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The Huron Expositor, 1983-02-16, Page 8
1-1 A8 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 16, 1983 IF©Q� f17 Lavern Godkin heads McKillop Mutual Insurance Lavern Godkin of Wal n was elected president of McKillop Mn al Insurance at the company's annual me ting here Friday. He succeeds John H. McEwing of Blyth. Stuart Wilson of Brucefield was elected vice president. The company had a good year in 1982. according to secretary treasurer. Margaret Sharp. The financial statement shows an underwriting profit of $97.287, which combined with investment income, makes for an overall profit of $300,145, compared to 1981's profit of $146.452. The company had fewer major fire losses than usual. including a barn and contents Farmers loss of $36,500 and a house and Eontents of $13,400. Three directors re-elected for a three year term were Mr. McEwing, J. Norman Trewartha of Clinton and Stanley Mcllwain of Goderich. Other directors are Ken Carnochan of Seaforth; Ross Leonhardt of Bornholm; Donald McKercher of Dublin and John A. Taylor of Brucefield. Retiring president. Mr. McEwing said the 1982 loss experience has been one of the best the company has ever had" and announced there'll be no premium increase in 1983. The company's agents are E.F. Durst of Seaforth; William Leiper of Londesboro and Robert A. McNaughton of Seaforth. vain tax change Ontario farmers have won Ylong standing battle to equalize educational taxes on par with rates charged in urban areas. In an effort to achieve the equalization goal farmers will receive a 100 per cent tax rebate on farm acreage` and production buildingsxtending the pre- sent program of 50 per cent rebates. Rural residences with an acre lot will be assessed on the basis of rates charged in the nearest com- munity. - According to Perth Federa- tion of Agriculture president Ron Christie, the new pro- gram, to be implemented in 1984. will give farmers parity with urban taxpayers on what is paid in educational taxes. Mr. Christie explains that farmers in the past have paid an unproportionately high rate of educational taxes because many farmers with two or three farms were assessed for each. The new program is an extension of the Farm Tax Rebate Program started in 1981 in which farmers re- ceived 50 per cent rebates. Mr. Christie explains that . the new program is simpler to implement than a total re- structuring of the tax system to equalize payments. "The old plan was only a band-aid solution,' he said. ne auuuts tear the new program will help farmers. but cautions that tjtc assess- ment change on farm resi- dences will increase the tax amount paid, which tradi-• tionally has been lower in' rural compared to urban areas. He explains that the Ontario government paid out $84 million in rebates m 1982 and is expected to pay out $104 million in 1984. According to Mr. Christie. assessment people will be v' ,icing area farms to estab- lish which buildings will be assessed to the residence and which will fall under the category of production build- ings to receive the rebate. Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR EMPLOYERS THE PROGRAM FOR THE m EMPLOYMENT DISADVANTAGED St. James School Mr. RayContois, Principal Chalk Street SEAFORTH, Ontario Telephone No: 527-0321 DATE: MARCH 10,1983 TIME:1 p:m.-5p.m. Kindergarten children need to be 5 years of age on or before 31st December, 1983. Please bring! woof of age (Birth Certifi- cate and Baptiimal Certificate). BOILER ROOM SERVICE Offered through Employment And Immigration Canada, can help you to open job vacancies to disabled and disadvantaged workers, Through this 3-phase wage subsidy program, up to $10,000 per worker can be reimbursed to your company. Example—For A Handicapped Worker: PHASE DURATION SUBSIDY 1 first 3 months 85% of gross wages 2 next 6 months 50°/0 of gross wages 3 next 6 months 25% of gross wages Contact your local CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE Goderich 524-8342 - Exeter235-0471 Legion Public Speaking Contest • Seaforth Legion Hall GAS WARS—Consumers are reaping the benefits of a recent gas war in Seaforth. Prices started to drop last week and are at press time 27.5 cents a litre for regular gas. (Photo by Wassink) OMAF helped 350 fill out assistance forms During 1982 the O.M.A.-F. staff in Huron worked with 350 or more farm people in completing Ontario Farm Ad- justment Assistance Program (OFAAP) applications. 11 was necessary to obtain income and expense state- ments on an accrual basis. projected farm plans on crops and livestock. projected cash flows and statements of as- sets and liabilities. Although this exercise was hectic and frustrating at times, there has been some good come out of it. The farmer has had to take Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accom- plished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. a closer look at his situation, expenses, debt servicing -Stanley J. Paquette, Bankers are more demand- worksheet, cash flow work- Assoc. Agr. Rep. sheet. It all sounds like 'work and is. However, if this simple booklet were com- pleted in the year and repeat- ed annually, it would be a big advantage to the farmer. When, you might ask? It would be a big help when reviewing your credit each year with your lending insti- tution. T e inventory count and in me pense state- ment will assis the account- ant at tax ti . It will also help the farmer assess his true progress if the statement is done on the accrual basis. Don't leave it until December or next March. These booklets are avail- able at O.M.A.F. offtcds. Pick one up, or call and ask that it be mailed. ing now as well, and are requesting up to date state- ments, cash flows, etc. Hav- ing completed these in '82, farmers are capable of doing them now. The O.M.A.F. have a new booklet entitled "Farm Fi- nancial Planning Work- book." 1t includes work sheets for: farm inventory worksheet, including ac- counts payable and receiv- able and livestock inventory; crop and farm supplies inven- tory; real estate quota and other assets; machinery and equipment inventory, liabili- ties, farm balance sheet, business analysis worksheet, farm income and expense statement, crop and livestock plans. projected income and HURON COUNTY FINANCIAL DAIRY SUMMARY CONTINUED FOR 1983 Again this year we are planning to do a Financial Dairy Summary for Huron County based on 1982 re- cords. Thirteen farmers par- ticipated last year, and each of these farmers received a summary of their own busi- ness along with a county summary. This report pro- vided a breakdown of farm income, farm expenses, pro- duction levels, feed costs, debt load/cow, along with much more farm manage- ment information. If you would like to participate, please contact our O.M.A.F. office, Clinton. Dennis Martin Ladies Dairy Day, Tues- day, Feb.. ,2, Clinton Legion Hall: Program: 10:00 -Stress dates to farm safety, Matisz, Farm Safety iati9n; 10:45, Calf & anagement, Dennis Martin, O.M.A.F, Clinton, 11:30. Farmstead Planning, Bob Milne, Ag. . Engineer, Woodstock; 12:15, Lunch, bring your own, coffee and donuts supplied. 1:15 -Under- standing the new milk cheque stub, Orville Shewfelt, O.M.M.B. Fieldman. 2:15 - Making Good Use of Farm Records -Mary Lynn Elder, Ag. Agr. Royal Bank; 3:00 - Program evaluation and ad- idurnment. ' i e • -" -Dennis Martin Asso. Agr. Rep. as it r Steve Asso Heifer Good demand on cattle, pigs barely steady APP ood supply ss of cattle at Brussels 9 Stockyards met a good demand trading 61.00 cwt. lower on both steers and heifers. Pigs sold barely steady. There were 1007 cattle and 1219 pigs on offer, Choice Steers -76.00 to 79,00 with sales to 82.35. Good Steers -73.00 to 76.00. Eighteen steers consigned by Stuart Bell of Lakeside averaging 1100 lbs. sold for 82,35. A steer consigned by Jim Hayden of Goderich weighing 1210 lbs. sold for 9 8 80.25 with his lot of 12 steers averaging 1220 lbs. selling for 78.50, Thirteen steers consigned by L & B Farms of Wallenstein averaging 1286 lbs, sold for 78.80 with their load of 40 steers averaging 1292 lbs. selling for an overall price of 78.10. 7 steers consrgned by Kevin Shea o1 Seaforth averaging 1158 lbs. sold for 78.00. Two steers consigned by Barry Heinmkller of Palmerston averaging 1245 lbs. sold for 79.10 with his lot of 13 steers averaging 1238 lbs. selling for 77.55. Thirty-seven steers consigned by John and Harold Wilkins of RR1, Elmwood averaging 1189 lbs. sold for an overall price of 77.30. Choice Exotic Heifers -74,00 to 8 e o 0 DQ���QOg ��oc�I�aQcaJo 78.00 with sales to 81.25. Choice Hereford Heifers -71.00 to 74.00. Good Hollers -68.00 to 71.00. A heifer consigned by George Ble•.9 of R.R. 2, Brussels weighing 1000 lbs. sold for 81.25 with his lot of 12 heifers averaging 1016 lbs. selling for an overall price of 76.45_ Six heifers consigned by David Weber o1 R.R. 1 Harrlston averaging 960 lbs. sold for 76.50. A heifer consigned by Hugh Harris of Wroxeter weighing 1140 lbs. sold for 79.25 with his lot of 13 heifers averaging 1203 lbs. selling for an overall price of 76.35. Two heifers consigned by Ross Kestner of RR2, Mildmay averaging 1170 lbs. sold for 76.85. Three heifers consigned by Wm. Patterson of Mount Forest averaging 1083 lbssold for 75.50. A heifer consigned by Elwood Fitch of Wroxeter; weighing 1050 lbs sold for 79.00 with his offering of 25 heifers averaging 1007 lbs. selling for an overall price of 75.47. Two heifers consigned by J.P. Connell & Sons of Palmerston avera- dlnn 11.00 Lha .01r11nr 77 90 with lhnir • Commercial and ' Industrial Specialists • Boiler repairs by Government Certified Welders • Boiler retubing by experts • Gas, oil and wood waste burner sales and service • Boiler. burner and controls sales and service. • Can repair all makes and models. Sun., Feb. 20th at 2 p.m. Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 - Royal Canadian Legion The winner in each category in competitions conducted by Seaforth Public School, Seaforth Separate School, St. Columban Separate School, Dublin School and Centennial School, Brucefield will compete. The public is invited to attend Winners will compete in the' Zone CI Finals offering of 24 heifers averaging 1036 lbs, selling for an overall price of 7.4.55. Choice Cows -53.00 to 58.00 with sales to 63.00. - Good Cows -50.00 to 53.00. Canners & Cutters -46.00 to 50.00. A fancy Limousin bull weighing 1710 lbs•. sold for 68.75. 30 to 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of 65.75. 40 to 50 Ib. pigs to a high o1 73.25. 50 to 60 Ibpigs to a high of 75.25. 60 to 70 ID. pigs to a hiof17. 9 h 8 5 70 to 80 tbpigs toe high of 88.75. 80 to 90 Ibpigs to a high of 92.50. P O Bo. 70 156 Mmn SI S Seaforth Ont NOK IWO Tel 519 5270600 Tele, 069 55305 Your headquarters for residential, commercial/ Industrial gas, oil, wood, coal fired boilers. —ADMISSION FREE— Peter Malcolm Ron Beuermrn President Tom Wilbee Secretary Committee Chairman Now for the first time at... Children's The Greatest Stories Ever Told Come To life! zehrs TASTY -NU SPECIALS! Soft White DINNER ROLLS 79 Dozen ■ TRIANGLE DISCOUNT • Price Bteak Maple Leaf Process CHEESE SLICES CHEESE CURDS 2.39 Lb. 2.79 Lb. fine markets... of fine foods VOLUME 1 ONLY '9OLUME5 22 12 ONLY�i SACH TASTY NU BAKERY &.CHEESE HOUSE 527-1803 Seaforth If your only claim this year is a CHILD TAX CREDIT H&R Block will prepare your income tax return for the special price of $10 at participating offices. It pays to be prepared -- by H&R Block H&R BLOCK = THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS Oa 5 Ontario St. Clinton Open • A.M.-4s4S O.M. W.ekrys.11-1 Sat. Phone 4524377 OMNI TODAY - MO APPOINT/ADO NICNISASY CREST TOOTHPASTE 100 ML. ONLY ■ $ 29 ONLY I! SCOPE MOUTHWASH / 1 L. $ 99 Y3. ONL DRISTAN ICAPSULES 36'S i -$ 39 ONLY ■ tilSMILES'N' CHUCKLES PEPPERMINT PATTIES 100 G. 69%r ONLY ,/ _E PERT SHAMPOO 300 M L. $2 v ONLY ■ 59 ONLY ® PAMPERS \@ 99 CUTEX NAIL POLISH \P REMOVERRA \ 85 ML C ONLY Y �/ oo* "TODDLERS" 24'S $ ONLY ■ GENTLE -TOUCH SOAP 100 G. 3BARS $1 ONLY ■ -TRIANGLE Here are some of the 123 stories... OtD TESTAMENT NEW IFSTAMENT • 1-M ! xn•r1Pr . ,, I I. •.b1- Inn Ann •Ihp11,1' • rhe le, <xng„r, • Merl ora i ,041' For Children of All Ages... Illustrated in Full Color... Told in Easy -to -Understand Language. A 1) 71-11, ,1r.P set h1IPi1 w'' the drnmo he0)117 cxlven nP anti r •e,,,i ' i If *le grpnr 6,hlr, 01x105 rhos hove been 0, In5(6,011rn a1 •P, der%01, ova• '00 would for rhos 150'05 01 year, M1v„-luii err T4hlr• nry +Jl.,f •he rr,<1,1 f0tnnu6 nil, from rhe (. (Id 11011 New Iayart,PnK wrmP11 ,n 90 pie IOng, Ingot rhos i, Inrhh ,I Irl rho 'rani, ire 1 017• ,r<MY , dlu41Ored ,n 111,< nity and .,r Id. hos hPPr, desgnPd 1,, (On, dmIdrO•, on .n5(Wonor. r .••• it N. 10,71 00d e•1loyoble eX(1PfPn(P Nidin,lr r<, •he 11 11(71 Pod, volur'ne tonrolns n,..11 wore() glossory 111 (11-, 0111 <1l Irx anon, ([Meal BnwPn Mops a0(1 nrho• new '•.r7rP1,al ON Ir has never before oppeored in pnnr The auldren s Bible no, two, approved by leading represonrohves 01 the Ph -vegan, (arhnhc and tewih (04(1, So von your collecmy rodOy look for the dromoh( 0,ddran 1 Bible ((541(07 In vow a(xe DISCOUNT.. 172 Th. Square, Ood.rtch/ Main Corner, Clinton/Morn Corner, Seelorth NIONWAY NO. 1 THIS/SPECIALS AVAI GODERICH AVAILA RLeIr ONLY IN JOSEPHINE 56. 114wY. NO, 4) WINGHAM MON MIS • 1-O • P M MID THURS 101 •TO•►M SAM 13110•• M OS WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 13 EXETER MON tU/t WD •1O•PM MUMS 101 •10•P M SAT 4:71 TO•PM P.