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The Huron Expositor, 1983-02-16, Page 4
A4 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 18, 1983 Hibbt United elects Corresppondent MUS. JOHNI TEMPLEMAN 345.2346 Hibllert United Church held their annual meeting recently with Rev. W. Fearn as chairman and Robert Nor- ri as secretary. It was decided to hold a anniversary waltz in 1983. . Officers are: Elders -Har- vey Dow. Robert Roney. Ross Smale. Mrs. Mary F. Dow. Mrs. Florence McPhail, Wm. Mahon. Joast Drost, Russell Miller.' Stewards -Mrs. Ester Smale, Bill Kerslake, Al Fuller, Alvin Dow. Mrs. Pat Taylor, Mrs. Joyce Vivian. Donald Johns. Gary Kemp. Mrs. Margaret Miller (U.C.W.) Trustees -Calvin Christie. Donald Hocking, Harvey Dow, Ross Smale, Cameron Vivian, Arthur Kemp, A.H. Daynard. Staffa Cemetery Commit- tee -Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Vivian. Mr. and IMrs. Arthur Kemp, Mr. Harvey Hambley, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fell. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Norris. Roy's Cemetery Commit- tee: Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Christie. Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hocking, Mrs. Carrie Graham, Mr. Andrew Chris- tie, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pridham. Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Dow, Mr. Roger Dow. Nominating committee -Mrs. Margaret Daynard. Mrs. Dorothy Dow. Mrs. Louise Smale. Landscaping commit- tee -Mrs. Margaret Miller. Mrs Margaret Daynard, Mrs. Marjorie Drake. Auditors - Robin Daynard, Alvin Dow. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Day- nard have returned from a trip to British Columbia where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Quinney and boys, Victoria B.C. The first meeting of the Hibbert Financial Manage- ment Club was held recently with eight members present. Leaders for the club are Mrs. Joyce Vivian and Mrs. Nancy Dearing. Misses Mary Jane and Ruth Templeman visited on the weekend with Mrs. Jo- anne Capiing, Mississauga. Winthrop young people meet Correspondent MARC HULLEY 5274856 Feb. 13 the Cavan United Church young peoples held their regular meeting. The executives for this year are: president - Mary Lou Anderson; vice-presid- ent - Kathy Pryce; secretary - Paul Dodds; easurer - Sandra Hunt; press reporter Debbie Hulley. The „members discussed activities coming up. The next meeting will be Feb. 27. Kathy Pryce and Carol Axtmann spoke on the defin- ition of love. They read verses from the Bible dealing with love. Also followed by a puzzle. Even though there was a low attendance at the meeting. all present enjoyed the girls' presentation. Sand- ra Hunt, Lisa and Lori McClure will do the next meeting. Winthron was the place for McKillop #1 4-H meeting. 1n the kitchen each mem- ber present participated in preparing celery soup, potato pancakes and Dutch peach kuchen. After all the business and reading was done the girls returned to the kitchen where they all tested the foods they had made. Every- one wanted seconds of the Dutch peach duchen and also the pancakes, served with applesauce and apple butter. All this was followed by the dishes. At McKillop HI's. third meeting, with the seniors assisting the juniors, the girls prepared the dishes - breaded pork chops, veget- able -macaroni casserole and plum dumplings. While these cooked the rls read over their hand - k. It explained the differ- ent foods and cooking met- hods of Hungary, Czechosa- lovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Russia and Jewish. A special treat was brought by Mary Lou and Jane Anderson. The Ukran- ian dish was called pedeha and was enjoyed by all. But the pork chops and the casserole was enjoyed the most. The next meeting will be on Feb. 21. -Debbie Hulley Brodhagen Lutherans hoour Minnie Vock Correspondent MRS. HERMA LEONHARDT 345-2419 An Appreciation Day for , Minnie Vock was held on Sunday following the morn- ing worship at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhag- en. Pastor Horst addressed tie guest of honour, and Jack Moor, the • superintendent pinned on a corsage and presented her with a gift from the Sunday School teachers and children where she had served faithfully for many years. The Sunday School staff planned a pot luck dinner which included beautifully decorated Valentine cakes C. and ice cream. The Brodhagen Midget Girls Bali Team held a Valen- tine buffet supper at the Brodhagen Community Cen- tre on Sunday under the direction of their coaches, Pat and Al Koehler. Doug Buck, of Norwich catered, and the girls of the ball team were his helpers. The meal was served on individual tables with red and white checkered table- cloths with red and white flowers to match. The girls were well pleased with the large attendance. Mrs. Horst has returned home from Seaforth Com- munity Hospital last Wednes- day, following surgery. We wish her a speedy recovery. The Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce held their euchre party last Tuesday with a large attendance. Winners were: Elsie Mogk and Milton Bode, Jessie Bennewies and Ken Rose. Elsie Mogk. Janice, Jason and Jona- than Ahrens and Ron Wahlen of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bode and Eric. Henry and Phyllis Leon- hardt, Thamesford spent Saturday with Mrs.'H. Leon- - hardt and Earl St. ColumbanKofC �e euchre a success Correspondent MRS. CECILIIA RYAN 345-2028 Fourteen tables were in play at the Knights of Colum- bus euchre tournament in the K of C Hall in St. Columban on Friday night. The winners were Made- line Gelinas of Zurich, Roy Swart and Charlene Delaney of Dublin. 4-H REPORT BY JEAN RYAN On Feb. 10, the McKillop H4 homemaking club met at Kilbarchan Y eneIo .s Valentine visit d BY MABEL TURNBULL Friday morning Michael Park brought his class of about 20 pupils to do a program. They read their stories followed by a dance by some who had taken step - dance lessons and a group who had not taken lessons for which Michael played his violin. Both groups kept good time to the music even those who had no lessons. They had some original' -steps in pairs. The children moved about among the residents giving them each a letter "to a special person". Also a pic- ture they had coloured. These are now put up in the rooms for inspection: Mine has hearts on it for Valentine's Day' coming up. It is interesting to see how five or six -year-olds' minds work. They really use their imaginations. In their mind the important part of the laialhos JEWITT: Ryan and Brett are tickled {link to announce the birth of their sister Pamela Dawn Elizabeth born Feb. 10 weighing 8 lbs. 5 ozs. Proud parents are Don and Pat. Excited grandparents are Gladys and Les Evans, God- erich and Ella and Bill Flood, Mitchell. WILSON: Golda and Rick are proud to announce the birth of their daughter. Linda Le- ann arrived Tuesday, Feb. 8 at SCH weighing lbs. 1 oz. DANIELS Vic and Ann Marie are happy to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Sarah Jean. born Jan. 31, 1983. Proud grandparents are Bill and Norma Eisler and Doug and Carol Daniel. picture would be the largest. 1t could be a picture of mother or their pal. Thank you Michael for thinking of us and bringing some of the outside world to us in such a special way. We had a "real fire" this time when our fire whistle buzzed. 1 didn't hear it but one of the girls came in and said "It's real this time" and she was putting on my fur coat to leave the building. The firemen investigated and found there was no danger. They had brought buses for us to leave the building if necessary. We sat in the front hall where we could easily leave. The people upstairs were taken down the fire escape. Clair Reith. our neighbour, realizing that many upstairs were handicapped, was on hand to help where neces- sary. There was no panic and everything was under con- trol. No one even seemed to be disturbed. A radio which was sitting on the drier exploded causing smoke which the girls smelled and acted quickly by calling the firemen. 1 have heard of fires in other nursing home which were caused by smoking. McKillop Correspondent MRS. ED REGELE 527-1106 Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCow- an visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ferguson. Parkway Stables. Alma. Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Callum and Mr. and Mrs. Glen McNichol attended the funeral cif the late Mr, Grant Dennis at Toronto. Mrs. Nelson Howe with Mrs. Ed Regele Thursday evneing. the home • of Mrs. Theresa Cronin for their second meet- ing. Three dishes: potato pancakes, Dutch Peach Kuchen and a variety of meats and cheeses were prepared by the girls and after roll call the members and thetr leaders sampled the various dishes. The next meeting will be held Feb. 17 at the home of Mrs, Carol Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Subject and family of Kitchener visit- ed on Sunday ,with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan. Grade 1 People smoke here but under supervision It is indeed a credit to all id charge that the fire didn't get out of hand and cause the loss of the building and perhaps of life, It was a good practise, showing how a fire can he treated without loss of prop- erty or life. There was no question of confidence we had in our firemen and their ability to deal with an emer- gency. It would have been drastic if we had had to escape in our night attire. We were spared that. Their first thought was for our safety. VISITORS Gary Glanville. knowing that 1 wrote a lot, made a desk stand for me for holding notes. His sisters Darlene and Carol are constant visit- ors at Kilbarchan wanting to help In any way they can. It was thoughtful of Gary. Dar- lene collects perfume bottles. a hobby. She has over 50. She keeps her eye on mine to see if they are nearly empty. Clair Reith called with First Church calendars. com- munion. Sunday and Frankie Ball brought Northside cal- endars. Thanks to both for their continued inter?sl guests Wednesoay night visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum were Paul, Dianne. Cindy and Colleen McCallum, Ronald • Betty. Chad and Janice McCallum and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hartman of Brucefleld. Mrs. Annie Williamson is a patient in Listowel Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mus- selman and boys of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs, Ron McCallum and children on Sunday. DMralBn and ©e MAXWELL HOUSE ea MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE VACPAC COFFEE •REGULAR• DRI P• FI LTER ro $4 99 • 10 OZ. JAR $z 59 • 369 g. SEAFORTH SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET OPEN: MON. to SAT. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. THURS. & FRI. NITES TILL 9 P.M. HUMPTY DUMPTY LEAVER MUSHROOMS POTATO CHIPS PIECES 8 STEMS RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE ' GOLDEN YELLOW SUGAR $1 39 •• 2 Kg. MITCHELL & SEAFORTH ONLY! I BAG BUY 1 'GET 1 FREE! Thursday, Feb. 17th ONLY When you purchase 1 litre of Maple Lane 100% Pure -ORANGE JUICE at the regular price of 99' you'll receive a second litre ABSOLUTELY FREEI While Supply lasts. SEAFORTH STORE ONLY SUPERIOR BREAD 24 oz. LOAF WHITE OR BROWN 2194 SEAFORTH STORE ONLY McCAIN'S FROZEN ORANGL. I JUICE . 12.5 OZ. TIN McCAIN DRINKIN BOXES •APPLE•ORANGE •REVIVE 250 FOR ■ ml. CHRISTIES GRAHAM WAFERS OR CRUMBS $ 33 • 400 g. SUPERIOR CUT MEAT FARM FRESH PRODUCE BONI FROZEN FOOD :� k ts,s��.,r•.,:, `� b a ;�'.� fir. '...... .. BAKERY TREATS Prices effective until Saturday. February N. INR In most Superior Store. W. Rastvs the RIRMt re limit Clesetitls to Nemo' ready Rsiassiestr PA -- - ! su'PUED & SERV 5/ r