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The Huron Expositor, 1983-03-09, Page 12
Al2 -•- THE HURON EXPOS,ITOR,MARCH 8,e 1983 , :. "-.... Pee Wee A� S take Mitchell TROUBLE -The Pee Wee .A's could face elimination in OMHA after they lost their first two -gam sst to by Hook) opinion Looking for spring BYKRISSVELA plan Sportsfest '83 to be held here. in Spring is just around the corner with August, There will be approximately .1000 people's thoughts turning toward spring participants at the event, by tar the largest and summer sporting everit `` Skates are this community has seen in years. It is getting their last workouts and gloves and hoped that the event will generate a small balls are being dusted off in preparation for profit for the recreation department. but the new season. Ball teams. soccer teams according to rec director Bryan Peter, and other teams and individual sports- organizers will be happy to break even. minded people are putting their winter With all these elements securely in place, activities or inactivities behind then as they Seaforth can look forward to continuing wait for fields to dry out and courts to be improvements on the sports scene. prepared.MIDGETS ADVANCE - It is amazing when one stops to consider The Seaforth Midgets continued their the essential role local spportslaY in small winning ways with two straight victories communities such as Seaforth. A large over Kingsville 7-3 and 10-8. A tired team proportion of the population is either returned to Seaforth at approximately 1:30 directly or indirectly involved in community a.m. on Monday to rest up for the next part sports in one capacity or another. Many of the series. carry their enthusiasm and participation GRETZKY MANIA from one sport to another and from season Wayne Gretzky and the Edmonton Oilers to season. went into Toronto Saturday with the sports A quick trip through the county and media hot on the trail. The great one did not surrounding area will reveal the enthusi• let thein down as he registered tw o goals asrns that sports events enjoy from all and three assists to give the Oilers a 6.3 communities. New arenas. excellent ball victory. As a result the papers are filled with diamonds, superb tennis courts and other t... stories about the amazing Gretzky and his new or renovated facilities are all standing exploits on the ice. One sports columnist symbols of the importance of sports jn each went as far as to call it the "Wayne Gretzky Magic Show" and then went on in detail to and every area community. Seaforth is a prime example of what a sports -minded community can do. The town has a brand new $1.5 million -arena and community centre that it can be proud of, thanks to the support of Seaforth and area residents. Our ball parks, tennis courts, pool, racing facilities and other sports facilities are Some of the best in the county. They also meet the present demand of Seaforth sports' programs. explain Gretzky's every on -ice move during the game. It seems a bit unreasonable that this young hockey player is being singled out for his contributions. Somewhere along the line everyone has forgotten that Gretzky is a part of a teain in a team sport. Undoubtedly, he is one of the.best young hockey players, equal to the likes of an Orr, Hull, or Howe, but certainly none of these players single - Couple the local enthusiasm with well handedly won a game. - organized sports associations and groups. The hype, in the press is overshadowing which have helped the community to the work of Gretzky's teammates. After all, develop solid teams in several categories. they set up plays, break up offensive moves Seaforth can also boast of a well run by other teams and should figure in the recreation department which is continually scheme of things. revising its programs and instituting new Don't get me wrong, Gretzky is great. but ones. A March break program, ball hockey let's not forget that there are other players teams and softball teams are only a few of on the team. For the boys in the media the the latest ideas being -developed. The game should be renamed, "The Media recreation department is also helping to Hype Show", toput things into perspective, 5 E ©wll g • Last Tuesday the Seaforth Wee As el'initiated Mit- chell as they won the second game of the two out of three W.O.A.A. playoff series. Joey Smith and Blair Beuer- mann started the scoring early in the first period making it 2.0 for Seaforth. Then after a scoreless second period the Seaforth team again found the net as Darren Akey, Terry Gray with two and Blair Beuermann scored four more unanswered goals, ending the game 6-0 for Seaforth, who recorded their first shutout of the season. - March 4 the Seaforth Pee Wee A's met Forest for their first game of die O.M.H,A. o quarter finals. This was a very fast skating game of hockey with each team get- ting one penalty. Forest start- ,c•d the scoring after four minutes of play. However the locals ,kept pace with the Forest team while play sea - sawed back and forth result- ing in Seaforth- coming from behind six times to end the second period in a 6.6 tie. In the third period Forest again took the lead while Pee ST. JAMES BOWLING T Birds 2995, V W's 2928. Ferraris 3326. Chargers 2345, Corvettes 2886, Mercedes 2969 - Men's high single -Pel Kenny 324. Men s high triple -John Coleman 699. Ladies high single•Linda Ruston 192 Ladies high triple•Shirley Mere 515. Blue Jays 99. Hawks 92, Cordinals 79, Eagles 59. Robins 56, Orioles 35. Ladies high single -Mary De Loyer 285 Ladies high triple -Claudette Elliott 753 Men's high5',mglo 300 Men's high triple -Reg Dick and John Hauwerl 648 YBC STANDINGS . Perfection Bowlers 68, Oilers 54, Tiger Cats 491/2, Superstars 481/2, High ladies -Barb Holmes 221, 174; Samantha Nesbelh 162. High man -Rick Scott 182, 182: Richard Love 159, Todd McLean 158, Dennis Beuerman 198 Perfection Bowring 68, Oilers 51, Superstars 461'2. Tiger Cats 441/2. High ladies -Samantha Nesbeth 174, 160; Barb Holmes 165 High men -Todd McLean 144. 196. Kevin Dick 157. MIXED DOUBLE Weekly ladies high single and f.ei-ele- Donna Bguerman 315. 722. Men's high single -Jack Bedard 286, high triple -John Coleman 763. Season's high singt6. triple. aver- age -Mary Beuerman 346, 816, 223. Men's high single and triple -Art Firnlayson 361. 811. High average. John Coleman 223. Standings -Canadians 89, Black Hawks 88, Red W ings 87, Rangers 75, Maple Leafs 67, Bruins 57 LEGION • High single -Ann Wood 267, Randy Wood 263. High triple- Ann Wood 660. Ron Beuerman 689. Standings: Snowbirds99. Plalas 78, Colts 73, Billy Ball 68. Munch -Kine ' 61, Oddities 42. TOWN ANDCOUNTRY Ladies high single and triple- Verna Johnston 248. 587 Men's high single -Doug Procter 326. high triple -Hank Kramers 806. Ladies high single. triple and average -Joy Ross 250, 601, 192. Men's high single -Hank Kramers 310, high Iriple-Doug Procter 760, high average -Hank Kramers 217 Team Standings Sabres 107, Jets 89, Canucks 91. Oilers 84. Nordiques 70. Penguins 63 Seafort was short-handed and continued with three more oals as the locals appeare to tire and sttg. Seafo h scored once more at the 12 7 mark of the third period b t the game ended 10-7 for orest. Both Terry Gray anti Joey Smith picked up hattri i s with Rick Mac- Lean scor g the other goal. Assists w nt to Blair. Beuer- mann two, Gordie O'Dwyer two, Dwayne Price, Mike Schoonders'oerd, Steve Schroeder Bpd Darren Akey. Saturday the two teams niet again iq Spaforth. The game was fast with few penalties. However this time Forest won convincingly. The visitors went ahead with five goals before Rick MacLean assisted by Blair Beuermann and Terry Gray put Seaforth on the scoreboard in the second period, Forest scored four more unanswered goals in the third period to end the game 9-1 for them. With this series being three out of five Seaforth goes back to Foretlt on Wed. March 9 for the•.third game. I CENTENAIRE BOOSTER CLUB DANCE SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES Sat., March 12 9-1 ADMISSION: $4.00 Tickets available from Booster Club members or player Milverton takes Novice series in 2 straight Seaforth played Milver- ton in Milverton on Friday, Mar. 4 for the second game of the playoff. It was soon into the first period when Milverton set up a nice goal at the 7:10 mark. John Moylan wouldn't be down too soon though as he twisted and turned and caught some sure goals. Scott Jervis came on with Steve Papple assisting to score at the 2:10 mark. Steve WhcA°2. h9pp®wring? What s Happening is a weekly column, space donated by The Huron Expositor To 1151 your event. call the Recreation Office at 527-0882 DATE EVENT Wed Mar. 9 Business Skate Wed Mar 9 Parents B Tots Skate Wed Mar 9 Wingham vs Bantams IHL Noon Fit Broombal I IHL Wed Mar 9 Thurs Mar 10 Thurs Mar 10 Fri Mar 11 Sal Mar 12 Canadians vs Bruins Sal Mar 12 Nordiques vs Oilers Sal Mar 12 Flames vs Penguins Sal Mar 12 Jets vs Leafs Sat Mar 12 Mites Sal Mar 12 Rmgetle House League Sat Mar 12 Public Skating Sat Mar 12 Story Hour Sal Mar 12 Forest vs Pee Wees of necessary> Sun Mar 13 C F P L Team Ten vs Minor Hockey Coaches Sun Mar 13 IHL Mon Mar 14 Wingham vs Peewees PLACE Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Library Arena Arena Arena Arena TIME -2p m 2.4 p m 630pm 8pm -12 42 15.12 45 815pm 7.11 p m 745 a.m 840am 945am 1040am n 35a m 12 30 130.3500 130-3pm 6 p m 2 p m 7.11 p m 730 p nt Locally Owned and Operated Travel Agency With Worldways Canada 1983 ABC Charters to Britain & Europe London from 459.00 Manchester from 509.00 Prestwick Iron 540.00 Belfast from 549.00 Senior CIH:ens Save $50 Per Couple ALSO ASK ABOUT • Quality Escorted Coach Tours of England & Scotland or Ireland • Ely -Drive and Go As You Plectse Auto Tours • Car Rentals • Hotels & Weekend Specials • Guest House & Inns, Irish Cottage & Form House Accomniodotion TRY ONE OR TPV BOTHI THE CHOICE IS YOURS & THE PLEASURE IS OURS! Wingham Travel Ltd. Coll 357.1020 Out Of Town Call Collect Papple wound up with a wild shot at the blue line to score at the 57 second mark. Seaforth led the first period 2-I. The second period just seemed to fly as the play bounced back and forth. All boys were skating hard and everyone was defensive. Joe Murray had a good shot but it merely bounced off the goal- ie's pads. At the end of the second period the score re• mained unchanged. As the third period began the hopes were up for our team but Milverton scored at the 7: 10,5:06 and 3:24 marks, Thomas Wheatley and Jason Beuttenmillcr soiled a lot of • • • •`' -' • •• Pfl TH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••' shots but Milverton managed to,scorc 3. John Moylan . played an 'excellent game as usual and we want to commend the boys for a good series. Milverton won 2-0. The Novice are entered in a tournament in Ayr on Sat. March 12. USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0210 Tnt tau•u 001”.141,TR SZ,, 711, 3RD WEEK SEE WHY SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE ENJOYED THIS • SHOW. FRI.-SAT. 7 6 0:15 • NEW HOURS SUN.-THURS. 7:30 • • • • • QUEEN'S-SEAFORTH Appearing this Thursday to Saturday "EQUUS" NO CO VER 1 ;ST PATRICK',S DAY 1 t' ' MARCH 17 PLAN TO ATTEND OUR BIGGEST AND BEST ST. PADDY'S DAY EVER 1 REGISTRATION for Boy's Ball. Hockey League For boys 13- 17 years of age REGISTER AT THE RECREATION OFFICE DURING THE DAY OR MONDAY, MARCH 28 - FROM 7 P.M. TO 8:15 P.M. AT THE SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES $40. per boy Starting in May SEAFORTH RECREATION DEPT. presents • "-`HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS" March 21 - 25 for boys and girls ages 8 years to grade 8 9:00,a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily Activities include: swimming, skating, bowling, arts and crafts, films, sports and games REGISTRATION FEE: $25.00 Register at the Seaforth Recreation Office by March 11 Live Entertainment NEXT THURSDAY TO SATURDAY "THE RABBITS" No Cover 1 DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS FROM $2.50 GOOD HOME COOKING ANNUAL MEETINGS Monday, March 14 At the Seaforth & Distinct Community Centres (Upstairs Committee Room) Seaforth & District MINOR BASEBALL I MINOR SOCCER Seaforth & District 7 p.m. at p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME! at 8:15 p. m. p. m. 1 1OACADEMY NOMINAAWARD ALL STAR Since 1962 TOURS OF EXCELLENCE • • • e • • • • • • - INCtuoildi • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RE -OPENING FRIDAY, MARCH 18TH • • • h••••• BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR Sydney Pollack BEST ACTOR Dustin Hoffman TwarieWESIlwire MUSTANG DRIVE-IN GODERICH • FLORIDA by Coach 14 days from $299 Complete Packages • COACH 1 RANSPORTATION ONLY available to Ftoridq (including accommodation) MID TERM SCHOOL BREAK 9 days Mar. 19-27 frommcyworldfr$399 Daytona $439 Beach from St. Augustine :419 Beach front GRAND FLORIDA CIRCLE 16 Days -2 Departures March 5, April 2 from $699 New In Florida Disney's New EPCOT CENTRE 14 days -2 departures March 5, April 2 from $659 CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL 4 Days April 8-11 from $225 TEXAS AND NEW ORLEANS 16 Days - April9 from $779 CALIFORNIA AND THE HISTORICAL WEST 23 days -3 departures Mar. 19, April 16, tuly 16 from $1199 EASTER WEEKEND Washington, D.C. from New York, N.Y. from Wheeling & Pittsburgh from Nashville A.M. from NashvilleP,M. from $215 $209 229 5249 5209 See your Travel Agent for our 2. 3 & 4 Days Vacation and Our 1983 Summer Catalogue FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: UNITED TRAILS INC. 100 Main St., , Seaforth, Ontario 527-1222 The Seaforth Agricultural Society presents: MUSIC BY HARVEY SCHMIDT WORDS BY TOM JONES SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES Thursday & Friday, March 10 & 11 at 8 p.m. ADULTS: $4.00 SENIORS, STUDENTS: $3.00 8 & UNDER: FREE By special arrangement with Musk Theatre International, New York, N.Y, Courtesy of BUCHANAN FARM SUPPLY Agricultural Spraying and Fertilizers 482-3201 Custom Fertilizer Spreading t TV AUCTION "Donat• ions by Area Merchants and Farmers" Saturday, March 12 12:30 P.M. - ? Channel 12 SPONSORED BY THE LIONS CLUBS OF SEAFORTH, MITCHELL & DUBLIN Over 200 Items To Be Auctioned Paint, vests, sweaters, food vouchers, butter, margarine, eggs, toys, tools, vaccination shots for dogs and cats, dog food, hand bags, cordless wall clocks, oil changes and grease jobs,'gasoline, lottery tickets' plus many more Items. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. PHONE IN BID 2. GIVE THE NUMBER OF THE ITEM ON WHICH YOU ARE BIDDING, THE AMOUNT YOU ARE BIDDING, YOUR NAME & PHONE NUMBER. 345.2341 4.