cider. honey. maple syrup, apple butter, red and white potatoes, wooden and plastic barrels at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8037. 1I-10-tf 12 Wanted to Buy CHINA Dolls Wanted: $100 - up paid by private doll museum for good size old china head dolls. Write: Mrs. Devlin. 295 ironwood -Road, Guelph. 519-824.9763. Also buying early tin toy automo- biles.trains ,etc. • 12.11-01 CASH for old wooden duck decoys. Call 1-416-562-7086 19'8 Ford LTD 4 door. gold or write W. Schlombs, RRI and yellow. ziebarted. Jordan, Ontario LOR ISO. $2500.00. Call 527-1668 or 12-11-01 527-0333. 10-11x1 HARD wood and soft wood lumber. Oak fence material, white pine lumber. ties and pallet lumber, 'high grade ardwoods, wood chips and wood mulch and firewood. We invite commercial quotas. A and T Lumber, Tillsonburg 519-875-4811. 11-11-01 1980 CR80 Honda for sale. Asking 5350. Excellent condi- tion. Pair shoe roller skates. size 8. Asking 530.00. Call 527.0769 after 6p.m. I l-1 IxI WINDOWS and doors. New const. or replacement. Con- tact Bill Feeney. Your local dealer for Twin -Windows Inc. Showroom, Dublin. 3451 -24 40 1974 Yamaha motorcycle. 80 c.c. After 4:30 call 527.2 1011 2 WE are taking orders now for baby ducks, geese, and chick- ens. No order to small. Call Marris Bos, Kinburn27- 2 1249. MINGO Barley and mixed grain, both suitable for seed, paced right. Contact Robert Fotheringham 482-9196. 11-10-2 WATERBEDS. complete with pine frame Iedestal. CSA heater. safety inner mattress, and fill kit. 5259.00 at Vanastra Furniture, 482- 7922. 11-9-tf POTATOES: Red or white. also seedotatoes. Hwy. #84 west of Hensall. Phone 236- 4038: 11-9-tf usiness MCKELLAR ALL TYPES OF MOBILE SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING Gravity Wagons Farm Machinery Trucks CALL Laurie McKellar 345-2879 R.R.f12 STAFFA HELP WANTED Sell Real Estate Due to our 1983 expansion program. we require a Reil Estate Salesperson for the Brussels District We Offer! * High Commission Split * Managerial Assistance * Many Listings Available * Free Advertising For a personal interview. phone collect. Michael Mclntee Salesmanager, Walkerton, Ontario 519-881-3746 or 519-881-2270 WILFRED McINTEE & CO. LIMITED REALTOR J MUFFLERS-, Maff1E W'1M 04- (LO HildeRI Flowersbrand 15 Main St. Seaforth 0ffice 527-0555 Mufflers guaranteed as long as you own the car SF %FORTH Sill111RS 1 TH. 527-11)111 OPTICIAN David longstoff ltd Opticlon 1,17 Main 51. 5. `eaIorih OI'IOMI-1111515 A'SI1 OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Prescriptions FIOed Promptly WINTER HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs.. Fri. 9.5:30 Saturday 9 - 12 Closed Wednesday COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527.1303 Res. 527-1784 Complete Floral Servlee with a personal touch. PIANO PIANO TUNING • Repo rs • RebuOd,iig • Keys Recovered • Dompp Chasers BRUCE EUI. SIF ER 348-9223 Machell 12 Wanted to Buy OLDER QUILTS, oak exten- sion tables .and chairs, steel and brass beds. Willing to pay good prices. Call Carol, Stratford, 271-0941. 12-10-tf PIANO WANTED regardless of condition. Phone collect anytime 519-669-2280 or 519- 669-2198. 12-9-tf 13 Wanted WANTED: Old brick build- ings, for wrecking and sal- vage purposes, Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc. 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, 1-542- 4088. Ontario's largest sup- plier of reclaimed brick. - 13-9-tf u1iga. REAL ESTS ELT SEWING- ( SEWING MACHINE " SU,'ER MARKET Over 100 machin, on display Service to all mikes Sales -White, Etna, Hu,gvarne lots of used maehlne, from 939.95 SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LTD. 149 Downie St. f2`tfoen south of Hudsonel Stratford, 271-9(60 e -FUNERAL HOME Whitney - Ribey Funeral Home CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W. RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 Goderich St , Seaforth Phone 527-1390 Sincere and Courteous Service MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 120 ACRE: Dairy. operation near Clinton, new steel shed and calf barn 104 x 40. barn 104 x 50. 42 stalls. pipeline,,,steel gran -"4 bedroom modernized home. 75 ACRES: McKillop towns tp, good sized barn. systematically tiled. 50 ACRES: McKillop. modetn 4 bedroom home, double car garage. steel shed. Reduced. ' 69 ACRES: McKillop, no buildings, 33 acres fall wheat balance in bush. Open 4 offers. 100 ACRES: Farrow t'- sh operation, 100 sow barn, 134 x 35, . SOLD .h system, 11/2 storey home, aluminum ...wed home. 94 acres workable.' 149 ACRES: Barn #1-44x82, #2-48x24. Imple- ment shed, stone home, 4 bedrooms, corn 140 bushel/acre, beans 36 bushel/acre. . 150 ACRES: Hog and cash crop. new barn 130x36 holds 550 hogs, older barn .60x40, 4 bedroom modern home, fireplace, single garage. Mprr' 'wnsIu 1,40 ,yyorkable, alis; rlil,k#1ted:ikst pril<p. nee_ ttL u 5172,000.00. -� /50 ACRES: near Winthrop. 8 acres bush. Open 4 .offers. 29 ACRES: Gravel deposits with hardwood bush: Must -sell. 10 ACRES: New Cape Cod style home . att'd garage, large barn, locatedclose to town. 'rectory • DECORATING• �-APPLIANCES-.5 r -� Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 Graves Wallpaper & Paint MVP emin �1l� 'Featuring ,\INNS Canadian K Imported Wall (nrerings 527-0550 Sea;prd, • -FARM SUPPLIES-, , -FUNERAL HOME-� Feed Seed Fertilizer Farm Supplies Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils Seaforth Co-op 527-0770 DECORpATItNGor si Exterior Decorators y�*�7(7%��WalIcover ngs 1'1/ Kem Paints T.*'' Window Shades "I-ILDEBRAND PAINT AND PAPERI PHONE 527-1880 15 Main St . Seaford INSURANCE SEAFORTH INSURANCE 39 Main St. S. Seaforth .Home .Business Farm Auto .life . Sickness & Accident Investments 5271610 FGNERAI Ilp Barbara A. Watts Funeral Director 4 47 High Street Seaforth Phone 527-0885 CARPENTRY J&J Carpentry •Concrete Forming and Finishing •Framing •Drywall •Roofing •Cabinet Making John Ryan 527-1520