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The Huron Expositor, 1983-01-19, Page 11
Xield euchre Coire��spondent Tuesday. Mrs. Rathwell ISABETSCOTT opened the meeting reading 482.7135 an article by Rev. Clarke Members of 'Brucefield MacDonald about the church held a euchre at the hall being the body of the living Friday. Winners were men's high-W.D. -Wilson, lone hands -Ken Stewart, low -Cliff Henderson, ladies high - Margaret Hayter, lone hands Anne Wilson, low -Ann Broadfoot. Winners of the lucky draws were Anne Wil- son and Cliff Henderson. The next euchre will be on Jan. 28. Stanley unit members of the U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Madeline Rathwell Christ. Isabel Scott read about taking a pause at the start of the new year and having faith in the future. Retia Baird reported for the card committee. Plans were made for a luncheon for Mrs. McGregor on Sunday afternoon Jan, 23 on the occasion of her 90th birthday. Lunch was served and the hostess thanked for her hos- pitality. Varna lady's. eyesight improved Correspondent MARY CHESSELL 482-9969 'Mary Ostrom has experi- enced a miracle this past fall. Cataracts had severely im- paired her vision, so she was no longer able to drive a car, or to see anything clearly. A visit to Dr. Dyson in London provided her with a couple of options, and she chose to have lens implants. The de- fective lens is removed, and a plastic lens inserted in a relatively simple operation under a twilight anaesthetic and local anaesthesia, so the patient is aware of every- thing, but very comfortable and relaxed. Mary's appointment for a January operation was made in June. but she was able to have one eye done in Septem- ber and one just before Christmas on cancellations. By January. she's quite sure, she would only have been able to distinguish light from dark, and possibly some movement. Both times she was admit- ted one day, had the opera- tion the next day and came home the following day, but she knows of one patient who came in early in the morning and left the same night. Care must be, taken for several days not to bump the eye, the only restriction. After healing is complete, glasses are fitted to correct any other pro- blems, such as astigmatism, and one's eyesight is nearly perfect. Mary thinks it would ▪ have been quite a shock to have both of them done at the same time, as she was not prepared for such a dramatic improvement in her sight. Development -of-the lens implant method came about because a doctor noticed that pilots who had fragments of airplane windshields in their eyes during the war experi- enced no problems with them. The same material was used initially to make thelens, used initially to make the lens, but some improvement in the material has been made ci a then of Re annual meeting of Varna United Church con- gregation will be held next Sunday after church. There will bL activity arranged for the period before lunch, with the meeting being held fol- lowing lunch. Children will be entertained downstairs dur- ing the meeting. Ladies are asked to bring sandwiches only. The new Community Women's Club is planning a variety of activities, including instruction in quilting and other crafts, there may be speakers at some meetings, and possibly some trips to local theatre productions. This is an informal group, still in the experimental stage, and open to women of all ages. The next meeting is on Wednesday. Jan. 26 at 10:00 a.m. at Pat Norman's. On Jan. 25 at 2:00 p.m, at Varna Church, the study topic will be "The Many Faces of Power". At 8:00 p.m. the same day the public speaking series begins with the topic "Preparing the Way": learn- ing to relax and make plans for a variety of occasio s. Mr. Morrison had a na y accident a week ago whit cutting out some pieces for doll furniture. He got the end of his thumb and a finger in the saw. They are apparently' healing nicely. „Elva „Webster .returned home last week from Victoria Hospital Dairy Farmers REGIONAL DAIRY DAY WHERE: Huron Hall, Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, Huron Park, Ontario WHEN: Wednesday, February 2, 1983 COST: $5.00 - includes lunch and, refreshments TO REGISTER: Phone Centralia College (519)228-6691 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ontario Similar program also being held at: Legion Hall, Clinton February 16 Memorial Hall, Tavistock February 1 Hanover Colliseum, February 17 Fanlily Correspondent BERTHA MacGAE(iOR "Saturday Night skating on the pond" with family and friends was the theme of the Hensall skating party on Saturday night at the arena. Everyone had a good time skating to the latest tunes of Glen Miller and Lawrence Welk. Trees, logs, costumes, picnic tables and even a couple of snowflakes falling on the Ice helped add to the authenlc "Old Tyme" atmo- sphere. Prizes were given to the youngest skaters Kim Dewys age 21 months; and Andrew Mount, age 22 months; also to the oldest skaters Russell Ferguson age 59 and Marg Vanstone (age still under discussion). A special thank you is extended to everyone who helped organize the event, and those who helped clean up afterwards. Rev. Kenneth Knight con- ducted worship in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day, speaking on the subject "The Lost Is Found." Mrs. Joan Keys was organist. The annual meeting of the con- gregation will be held Jan. 26 at 8 p.m. ******* FIVE LADIES INSTALLED The Royal Canadian Legion met Jan. 12 with a good attendance. Five new members were installed. Betty Oke, as an ordinary member, Colleen Ferris, Mona Campbell, Jackie McClinchey, Jean Stewart as associates. Bee Uyl as the first lady to join the Branch • was installed last October, two more applica- tions were approved by. the members. Several members visited Hensall's last World War 1 veteran Harry Horton in Huronview before Christmas and brought gifts and home- made baked goods. They found him in good health. Harry spent Christmas with Irene and Ernie Davis. The • Branch appreciates all that Irene and Ernie do fol Harry. Hensall Legion and Auxil- iary'visited Queensway nurs- ing home with treats and a sing -song under the direction of choir leader Pete Zwann. The Beaver Club requested the Legion help to buy a tent for them as they go outing in the winter. The cost of about $300. per tent. The members decided to purchase one tent for them. Have a good time boys; Membership chairman Lloyd Allan reported all have paid dues, so the Hensall Branch will be rewarded with a 100% early bird plaque. Congratulations Lloyd for a job well 'done. Bee,Uyl was appointed to help serve on He al's Cen- tennial Committee. A spur of the momen on New Year's Eve was held. at the hall. Everyone had a very good time. About 50 attended. Shuffleboard is again un- derway on Friday evenings with 12 couples playing. Organizers this year are Fred Campbell and Murray Baker. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember them. There was a large attend- ance at the United Church on Sunday morning when Mr. McDonald continued his ser- ies of thoughts on The Fears People Have. He spoke to the congregation of . the fear of feeling insignificant. He spoke of how often people take two different routes when feeling inferior, one to withdraw, the other to be- , come the big person on the N@ ©1111 cased ©@a THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 19, 1983 - All skating party in Hensall outside, in order to hide the real person on the inside. The answer he said is to put our trust in God and be the person'. God wanted us to be. Harold Parsons, Lloyd Ferg- uson, Ross Sararas and Alf Ross were the ushers for the day and Margaret Cole greet- ed the congregation. Belva Fuss, along with the senior choir, led the music. Bible study Fellowship Group started a new series of Bible studies on Tuesday morning with an excellent attendance. For this series the group are studying 'The Parables of Jesus'. Everyone is invited. "Getting the Word Around" was the title of the film for the January Fellow- ship Night at the United Church on Sunday evening. The film showed the work of the church across Canada. Joyce Pepper was at the piano. Mary O'Brien was hostess assisted by Sharon Wurm and Dana Bazatto "Three Links" Seniors met in the local hall on Tuesday afternood. Mrs. Vera Ross was at the piano. Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell gave the treasurer's report. An invitation was received to the golden wedding anniver- sary of Mr. andrs. Clar- ence Volland in the ensall Community Centre, an. 29 at 8:00 p.m. Also an invitation to the celebration of Mrs. Jessie Armstrong's 90th birthday in Hensall United Church Sunday, Jan. 23 from 2-4 p.m. Mrs. Pearl Taylor and Mrs. Gertie Moir will arrange the quilt material. Euchre will be held on Friday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ross, Anita Bengough and Irene Finlayson were in charge of the euchre. Euchre prize winners were high pink cards -Vera Lemmon; high white cards -Ruby Bell. conso- lation white cards -Hilda Payne. consolation pink cards;.lice Ferg; lone hands- Aldeen Lemmon; lucky cup - Dorothy Mickle. ****** The Humanitarian Services Committee of the I.O.O.F. and Amber Rebekah Lodges held a euchre party in the local hall on Wednesday evening with seven tables playing. Prize winners were ladies' high, Mrs.l[Za'bbeth Riley; ladies' consb ition- Mrs. Annie Reid, lone hands - Mrs. Vera Lcmmon; gent's high -Bert Brown, Exeter; consolation, Mrs. Bert Brown. The winner of the draw was Mrs. Elizabeth Riley. The committee are holding another euchre in February. Unit 11 of Hensall United Church met Jan. 10. Mrs, Mona Alderdice welcomed everyone. The Roll Call was answered by 12 members telling how they celebrated Christmas, Mrs. Hazel Corbett was. in charge of the devotional. The study was presented by Mrs. Kay Mock followed by a slide presentation on the South Pacific Islands. Mrs. Mona Alderdice conducted a con- - test and lunch was served by Mrs. Judy Parker and Mrs. Eleanor Mansfield. Unit 1 of Hensall United Church met Jan. 13 and Mrs. Audrey Christie opened with a "Recipe For A Happy New Year". She presented the Study on the spirit of the South Seas. A large per cent of the population is Christian, the family unit is often quite large and the eldest is con- sulted in many matters. As fish, is one of their main foods, they are quite concern- ed about atomic testings. The devotional was taken by Mrs. Audrey Joynt. Mrs. Mary Buchanan read from the scripture. Mrs. Joynt's pre- sentation was presented as an interview. It had appeared in the Observer a few years ago, and related to book banning. A conversation be- tween Margaret Lawrence, author read by Audrey Joynt and Rev. Lois Wilson was read by Dorothy Kipfer. Margaret Lawrence told how the Christian faith underlies her books. The roll call was answered by 11 members being present. Rev. McDon- ald joined the group 'for ' lunch, a good way to start the New Year Steve Murray Insurance BROKERS LTD. Low Premium Auto Insurance For Safe Drivers • $500,000 Liability • Mandatory Accident Benefits • 3250.00 Deductible Collision • $25.00 Deductible Comprehensive • Under Insured Motorist Coverage '78, '79, '80 medium-size Ford -Chevrolet -Plymouth -Buick PREMIUM $ 162.00 SEMI-ANNUALLY 1O %discount for 2 or more cars. Vehicles used for private pleasure only. Premium applicable tot Married, age 25 and bver, licenced and accident free for 5 or more years. OFFICE: ST- COLUMBAN 345-2172 The Sale you've been waiting for! The Dutch Store's Annual YARN SALE i is now on! Now 'till Saturday, January 29 I SUPER SPECIAL 1 FRESH ONTARIO PORK SHOULDER PICNICS FROM THE LOIN SUPER SPECIAL T-BONE OR wixc STEAKS 57 7.98 A2.16 zehrs /kg lb. /kg lb.zehrs for market of line lowI' 1 'SUPER SPECIAL l l SUPER SPECIAL fire marker. of fire 1.0.FRESH ONTARIO SHOULDER CUT FROM GRADE 'A' BEEF BONELESS FULL CUT PORK BUTT CHOPS SIRLOIN STEAKS ROUND STEAK k SUPER SPECIAL3.06,9 1391b. FRESH ONTARIO PORK SHOULDER BUTT ROAST 2.8' 1.29 5 VARIETIES SCHNEIDERS N SLICED SIDE BACON 09 2.79 3VARIETIES CNNEIDERS pi(MINI SIZZLERS 92.19 FROM THE HIP DoER R S�T 6.13 V.�a' g REMOY OUTiiiDE R Upps� STEAK OR RO sT t 5'91/kg 8 Ib. 3 VARIETIES - SCNNEIDERS SLICED COOKED HAM •ay L69 I SUPER SPECIAL FROZEN BEEF SCHNEIDERS STEAKETTES PKG•. 68 SUPER SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL Boneless R ast or Steak No Nametblab Rind On SIRLOIN TIP6,113/kg27/1tb.SIDE BACON39S/kgL791b. / BONELESS RUMP ROAST 2." 6.13 /kg Ib. 6 VARIETIES SCHNEIDERS SLICED BOLOGNA 50o g 2 29 PKG. • Medium No Name GROUND BEEFS 92,SYI7Stb.KNACKWURST 375 g 11.29 Schneiders Ring style BOLOGNA S,t9/kg ts91b. AT THE DELI COUNTER 6 VARIETIES SCHNEIDERS SANDWICH MEATROLLS PG. 990 COUNTRY GOLD Fuer COOKED SMOKED PICNIC �•'kg • Ib. Country Gold Round SCHNEIDERS POLISH LOOP DINNERNAM3S7kgt9lm. SAUSAGE 6.fS/kgt.791b. Schneiders Sliced - 3x50 g SCHNEIDERS OLDE FASHION - �A 'CORNED BEEF Pkgs-L9$ HAM S.So/kg 399Ib. PREVIOUSLY FROZEN SCHNEIDERS • SLICED BEEF LIVER I. 13 99# nee m ''COUNTRY GOLD SLICED SALAMI, 175 g 99# PKG. We reserve the right ^' to limit purchases to SCHNEIDERS BLUE RIBBON reasonable requirements. AO L71•lb. SUPER SPECIAL SCH EIDERS,BEEF WIENERS OR SCHNEIDERS RED HOTS 1.48 464 g PKG, WESTONS HAMBURG ROLLS FRESH BAKED PACKAGE OF 12 SUPER SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL i oa WIENER 59' KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES AssrV COLOURS 200'S SUPER SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL $9? BO. I< CREST TOOTHPASTE REGULAR, MINT OR OR 150 mL I 49 URE TUBE SUPER SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL PRONTO . PAPER TOWELS WHITE ONLY 890 2 ROLL PKG. VELOUR BATHROOM TISSUE ASST'D COLOURS a ROLL 1. FLAKED PARAMOUNT LIGHT- TUNA 6.5 oz. 89f TIN LAURA SECORD MINI - PUDDINGS GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN 59' 20 1, 29 ASST'D, FLAVOURS OURS FANCY GRADE 12 FL. OZ. TINS WEST ENGLISH MUFFINS PKC. OF 69' 8 MILK MATE INSTANT SYRUP CHOCOLATE OR STRAWBERRY 350 ml. 1.29 CATELLI SPAGHETTINI, READY CUT MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI BOX1 kg 990 CATELLI TOMATO SPAGHETTI SAUCE 28 oz. 1• f 9 t -'`t PEA SOUP, HAM & PEA OR VEGETABLE HABITANT SOUP 28 oz. T N 99 STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY LAURA SECORD JAMS JAR250 mL 39 '� ALL PURPOSE FIVE ROSES FLOUR 1 kg 10 kg 6.99 BONUS DEEP 'H' DELICIOUS PEPPERONI OR DELUXE McCAINS PIZZA 14 oz or CTN 15%, I.99 OF a BEEP 'N' DELICIOUS SUPREME McCAINS PIZZA 17 oz �'� CTN. • OF 4 100% WHOLE WHEAT DIETRICHS BREAD ♦ 24 oz.T' LOAF 79 675 g ALL FLAVOURS NEILSONS FAMOUS ICE CREAM CTN. 2.99 GREEN GIANT NO' BAGS FROZEN • PEAS OR CORN ` T' 3509 89 NEILSONS FRUIT PLUS OR NATURAL ' YOGURT 1758 CUPS FOR ZEHRS CHEESE COLBY, BRICK. MARBLE. MOZZARELLA, HAVARTI CUT 66,49,,,9 PERT SHAMPOO 300 mi 2.69 SOENTED'OR UNSCENTED SECRET ROLL-ON 75 mL 8129SOLID TWO VARIETIES SEC�RfT arc ANTIPERSPIRANT ,n 000 L OR 82.29 MAPLE LEAF FLAKES OF TURKEY 9RANDOM 184 g'I GREEN GIANT FANCY DUALITY CREAM STYLE CORN . OR SUMMER SWEET PEAS T 690 GREEN GIANT FANCY DUALITY SWEETLET PEAS FRENCH STYLE OR SEASONED GREEN BEANS `14 69" TIN DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER JUG 4149 MORNING MEADOWHIGH SEA WIND FRESH BAR SOAP HARS 1 FOR ' LIQUID STYLE PALMOLIVE DETERGENT 500 mL �� FROZEN REGULAR OR CRINKLE McCAINS SUPERFRIES 1 5 kg i x, LINER FROZEN SOLE FILLETS 16 oz. PKG 8.1� 1 ****** [r4111DM! YIICC BLUEWATER BOSTON BLUE RSN STICKS or 24 ` 20 FRIES . oz. ars BLUEWATER 32 oz. PKG. FI 11 8`C HIPS 2.99 SUPER SPECIAL NEILSONS 3 FLAYOR.CHOICES GOOD `M' PUDDIN 6'e 1.29 WESTONS BRAN MUFFINSOR BUTTERHORNS e'e 1.15 1 All of our Yarns and Craft Kits and Gifts PRODUCT OF FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES 5 Ib. Come in and browse through the largest Yarn Stock in Huron County And remember - It's all on sale! f.99 SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY. JANUARY 25 COUNTRY OVEN IN-STORE BAKERY Fresh Cookies CHOCOLATE CHIP -0.1.69 f Boston CREAM PIE 400 9 f.75 Fresh Baked WHITE BREAD ,. or 650 SUPER SPECIAL Product of U.S.A. Ifs rkg 1 BRUSSEL SPROUTS 9rIb Product of Morocco Oranges CLEMENTINES 1.96/kg S9# ie Product of Ontario COLE SLAW a 02. Prod of California BROCCOLI BUNCH Produet o1 Ontario �d7/k9 /.q15 NO. 1 GRADE 2/99' LIMIT 5 BAGS PER FAMILY POTATOES ONTARIO WASHED ,/MUSHROOMS rue yuan urunun,-- FAB DETERGENT/If CHORE BOY 3'ri 1.59 POWDERED 400 g ALUM AJAX CLEANSER 69` FOIL WRAP sti n 1•n • Prod. o1 Ont. Canada No 1 CARROTS 2Ib 2/79° Prod. 01 Ont Can No. 1 2 0. COOKING ONIONS 2/79t Prod. of Ont. Can Fey. 3 LE. MACINTOSH APPLES 1.19 In The PLANT DEPARTMENT '140 Name 10 POTTING SOIL LITRE �9' 10 LB, English Ivy. Creeping Charlie, BAG Boston Fern or Sprenger) HANGING BASKETS 6 429 SUPER SPECIAL FRESX SPINACH 8# 113 oz. PKG. • J THE DUTCH STORE 55 ALBERT STREET CLINTON 482-7302 HIGHWAY NO. 8 THESE SPECIALS GODERICH AVAILABLE ONLY IN: MON.. TUBS. • TOS P.M. NWib., 114u1L, Fel. • • TO • P.M. SAT. SIM TO 6 P.M. JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM I175 WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 ANO 83 EXETER MON., TUTS.. WED. - • TO • P.M. THURS., FRI. • TO • P.M. SAT. 5:36 TO • P.M. I