HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-02-16, Page 161 Ale - THE HURON EXPOSITOR. FEBRUARY 18.1883_ • Everyday is bright and sunny with an `Action Ad' to make you money 1 Coming Events SEAFORTH Centenaires Dance, Sat. March 12, 1983. Tickets' available from Boost- er Club members and play- ers. 1-7-2 DO you have a 3 or 4 year old child that would like to attend Hensall Nursery School, mornings or afternoons? Con- tact Cindy Taylor 262-3125 or Karen Kinsman, 262-5483. 1-7-1 LOBA Euchre Feb. 21, 2 .m. Orange Hall. 1-7-1 1OOF Euchre Wednesday, February 23. 1-7-1 SEAFORTH Dublin and Mit- chell Lions Club second an- nual TV Auction, March 12. 1-7-3 STRAWBERRY and Ham Supper, Brucefield United Church, June 15, 1983. 1-7-1 ROAST Beef Supper, Bruce - field United Church, October 19, 1983. 1-7-1 DON'T forget Brotherhood Night, Feb. 24, 1983 at the Legion. Hosted by the Cana- dian Foresters 6 p,m. 1-7x1 DABBER BINGO at Seaforth Legion every Monday at 7:30 p.m. Over 5500.00 in prizes. Proceeds to S.D.H.S. student activities and Arena Fund. 1-4x4 BINGO every TuesdVANASTRA evening CENTRE R.R. 5, CLINTON 1st regular card 51; 15 regular games of 515; 3 Share -the - Wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restrict- ed to 16 years or over. 1-1-tf SEAFORTH Lions 12th q,Anual Elimination Draw and Dance, Feb 19, 9-1 at the . Seaforth and District Com- munity Centres Main Hall. 1-3-5 GET your ticket now for the JACK RIDDELL ROAST in appreciation for a decade of service as M.P.P. for Huron - Middlesex. WED. MARCH 16th Seaforth & District Commun- ity Centres - Social Hour 6 p.m. Dinner 7 .m., Roast and Dance to follow. Tickets 515. each.... Call: SEAFORTH 527-1022 To be held under the auspices of The Huron -Middlesex Lib- eral Association. 1-6-5 1 Coming Events CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday, 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51. Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of 515.00. 55. least on split. Many other specials. Jckpot 5200 must go each week. 1.141 2 Lost, Strayed SILVER Seiko digital watch on Saturday at Seaforth High School. Reward. 527-1835. 2-7x1 REWARD: Rottweiler dog. Listens to the name Django. Lost Feb. 10 from conc. 12 of Greytownship. Call after 6 p.m. 887-6038 or 356-2852 anytime. 2-7-1 THE family of Mt. and Mrs. Donald Johns invites rela- tives and friends to celebrate their 25th wedding anniver- 1° sary at Mitchell and District Community Centre on Febru- ary 19, 1983. Best wishes ons _ 1-6x2 4 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted FULL or part time interna- tional cosmetics company re- quires Beauty Consultants. No sales experience required. Full training. For interview call" Cathy between 5 and 7 p.m. 235-2074. 4-5-4 APPLICATIONS for hydro meter reader (male or female) wilt be accepted in municipal office until 5 p.m. Feb. 21, 1983. This position requires approximately 3 days time at the end of each month. Please state salary expected. Wm. H. King, manager and secre- tary treasurer, Brussels P.U.C. 4:61.2 TRUCKING CAREER. Transport drivers needed. Train now for your class A licence. Write Mery Orr's Transport Driver 'Training School, P.O. Box 3186, Cam- bridge, Ontario. N3H 4R6 4-7-01 WANTED: G.M. for Alberta print shop and town news- paper. Require production, pricing and estimating exper- ience. Contact Andrew Kyle, 2500-700- d Street. Cal- gary, AB. P2W2. 4-7-01 REQUIRE general prac- titioner for 20 bed hospital in growing community north - est Edmonton - new clinic Applications to John Dundar, Board Chairman, Myrnam, Alberta, TOB 3K0. Phone 403-366-2441. 4-7-01 TELEVISION Technician, good knowledge of Zenith, 5 years experience. Capable of troubleshooting with oscillo- scope. Neat, self motivated. Apply Advertiser #282 c/o Picton Gazette, Box 80, Pic - ton, Ontario KOK 2T0 4-7-01 THE Seaforth Sportsfest Committee invites applica- tions for the position of "Sportsfest Co-ordinator" for 16 weeks (May 9 - Aug. 26, 1983). Please send written applications to Seaforth Sportsfest Committee, P.O. Box 885, Seaforth, Ont. NOK IWO. Deadline for applica- tions is March 9, 1983 at 5 p.m. For a copy of the job description or further details, contact the Recreation Office 527-0882. 4-7-3 THE Seaforth Recreation De " a invites applications for tw (2) program leaders for a Machbreak program (March 21- a-), Please send written apgpli act to Seaforth Re- crreation Committee, P.O. Box 885, Seaforth, Ont. Deadline for applications is Friday, Feb. 18, 1983 at 5:00 p.m. For a copy of the job description or further details, contact the Recreation Office, 528-0882. 4-5-3 ,5 Bus. Opportunity CAPT. Submarine Fran- chises - Prove fast food concept. 10 years operating. 30 locations and growing. Information call collect: Blair Brown 705-869-1233 or Jack Goldstein 416-669-6966. 5-7-01 EARN money now. Learn income tax preparation by correspondence. Free bro- chure No obligation. U & R Tax Schools, 1148 Main St., Winnipeg, Man. R2W 3S6. 5-7-01 HELP WANTED FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME OFFICE MANAGER required in Clinton. Applicants please state age, previous experience, previous , employer, qualifications and salary expected. All replies treated confidentially. Apply to Box 3685 THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth, Ontario rt • CLASSIFIED RATES DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 12 NOON TUESDAYS Charges are based on the number of words' Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. 22.wocds-S3-50 16-c per word thereafter. BIRTHS -No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of 56. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement. 510 with picture. MARRIAGES -Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and cutline only, S15. iN MEMORIAMS-53.50 plus 30c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words 3.50, each additional word 16c. CARD OF THANKS -25 words 3.50. Each additional word 5c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -53.00 per insertion. SEMI DISPLAY -1.15 per cm. Phone 527-0240 HAVE -TRUCK -WILL - TRAVEL, Evenings and weekends, about .town, light moving, delivery, refuse re- moval, basements, garages cleaned. Snow removal, walks, driveways. 527-0497. 5-5-tf 8 Farm Stock GOOD selection of York, Hamp, Duroc and cross -bred boars. Ready for service. ROP tested, herd health approved. Priced to suit most any budget. Some • meeting QS standards. Vista Villa Farms Ltd. Bob Robinson, R.R. 4, Walton. 345-2317. 8-7-3 FIARLINE pullets. Ready to lay beginning of April. Order now please. 262-5708. 8-7x3 10 Used Cars 1979 Omni, 4 door. 4 cylinder automatic in excellent condi- tion. Only 22,000 miles. Phone527-1944. . 10-7x1 11 Articles. for Sale SALE: Purina Tender Vittles, box of 12-51.75. White beans, kidney beans. yellow eye beans - 50c lb. Bird feed - 510.80 - 50 Ib. MacLean's Flowers, 527-0121. 11-7x1 1 set of tractor chains fit 15.5-38 tires. Phone 482-7423 11-7x1 EXERCISE bicycle. 345-2954 11-7x1 11 Articles for Sale BUY your meats in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location lust off Hwy. 14 north of Clinton, 1'/4 mile south of Londesboro. Watch for our sign. By the case of by the pound. Call collect 523-9508. 11-7-1 AS a result of the sale of our newspapers, our Philips 320 electronic accounting ma- chine is for sale. Handles payroll, receivables, pay- ables, trial balance, advertis- ing lineage, etc. for commun- ity newspaper. Tel: (519) 527-0240. 11-7-01 PERMA Buildings. Take ad- vantage of our winter clear- ance on a limited amount of steel buildings at fantastic savings. Why wait and pay more? Call now. 1-416-625- 4093. 11-7-01 DAIRY Goat Herd 15 does, 10 yearlings, 2 bucks, Previous- ly Grade A license shipped milk. Phone 613,476-5309. 11-7-01 10 ft. stainless turkey water troughs, 535.00; 10 ft. chick- en feeders, galvanized 510,00, stainless, 18.00; 450 KVA to 75 KVA double throw transfer switch, 52500.00 Martin's Metal Shop. (519) 669-8400. 11-7-01 THREE formals: Junior 9, Misses 14, like new. 527-1822 evenings. 11.7x1 TO give away to good home 2 male Collie-Shepherdups, 10 weeks old. Phone 527-0441 11-7.1 Hank's Small Engines Service 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 Lawn and Garden Equipment Repair New and Used Garden Equipment In Stock FIREWOOD FOR� r SALE ory Mixed Hardwoods o.lw.red-Am Ou•nuty 482-9250 Geo. A. Sills & Sons Home Hardware MERCHANTS PLUMBING•HEATBN1S & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone _527-1620-_ Seaforth 1. 11 Articles for Sale FOUR used D78-14 inch black wall tires, good shape. 550. 527.0493 after cir 11-6x1 CRISP, juicy apples. 54.50 a bushel and up. Fresh cider, apple butter, red and white potatoes, onions, honey, cider barrels, 14 and 45 gallon. Art Bell's Fruit 17 Farm, 24-8037. POTATOES: Red or white, also seed potatoes. Hwy. #84 west of Hensall.. Phone 236- 4038. 11-7-tf CONTINENTAL bed with headboard, twin size, good condition. 580. Dresser with mirror$25 527-1354. 11-7-tf HALF a side of beef. Hay and grain fed. Cut and wrapped, 51.50 per pound. Phone Wroxeter, 335-3619. 11.7x1 EXCELLENT hard apples, fresh out of controlled atmo- sphere. Storage Sp cs .95 95 bushel. Mutsu, M d Delicious, Golden Delicious and Spartan at regular prices. Crunican Bros. Orchards, 1'/2 miles south cof Elginfteld, Hwy. 4 on yodr way to London: Phone 666-0286. 11.7-2, BROWN/WHITE Baby Chicks. Special meat, heavy breed Cockerels (White Rock) 3 -week-old Capons. Small orders our specialty. Guaran-\ teed delivery. Bonnie's Chick Hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, Ontario N3B 2Z6. (514) 669- 2561. 11.7-01 STOCK REDUCTION SALE: Over 1000 rifles, shotguns and scopes must be cleared. Huge savings on all items in store. Village Market Guns, Underwood. Phone 368-7182 Open 7 days. 11-4-5 WATERBEDS complete with pine frame, pedestal, CSA heater, saf -liner, mattress, and fill k 9.00 at Vanas- tra Furnure. 482-7922. 11-2-tf Remember, it take but,a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. 12 Wanted to Buy 12 Wanted to Buy POST CARDS Wanted. Pri- vate collection. Will travel to your home and pay cash for your old picture postcards. P. McWhinnie, 44 Colquhoun Crescent, Hamilton, L9C 4W8, 416-383-8727. 12-7-01 COUPLE wishing to buy a 100 - 200 dairy farm, going concern, 40 cows with a 1 & 2 milk quota. Willing to buy outright or a rent purchase agreement. Phone 519-345- 2565. 12-7-2 POSTCARDS pre 1950 want- ed. Top prices paid including your postage costs. Mail your postcards for. my offer or write Neil Hayne, Bath, On- tario KOH IGO,t 12:7-01 C I CANADA TRUST Heathy e� INCOME $24,900 POTENTIAL DO BUSINESS UPSTAIRS LIVE DOWNSTAIRS in this former church located in the village of Wrolceter. Cozy, modernized apart- ment. 5,000 sq. ft. in church area. LYNDA THOMAS, 887-6995. M.L.S. $29,600 CUT YOUR OWN FIREWOOD 37.5 ACRES iN MORRIS TWP. Headily treed with soft maple and ash. Pos- sible building site. LYNDA THOMAS 887- 6995 M.L.S. $391500 /�/� CUTE N' COZY COMPLETELY RENOVATED -drywall, carpet, ceilings. Mso re- cent addition with up-to- the-minute kitchen, patio doors, sundeck. Lovely yard with mature trees. Located in the village of Walton. LYNDA THOMAS 887-6995 M.L.S. $80,000 90 ACRES GREY YTTOOWNSHiP 60 workable, 30 bush. LYNDA THOMAS. 887- 6995.y� $275,000 DOR . NG COMPLEX 60,000 BU. CAPACITY, 2 ELEVATOR LEGS. M. & W. grain dryer dries 450 bu./hour) 82 acres, 80 workable (Listowel loam). Steel -clad drive shed, frame bank barn, 2 -storey frame house. Convenient- ly located at the edge of Brussels. LYNDA THOMAS, 887-6995. PIANO WANTED regardless of condition. Phone collect anytime 519-669-2280 or 519- 669-2198. 12-4-tf 13 Wanted WILL pay cash for French doors, older type quilts. Phone after 7, Carl or Therisa Brehm, Mitchell 348-8519. 13.2x6 14 Property for Sale REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: In Seaforth, one floor, 3 bedroom house, close to . uptown, churches and schools, full basement, gas heat. Reduced for quick sale. Make an offer. Phone 527- 0673 (nights) or 527-0240 (days) and ask for Kathy. 14-lxtf 15 Property for Rent BACHELOR apartment. 5200 per month includes utilities, recently redecorated.Phone 527-1458. 15-1-tf= 1 and 2 bedroom apartment with stove and fridge. North Main. 527-1715 15.772 FORint in Saforth, 3-1 bedroGpt, apartments, newly renovated, broadloomed. Call 262-3146 or 527-0712 after 5. 15.1 -ti Country home near Bruce - field for rent. Available Dec. 1. 5 bedrooms, open stair- case, well insulated. 262-2926 or 262-5768. 15-84-tf SUIVWORTHY( WALL COVERINGS 20% OFF Ball - Macaulay 527-0910 Seaforth • FARMERS For a good farm building at competitive prices PHONE: RAY LAMBERS CONSTRUCTION R.R. 92 Clinton 482-3305 FREE ESTIMATES HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Greg Hargreaves 262-2619 Hensall Victor Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton Barry Miler 236-2717 Exeter and 229-6205 Kirktrin 17 Wanted to Rent WANTED: Land to rent. Preferably in Hibbert Town- ship. Apply Box 3686, c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaf- forth, Ont. 17-7-2 LAND needed for cash crop- ping ro - ping with building and for pasturing cattle. Phone 345- 2565. 17-7-2 An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. Jan & Feb Special KILLING AND PROCESSING MARKET WEIGHT- '25 EIGHT ;25 PIG FULLY PROCESSED MARKET WEIGHT $ w5BEEF FULLY PROCESSED �'�rSER�iER�S DASHWOOD 237-3677 £ulliga REAL ESTATELTD. MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 NEW LISTING: Egmondville, very well kept older home, 3 bedrooms, separate dining, 2 baths. Double car garage. Lot 82.5' x 189. NEW LISTING: Beautiful well kept older stone home. Attachedgarage. Extra large lot 90' x 120'. NEW LISTING: 2 storeyedroom home, modern kitchen, 2 baths, formal living room, gas heat, family room on main. Priced to sell. REDUCED: 2 storey brick home in very good condition, 2 baths, large living room. Single garage. Newer roof. JARViS ST.: Vacant SOLD t, 66 x 132. REDUCED: New home, one floor, 2 bedrooms, electric heat, fireplace, attached garage. GODERICH ST.: Family sized home featuring new Acorn kitchen, 3 bedrooms, family room. single garage. NORTH MAINi1 1/2 storey home, modern kitchen, 2 baths, hot water heat, large lot. NEW w HOME: Split level and raised ranch. Attadlled carport. Large lot. COUNTRY laVDIG: 8 year old ranch style home, many extra features. Reduced to sell. MCKHLLOP: 2 storey brick home, tastefully decorated throughout, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, full basement. Located on 1 acre. 530's. WE HAVE SEVERAL OTHER PROPERTIES TO CHOOSE FROM. CALL FOR YOUR CHOICE VEAL'S Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-31/2 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill days -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. 19 Notice PREGNAb[' and distressed? Married of single. Free con- fidential s:' ort. Call collect Birthright loft. or after 6 P.m .52. -011. _ 19.14? PHIL'S Refrigerator an a ter= pliance Service. Prompt, de- pendable service to all makes and models of domestic ap- pliances. Phone 887-99 012.1 ti Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 442-371 - NEW LISTING Blyth, 1 acre with l'/2 storey brick home, insulated shop, financing arranged. • •••••• Investment property, 4 unit apartment building, central location in Clinton,- vendor will finance. REDUCED EXCELLENT TERMS 2 acres with large brick home near Brussels. 12 acres near Blyth, large frame home and good hog barn. 300 acres -near Brucefield, cash crop and hog farm, paved road. Elizabeth Court Apts. 176 Oxford St., Hensall 1 BEDROOM AVAILABLE NOW .MAR 1/83 2BEDROOM AVAILABLE APRIL Includes utilities, carpet- ing, appliances, laundry faclllties. - PHONE 262-3448 or 262-2615 15-65-tf Holmesville, 13 acres with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. 21/2 acre• way at Kippen �D>drdom home, t SO_ Near Brucefield,. 6 acres, good frame home, drive shed and barn. FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 24 HOUR SERVICE PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345-2235 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ANTHONY ADRIAN SEGEREN All persons having claims against the estate of Anthony Adrian Segeren, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, deceased, who died -on the Ist day of October, 1982, are hereby notified- to send in full par- ticulaM of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of March, 1983, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 7th day of February, 1983. McCONNELL, STEWART, DEVEREAUX & SMITH Box 220, Seaforth, Ontario NOK1WO Solicitors for the Estate WORKMAN Real Estate Ltd. Commercial property, main street, Blyth, under 520,000.00, could be resi- dence. 46 acre highway farm near Varna, 23 workable, hard- wood bush, large double home, Targe barn suitable for hogs or poultry, large drive shed with workshop Auburn, 5 miles on Maitland River, good house and barn. PRICED FOR QUiCK SALE. 2 miles from Clinton, 100 acres, 97 workable, no build- ings. • 15 acres near Auburn, wood- ed, large brick home, combi- nation furnace, 2 small barns. 1'/A floor home in Brussels, 3 bedrooms, oil and wood heat, priced under 520,000.00 for quick sale. 100 acres, crop land, Hullett Twp. 96 acres, 85 workable, near Walton, F.C.C. mortgage. PRiCE REDUCED. 68 acres, 62 workable, 6th line. Hullett Twp. 91 acres at Belgrave, good house and barn, realistic price. ......s,. Bayfield area, Hwy. 821, 5 acres with ranch home, many extras, nicely wooded. .•••r..• SEVERAL GOOD PARCELS OF CROP LAND IN MORRIS TWP. SEAFORTH OFFICE HENRY A. MERO BILL HENDERSON ST. COLUMBAN OFFICE STEVE MURRAY $5,000.00 DOWN: Will put you intb this large 3 bedroom brick home on High St.. take over the existing mortgage for 532,000.00. It also has a self contained 1 bedroom bachelor apartment that will pay half the mgrtg4ge.1Muupsi se�ligt1ick - 9 t Hi11tCH STii-NiCe112 l iedtiidmV664alowr family room and workshopt S3i3,000.f10 ,- ` ': MARKET ST.: Beautiful, 1300. sq. ft. 'sp)it lelte1174 brick, 3 bedroom and garage, 556,000.00. 65 ELIZABETH ST.: 8 bedroom cedar 9idedt'1 bungalow, full basementylarge garage, beauti:. {; fully treed lot. Only $44,0013.00 42 WILSON ST.: 3 bedroom; 2 storey -on 81akg lot, nice location. $23,5015.00; 123 JAMES ST.: 3 bedroom Victorian style home, ' many renovations completed, large lot, 528,000.00 Offers. 61 ELIZABETH ST.: Tastefully. redone 3 bedroom with large family room, bar and much more. • 540,000.00. 54 HIGH ST.: 3-2 bedroom apartments in very good condition. $40,000.00. EGMONDViLLE: Large duplex, well rented, nice location overlooking the river. 528,000.00. EGMONDViLLE: A cozy 3 bedroom brick bungalow, full basement with rec room. Only 533,900.00. SPARLING ST.: Large 5 bedroom brick "Heritage Home", very generously appointed throughout. Situated on 2 lovely lots with a double garage. Vendor anxious for an offer. HENSALL: Large commercial lot with 3000 sq. ft. ;building, fotmer building supply. 559,000.00. WINTHROP: 21/2 acres, 3 bedroom home, nicely renovated. Must be seen. 540,000.00. 67 GOUINI:OCK ST.: 11/2 storey 2 hedrood , rec . room, house completely rebuilt and in good condition. $35,000.00. EGMONDViLLE: 3 bedroom sided, 11/2 storey home in a nice area. Only 525,000.00. 57 COLEMAN ST.: 3 bedroom bungalow, full basement, 6 years old. Only 538,000.00. EAST OF WINTHROP:2 storey brick home, large barn, 5 acres, good location. 540,000.00. 151 JARViS ST.: ideal home for a retiring farm couple, beautifully appointed, 3 bedroom split - level, 3/. acre lot, 24' x 40' workshop, must be seen. 594,000.00. EXCELLENT INCOME: From this 8 unit apart- ment building. A very good investment at 5120.000.00. HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom 2 storey home built in 1976. main floor family room, double garage, an exquisite home. 595,000.00 2 TROUT PONDS: On this 80 acres, nice bush and small cottage. 65 workable acres. 5100,000.00 HULLETT TWP.: 2 storey brick home, 30 sow barn, 5 acres, excellent mortgage. 547,500.00 EXQUISITE: 3 bedroom, 2 storey completely modern, large lot with some -bush. Many many features. 554,000.00. EGMONDViLLE: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, full finished baseinent, built in1976. 544,000.00. BRANTFORD ST.: 3 bedroom "brick and alumi- num sided home, full basement. carport, have a look,. 342,000.00. WATER ST. EGMONDVJLI.F: 11 year old duplex. _ 2-2 bedroom units, well rented, in excellent condition. Asking 548.000.00. 12 ROOM STONE house on 2 acres, in excellent restored condition, heated workshop, garage. Good mortgage. 559,500.00. NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, attached garage, full basement, nice lot. 555,000.00. LARGE STORE on Mala St. in good condition, ideal location. Only 534,000.00. A NEW HOME IN MIND? Let me explain to you the grants and financing available. You will be surprised how little you carthuil lfer -527-0430 527-0430, 527-0995 , 345-2172'