HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-07-11, Page 1THS WINGHAIVI TI
VOL XXXYI -NO. 1848.
See our window display
We import direct saving the middles
_ Planar profit, you reap the benefit. -
$aviing 20%.
Glycerine Soap
Oatmeal Soap
Honey Soap
Floating Bath Soap.,
Rosodora ... , ,
Pine Tar, ,... , .,.,..
Ooleo Unscented
Coleo Scented
Cashmere Baguet
Monad Violet .., • 85o cake
Dactylis 8 cakes
Tia Frans Rase$1.00
Superfine Violet 00c per cake
10c Dake
150 cake
2 oaken
Wailon McKibboD
Macdonald Block, • Wingham.
This management during the
past year trained over Two
Hundred young
ladies 200 a 'n d
gentle- (� men, as
r a h •
ere, bookkeepers and telegraph-. • r
ere, and placed them in excel
lent situations in leading Can-
adian and American cities.
Individual instruction.
Write or catalogue.
GEO. SPOTION, 'Prinolpal.
The Name That is Read with a Smile
The Little Eaton has the
you want to
you look lite an "Orange -
1 man," feel like an Oran e -
man, and act Eke an
Orangeman. "Come 'n
and see them"'
Clothing Sale
In full. swing and she's
a Ripper. •
t s from $4.49 to
Odd Pants arid Vests 49c
to $1,49.
Money is no object. Bring
your loose change,atid it will
eall your
t needs.
�E ' tlitlnJEligures still Valk'f
Come and• shak ` • ..hands
with an "OM Huron Bar-
' gain." ,•
..•,�,.n-�...• a-•
o>d 1 oatoinoe Store
MaOdontld B1ook •WINGIIiAM.
Wear Greer'e Shoots and $ubbers
Sunday Soh
Tbnrsdey, Align'
the anneal union
cion to Kincardine
be Winehem'e of
doubt a large num'
X111 spend the day
jol Excursion.
t let, is the date of
anday School occur.
This date will again
to boliday, and no
er of our townspeople
at the lake town,
Get Parnell's Bread, at Christie's,
Barber Buri:
Last Thursday
his barbering bus
Hewer, who has to
Hewer bas been is
harp for some years
a goad central etezi
to meet all his own
Constable's c etorn
next to Giiffin's gr
dlless Change.
r,J.L. Constable sold
ryes to Mr. 3, W.
en poeeession. Mr.
beehives in Wing-
ed has now seoured
, He will be pleased
customers and Mr.
re at the old stand
eery store.
Music E aminations.
Mr. Barron, inoipal Loudon Con-
servatory of Mies , was in town Satur-
day, exeminieg p auris of Miss Houghton
at her studio for the above Conservatory,
After the exemin :tion, Mr. Barron gave
a piano recital of bis own acmpositions,
eecplaining the iiffezent touches and
models of expr cions, which proved
extremely betel 'al to the pupils.
See cur Tan Oxford elms. They are
the lateat, R. Johnston,
Kincardine cme Gathering,
During the wee of July 22-27, 1907
Kincardine will Id an Cad Boys' and
an Old Girls' Ree pion. Great prepay.
atione have been cede for a grand home-
going, and, one week of eolid enjoyment
may be expected. Prcmiees of a big
gathering are in evidence as many have
signified their int ,ntion of being home
forthefun. i r
7 z i
h e exceptionally
a e t as
n 1
fine pare to spend i week on -the shores
of Lake Huron and is one of the prettiest
towns in Ontario,Railway rates are on
the convention plc and a good program
of sports for the a tire week has been
Dining room girl wanted. .Apply at
Kung Edward Hotel.
• Sarnia-Detro Excursion.
Bills have been p •inted annonnoin
the amniaI O.O.F.-excursion to Sarnia
and Detroit, for Sato day, August lath.
The exonasionists wil take regular train
Leaving Wingham at i. 40 a.m. At Sar.
nia excursionists will take the magnifi-
cent steamer, "Tatham," of the White
Star line, for Detroit, Returning, will
leave Detroit on Mo day, August 12th,
on the 2 80 p,m, boat, arriving in Sarnia
in time to catch the n ectal train leaving
at 10 p.m. The retie 'n fare to Sarnia is
$2.05, and the returnoat fare from Sar-
nia to Detroit is 50 nits. This will be
one of the l opular °mimes of the year.
$2 50 Mattrassea for; $2.15, at S.
Celebrate We ing Anniversary.
On Saturday a •ernoon and evening
there was a very happy gathering of
friends at the bo of Councillor and
Mfrs D. E. MoD= Td, when they cele-
brated the twent:+th anniversary of
their wedding day. After the supper
the guests spent a -erg happy evening
in speech -making, singing, Highland
dancing, eto. Mra, McDonald received
a large e nnmbe • f beautifnl 0 r
The many friends of Mr, and Mrs. Mc-
Donald will wish the many more years
of happy wedded 111 and our with is
that they may be s ared to celebrate
their golden wedd g. Among the
guests from om a di t
enc aro:-Mr
w and
Mrs. H. J. Thompson Sault Ste Marie ;
Ma, and Mira Mien r, Windeor; Mr.
and Mrs. Collins. Ki cardine; Mr. and
Mrs, Crowe and Miss s L. and 0, Crowe,
Toronto; Mrs. Hall d Mr. and Mrs.
Tansiey, Newmarket,
FOR BEM VALUES obtainable any-
where, in a well -assorted, fresh, clean,
new and up-to-date stock, you will find
thein at the leading Dtesa Goods and
Fanny Goods Store of D. M. Goltnon.
Highest price for butter and egge.
Hospital tea deer Party, .
The a don
,g r part he'd Iaet Thursday
afternoon and ev ning at Mr. W. O.
Nicholeon'e, near elgrave, was a grand
aticcess and it is es twitted that over 1500
people '' were in at ndance. The after
noon" was spent in arioua kinds of sports
and music was re dared by the Wing -
ham citizens' ban . Blyth and Beigraye
junior baseball to s played a good game
of ball, the latter team being the win -
tete. Wingham asaball club met their
Waterloo at the ands of the Blyth boys
in a acme of 10
t 7. Suer
was solved
on the beautiful bonds and after' upper
a program of ad asses was given. Bev.
J. J. Hastie, of elgrave was the chair-
man and address s were given -by Dr. T.
Chisholm ,'M, P. Dr. P. Macdonald, et.
M. P.,W. 11. err,. of Brussels; Jas.
Bowman, of M: trio and Rer. Father
Laurendean. M ny of our tawnti people
who were not a le to eeoure rigs went
.over on the 7,85 p. in. special train, re-
turning home eltectly after 11 o,olook.
Thisp en ar p a
g ty was voted as the
eet sticoesbf l h
Meet a o f f the season and the
hospital ae of w1l be greatly benefitted.
,yeopire are deserting the
ver 'hearty t e
r Of 'Rt'in ha i
ut to for
Very tT tl
the aril t ce he hats i
ii atl'� they t1�b R 'reit the
China and Fancy :goods Sale.
R. E. Saunders, of the "Big Rook
Store" is holding a leering sale of
Chine, limey goods, ha mocks, express
wagons, etc. He Pur ores Riving more.
at i
t el?t on to the strati cry line and is
cleaning out the other' nee at low prices.
The sale is now on. Se advt. in another
column for partiaalar
WOW, WANTED --lin mitt; high-
est prices,-Gxo. E, K
Will Go
. The Wtngbem 0
brate in Blyth: to.
meats leave been
train, wineb will 1
arm„ arriving in
Wingbam Citizen
puny the local Lo
train hill leave
m. The member
will meet in their
Friday morning,
o Blyth,
angemen will aele-
arrow, Arrange-
made for a special
ave Wingbam at 8 85
y th about 9 15. The
' Band will aecoxo-
go. Returning, the
Blyth at 7,15. p,
of Wreebam L 0 I,
call at 7 80 o'clooi an
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T, Fella' butcher ehon.
Agriculturally aid Industrially.
Both Agriculture/9y and industrially
the Canadian Nati teal Exbibitiop, to
be held est Toronto, . tog. 26 to Sept. 9,
will be stranger tha i ever. Increased
premiums, increased specials, increased
accomodation canna fail to make it so.
In every section t e prize 'tatshows
noteworthy additio a, while $850,000
worth of new build op will afford both
exhibitore and vis tots 10$,000 equate
feet, or about two aoree, of improved
Blankets and yarn of the beet quality
exchanged for Nicol, at T. A. 1t2iIa.s.. .
The annual repot
tic and idiot asyi
shops that at thee
5,972 people in t
Ontario. The asy
increased during 19
bar of new patient
which was 38 mor
with Other oiranm
crease in the rota
347.14 Over $16,
the opening of th�
Woodstock. Th
asylum has iricr
earovincia tuna -
ms just published
d of 1906 there were
ese institutions in
um population was
Ei by 124. The num-
admitted was 1,168,
than in 1905.- This,
tanoes, caused an in -
expenditure of $36,-
00 of this iii dna to
Epileptic Hospital in
population at Toronto
seed over 12 per cent,
while the increase in expenditure Unbent
10 per- coma - '`I spite of additional
provided, we find
66 applicants ar
the ase lams, exe
idiots at Onilli
cies," says the,r
r 160 patients being
at on Deo. 31, 1906,
aiting admission to
ire of the asylum for
with only 22 vaoan-
Fon lnniaDIATE SALE -Brick BIoak
in Wingbam, making 12 per cent. on the
investment.--RITcsIE & Cosnhs.
East Huron Conservatives.
At the East 3uron Convervative
noaninating convei tion held in Brussels
on Friday last, Dr Chisholm, the pre-
sent member, of Wingham, was again
nominated as stanertrd bearer on motion
of ex-Wardeu Jag. Bowman, of Morrie
Township, seconde3. by Frank Metoall,
of Blyth. He sake 1 to a1'ow the matter
the matter to sten in the meantime for
personal ,reasons.
James Bowman as the'only nominee
for the Legislature, being proposed by
Ex -Warden Cook o Fordwich seconded
by Edward. Bryans, ex -deputy reeve of
Grey Township. r. made
sitniiiar request to at of Dr. Chisholm,
but the probahilitie are that both will
carry the Oonsety tivo banners when
the eleotibn campai ns draw near.
Hon. Mr. Hanna, provincial secretary,
was present and livered an address
dealing with the lie ti
e g quos ons of the
day from a le illative standpoint.
Organizer Oarstair also spoke referring
to the organnzatio of the ridings. Re -
whitlow condo ning the Dominion
Government and espresaing confidence
in the Ontario G ernment were passed
and the conventi n closed with cheers
for King Edwar , Hots, Whitney and
Hanna and the mineea of the day,
High,SSchool Pomo-
tion Examinations.
Pass standing -33 per cent. on each
subject and 50 p.nr cent, on total. Honor
standing -75 perof
,ant total.
form II 'to F srnl III ---Ethel Walsh,
(Honors); Roy Gallagher, (honors);
Rota Davidson, Earl Parker, Will Mo -
Lean, John Holmes, Ben Cronin, Jennie
Bowman, Mina Currie, Minnie Rosa,
(honors); Gerti White, (honors); Car-
ter Mcicee,,(hon • or); Irene VanNorman,
Harry Green, • onors) ; Lon Harold,
Viola Isard, earl° Laanonbq, Annie
Barbet, Edna Di: mond, Frank Howson,
Rnby Kerr, Li , ie McKee, Wi1l
brath,eleon ggins• Clayton Prott
Mand Fry, Alvi., Hart, Russel McKersie,
Richard Lloyd, Maggie McLean, Mae
Mason, Mildred ewett, Belle Robertson.
roan 1 to 'orm It -Irene Clegg,
(honors); Grett Kennedy, (honors);
Tennyson Glen tile, Freda VanStone,
(honors); Mae Williamson, (honors) ;
Rnby Olegg, (ho• ors); Mabel McDonald,
(honors); Man, Buehfield, Edna Gan-
nett, Simpson +rt, Edaar Pattorroa,
y Dom, Clara Biook, Russel
Meat. Matta ni:
, n Shark, Lizzie Green,
Lizzie Knox, azel Jackson, Charles
James, Elain .A moor, Tillie Patterson,
George Moffatt g at Willie Stinmoiis, Eva
Annan', Mag ie VanNorman, Boss
Maxwela, Gerti. Bush, Pearl Duncan,
LOU McLaughli .
Public Me
A public meeting wi
Town Hail, on Toured
tnat.,to discuss the .ai
mediately entering up
cenera gn, Addresse
Rev Dr Pidgeon, of
axd Jrbn Bneha a
minion Alliance.
be bell in the
y evening, 18;b
eieability of int-
o a local option
wbe given
Cotcnto Jniotion
tq, of the Do,
Encampment Officers.
At the reeftine of
went, No 47, I 0 0
ing, the following c
for the present ter
S W. J W Fearer);
W, W J Haines; Se
Treae, J W Drdd ;
15, John F Groves.
burrs Fmoamp-
, on Monday even -
cera were installed
:-C P, J S Carr;
13 P Jos Guest; J
ibe, A J Alderson,;
nide, J A Morton;
Our summer sale is a ho m
Geo. KING.
Steel wire hammocks. Something new.
At 5, GRAgaE'S furniture ature.
Public School oard.
Toe regular monthly
Public Sehoal Board ova
i 1
day evening. A 1 memo
crept Trustees Rosa and M
previous meeting were re
The l'rincipal'a report f
total boys an roil, 183; g
370, with an average at
Promotions ae the end o
made as follows: --Part
Part 2 to jr. 2nd, 20; Jr
25; Sr. and to Jr. 3rd,
Sr. 3rd, 19; Sr. 3rd to
140., On motion the Pr
was adopted. On moti
Kerr and Grif In, the 5
atruoted to secure five
boiler. On motion of T'
Isard, the Secretary w
secure a new minute
for Principal's mont
aceouut of $12.50 fro.
builidug fence wag erd,
motion of Trustees Ke
eating of the
held on Thure-
rs present ex -
ore. Minutes of
dand approved.
Jane ahowed,
res 196 -total of
ndanoe of 315
the term were
to Part 2, 29;
2nd to Sr. 2ud,
'3; Jr. Ord to
4th, 33: total
naipal'e report
n of Trustees
•rotary was in-
ew grates tor
ustees Hall and
s instructed to
ok and a book
1y reports. An
• Wm. Reid for
red to be paid on
r and Jezlltins,
WOOL WANTED-Sigbeat price paid
in caall or trade. -T. A. Meng.
Font SALE -First. class 100 acre farm,
two miles from Wingham. All in grass.
Get partionlars .from H. DAVIS.
Wingham Still Leas the League.
'-The Wingham Has: ball Club again
demonstrated to the-p•blio that the- are
the real geode by d:feating Colvin's
Colts at Teeswater o . Tuesday by a
.score of 5 to & , Th : game was the
fastest playerlin Tees, ter for several
yearg, and•both better' • a did greet work,
but again herb Dunloput it over south-
paw McCaig, -much t• the latter's die -
gust. McCaig for Te swater was very
severe on left band b Versa bat the rest
of the Wingham tea •• upheld their •re•
piitation as sluggers • bile a1I` -batters
looked alike to Dunlo ,, who struck' out
18 of Colvin's Colts in eluding the mighty
Col. himself.' The T swater supporters
showed their dislike •1 defeat by a porn
tinnal round of roast at the visitors and
also the players by t ing to spike men
who held clown the s: veral bases, Colvin
distinguishing bimse 1 by throwing dost
into Moore's face; •ut George never
snored, as Britton ca • got biro twice at
the plate. It was a oodgame to•'watoh,
and Ross of Kincur ine acted squarely-
quarelyas empire, seiner both teams alike.
Batteries•-Teeswat: •-McCaig and Good.
Wingham-Dunlop and Britton. Um-
pire -R. Rosa, Kin ardine,
Cash clearing sale of all Sommer
Goods. o. E. BING.
CANVAS SHOES --The newest and latest
styles in Ladies, Misses, and Children's
Canvas Shoes. AU colors. W. J.
The Huron Old boy have come and -
gone. This annual a ent is becoming
very popular, and affo ds the natives of
Huron County whoa Iot is now oast
amid the swish and wiri of city lite a
pleasant opportunity .o revisit scenes of
former days and ahak i hands with those
who have stayed" at tame" and are as.
stating in the building up of the rural
section of the couriers Huron is proud.
of her sons who are now domiciled in
the provincial metropolis, for among
them are numbered *any who have at.
tanned protuinenoe i• commercial, pro-
fessional, jonrnalista. and military life.
It was noticed tht no flag floated
from the .new post o i, oe in honor of the
Old Boys' visit. T •;re ,seems to be a
scarcity of flags, and it is said that one
has to do duty for the two public build-
ings which are 60 conveniently and
pleasantly situated o, the main street.
I do not believe itis; . •oeseary to unduly
parade our ldyaity in •e display of flags,
bat surely a suitable ensign might be
provided for our now: et public building.
I have frequently n - treed in the town
papers items regardi g the dilapidated
o the aid walk condition o f onY c br i t is
street opposite the o pion factory. 1
also observe thatnothi • g baa been done
towards repairing this walk or patting
it in safe condition. I has been pointed
(iagain time and gai n th t it is in an ab-
solntely unsafe conditi n, and 'f someone
should sustain merlon injury at that
place, theta is a gra : possibility that
the town might be ••Dieted in heavy
While on the subje t Of sidewalks, it
ieid hero
Sa t are leve al petitions in for
new walks, Are thtse to be laid this
year, or is it the intention to wait until
late itt the fall befo o taking action, so
that a better and ore permanent Joh
in o
ma made the 1d frosty bor weather
7'r9 ,
Onnem r lt,
11111 11111111 1 1111111111111 111111 11 llIA III 11111 1
Wingham Orangemen and Young
Britone, wall visiting members of the
Order from the neih oting lodges, to
the number of over 5 in all, attended
divine service at at Paula; church on
Sunday evening last The rector, Rev.
Bro T 9 13oyle, de 'vexed an eloquent
and appropriate sera on, taking as his
text, the words of tb fourth. verse of the
.iiteentlt ohapter of omens. Alter a
few words of wee nae, the speaker
dwelt on the religio oharaoter or the
Orange Order and 6h i obj,ote fpr which
such gatherings as tkee were held. We
were gathered for w.rehip and thanka-
giving, and are colon .em rating the pre-
servation of our civil and religious liber.
ty. We do not wan to stir up religious
animosities. Oue oar objects is to
promulgate a great pricteiple-that the
ohuroh and state 01. 11 be forever free.
The revercud gent man quoted from
the Oanstitution tri qualidcatious for
membership in the roar, and declared
that the Assooiatto scald only do Its
work if the iudivid al members do their
work. Be admoni hed the brethren to
be loyal to the oh rah to which they
belonged, and nrg . the etrongeet de-
votion to the grin iples of Oraugeiem.
Hid address was he any appreciated by
the large number p es=mt. On returning
to the hall votes of hanks were passed
to Rev Mr. Boyle, or but exoelient die -
course, the ohuroh ordure for the U93
of the ohuroh, the hoir for their appro.
priate music, and the visiting brelh.
ren from a distance.
Bring yourroduce t g
no's. Eggs
17 c ; butter 190 Gi E KING, •
Mr. John Ransfoef., of Clinton was in
town on Tuesday.
Mrs, A. Coots, of-Ihatham,•is visiting
with Wingham frieacIa.
Miss Eva Simmor.s, of Acton, is visit-
ing her parents in own.
Marjorie Johnston, of Seaforth is visit-
ing witu Miss Hon ;hum.
Mrs A. L. Rio
relatives and frien
ards is visiting with
a in Stratford.,
Mrs. John Maso,of London is visit-
ing with her son, r. George Mason.
Mrs Jab J Morrat wail-vieiting with
relatives to Hamill in for a few' days.
Mrs. Thos. J. W tt, of A2i'o, Mich., is
visiting with old fiends in Wingham.
Mrs. Vernon, o', Sylvan is 'felting
with her daughter, Mie. W. P. Grierson
Mrs. W.11 Pearson, of Stratford yeas
visiting"with her parents fcr a taw daya.
Mr. F. 3, Hind of Brantford, has
taken a position ii Fall. Walley's drag
Miss Mary Joh s, of Toronto is spend-
ing a few weeks v siting with Wingham
Arch. Hislop, M P. P. for East Huron,
was calling on 1 Wingham friends on
Hon, W. J. Henna was it town last
week and calie"t on his, cousin, Mra.
John Lougheed. '
Mrs Mann and children, of Toronto
are spending twa- weeks visiting with
Miss Belle EIliot .
Miss Mabel St ensou, of Arthur was
the guest of Mss Stevenson of the
Winghatn Hospit 1.
Mrs. Jas, Mull of Toronto, is spend -
loge, weelr at the home of her brother,
Mr, A. J. Nichol s.
Mr. David Gri g, of Gravenbnret was
calling on old ingham friends fur a
few days this we k.
Mr. and Mrs. Pander were in Chat-
ham;this week a tending the funeral of
their neige, Miss Pander.
11xr. and Mrs. oaoh, at Detroit, are
visiting at the ho a of Mr, W. J. Hen-
derson, at the Jui:otion,
Mr, and Mrs. �bhn Iiit chi
e and Miss
Mary Ritchie lea.re this weesz for Bay-
field to spend a fe v holidays.
Miss Nina Gib ons, of Leamington,
has been visiting et the home of her
uncle, Dr. T. Chia Dim, M.P.
Mr. and Mrs. heater L. Davis, of
Toronto have been visiting for a few
daya at the hon° of Mr, H. Davis.
Mr. Win. Amami left yesterday for
the Old Country to spend two months
in London, Liverp d and G1a'sgow.
Mr. Fred Ansley- of Rochester, N. Y.
was vtsiteng with .le parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Ansley` for a few days this
week., -
Mr: and Mrs. Wea1
ey Walker and Mr.
and ,Mie. Geo. L. Wacker, of Clinton,
were visiting with Winghatn relatives
oyer Sunday.
Mrs. Alex, Roas kid Miss Minnie Ross
leave this week for Mack Lake, Quebec),
where they will sptjd two months with
Mrs, Rose' brother at his summer cott-
Mr and Mrs, W . J. Currie and Mr.
Urn. John A.earl
and M a. a werev asitttt
for a days lora, They drays
through the oount y, and found the
crepe leaking wall i the seotian through
which they passed.
Among the snec dui candidates at
the recent examine one of the Ontario
Normal 'College, Tia Ilton, we are pleas-
ed 10 note the name t Mr. Geo. L. Gray,
B. A. , sou of Mr: a d Mrs. Mark Gray
of town._ Mr. Gray no
t o
nly secure
High Se3o1 Speoi Oertifleate in
and 11iatot but he passed the
whole examination with first olein
honors. At then ere not more than
twenty from, a clans Of over two hundred,
who obtained this reditable standing,
our young friend is o be congratulated
on his expellant xtioc .
An Ex-Reeye. of Mo rig Tom:whip.
The above named g tleman has been
closely assooiated wit the progress and
development of the t =whip of Morris,
and with its, munictpa history, He is a
Sootoliman by birth, tilt has for a con-
siderable length of tirm, been a resident
of this section. For a.izt unber of years
he served in the cape ty of Councillor,
and Yater as Reeve. a also represented
the Brussels Grey -Mo tis division in the
County Council for two years. Mr.
Iabister is well ver d in municipal
matters and has ale taken quite an
interest in educatio a1 .and political
affairs. .
Wingham Sept. 26--27
Atwood Oot. i-•4
Blyth ......,,...SRpt 28•--24.
r se
13 ns la
,. ...,. .. to of
Exeter Sept. 16-17
Goderich , Sept 25 -26- 27
Listowel., .... , . Sept 4 -IS
Luoknow . , . , , .. Sept. 30 Oct 1
Ripley , , , . Sept, 24---25
Teeawater....,,,,..001 1-2
Tiverton Oat, 2-8
Walkerton Sept 19-20
Seaforth...„., , - , . Sept. 19-20
alildmay _Sept 23.24
Toronto e.,...... Mg 26 Sept. 7
London..,,,Sept, 6-14
What You. May Expect.
Here are a few into you •r,. ; t ex.
_peot to be told b the nati '•'' . 1 the
place at 'which y n spend your vacs.
tion :
This isthe butte, t summer we've ever
had bore.
Things have never been so baokward
here as they are th .a season.
It ain't never bocce ao wet here before,
There's lots of fie here, but for some
reason they ain't b' in' just now.
It you'd been ere last week you
conal of pulled 'eixeont fater'n you conid
bait your hook.
It's too bad you gn't goin' to be here
about two weeks lacer. Things, just be-
gins to be at their lomat then.
There was a mei ketohed one that
weighed 'levet poo ids in here day be-
fore yistady.
Last year every o'ie of them trees was
just loaded with fr :it. '
Generally we hal.o lots of vegetables,
but our games ain't somehow doire very
well this season,-Chatcago Record -
Herald. •
Saturday afterno n was busy in Wirg-
ham, being the d y of the Huron Old
Boys Exoursion From Toronto. The
special excursion rain of 'nine coaches
Arrived iu Wiugha n at 1 30 o'ulock and ,
the.znetnbers of Il.e Town Council, the
Citizens' Band a d a large number of,
our towns -people were at the atat•iou to
welcome the visit a. A procession was
formed, headed b the band, marching
to .the .Town. Hall, where an address of
welcome was_ -read, •y Town Clerk Fer-
guson and addres=es of welcome were
given by Reeve Twin and Councillor
Gordon President J. R. Lyon, of the old
boys, responded t• the addresses of wee.
come, and was f,llowed by Honorary
President Floody, Dr. Stratford, and
Messrs. W.E. Gr, yes, J. S. MoKiunon,
and Jos. Timmins Mayor Holmes
sided re-
sid d at the rem') on ceremony.After
dinnersthe Citizen Band paraded to the
park and the ace ncoc, was very pleas.
aptly spent. The ttraction of the after,-,
noon was a basal 11 match between the
Wingham and Ki 1 cardine league teams,
The game was a g, od ono and the 1ooale
were winners by a score of 0 to 2.
The races and :+iOrland dancing were
next iu order and fforded much amuse-
ment to the large number of people at
the park. The • lzes in these events
were awarded as ollows:-Boys race -
Fred Loekridge, Milton -White, Dick
Mann, Girls rape Wilhelmina Holmes,
Toronto, Olive K ox, Jennie Stapleton.
Fat glen's race- r. l . E. W. 'amtyn,
R. F. White. B nd n,en'a rage -Elliot
Fleming, Hal Tr t, A. J. Piton; High-
land dauciug-M bei and Flora MoDon'
Aid, ties; e 2nd, erne McDonald; 3rd
Tommy Ross, C tress, Councillor Mo.
Donald also gay several selections on
the bag pipes.
The afterno was very pleasantly
spent end mauy ere the handshakes in-
old friends/ meeting. The visitors
remaiued over, until Monday evening
and spent the bine vietting with relatives
and old friends and we are sure .he peo-
ple of Wingh m will be pleased to at any
time again elcotne the old beta and
girls back to he best town in the oonnty.
The stores f the town were decorated
with flags fcr Saturday,
The town ag was lying in honor of
the visit oft a old boys and girls.
street with
Huron Old Bo
ere hung up on Jo•ephine
the mottos:-- "Welcome
'a " '-Toe town is yours."
At Brussels the celebrated Toronto
senior Stott fcr .ball team played a. game
with theBrn els in rmediate team
t� e
ss ,
the home team winning by a score of 1
to 0, '
A number of he old boys and girls left
the trait at Lis °Wel,'Srnesete, Bluevale
and other stat' ns along the line and
many went on t e evening train to visit
Kinoardine aril other points up the Tine.
Among the vi 'tore were; -J, It Lyon,
F.Floody,W. E. roves,,'. S. MeKinnon,
t f .''tmmine J. J. H m -
Dr, Stretford, ,Ta J o
, r
uthr Mr. and Mrs.; WM. Mitaheta, Foster
Fyfe, Geo. A Ne
Missetaggie Risco
Andrew Gray, M
MIS. Reading, Mr
children, F. W. R
ton, Thos. Moorehead,
kii,Miss Eva Paterson,
and Mr&. Spedding,
and Mrs. Mann and
ob.-Merton Hart.
if you purpose taking a trip to the
Old Land travel via the C.P.R.'Wens.
The two Empresses give the best
st service.
Get tickets and full information from
Alex Boss. -
Giant 'Triplets "Currency" '•13abst,'
and "Stag„ Chewing Tobtt000es, in big
plugs. Quality always the ttanie.
It is rot our policy to advertise .
every sale we melee, as it is often a
private matter between the eelier
i And boyar, but we will only say that
since starting .buainees two nmonths;
ago we .bare, twined over a Ict or.
property, and our' irfsuranoe:•business
has grown beyond our'exaebtatiena
Almost every idly vee have people
from a distance'vee hir,K to'bill+-p o-
perty in or:near WingLam,-
. At preeeut we have' • a sure 'pure
ch•,ser for a 50 or 75 -timelier= within
a mile or two of tow- ; moot heat
good order. It you have a Jami of
this kind; please let us know at once, .
Ritchie & Cosons:
Griffin-VatatoneBlork, t�TINGHAIf.
Phoue 128
ju th
Maybe • you've provided a
special Outing Suit or Dress,.
and an Outing Etat and over.
looked the Shoes.
With everything else cool,
are you going to wear your
ordinary,hot, stiff Shoes.
Sh s.
Let Your Eeet Enjoy
Your •Outi(lt,
T'ry it and EEO how much
better you'll feel.
'omen's 'White 0 a n v'0, s
Gibson Ties, with high, h white,
Cuban heel; or in the Oxford
shape, with natural leather,
Military heels.
$1.25, $1,50 to $1.75,
We're Heatlgttarter's
For Outing Shoes.
> aOreer