HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-07-11, Page 8THE WINGIIAM TIMES JTJLY 11, 1907 ',AMOR 1»QGALS. ^---Thursday, July lltit. --A tlliowee' pf r43n wgald +3a xnucb .Octel. .,.Many delds or goad. fail wheat are to be seen around Wzoglearn. --Black bass fleh3og is now the sport few many of our veteran sportsmen. ---The brick work an Air. George Mo. K.erizie's two new stores is completed. -The price of hard ooal tae been in - crowd ir1 Loudon from $7 to $7.50 per Wit. -Turnberry Tpwnsbip Coupon will meet in the Clerk's (Moe at Bluevate •noxi Monday. -Begitlav meeting of Catup Caledonia, Sons of Soatlaud, will be held next Mon. day evenipg. .-There is a. move on at Clinton to estabiisb.afactory for the manufacture of wagons and buggies. --Wingham's civic holiday on Thurs- day, August 1st. Auunal Sunday School elt011H ion to. Kincardine, -The dry weather has bad a bad effect ou the strawberries and the crop will not be up to that of former years. -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters, will be held on Friday evening of this week. -The new branch line of the 0. P. B. Irvin Goderioh to Guelph .e now open for traffic between Gaelph and Blyth. -Work on John Wilson's now block of stores ie being rushed forward and a few weeks will see the walla completed. -A vote will likely be taken onlocal option in Culross township next January. There is one hotel in the township, at Formosa. WOOL I WOOL I WOOL I t We are baying it and paying the highest prioe.-- T, A. Mans - -Darkey Hai, owned by Mr. J, E. Swarte, had little trouble in winning the $1,000 free -for -ail at the Stratford races •last week. -Mr. John Henry, formerly of Wing - ham, has purchased a property in . Ed- rontou and intends to locate there per- manently. -Special bargains in sideboards and • extension tables are being offered at Walker's furniture store for the next few weeks. -Mr. T. J. Elliott, District Deputy, was in Brussels on Monday evening, in- etailisg the ofiioers of ,Brussels Encamp• nient, I.O.O.F. -Tenders are being asked for cou- ,tructiog a cement walk at the High Sohcol. See Advt. in another column for particulars, 'Gr 1aeiiity and Quantity ask your sllaf for the new big plugs of .•Sobs" "Stag" and "Currency": Chewing Tobaccoes. -Thos. McClure, aSaotoh immigrant. had his leg broken while playing football at W. 8n W. H. Elliott's brickyard. Mr. McClure is now in the Wingham hospi- tal. -In the scheduled Lakeside League baseball game played in Wingharu last Friday evening, the local boys won from Lucknow in easy fashion by a score of 24 to 4. -The Ladies' Aid Society and West- : minister Guild of St. Andrew's Presby- ' terian church are arranging for a gar- den party to be held on Friday even- ing, July 26th. Dr. Ovens, Ochlist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo - gibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Aug. 6 -all day. Glasses properly fitted. reat Clean -Up Summer Sai�. July 9th to 20th, inclusive The greatest buying' in the history of Wingham stores ! The fact that these stores have lately had two big sales, and have also sold the branch at Gerrie, leaves-alI the- bestgoods to offer the public at this sale. These goods we are going to put on the market at prices that will move them out quickly. People from a distance of $ miles will have..tlleir railway fare paid ou purchases of $25.oa and over. All goods will be marked down --Stores closed Monday, July 8th, for that purpose, Bargain tickets will be placed in plain view.. 41/411.7Y7elieSele "e4"w'eyr'!e FOR MEN AND BOYS Boys' and Men's All -Wool Snits Cut in two. Fine Boys' Suite, worth 35.00 for $3 00. $3,00 Suite for $2 00. Suits $1 00 to 32 00. Overalls for boys 40o to 60c a pair. Men's Suits. Men's $12 00 Suits $8.00 Men's $10.00 Suits $0.00 Men's $8 00 Snits $4 00, Blouse Men's Summer Snits $5 00 Men's Summer Suits $8 CO Overalls end Smocks of the beavieet material, 75e; cheaper lines 600. Al] must go. Odd Pants of the latest patterns, $1.60 to $3.00 per pair, Suspenders 20c, worth 30o. 10o Handkerchiefs So. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Granulated Sugar, 21 Ibs for - • . • Coffee 5..gar, 2 21bs for Peas, 4 cans for - - Oorn, 3 cans for - 7 bars Comfort or Bee Hive Soap, for 6 bars Sunlight Soap for - • • Matches per box • - - Staroh, per lb - Maple Leaf Salmon 30 -cent Brooms for Essences, per bottle - - Sealers, 1.qt, per dozen Sealers, half -gallon, per dozen . Dyes, per package - - Dntoh Cleanser, package • . Medium Lamp Glass . Large Lamp Glass Stove Brushes - Stove Brushes - • Scrub Brushes - - Currants, 31bs for • • - 50o Tea for - • • • Oatmeal, the best, 91be for • $1 00 31.00 .25 .25 .25 ,25 .10 .06 .15 . 20 .07 .60 . 80 .08 .08 .05 .06 .15 .12 .15 .25 .25 .25 DRESS GOODS, ETC. Ladies Dress Goode of new patterns at prioes never heretofore heard. of in Wingliam, Trimmings to match, of latest texture, at prices which will pay people to come fifty miles to get, Ready-to-wear garments such as:- Underekirta 75c up. Over Skirts $2.00 to $6.00, worth $4 00 to $7.00, Just in from best homiest -Waists from the Crescent Co„ of Montreal --never to be seen auoh values. Silks worth $5.00 to $6,00, $3, and $4.00 each. Lawns $1.00 to $2,50• -beauties. Raincoats, light weight, worth $$.00 to $10,00, your Pick for $7.00, and others at $4 00 to $5 00 -everything goes regardless of out. Nice Prints, coat 10c, going at 10. Cotton so, worth 70. Goods at 8e, worth 100. 12% for Chrildtens Hats, that were 25e. Nobby ones now 20o to clear. Girls Hats 20o to 60o, good dollar lines, Men's Cbristie's, worth $2.50, going tor $1.30 and $1,00. Soft Felt Hata, all shades, from 500 to 31.00. All must go, to make room for our fall lines which are beginning to arrive, as all stock here and coming must go into one store even if the goods have to be sacrificed to do it. People at a distance will appreciate our liberal discounts and we hope they will flock in in overwhelming numbers and partake of first choice in this tremendous slaughter sale. You wilt have the be' t of service that courteous and obliging salespeople can give you, and prices to meet your purse. "Tons of Butter and thousands of dozens of Eggs wanted, and taken same as cash. Remember the places : Opposite Brunswick Hotel and opposite new Post Office, See our banners. • l 'Salesladies apply at once -we will require twenty-five during this big sale to give best of service. THE BEE H1VE STORES, -WINGHAM . NEWS NOTES. O Of 172 deaths last week 116 were of children under five years of age. . In the recent rush for Doukhobor re- serve homesteads 1,350 quarters were taken up. ,.r Dr. Aoland Oronhyatlkha, son of the Iate Supreme Chief Ranger of the I.O.F., died suddenly at "The Pines," near Desoronto. AIex. McLaren, M.P., and James Tor- rance, M.P.P., were renominated for the Commons and Legislature, respectively, for North Perth, at Milverton. Wingham barbers have decided to take a half holiday each week, and therefore their shops will be closed Monday afternoons from now until the end of September. -Mr. Alex. Ross, local agent of the Sun Fire Insuranoe Co, has banded a cheque for $10 to Mr. R. H. Saint to cover damage done by lightning to his barn a few weeks ago. -We are pleased to leatn that Mrs. John Kelly, Veho is now an inmate of the Wiogham Hospital, and who last Weak underwent a crit cal operation, is recovering, and we hope soon to see her in perfect health. Dr. Butler, London, Eye, Ear and Throat Specialist, will be et the Queen's Hotel ou Thursday, Stine 13th and Tbneaday, July llth. Hours, 8 a.m. to 1p.m. -Regular sleeting of Maitland Lodge, . I O. O. F. Will be held this (Thursday) evening. All members are requested to be present es W. H. McCracken, of District Deputy will be present Brussels, ep y to install the officers. -The Ladies' Aid Society of the Wingham Methodist Church Will hold a lawn social on the clini'ah ground$ on Thursday evening, July 18th. Ice oream and .cake will be served and a good ev mug's entertainment will be given. -The decision of troesels Oil Co. at their regent meeting Was to pn3 down. another test well and contracts will he let in the near future. They are not satisfied to quit now When each favor- able prospects were presented in the Bret tr1*S. The Timee editor received a letter Wet week from our former townsman, Dr. To'tr1el', Whets now in Lott Angeles, COL The dootor says they are now get,. tilt the first taste of iwarin weather. On the $rd of atter the oilfield records showed 102 degrees in the ,hide. Chester R. Runyan, the missing teller of the Winsor Trust Company, who absconded with 396,000 several days ago, was arrested in New York on Saturday. In 1900 the Canadian Pacific Railway had 6,373 miles in operation, and its total earnings were a trifle over 330,000,- 000. At the end of June last the com- pany had 9,154 miles in operation, and its earning for the year were $72,6000,. 000, and increase of $10,000,000 over the previous year, and a long way. over double t be earnings of six years before. She handed in a check payable to Susan H. Smith, The cashier, who was German, noticed that she had endorsed it Susan Smith,. and gave it back with a polite "Yon haf forgotten the 'H.' Over- come with confusion, she murmured, "Excuse me," and wrote below the en- dorsement, "Age 23." --July Lippin- cott's. EDEN.. Esxr-In Wroxeter, on July lst, the Wife of Mr. A. A. Esty: a son. GAwn-xri-In Turnberry, on June `39th, the wife of Mr. Geo, Gannett; a daughter. FINJ.A'--In Lower Win ham, on Juno `29th, the WHO of Mr. Alonzo Finlay; a daughter. DroxTurnberry, urnberry, on July 7th, the wife of Mr. Alex. Dickson; 6 daughter. mmanr- ,..a,�i- tom Ta i ., c• . fil TIegraph �perators a Are wanted badly by our Cnn. 1 L" adieu Railway Companies. ey are forced to advertise for them today. WIth 3000 miles new road building the 4, demand will be still•keener. u Why not get ready 4 The work in clean and nice and the salary very good. We prepare you quickly' at little cost. Write us for free par- ticulars. Central Telegraph School, Gerrard East, Toron- to. W. H. SHAW, President. 1.-Z-2.47=0,5-04057 tF--E Th rel • MA$ItXED CA'MI't•1tELr.-PAULIN-4n Listowel on Anse 27, ,lir. S. Campbell, of Listowel, to i ass Mag- gie Paulin, of Wroxeter. DAarnsort-EoLtcNnrcx-At Atwood Manse, on June 26, by Rev. Mr. NoVicar, Mr. ilobt. Davidson, to bliss Gertrude, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jaeob Hollenbeck, all of Grey Tolvllshtp. lotto Hons.-In Lucknow, on 7'ily 5th Lilian V tole May Horn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. orn, aged 16 years. 8 months and 10 days. Br,.&re--In Ashfield, on .u1y 4th, William Blake, aged 61 years. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be reCeisre• .p till Tues. day next for cons eti • • a cetneht walk intathe new High .o...1, Tenders will please state the • per foot. Plans and apeeitleations can be' been at the aloe of the undersigned. he Work to be of the same proportion and ootisist- ottoy as the Town Wake. DUDLEY 11OI,11lES, Seoretary High School E4ard. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Was established wenty years ago, and by its thorough work and honor- able dealings with its patrons bas become one of the largest and Moet widely known Oommeroial Colleges in the province. The demand upon tie for commer- cial teachers and office assistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. Students are entering each week. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McIACHLAN PRINCIPALS. vvVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVw 1 1 QUALITY Does not mean high prices -but it does mean good value for your money every time. As a rule cheap goads yield a bigger per tentage of profit and they never give the same satisfaction as the best. RICHT HERE You can get all you want in gro- cet3ee and provisions of the very best quality and a fair trial will convince you that. IT IS NOT. SO EXPENSIVE in the long run to eat the best even if the price on some things is a little more JUST TRY Don't forget the 266, to 8O% tlisootnt on chinaware. oliiiieemOmoireeeminiont 1Henry Christie Grocer and China Merchant SELLING OUT ! SELLING _OUT. ! ! China, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Hammocks, SASE GOODS, WOOLS YARNS Silks, Wall Paper alld Wiudow Shades At we intend to put in an altogether new line of stock, we are clearing out these lines in order to make the necessary room. No catch, no scheme ! We have the goods advertised. They sold as here stated, and are now as here priced. WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER I • Prices in these have lately advanced, but these quoted Regular $1.00 paper now 49c. Regular 4oc paper lee are same old prices. Oil -filled Shades, guaranteed not to 35C " IXC crack nor fade nor show a shadow; in all colors, ssRegular $1.25 for 85o. Regular 660 for 45o. es •30C ct 15C •. 1.00 650. ." 500 380. ss85 69. " 40c 29o. '` 75 500., WINDOW SHADES. tl .75 " 34C. " .6o it 29C. C 5o tr 24C. CHINA ! CHINA! ! CHINA ! ! ! LIMOGUES 'Vegetable Dishes, <t Platters, Platter Cups and Saucers, Dinner Plates, Breakfast Plates, Tea Plates, Bread °x Butter Plates 41 is it u 1r regular $3.50, u 5.00, 4 00, .75, .5o, 45, .45, .30, . Royal China Latest novelties, See window.. Mayonnaisse Dressing Bowls, Mustard Dishes, Salad Bowls, Plates, Platters, Sugar Bowls, Croom Pitchers, Water Juga, doe in form and color of apples, tomatoes, strawberries, oto., in all sizes, at following cut rates during this sale: Regular $5.00, now $8.60 " 4 00, " 2.80 " 8.50, " 2.25 3 00, .r 2.00 2.50, " 1.75 2.00, " 1.80 1,50, " .1.00' .. tt .75, et rt 4' .50 ,r .50, t, .85. home early on Saturday, • . Extra help to 'wait on you. 'EXPRESS WAGONS -9 left 1 only, regular 5.00 now 3.25 1 " " 4.25" 3.00 es. t 350 it 2.75 1 'r rt 1 tt . it 8 1 bray 8.00 " 9.00 250 'r 1.05 gi 40 " 15 n .2 .111 11 11 11 tt it it now $2.43 3.25 2.36 .6o .40 .35 .32 ,23 CHINA!!!! MYOTT'S CHINA -Cups, Saucers, etc. Regular $1.00, now .60 .80, " .55 t'. .75, " .50 - rt .60, " .40 50, " .30 .40, " .26 • , .25, " .15 .15, " .10 Odd Plates, Bowie, Peppers and Salts, Pitchers, etc.; 35 per cent, off. Cocoa Sets, Tea Sete, etc., 40 per . Cent: Off. rl rr if It FANCY GOODS and DRY GOODS. SILKS -Alt colors, sizes, regular 50 skein, now 3o. ' IOo Silks `for 6o. WOOLS -Berlin, Andalusian, Zephyr, regular 10o geode for 6o. YARNS --60o lb., for 38o, 5o Yarns 3o.. PINS -3 5o packager for So. HAIR PINS ---2 5o packages for 4o. DOILIES, Regular 1.00, now .60 ,75, ,50 tt /t .50, " .85 tt 11 .25, It .13 71.004001S -only a fow left. 1 only" regular 39.00 0 3.98 for $4.98 7 " 4 85 2.00 12 sent by mistake, regular 2.50, for .98 - COMBS --Regular $1.00, now .60 '1 /t tt /t 1. t It It at .50, " .32 .25, .15 .15, " .09 .10, " .05 .05, " .01 HAIR AND CLOTHES BRUSHES, WHISKS, Etc. Ebony Brushes $3.00, now $1.78 1.50, +t .75, .45 .50,`25 Beautiful sets of Staghorn to be sold to first comers. s Whisks and based Gobds at '1,1 the price. Hundreds of dollars' worth of goods to be sold:that Cannot be stated here. We guarantee all we Bell. Re- member "Your money baok if you are diaiatiefied with your purchase." Can gibe . best references 10 out of town people or strangers. Mail orders carefully filled. Sale oOntfnues till geode are gone; first oome, first served R. E. -MUNDFiRS. The Eig took Store. ` Neat Post Odlee. Suooersor to It. M. Fisher 25 per cents. of all Bibles, Hymn Books, etc., for u1 ..