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The Huron Expositor, 1983-03-02, Page 3
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 2, 1983 -- A3 Tax rebate .raises controversy.... Continued from page l make "farmland tax exempt. Many opposed the idea because they felt control would be lost and felt the issue wasn't being dealt with head on. "I feel education tax should be in the form of a sales tax. Therefore all Ontario residents will pay a fair share." Mr. Armstrong says, "the majority was strongly opposed in 1976 and the issue was dropped, so we thought. The 50 per cent rebate method carried on." Explaining that rural landowners would be taxed on their homes and a lot of one acre, more or less, "the property will be assessed at 50 per cent of the value, comparable to a severed let in the municipality. This is totally wrong because a severed lot is worth five to 10 times more when located in rural municipalities. Also a farmer can never sever the imaginary lot. So what is he paying taxes for." Reflecting to previous years, Mr. Arm- strong explained a rural home serves a different purpose than urban dwellings. "A rural home issued for business, has an office and the basement is used for winter storage. An urban home, in comparison is a place to build a family unit. It is primarily used as a home. In the past, farmers could write his home off as an expense," Listing another issue, Mr. Armstrong asked, "why are other businesses not receiving tax rebates. Compared to farmers urban businesses are no different. The tax rebate system is unfair. We are all living together so why not treat everyone alike? "What happens if there is a change of government and the rebate system\ is changed? The government may wish to pdild a power line across farmland. They could say they have the right. Something very dangerous happened when Mr. Gretian removed a clause from the constitution concerning the right of private ownership of land. We are no longer protected.' Artnstrong noted there is an alterna- tive. "The rebate program is voluntary. A rural landowner can refuse a rebate, but will then have to pay 100 per cent land and outbuilding tax in addition to residential tax. Then the education debate is lost. "The new program worries me very much. Its fine for farmersto accept rebates, but they have to look down the road and look at the. implications. Some European countries use this system, but now landowners are tenants and the land is considered public lands. In Ontario, urban people will say they're paying the taxes so they have a right to the rural land. "In the future, if the word 'rebate', was replaced with 'exempt', then rural landown- ers would lose total control. The truth is, we "don't trust government", says Mr. Arm- strong. "The new proposal was brought in at a good time. because farmers are grasping at anything. If you look at the additional 820 million in rebate and divide it among 85,000 Ontario farmers, it amounts to less than S2 an acre for areable land. This is a total insult." A group of farmers organized "to make . ,. people aware", says Mr. Armstrong. Re- sponse to advertisements in three publica- tions has caused a flood of letters and telephone calls, all opposed to the new system. Included were letters from sound., members, and from concerned taxpayers from as far away as Sudbury, Ottawa and Essex. "We hope the federation and government will realize a mistake has been made. We hope the issue will be re -consider- ed.' "Alternatives are that education tax should be taken off all properties. It's a people tax because its a people service. It should be in the form of a sales tax." "The old system was good until something better was brought along but was not the cure-all. 1 call this new system a bandaid deal." Farming 750 acres in Morris and Turnberry townships. Mr. Armstrong agrees he would benefit from the 100 per cent tax rebate. "But 1 am totally opposed. I only want a fair return for my investment." P@opll@ Mr. and Mrs. Art Wright spent Friday and Saturday at Hanover where they attended the funeral on' Sat. Feb. 25 of Norman Schneider. Winner of the Seaforth and District Minor Hockey draw of S50 was James F. Maloney, RR 5, Seaforth. Dorothy Engle and Violet Smith have returned home after vacationing for three weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wright attended the funeral of the former's nephew at Ripley on Thursday. Feb. 24 who passed away suddenly in Toronto. Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto have recently forwarded results of piano examinations held in Stratford in January. Grade 6 piano. honors, Lori Strong. and Brenda Pullman. They are students of Mrs..Jane Vincent, The Huron Strings were invited to supply entertainment at Bluewater Centre on Sat. afternoon at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson aiid Mr. and Mrs. Chas Felker were in Hanover last Fri. and called at Tanner -Pearson fuheral home to see the late Norman Schneider. The LaWSons called on Mr. and Mrs. Bordon Brown formerly of Kinburn at Chateau Gardens in Hanover. cVeGi BALLROOM DANCING Is being taught at the Seaforth and district community centres every Monday evening to approximately 14 couples. The nine week course taught by Louis Morello and Melanie Steel of Mitchell, will feature such dances as the foxtrot, polka, waltz, rumba and "a bit of tango". As a pair, the couple have been teaching for Jive years. Mr. Morello has taught dancing for 20 years. (Wasslnk photo) Project praised by parents A group of parents from the Wingham arca has praised the Huron County Board of Education for setting up a pilot project for gifted child- ren. Holly Keil of Wingham, representing a group tenta- tively kiSown as the North Huron Association for Bright Children, said "we arc here to acknowledge the progres- sive attitude" taken by the board. Mrs. Keil's child is one of 10 children currently enrolled in a pilot project as part of the special - education program approved by the board last April. The 10 children spend one half day a week at Golden Circle School, Wingham un- der the direction of the board's area resource teacher Debbie Heslinga. Mrs. Hes- linga is the area resource teacher for enrichment and gifted children. The pilot project started on Jan. I of this year and superintendent of special ed- ucation D.R. Miller said the project is being evaluated for possible expansion across the county. He added the child- ren were identified for the project by "case confer- ences" and recommended for the program. Mrs. Keil said up until now there has been no program for the gifted children in Huron County. Since the program has started the par- ents have grouped together and have become affiliated with the provincial Associa- tion for Bright Children. Now that the parents have conte together. Mrs. Keil said. plans are being formu- lated for activities outside of school hours. These non - board expense activities may include such things as a trip to the Art Gallery of Ontario and family get-togethers. This parent describes the children as being "typically gifted" rather than Ein- steins. They have a high intellectual ability. noted Mrs. Keil. and she said if they don't receive enrichment their ability ntay not pro- gress. She acknowledged that most parents have been in contact with the schools since their children entered kinder- garten. "They have always re- ceived good co-operation from the schools " comment- ed Mrs. Keil. She told the board the parents have wanted some- thing like Phis program for awhile. Now that it has started parents have been willing to invest their time, personal resources and finan- ces. Board chairman Dorothy Wallace said a lot of the credit for the program goes to Mr. Miller. She also added, "It's nice to have a bouquet thrown our way once in a while." The 10 children come from grades three to six at East. Wawanosh. Turnberry and Wingham Public Schools. They are bussed to Golden Circle and are currently in- volved in learning the process of television at CKNX in Wingham. Seaforth Women's Insti- tute will meet at the home of Mrs. Thelma Dale on March 8 at 8:15 p.m. with co -hostess Mrs. Mary Nolan. Mrs. Doris Hugill and Mrs. Helen McKenzie will be in charge of the meeting. The speaker will be Katimavik. Roll call will be "What's your opinion of parking meters?" Mrs. Ruth Papple, Mrs. Henry Klaver and Mrs. Ann Agar; will be in charge of lunch. • Legion thanks, sports chairman 1 - Dr. Robert McClure Mission work will be displayed Huron -Perth Presbytery of the United Church of Canada has planned a special family event to be held in Maih Street United Church. Mit- chell. it is called a Mission Festival. with displays and audio visuals of the work of the church in its Mission Ministry at home and abroad. Featured guest will he Dr. Robert 'Bob' McClure. Dr Bob. as he is affectionately known in the church, pioneer• ed the techniques of modern medicine in war-torn China. and was the first 'lav' Mod erator of the United Church in Canada. He has spent years We got back from Flori- da last Thurs but 1 haven't c caught up on everything that has transpired during the two weeks we were away. I did attend the,euchre and dance last Sat. night and have a few compliments to make. First we should thank our sports chairman Jim and his wife Betty for a very fine effort and also to the people who attended and brought their pot luck supper. You couldn't have had a better smorgasbord meal anywhere at any price. There *ere 21 tables in play and winners were Ken Lingelbach and Mary Mc- • You are invited to the Seaforth Horticultural So- ciety meeting on Mar. 9 at Seaforth Public School, Come to the pot luck supper at 6:15, and listen to Stan Paquette, Department of Agriculture discuss gardening. • MAW TOP SPEAKERS—Competition was keen in public speaking at 8t. Colum ban Separate School. Winners are, back left, Junior second, Terry Kelly and first, Marianne Moylan; senior f irst, Mike Schoonderwoerd and second, Mary Maloney. In front are first place wingers, Karen Van Steelandt in Gradey1; Sharon Kelly in Grade 2 and Brian Melady In Grade 3. (Photo by White) The hospital auxiliary will meet in the board room at the hospital on March 8 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Gwen Scott, R.N. of the Huron County Health Unit will present an outline and invite questions regarding her work as a Public Health Nurse. Please bring 2 articles for a grocery hamper, There will be a bakeless bake 'sale. A bit of news we have today. A Bakeless Bakesale is\on the way. On these busy days, now who would bake Pies, Cookies or even a Cake? Sponsored by the Hospital Auxiliary, Seaforth, Ontario. Envelopes to be given to any member or sent to Mrs. Joan Chesney, R,cR. #5, Seaforth, Ontario N K 1WO. Please submit by ay 12th, 1983. In dzu@ y@on ©©©n@ MARCH 2,1883 The skating races previously announced had a large attendance. Spectators from surrounding towns and villages were well represented. The five mile race between Messrs. Miller of Fingal and Dawson of Seaforth was won by William Dawson in 19 minutes and 59 seconds. The feeling of the crowd and rink owners was that the race was fixed. Barrel races followed the skating. The men's race was taken by C. Sumner, with J. Cardno second, time being 6 minutes 45 seconds. The girls was won by Miss A. Laidlaw, with Miss A. Ballantyne (both from Brussels) being second. Mr. George Clark Sr. a Hullett farmer who resides. near Kinburn, was coming out of a house in the village. when he slipped and fell. fracturing his leg at the ankle. He will be laid up for some time. MARCH 6,1908 A meeting will be held in Calder's Hall. Winthrop on March 9. 1908 to follow, up on a canvas made of the community of those who feel they need a rural telephone system in this district. A representative of the tele- phone company will be there to give the desired inforntatiotTreforming a company and building of line. On F 'day evening at the ho a of Mr. and Mrs. hn McLean, Chiselhurst t e members of th Presbyterian Church met and following an a dress by Mr. George T. W retj Mr. John Varl presented Mr. John McLean ,with a purse of gold in recognition of his service as choir leader. - New electric lights are being installed in Carmel Church, Hensall this week by Mr. Thomas Welch. The cost will be nearly S400. MARCH 3,1933 The Seaforth Badminton Club had 40 entries in the opening tournament held in the club quarters to the Town Hall. After first. second and third round eliminations, John Cardno and Wallace Parke emerged whiners in the final over Miss .lanet Cluff and D.H. Wilson. George A. Sills. on the occasion of his 78th birthday was honoured by members of the Seaforth Fire Brigade. Mr. Sills has been a fireman since 1875 and for the past 37 -.years has been treasurer of the brigade. Ai a large gathering of firemen and ex -firemen at the Seaforth Fire Hall, Mr. Sills was presented with a leather chair. While after rabbits. Dr. R.R. Ross and Tony Phillips were surprised to see grasshop- pers in February. They succeeded in catching a match box full and brought them home as proof to the skeptical citizens. Some of the winners at the anhual seed show of the South Huron Agricultural Society held in the Hensall Town Hall were as follows:fall wheat -Milton Truemner; spring wheat -John Robertson; late oats, W.R. Dougall; barley, John Robertson, field beans, W.R. Dougall; Timothy seed. John Bolton, red clover seed, W.R. Dougall, field peas, O. Geiger and son. MARCH 7,1958 Hensall firemen will answer no more fire calls to Stanley Township unless a retaining fee of 575.00 is received. This decision was reached at the monthly meeting of Hensall Village Council. Walton Community Hall recently has had a complete face lifting. It has served the community for more than 80 years. first as a church. later as a lodge moth, and now as a centre for all the people of the district. Three Seaforth lads, Bert Pepper, RR3 Seaforth. Ken Campbell, RR1 Dublin and Larry Wheatley, RRI Dublin, were successful in the inter county seed judging competition at Middlesex Seed Fair in London last week. They achieved 1473 taints to win the competition and the Farmer's Advocate trophy. Seaforth Bantams advanced into WOAA Bantam finals against Shallow Lake by virtue of their overtime win in Milverton by the score of 5-4. Department budget down BY STEPHANIE LEVI I SQUE Huron County's share of the proposed 1983 budget of the. planning and develop- ment department is down over $10,000 from last year. Council approved the bud- get at its Feb. 3 session. All budgets are subject to review again when county council - sets the entire county. The total 1983 budget for Lean. The lone hand winners were Peter Malcolm and Ida Earle. After the euchre the evening was spent dancing to the music of "Lively Lew". There will be a stag euchre Wed. Mar. 9th at eight p.m. in the club room. Bring your partner and come out for an evening of entertainment. On arriving home I learned of the death of two our our comrades, Arthur Nicholson one of our first war veterans and Frank Case. To the respective families and friends we offer our sympa thies in the passing of two well-known men of this com- munity. Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn at the going down of the sun and in the morning we shall rement.- ber them. -Gordon Scott P.R.O. in India, Malaysia. Peru, St. Vincent and Zambia as a missionary surgeon. He is a story in himself, of an active, dedicated and outspoken man, blended with an inti- mate view of history in the making. The Festival begins with a light lunch. special music by the Mitchell Glee Club and the Stratford 'Shiloh' Group. and films and activities for the younger set. It's a multi -media people event: an opportunity to see the Church in action. It all starts at noon, Sunday. March 6. in Main Street United Church, Mitchell. BRUXER: Ken and Chris and Jacob thank God fot the safe arrival of Lucas Francis Grant on February 20 weighing 9 lbs. 3 ozs. Proud grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruxer. Dublin and Mr. and Mrs. Grant McGregor. Kip - pen. A special thanks to Dr. Maynard and the OB staff at St. Joseph's Hospital. Lon- don. EAST: Mr. and Mrs. Larry East are pleased to announce the arrival of their first son Steven James at Seaforth Community Hospital, Feb. 13, 1983 at 2:27 p.m. Grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jim'Patin, Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Harold East. Clin- ton. HENDERSON: Jim and Evelyn are happy to annouce the arrival of their son Darryl Ivison on February 21. 1983. a brother for Alan and David. Proud grandparents are Frances Storey and John and Pearl Henderson, We would like to thank family and friends for cards, gifts and flowers. Speical hanks to Dr. Underwood and nursing staff of Seaforth Community Hospital. the planning and develop- ment department is $340,227. in 1982, the two departments were separate but spent a combined total of 5323,054.. To make hp the difference after deducting the county's share, increase revenue is expected from community planning study grants ($35,400 in 1983 up from 527,000 in 1982) and 520,000 Foundation to act as umbrella Continued from page I of "Outreach Artisan" is to establish a sound business organization resulting in a stable market for local crafts. The Foundation will receive 25 to 30 per cent commission on items sold as payment for use of its facilities. The Foundation also plans to market local crafts in other regions 10 provide greater coverage for interested artists. More interest from the county's reserve fund. Salaries make up the larg- est portion of the expendi- tures at $160,579. This marks a reduction from the com- bined 1982 budgets of the planning and development, but planner Gary Davidson noted the decrease is because the 'county does not have to pay the salary of a full-time development officer. and publicity will be generated for the Van Egmond -House as a community support centre. The artisan project is to he developed into a governing group of artists under the umbrella of the Van Egmond Foundation. It is hoped this combination of heritage and craft will attract tourists to the Van Egmond House and surrounding area. Huron journalist knighted 1913 Huron County can boast of a number of personalities and places that have historical significance to both the county and the country as a whole. Among those is journalist John Willison. Although, he is possibly not well known outside of journal- istic circles, his achievements have finally surfaced in a recent feature article in the Toront9 Star. What is significant about Mr. Willison is the fact that he was a well-respected journalist who helped to reshape the writing style of Canadian newspapers. As a result he was given the highest honor ever achieved by a journalist in Canada. John WilItson was the first Cana1dian journalist to receive a knighthood for his work. Without any formal education, (he never attended high school) he spent the first 16 years of his life on his father's farm in Huron County. The turning point in his life came when he attended a gathering of Prominent politicians in Varna in 1872. He ater wrote in his autobiography, Remini- scences, that, "From the day 1 stood on the crossroads at Varna, i have loved political debate. f had an instant birth into politics and from that hour 1 saw the way along which i must go." From that early exposure to politics which developed into a love affair of the political process, he began sending articles to the local papers as well as to other publications throughout the province. His enthusiasm led him to a position with the London Advertiser where he started as a typesetter before becoming a full-time reporter within a year. In 1883. the paper's editor, John Cameron, was chosen to become the new editor of the ...robe in iuronto and ne took the aspiring young writer with him. Within a year, Mr. Willison became the night editor at the Globe and by 1887 he was moved to Ottawa as the paper's political reporter. He remained in Ottawa for 13 years where he re -shaped the style of political reporting of long-winded. chrono- logical and often boring details to tighter and brighter stories. The new style gained him the respect of journalists throughout the country and world-wide. 1t also helped his sky -rocketing career. '\ In 1890 he was named the new editor of The Globe at the age of 34, but resigned his post in 1902 amid controversy over his more objective style of political coverage which in that day had consisted of party bashing. dependingon which party the paper supporte He went on to become the editor of the short-lived independent Toronto news- paper, The News. After the paper folded in 1917, he continued to write for The Times of London 'as its chief Canadian correspon- dent. it was during this period that his writing gained him the respect of states - men, diplomats and the world press. In 1913 while he was struggling to establish The News and as a relative newcomer to The Times, he received his king knighthood at a gala event held in the dining room of the National Club in Toronto and became known as Sir John Willison. }Fe was honored for his integrity and con- science in newspaper reporting. Sir John Willison died in 1427 at the age of 71. but he Is still remembered today for' his work in laying the ground work for responsible reporting and interesting style. PEPPER—THORBURN Martha Ruth Pepper and Robett Keith Thorburn were united in marriage in the Egmondville United Church. Friday. February 25. Officiating was Rev. Wilfred Fearn and Mr. David McKnight. The bride's escort was her son Mervyn. Matron of honour was Mrs. Marlene Harburn. daughter of the bride. Bridesmaid was Sherry Harburn, granddaughter of the bride and flower girl was Kara Lee Pepper, granddaughter of the bride. Barry Thorburn. son of the groom was best man. Grandson of the bride, Christopher Harburn was usher and Brent Pepper. the bride's grandson was ringbearer. Soloist was Sandra Pepper and organist was Merelyn Ruth McKnight. Guests attended the wedding and a reception in Seaforth Legion Hall from London, Goderich, Exeter and Strathroy. Following a wedding trip to Florida. the couple will reside in Egmondville (Photo by Frank Phillips) Obiltualy YVONNE DE WOLFE Yvonne. of Railway Street, Seaforth at Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, Thursday. February 24, 1983, in her 42nd year. Yvonne Keelsse. beloved wife of Waldo De Wolfe. Dear mother of Grace (Mrs. Wayne Butt). Sea - forth. Alice (Mrs. Allan Dale), Seaforth, Edwin, Erika and Steven, all at home. Loved daughter of Marie Keersse of Belgtinm, and dear sister of Anne and Alfons, both of Belgium. Also survived by 3 grand- children. Friends called at the Whitney-Ribet Funeral Home, 87 Godench Street West, Seaforth until Satur- day where funeral services were held. Temporary en- tombment Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum. Winners Winners at 1.O.O.F. and Rebekah euchre held Wed. Feb, 23 includes: Ladies most games. Mrs. Frank Riley: Ladies Lone Hands. Mrs. Harold Coleman. ladies low, Mrs. Jim McNaughton; men's most game, Wilfred Tremecr. Men's lone hands. Percy Adams. men's low, Frank Smale.