HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-07-11, Page 64 till 119! in' thi Wt sot yi4 bit aa: ail of tibl in Tli 81 AIX ye Id. Of: bit IRK El4 Pri ail hat dor, she' ane the Stn: wo cad wot def and p011 ofte win pot tix a Rat eh*, ink die he the whd Cite Ot brag sent vias' Lop Par, it ii thi 110 0 T l WINGIIAN TIMES JULY ]•l, Dina A "IS GOOD Jr% TEA" Girls are neater, more careful, and more cleanly than boys, so they are employed in the Red Rose factory to do all the packing and labelling. It is a. factory girls like to work in, and Red Rose Tea is a tea you will enjoy drinking. Everything is done to ensure it being absolutely pure and clean. Will you try a package? Ask your grocer for it. Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. An ostrich yields about three pounds of feathers yearly. Canadian Paoifio mileage has inorsiaaed on June 30 to 9,154, SPRUNG MEDICINE. As a spring medicine Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalsnt in the spring. Large rubies are ten times as valuable as diamonds of the same size. Paris spends $4,000,000 yearly on cleaning and maintaining its streets. Doan's Sidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- ettism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. It doesn't pay to advertise unless yon are able to deliver the goods. Sonia people refuse to put their beat , Toot forward more than an inch. DR. A. 11e CHASE'S 25 CATARRH CURE 4 Ci■ see Is sec: d. -act to the diseased Ha5she Improved :::ets. clears passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently curd Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. MI dealers, or Dr. e. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. The first copper cent was coined in New Haven in 1687. If a woman is willing to let a man talk it is because she has nothing to tell. Many people say they are "all nerves,' easily attuned or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milbnrn's Heart and 'Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They ra' tore perfect harmony of the nerve centras and give new nerye force to ehateered nerres' George Patterson of .Bruce Township commited suicide by drinking carbolic said. A scientist declares that 4 per cent of the people of civilized nations are color blind. I'll stop your pain free. To show yen Sart—before yon spend a penny—whdt my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mall yon free, a Trial Package of them—Dr, Shoop'e Headache Tablets. Neuralgia, Headache, Toothaohe, Period pains, eto., are dole alone to blood congestion. Dr. ShootPs Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by all dealers. Twelve per cent of all human beings have the right arm distinctly longer than the Left. The amount of money paid annually to the world's rulers amounts to $80,- 000,000. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been enooesafully separated and refined into 3e perfect oeugh medidlne—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satiefaotion. Price 25 Dents. In five hours 112,000 bushels of grain were loaded on the steamer Manchester Shipper at Montreal. ITYIENITO4 (Generated Oxygen) Cetee CONSUMPTION. CATARRH, ' COLDS and LA GRIPPE. Also RHEUMATISM, as it allows die Kidneys to freely discherse the Uric Acid from the Blood. Cures Old Sores. Good Family Medicine to use for Cuts Scalds and bruises. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER KNOWN. Fie Salle by all Druggist.. THE OXYGENATOR CO., 42 tieritent Skeet, Tweet*, Caatade One trip on the sea of matrimony is sufficient to induce a prolonged spell of seasickness. "Abstemious" and "facetious" are the only words in English baying the vowels in their order. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disap- pear like magic by its use. Large nickel - capped glass bars 60 cents. Sold by all dealers. New South Wales paid $3,500,000 in four years in bounties for rabbit.. C. P. R. gross earnings for the fiscal year just ended were $7,494,000, an in- crease of $10,000,000. ----s TRE LADLES' r'Avonrrn. Lana -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billionsnese, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. The largest park in Europe is the Prater of Vienna. Its area is nearly 80 square miles. Italy has 400 princes and 4,500 dukes. About one in twenty of London's inhabitants lives on charity. Mr. Geo. Denetedt,fornierly of Gorrie. has bought the hardware business and building of James Young, at A nbnrn. Probably nothing tickles a fat woman more than to encounter another woman who is much fatter than her sell. A tub of warm water is the best treat- ment for a child with convulsions. 13e sure the water is not too hot by plung- ing the arm into it up to the elbow. Free, for Catarrh, just to prove merit, e Trial size box of Dr Shoop's Catarrh Remedy, Let !Pe tend it now. It is a snow-white, Matey, healing, ixr;tiaeat:c balm. Containing such healing ingred- ients as Oil Encaliptus, Thymol, Menthol eto., it gives instant and lasting relief to Catarrh of the nese and throat. Make the free test and see for yourself whet this preparation can and will accomplish. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by all dealers. In 1812 people died of the plague at Constantinople at the rate of over 10,000 a week. In all, 144,000 perished. One ton of banana flour per week is now being imported each week into Eng- land and the consumption is increasing. I will mail yon free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia The Heart or the Kidney:. Troubles o1 the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptoms of deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause, Weak stomach nerves—the inside norms —mean Stomach weakness, always. And the heart, and Kidneys as well have their controlling or inside nerres. Weaken these nerves, and you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here i, where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the The Salvation Army is established in 52 countries and colonies, and preaches the gospel in 31 languages. Canada is as large as 30 United King- doms. She baa received over half a million immigrants in 10 years. T6day India has 4,000,000 echool chil- dren. Fifty years ago only 110,000 na- tive children were being educated. Last year's bay crop for the United States averaged 1:35 tons per acre. Utah is the best hay country, with, four tons per acre. The harnessing of Victoria Falls in South Africa bas been long disouseed, but the work seems to have actively commenced recently. Daring the last ten years insurance business has increased enormously, and since 1890 the amount of insurance of all kinds has nearly doubled, The world's locomotive .engines are roughly, 48,000,000 horsepower, exolnd- ing motors. Steamship engines are only one-third of this power. For Over Sixty Years. An old and We11-Tried-Remedy—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of moth- ers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, onree wind cello, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea.. It is pleasant'to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five oente a bottle. Its valve is incalculable. Be sure yon ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Guaranteed under the Food and Drug Aot, Jane 30th, 1906. Serial Number 1098. For toothaohe, try warm salt and wat- er applied directly to the affected part. If used once a week, ,alt will keep the gums healthy and the toeth free of tartar. On Tuesday, June 25th, at 172 Wilton avenue, Toronto, Rev. T. S. Damm, of Alsfeldt, formerly of Benmiller, was married to Miss Sophia Fisher, of Elmwood. T he Ontario Hydro-Electrio com- mission has made an estimate that eleotrioel energy own be produced by Sangeeii water power near Paisley at a oost of $16 per h. p. per annum. Gold to the amount of 250 ounces has been mined by Igorotes at Baguio, Phil- ippine Islands. It is said that in Ben - plot Provinoe more than 200 native min- es are engaged in delving for the pre- cious metal. To give a faint idea of what a Cream- ery can do we note that Dangannon's two boys ohorned enough A I butter one day recently to fill 46 boxes of 66 lbs each, a total of 2576 lbs., away oee1: t d00 worth. :The westward march of the dandelion pest, says Bryan's Commoner, is rec- eiving the attention of the scientists who delve into such matters, Like the army worm, the greenbug, the chinchbng and the boU weevil, the danaelion pest claims its many victims. It seems able to defy all efforts to banish it. Communities that years ago looked upon an occasional dandelion as a pretty little fiower, now look upon it as an unmixed evil, for it has turned everything yellow until it turns everything grey and !tizzy with its "inside nerves". Also for bloating,bil- gaunt stems and filmy seeds. loneness, bad breath or oom lexion, use Dr. Shoop'. Restorative. write me to- - day for sample and free Beak. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restotatiye is sold by all dealers. At the residence of( the officiating clergyman, 60 Howland Ave., Toronto, on Wednesday evening, June 19th 1107, by the Rey. G. R. Faskin, Mr. Robert A. Irmie, of Toronto to )disc Margaret Hunter, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs, tips. Hunter, Lacknow. Among the visitors who enjoyed Dom. inion Day in Goderieh was John Bosh*. wan, of Oarlow, who, in his eighty.lhilt year, is one of the most spirited young fellows in the country, On the eth of hast month he oompleted a record which bas not often been equalled and of which any man might be proud. On that day he plowed for the seventieth oonssontiro year, and although he thinks it is oboist time to quit he Ie r'.luotaast to tki>sk that his plowing days are all in the peat, la the year 1841 he helped to plow the Ii trend where the Square in Ooderisls hl raw situated, and he believe* that eietfi *there who aesbated he that wets* are Mail Itying--J0.spb Sahel& fosse at illi rt►tfot'd 1 and William F'airiterriee, MILBURN'S HEART and NERVE PILLS SAVED HER LIFE Mrs. John C. Yemen, Little Rocher, k.13., writes : "1 was troubled with a stab -like pain through my heart. I tried many remedies, bus they seemed to do me more harm than good. 1 sea, then advised by a friend to try Mil. bum's Heart and Nerve Pills and after using two boxes I was completely cured. I cannot praise them enough for the World of good they did for me, for I believe they eared my life." Price 50 mite per bet or $ lettx a fIb 31.25, at all dealers, or mailed diriet by The T. Milburn Co., Lltaitei, Terre* Dat. The total immigration into Canada for April, 1907, wee 44,051, as gompared with 35,313 for April of last year. For the ten mouths ending April 30 last, the immigration was 168,718, compared with 124,081 for the same period a year pre. vionely. All records are broken in the family of Isidox'e Fowler and Mrs. Amato Fogier of New York, who are the prnnd parents of ntWiy.axrived twins, weighing at birth 15 1.2 ponnda. and 16 pounds, respectively, On Tuesday of ntine week Mrs. Qeo. Wylie of the 15th con. acquainted us with the font that an oddity was among their farm arrivals in the shape of a tur- key with four legs. This certainly is an oddity and we do not think we ever heard of such a thing before.—Gorrie Vidette. There were 49 trade disputes during May in Canada, a000rding to reports to the Labor Department at Ottawa. This was an increase of twelve over May, 1906. The loss in working days was approx- imately 88,326, as compared with 46,675 last May. The increase was largely doe to the strike of coal miners in the West, and of 'longshore-men in Montreal, III Temper from a Bad Liver Carlyle justly attributes the ill -temper which made him a monster in the eyes of the world, to a bad liver. Nothing makes one feel more miserable or more gloomy and discouraged than liver com- plaint and consequent bilious and dye- pepeia and nothing ro promptly and thoroughly sets the liver right and over- comes these ailments as Dr, Chases Kid- ney -Liver Pills, the great Samily medi- cine, A pretty wedding was solemnized Thursday, June 270h, at 11 o'olcok at the home of Mr. and Aire. Habbick, Iaglie street, Iiuoknow, when their eldest daughter, Elizabeth, was married to Mr. John BlcQuillin, West Wawanosh, by the Rev. D. T. L. MoKerrol, mutated by Rev. Mr. Saunders of the Anglican ohnrh in the presence of the immediate rela- tives and friends. On Wednesday, June 26th, at the res- idence of Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Ashfield, the marriage Was solemnized of their daughter, Mies Mary MacDonald, to Farquhar Roderick Mo0harlas, of Nelson, B. 0. The ceremony was con- duoted by the Rev. A. Miller, B. A., Aehiield, assisted by the Rev. Donald Beaton, of Scotland. Insolvency returns from the Dominion of Canada for the first half of 1907, as reported by R. G. Dun & Oo., show 672 failures, with liabilities of }5,426,433. These figures compare with 632 failures last year, when liabilities were $5,214,- 975. The number of failures' is smaller than in any recent year, except 1903, and the amount of liabilities is below the average for twenty years. The Government of South Australia has purchased the tramways of the city of Adellede. The hoes are to be immed- iately electrified and managed by a trust comprising representatives of the gov- ernment and all the metrepolitan and local governing bodies, ,syr the 7 im is of London. A loan of $1,400,000 to oovt r the puronese is to be raised forthwith locally. Bow'. MIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Ours. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. We, • the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 year*, and believe him perfectly honorable in all bneineu transaetions and financially able to parry out any obligations made by his firm, WALDINO, KINNON & MARvtN, wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall'. Catarrh Oure is taken internally, acting directly upon. the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- mooiais sent free. Pride 75 c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. Rheumatism Eats Up Strength Reeks the Joints Prevents Sleep UNCHECKED --It Finally*Strlkes the Heart and Kills Its Victim. It originates in the blood and develops meet quickly in the system of person. wbo are run down and laoking its vitality The only twain, for ALL forms of Rheumatism is Ferrozone, which i, per- fect solvent for nrio acid and a splendid stimulant for the kidneys and liver. No remedy is so enoosestul as Ferro. zone. It has never failed to cure, because it attaeka the cause of the disease in the blood. It neutralizes the uric acid poi, - men, goiokens the sluggish circulation, and relieves the system of all irritating matter. - Every distressing sympton is cured, swollen muscles and aching joints are relieved of their rain. Tho disease will not return if once cured by Ferrozone, which does its work thoroughly, It. cures are lasting. Unlike other treatments, Ferrozone does not depress the heart or deaden the nerves, It eebuilde the system, promotes bettor health, establishes good appetite, Bound sleep and freedom from weakening pains and aches, The perfection of all rheumatic rem- edies is found in Ferrozone. It is in tablet form and easy to take, convenient to oarry, guaranteed to cure, and oats only 50o per box, or six boxes for $2.50 at all druggists; don't fail to test Fer- rozone. In the olden time a woman in the North of Scotland went to visit her hus- band who was condemned to be banged upon the following day. The doomed man began to give his last instructions to his wife preparatory be bidding her fare- well, when all at ono& she broke in upon the oonversation and exolaitned:— "By the by, John, whanr will I plant the tatties this year?" the unfortunate man as may be imagined, grew exceedingly indignant at the indifference of his wife and exolaimed, angrily:—'What need I oars w' aur ye plant diem? I'm ao likely i 1 need ons o' them." "fifth," replied the woman, turning to the 'Warden with & wag of her head; "oor John's huffed because he's going to be hanged the morn," and tnarehed out of the cell. THE LIVING PRESENT. [S, E. Kiser.) One life, is all we have to live: Why burden'say daywith woe? It takes a moment to ° fetid,* The injury of long ago. Why waste a day rsnaam*0ring Slights that may sol hive been intend' ell? Why dread the smart or fear the sting Of blows that never hays desosnesd? Why Iet a joy-undeeded vase It ere may olatni it as oar own? Why "haps our life to 1s ''1.1$11" When glad may be in oar lone? The joys we claIm with those wit give Should day by day he fairly blended; One lffs s alt 'N`S %in* 40111% Atari Gaon its I IMO fill est403s MAK' A SPOON OR SPOIL A HORN. - By Kyle Anderson. Why loiter ye wi' lagging will? Why lack of purpose do ye mourn? Be manly man gas try yer skill; Mak' a spoon or epoil a horn. Gae whet yer wits as sharp as steel— Tho' fools may laugh the laugh o' scorn; 04e them o' your guid grit tae 'feel; Mak' a spoon ter spoil a horn. Let noncht ye free yer purpose gart— Disoonragementa mann whiles be borne Be brave tae thole, keep up yer heart; Mak' a spoon or spoil a horn. If ye press on wi' eteadfaet will, Ye'll bless the day that ye were born— Ye'll prove yer worth and by yer skill Show spoon o' fine Olean horn. God helps ye when ye help yersel'— But let yer aim be good and trne, Where honest manly work will tell, And make a lasting mark for you. Why Beauty Fades Real beauty 1i rare. It belongs to perfect health. Just as soon as the • blood gets thin and watery and the nerves become exhausted beauty fades, wrinklesATAAILVENNAAARKAAKAMENAZZLI show themselves, the glow of health die - appears and beauty curves give plane to leanness and angles, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, the greet blood builder and nerve restortive, is woman's greatest blessing from youth to old nge. A few week. nee of this treatment will do wonders for any woman who is pale, thin, weak and nervous'. TV7! .tr!!VVVVVV.VV -F! TTTTTV!!! 1. ... .17,13 SEEP5! SEEDS FOR FARM AND GARDEN — AT -- T. A. MI.U..S' CLOVERS:—Common Red, Mammoth, Red, Aleike, Lucerne, and White, ' Also Timothy. These seeds are inspected and approved by the De- partment at Ottawa for purity and growth, and are ail home grown. OATS:—We have several varieties on hand, for instance: White Marvel,' wonderfully productive, yielding as mnoh as 85 bushels to the sore.. of large plump, white grain. Tartar King, highly recommended by the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, strong straw, free from rust. White Russian, has been grown extensively in Perth County. $1000 Oats, very highly endoraod by the American farmers, by whom it has been largely grown. BARLEY:-BIaok, a limited quantity on hand, seldom yielding Less than 40 bushels per sora. Monitory, a well-known variety, strong and heavy JAPANESE MILLET: --Also called Million Dollar Grass, well-known in Ontario, splendid for green fodder and hay, JAPANESE BUCKWHEAT:—One of the best varieties, very early and produotiye. RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER:—Somethimes 15 inches in diametee. GOOSE WHEAT:—The cleanest from foreign seeds I have ever handled. . CORNS:—We have coming, the largest stook of finest varieties for silage and, Maturing purposes in the country, also Sweet Table Corn, Corley's ' extra early, Orosley'a early, Sugar Corn and Country Gentleman, held and garden peas. EARLY POTATOES :—We have Nought. Six a very early and productive variety, Carman No. 1 grown at Experimental Farm Ottawa BE tUTY OF HEBRON:—Successfully grown in this vicinity. ALSO GROUND OILCAKE:—Bibbeys Cream Equivalent, Twin City Herb Food, and Pare Ground Flax Meal. , • All kinds of farm produce taken. D0ANS KIDNEY PILLS CURE ALL KIDNEY TROUBLES. Mrs. Hiram Revoy, Marmora, Ont., writes : "I was troubled for five years with my back. I tried a great many remedies, but all failed until I was ad- vised by a friend to use Doex'e KIDNEY' PILLS. I did so, and two boxes made a complete cure. I can heartily recom- mend them to all troubled with their back. You may publish this if you wish." I, Price 50 cents per box or 3 for$1.25, N all dealers, or ftltiled direct on receipt -it prise i y The Doan Kidney still Coe Wit r4 r1JLAfl STALLIONS The imported Clydesdale Stallion "Drdm- burle Chief" will make the season bf j907 Its follows:— Tuesday,Mn 14th, will leave his owner',, st ble, Blevele, and proceed to Wie. Mc - Michael's con. 2, Morris, for noon; thence to Thos. Warwick's, con, 3, Morrie, where he will remain until Wednesday noon. Wednetpday-- At nogoon leave for Joe. Miller's,con.. 8,orris roorad, for noht. on, then•to Dr. 'A.o T. Ford R�1aj�a stable, Wingham, and remain until Friday afternoon. Then to his owner's stable et Brnevale where he will remain until the fol- lowing Tueeday morning J. W. Hrao, peon. and Malinger. The helmeted C1yde.1ate Stallion,"Memoot" win make the ,arson of 1007 es fellows: +- Tneade•Y, May Nen vita leave bis vena 's stable, Titevale, a proceed to J. Hirton's, n. ti, Turnberry for noon: thea to And,.bw; mmltt's, colt. B Tnri,berry for night. Wad- y—to eon a Tnrnb.r tyw, f', oo thea to to Dr. A. T. Ford's sale stable, Winghani, for aght. Thursday—To Andrew Mitchell's, non. 10 Tnrabe for noose, thence way of Imola•'* ool, to Dr. A. T. a le Ile, WI slid rreeinala un oYrb bli. rkst'b l e , Yeiwiln until the fo1I w. ag Ira it J?. #a ,1 4tettt acr. T. A. MILLS. tilailscu► err` lt ••••••.••••••!•••••N••••• ••••••••••••••••.••••lit+•••. • • w • • An Advertisemeul-in • • THE TIMES Brings Good Results' ✓ 's • • • 1 • 1 • The Wingham Times rea4es the homes® of most of the people of Wingham and surrounding country. It keeps its subscribers posted on all tie news of the day—local, political tld foreign. If you have anything to sell or want anything, advertise in The Tines. Rates on application. We Think' Printing That's our business, • We re constantly on the lookout for new ides, and these are here awaiting your acct-' ance. It's no •trouble for us to give u information—to write or call—it 'll place you under no obligation, 4d perhaps we may suggest something yeu .can profit by. Prices right. Quay ever the talisman. The Wingham Tim WINGHAM, ONTARIO.1 i q • .