HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-02-16, Page 9Vcadlly THE HU HON EXPPSITOR, FEBRUARY 16, 1983. - A9 ANNUAL UNTIL FEBRUARY28 Save 10 to 50% JOHN ELLIGSEN ELECTRIC LTD. Farm•ResIdentlal•Commarciel•InduatrIel "FREE ESTIMATES" Ph, 345-2447 R.R. No. 4e Walton 50% OFF 50% OFF 30% OFF 25% OFF 25% OFF 20% OFF 10% OFF Doulton & Minton DINNERWARE (in stock) A special selection of JEWELLERY & GIFTS A selection of "CORNFLOWER" BUL OVA & CARAVELLE WATCHES & CLOCKS CHARMS Doulton & Hummed IGURES ALL OTHER MERCIINDISE IN STORE For Your RRSP Check our rotes and plans. ALSO Annuities • Life Insurance Group Plans • Investments SEA.FOR TH JEWELLERS Main St., . Seaforth 527-0270 Bob McKinley 262-5462 SUPER SPECIAL 1.5 Kg -3% LB. SIZE [zehrs fine markets... of line foods FRESH °:" CHICKENS •/k9 ,,b. AT THE DELI Burns Store Sliced COOKED HAM Burns Coll Sausage KOLBOSSA Pride of Canada Visiting SALAMI Pride of Canada Smoked VINTAGE HAM COCA-COLA OR SPRITE 1. LITR5E 6 PLUS DEPOSIT SAVARIN BEEF, TURKEY or CHICKEN 5.05//kg 2.291b. 6.59/kg '2991b. SHANK OR BUTT PORTION A.��/kg FRESH ONTARIO s LEG OF PORK 1.59. SLICED PRIDE OF CANADA 500 9 PKG. SIDE BACON 2.69 LEAN SLICED PRIDE OF CANADA SLICED 175 g PKG. COOKED HAM 1.49, Dominion Life' TME DOMINION LIFE, ASSURANCE COMPANY SUPER SPECIAL FRESH WHOLE CUT UP CHICKEN 2•!! � Ib. PRIDE OF CANADA 3 VARIETIES IN ONE PKG\ "TRIPLE PACK' SLICED COLD MEATPkg9 1.69 PRIDE OF CANADA REGULAR WIENERS1Ib PKG• PRIDE OF CANADA -SWEET PICKLED 15.OS/k9 COTTAGE ROLL2.2916, tam. I Fresh Centre Cut Roast or Steak Pride of Canada Chunk style Country Gold No Name 2i91b. LEG OF PORK.... 4./7/kg/.d91b. BOLOGNA 3Ziikg%f91b. SLICED SALAMI 1759 99' PEPPERONI 3758 1.69 9.76/kg New Zealand Loin - Country Club Sliced All White No Name SAW No Name 4L?91b. LAMB CHOPS ... ,6.If9/kg 2 991b. TURKEY ROLL -125 g f.59 •CHICKEN BOLOGNA 375 9 1.17 qEESE FRANKS • 375 g SUPER SPECIAL BURNS FULLY COOKED PORK SHOULDER SMOKED. PICNICSvs 990 1b - PRIDE OF CANADA -SMOKED COOKED 880 /kg NEW MINISTER -Reverend Gordon Simmons is settling into his new duties as minister of St. Thomas and St. Paul's Anglican Church in Seaforth and Clinton. The minister hopes to initiate new programs in the area in the near future. (Svela photo,) VINTAGE HAM 3.991b - BURNS PORK 1 IEEF BREAKFAST 19S/kg LINK -SAUSAGE 1791b. BURN SWEET PICKLED PEAMEALED BY 7.03/ks \BACK BACON PIECE 3.191b-, STOKLEYS VEGETABLES CREAM STYLE CORN OR HONEY POD PEAS, CUT GREEN BEANS- CUT WAX BEANS, ALL 14 OZ. TINS OR 12 OZ. KERNEL CORN 2 TINS FOR POT PI.[S FROZEN 8 oz. EA. it FOR ' 4 YA IIFyS 500 mL JAR P1KLES 1.49 BATHROOM TISSUE COTTONELLE WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, BLUE, CHAMPAGNE 4 ROLL PKG. ENRICHED WESTONS WHITE BREAD '675 g LOAF 59 0. ASSORTED VARIETIES 9 oz MONARCH SPONGE PUDDINGS 59s LIBBYS IOOMS 19 or. SPECHETTI WITH CHEESE OR89 f ALPHAGETTI' VY 1.2 Kg BOX 3 LITRE LAUNDRY DETERGENT BOLD 3 2.39 AYLMER BRAND WHOLE 19 oz " CHOICE QUALITY SANDALWOOD OR WHITE FACIAL TISSUES 200'e TOMATOES 79P SCOTTIES 8r AYLMER BRAND FANCY QUALITY 14 or FRUIT COCKTAIL 89 GILLETTE PKG. OF 10 CARTRIDGES TRAC II 2.99 COUNTRY OVEN IN-STORE BAKESHOP SPECIALS COUNTRY OVEN FRESH 16 oz 1.19 ZEHRS COOKIES OATMEAL, CHOCOLATE CHIP, DIGESTIVE. PEANUT BUTTER CHIP, PARISIENNE CREME, VANILLA CREME OR CHOCOLATE FUDGE CREME 400 g 450 g PKG. GILLETTE REGULAR, LEMON LIME, FACE SAVER FOAMY 300 mL 1.99 1.f9 LAY'S OR RUFFLES POTATO CHIPS ASSORTED VARIETIES 200 g PKG. ARTS 'N' FLOWERS•WHITE- YELLOW-CHAMPAGNE 2 ROLL PKC. SCOTTOWELS 149 SCENTED OR UNSCENTED FABRIC SOFTENER BOUNCE.. 4.99 ANTI-PERSPIRANT SCENTED OR POWDERED RIGHT GUARD 200 ri2.29 MONARCH 5 VARIETIES "ADDED TOUCH" 16.5 oz. CAKE MIXES890 VACHON 5 VARIETIES PKG. OF 6 LUNCH OR 12 SNACKS 169 BEE., IRISH, TURKEY -CHICKEN, CLARKS STEWS 660 9 1.99 LIQUID DETERGENT JOY 99° NABOB TRADITION COFFEE NIAGARA FROZEN 1.49 4' ORANGE JUICE 12oz. TINS S90 EXTRA FINE, FINE DRIP OR REGULAR GRIND 369 g 500 mL 99' PRICES IN EFFECT 6 FULL DAYS UNTIL CLOSING TUES. FEB. 22 CHUNKY CHEESE BREAD 1.29 COUNTRY OVEN FRESH TANGY GARLIC BREAD 12 O2 129 COUNTRY OVEN FRESH HOT CROSS BUNS PKG OF 8 119 Bicks Wine 32 oz. SAUERKRAUT 1.19 Stokleys BEAN SALAD 14 4269' Dr. Ballards Champion DOG FOOD is Oz 2/89# Carnation 500 q COFFEE MATE 2.19 McCain Super Patties or SUPER CRISPS '= 89° Monarch Imperial MARGARINE 3 It, 2.49 Mealtyme Hamburg or Hot Dog ROLLS PKG. OF 6 69° Totino Crispycrust PIZZA ro ONE 10uas 2.19 •J 19 4 Bar Bundle IVORY SOAP 400 a 1.29 Kraft Cheese -16 oz. MOZZARELLA 3.69 High Liner Boston Bluefish FILLETS 454 g 1.99 We reserve the right 10 limp purchases to reasonable family requirements. 2.39 WESTONS PKG. OF 6 CINNAMON BUTTERHORNS 1.19 WESTONS PKC. OF 4 RASPBERRY0 SWISS ROLLS 99 NABOB REG. OR FINE GROUND DECAFFEINATED 369 g "TRADITION" ZEHRS FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER DORITOS TORTILLA, NACHO, TOSTITOS NACHO CHEESE OR FRITOS 462 g CORN CHIPS 1,69 JACKS 2225 g PKG. TWISTS oil CHEESE BALLS I•di 7 COFFEE 3.69 CLOVERLEAF FLAKED LIGHT TUNA 6.5 oz. 1.19 HIGH LINER FROZEN FAMILY SIZE FISH CAKES o=°.1.99 LJJ LIPTON ORANGE PEKOE 100.. FLO THRU TEA BAGS2.99 0 ZEHRS OR GORDONS VALUABLE COUPON PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FRESH CALIFORNIA BROCCOLI LARGE Arc BUNCH PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CRISP FRESH SPINACH 69, 10 02 PKG ONTARIO GROWN FRESH ONTARIO CROWN CANADA NO. 1 BEAN SPROUTS 1.30,959'. CELLO CARROTS ONTARIO CHINESE STYLE DRY NOODLES 170 g PKG 791 PROD. OF HONDURAS. DOLE PINEAPPLES ONTARHI GROWN CANADA N0. 1 COOKING ONIONS A 139 ONTAFRE;OH CROWNPARSNIPS CANADA NO. 1 HIGHWAY NO. • PRODUCT OF U.S.A. SWEET EATING CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES 99` SIZE 138 2 l 2/991 PROD. OF CALIF. ROMAINE LETTUCE 216 2/991 a+ yOur next porthez. nI LiptonTEA' 100 s ten, Lai 3 Q Ito cab a. J V - ONTARIO GROWN FANCY GRADE RED DELICIOUS APPLES 3 Ib PKG PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA NO. 1 CELERY HEARTS PRODUCT Of U.S.A. 21b 1.29 AVOCADO PEARS EA THESE SPECIALS GODERICH ONLY IN: MON.. TUES. E TO A P.M. WED., THEM., FRO- - E TO E P.M AT. a:3E TO A P.M. AVAILABLE EA. WILLIAMSON-JORDAN At a quiet wedding on January 29. at the Manse at Walton. Rev. Charles Swan united in marriag Linda Marie Jordan and Wayne Leslie Williamson. The ride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan of St atford. The groom is the son of Helen Williamson, Walton and the late Herbert Williamson. Neil and Doris Williams , of Walton were attendants for the couple. After a hon ymoon trip to Florida the couple will reside at RRI, Walto New minister at, Ste Thomas "1 am still getting my feet wet,'" is the way Rever- end Gordon Simmons, the new minister at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Seaforth characterized his first month in the area. Mr. Simmons arrived officially on Jan, 23 to take over his new duties. Mr. Simmons, who re- ceived his Bachelor of Arts from the University of West- ern Ontario and his Master of Divinity from Huron College, is eager to fettle into his new position and get acquainted with the area and its people. He brings with • him several years of experience which started in Kitchener as assist- ant Curate of St. John Evan- gelist. In May of 1975 to May of 1977 he was Rector of the Parish of Tyrconnell which encompassed five churches in the west end of Elgin County. Services were conducted by Mr. Simmons and a young student he had working for him at the time. He later had four churches when the church in Port Stanley re- ceived its Own minister. Dur- ing his time there he also served as director of the Elgin County Bible Society, Royal Dean of the Deleware Dean- ery and chairman of the ministerial association for West Elgin for two years. He was also named padre of the West Lorne Legion and was active in youth work, vacation Bible schools and a direcy the local Optimist CI t b. Mr. Simmons was also involved in the formation of a boy's club to help children with no church or other group affiliation. He is interested in starting similar groups here, but insists that he will have to be properly established be- fore he starts any • new groups. With him is his wife Beth. who is a Bachelor of Arta and • Education graduate front Western and their two child- ren Mary Elizabeth and Pamela. The Simmons live in Cli on where he is also r r of St. Paul's Anglican Ch rch. Seaforth 4-H elects officers Seaforth 11 met at Sea - forth Public School on Feb. 8. The leaders Mary Brown and Rose Ann Van Loon 'handed the Members :their... books and welcomed a new member, Karen Campbell. Officers elected are: Presi- dent -Jane Fraiser, Vice Pres- ident -Helen Van Loon, Secre- tary and Press Reporter - Rose Ann Van Loon. Other members are Dar- lene Baker, Mary Brown. Karen Campbell, Wendy Hoelscher, Jeanne Saldivar, Patricia Schwarz and Kathy.' Soontiens. -Press Reporter Rose Ann Van Loon ' WI copes with stress Roll call was well an- swered by "How to Cope with Stress" when Seaforth WI met at the home of Mrs. Dan O'Rourke. "Rural Womens' Study" is being held in OMAF, Clinton Mar. 2. A Workshop on nutrition month is March. Food Dollars and Sense is to be held at Seaforth District High School Feb, 28. Mrs. Crozier brought in crafts that are to be sent to Mrs. Clarence Diamond for the triannual conference to be held in B.C..A number were made by Karen Whitmore. The 4-H club is being supported by WI members. Mrs. Lorne Lawson talked about recipes in the "More Sense Than Dollars" pro- gram. Family and Consumers Af- fairs was the topic of this meeting. Mrs. Lorne Carter opened with a reading. The motto was given by Mrs. C. Klaver, "Are you Feeling Fine?". A cake decorating demonstra- tion was given by Mrs. O'Rourke who iced a com- plete cake and gave some valuable hints on decorating different cakes. Mrs. Lorne Carter moved thanks to the hostess and members taking part. Larger French classes for Huron schools Approval in principle has been given by the Huron County Board of Education to increase core French lessons from 20 to 40 minutes in grades seven and eight. The approval was given at 'the hoard's Feb. ' meeting. The hoard also approved a study on the staffing implica- tions of this proposal to be completed by the personnel committee. Trustee Art Clark asked what effect the changes would have on the grades seven and eight program. as 20 minutes a day would he lost from other programs. Superintendent of program Robert McCall stressed the nronosed change in core 99 ` PRODUCT OF U.S.A. THOMPSON SEEDLESS 791 GREEN GRAPES 4.39(160 1.991b. CLAY POT 1.59 CA. a RI THE FLORAL DEPT. DIEFFENBACHIA IN THE FLORAL DEPT. CINNERARIA 0" POT Eft, 5.79 JE H1N . HWY.INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 03 EXETER mom. TUNS., WED. - E TO a P.M. THURS., FRI. E TO P.M. SAT. I:30 TO P.M. WINGHAM 475 WALLAH AVE. N. LISTOWEL T=rench would not extend the vince have 40ntinute French school day. periods for students in grades He added the time would seven and eight," comment - come from language arts time ed Mr. McCall. and *ould not affect such Trustee Tony McQtiail said programs as history, science approving in principle the and math. The superinten• increase in French lessons dent also noted the increase allows the board time to in core French is being develop the curriculum it recommended because, as of wants, before one is imposed Sept. 1984. the subject be- by the Ministry. He added comes compulsory for a high that it provides an opportun- school diploma. The Ministry ity for Huron County students of Education announced last to become competent in fall that one credit of core French, as Canada is a French is necessary for a high bilingual country. school diploma. The Ministry grants for the "The trend in Ontario is to increase in the core French increase French to 40 min- program will also be con- utes. At this tithe approxi sidered. mately 80 per cent of the seh�..l <r .-•.'- i. 16 . nrn- Classified Ads pad dividends• La ,Leche sets new meeting date Beginning with the next meeting in February La Leche League in Huron -South will be holding their regular ser• ies on the last Thursday of each month. This is a major change to the group since its start over five years ago. Nell De Jonge of 260 Churchill Drive, in Exeter will be offering her home for the next series. Feb. March and April meetings will be held in the morning at 9:30 a.m. As with all LI.L functions, small children and off coutse nurs• ing babies are always wel- come to come along with mother. Last month there was a large gathering in Mitchell portance of close family ties who learned more about La echoes the philosophy of La Leche League and the criteria Leche League, for becoming a leader. It was With the tragic deifth of also a farewell occasion to say Princess Grace tour months goodbye to league mother, ago,.LLI, is deeply grieved. Kathy McMahon. who is now They have lost much more living in Norwich. than just a supporter but a 1983 will see the ninth dear friend as well. international conference of La Any woman wanting more Leche League in Kansas City. information about La Leche Princess Grace of Monaco League or with questions was the first celebrity to about breastfeeding. is wet - publicly support La Leche come to call the local leader, League and she generously Janis Bisback, in Hensall, gave of her time when breast- telephone 262-3505. feeding was not a popular role to support. Her strong belief in the nurturing tole of breastfeeding and the im- An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240.