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The Huron Expositor, 1983-01-12, Page 16
r A16 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 12, 1983 Y CLASSIFIED 20 Auction Sales 19 Notice HOW to,play popular piano. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaran- teed. For free information, write: Studio 00103, Russell and Associates, 10060-102 Ave., Ft. St. John, B.C. V1J 2E2. 19-2-01 24 Card of Thanks We wish to express our thanks to everyone who help- ed to make our 40th anniver- sary such a happy occasion, especially our family for the surprise dinner, the U.C.W. ladies for serving the dinner. Also to our neighbours and friends and the New Years Eve party for their gifts and to all who sent cards. A big thank you to all. John and Marjorie Drake 24-2x1 We would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all who called and sent cards .at the time of our sister's death. Your thought- fulness was very much appre- ciated, Edith Dunlop. ' Stanley and Jessie Hillen ' 24-2x1 The family of the late Joseph Johnson wish to express our sincere thanks for mass cards, floral tributes and sympathy cards in the loss of a dear brother. Thanks to Box Funeral Home, father Caru- ana and Father postveen and choir, to all food sent to Rose's home. All was deeply appreciated. 24-2x1 I would like to thank everyone for cards, treats and visits during my stay in Clinton Hospital and since returning home. Also to everyone who helped but at home. Special thanks to Dr. Street and the nurses on the 1st floor. Paul Somerville 24-2x1 25 In Memoriam 25 In Memoriam MERO: In loving memory of Joe Mcro, who passed away Jan. 16. 1982 'Tis well he will suffer no more In the loved land of the blest, Pain fled as he trod heaven's shore It left him at peace and rest. Forever loved and remem- bered byy.. Lorena (Rene). pebby 7iehacl and Cope ;25-2k1' ME, ROt In loving memory of Dorothy Mero who passed away Jan. 23. -1970 and -Vernon Mero who passed away Feb. 28, 1982. Someday we hope to meet you Some day we know not when We shall meet in a better land Arid never` pact emir/. Remembered alwas by Lor- ena, Debby, " Michael and Colleed. 25-2x1 FOXr 18 loving memory of a dear husband Victor (Vic) Fox who passed away Janua,1/, 1981. January comes with sad regrets, The month, the day I'll never forget, You slipped away without a goodbye But my memories of you will never die. Loved and missed by his wife Jean- 25-2-1 MITCHELL: In loving mem- ory of Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Ranton Mitchell of Perth County. "A friend loveth at all times" -Proverbs 17:17 Norma Steele 25-2x1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of • LORNE DENNIS All persons having claims against the estate of Lorne Dennis. late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer. de- ceased, who died on the 27th day of October 1982. are hereby notified to send in full particulhrs of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 3r -d day of February, 1983. after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. Ontario, this 4th day of January. 1983. McCONNELL, STEWART, DEVEREAUX & SMITH Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for thc Administrator MERO: In loving'memory of a dear brother and uncle, Jo- seph Arthur Mero who pass- ed away January 16, 1982 He had a nature„ you could not help loving And a heart that was purer than gold, And to those who knew him andloved,him, His memory will never grow old. Always remembered by brother. John, Patricia, Jan- ice. Connie and Steven. 25-2x1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of HARRY F. JOHNSTON All persons having claims against the estate of Harry F. Johnston. late of the Town- ship of McKillop in the County of Huron. Farmer, deceased, who died on the 6th day of November, 1982, arc hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of February, 1983. after which date the assets will he distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. Ontario. this 4th day of January. 1983. McCONNELL, STEWART, DEVEREAUX & SMITH Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the estate 26 Personal HAPPY 40th Anniversary, Percy and Velma Adam. From their family 26-2-1 FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 4 HOUR SERVICE 2\14 CNEK'S NTENANCE Dublin 345-2235 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CLEMENT KRAUSKOPF All persons having claims against the estate of Clement Krauskopf, late of the Town• ship of McKillop in the County of Huron. Farmer, deceased, who died on the 2nd day of December. 1982. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of Febru- ary. 1983. after which date the assets will be distributed. baying regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth. Ontario. this 6th day of January, 1983. McCONNELL, STEW ART, DEVEREAUX & SMITH Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the estate t3achert Meats Custom Killing utting, Wrapping Freezing Kill Day Tuesdays All meat Gov't Inspected on the farm l�nile east of Waltont 887-9328 RICHARD LOBB Aucilottfeer AUCTION CALENDAR Canton 48z.7898 SAT. JAN. 15, 10 a.m.-Pontiac car, antique furniture, nearly new fridge and stove. at Rich- ard Lobb's barn, Clinton, Ont., for Adeline Walsh of Blyth. SUNWORTHY WALL COVERINGS 20% OFF at Ball - Macaulay 527-0910 Seaforth Hank's Small Engines Service 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 Lawn and Garden Equipment Repair New and Used Garden Equipment In Stock FARMERS For a good farm building at competitive prices • PHONE: RAY LAMBERS CONSTRUCTION R. R. Jt2 Canton 482-3305 FREE ESTIMATES NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of AGNES MARY McQUAID All persons having claim's against the estate of Agnes Mary McQuaid. late of the Town of Seaforth in • the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 27th day of October. 1982 are hereby notified to send in full p:fr- ticulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of February. 1983, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth. this Ilth day of January. 1983. McCONNELL, STEWART DEVEREAUX & SMITH Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors VEAL'S Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-31/2 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill days -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and snioked meats processed exactly the way you like it. KILLING AND PROCESSING MARKET WEIGHT '25 PIG FULLY PROCESSED MARKET WEIGHT $75 BEEF FULLY PROCESSED ANY SPARE MOMENTS -Members of Sea - forth Legion's Ladies Auxiliary are well known as excellent cooks. For a bit of a break while they work in the kitchen, Legion men have presented them with a new colour TV set. With the kitchen set are centres, Legion president Peter Malcolm, Ladies Auxiliary president, Thelma•Coombs and Cleave Coombs and Olive Betties. (Photo by Phillips) ATV, set for Legion's kitchen GORDON SCOTT, P.R.O. Last Wednesday at the ladies auxiliary meeting, the ladies received a surprize in the form of a presentation from the men, made by Peter Malcom, president and Cleave Coombs, service of- ficer. The ladies now 'have a portable coloured T.V. in the kitchen and are now able to r;YI£RS�£R z DASHWOOD 237-3677 watch the afternoon crisis in the soaps. The ladies pres.. Thelma Coombs thanked the branch for their thoughtful- ness and assured us it will be appreciated. The year-end also brought to an end the Early Bird campaign. According to membership chairman Al Nicholson, the unofficial fi- gure this year is 96.13 per cent as yet to be verified by command. On behalf of the president and membership at large I would, l to extend congratulations to the com- mittee in charge of member- ship. At Nicholson, chair- man, Bob Watson, Ken Cardno, Gar Baker aipd Larry Broome, the committee mem- bers and Frank Phillips our steward and all others who helped in any way, Incident- ally the dues are now 517 and S20fior' affiliate members. - Last Friday evening the Legion bowlers had their delayed Christmas party in the hall after bgyvling. On behalf of the bowl like to thank the pl were responsible or the nice evening we enjoyed, espe- cially Tom Phillips for his efforts in the tasty meal we rs 1 would rsons who Win at bingo in Vanastra • Correspondent NORMAN EAST 482-7034 Bingo results for Tuesday, December 28 are first share - the -wealth, Val Miller of Clinton; second share -the - wealth, was a split between Tony Hartman of Goderich, Elmer Lee of Clinton and Jane Coleman of Kippen. Third share -the -wealth was Carol Finlayson of Exeter. The jackpot prize winner was Mrs. Charles Wood of Seaforth. Bingo results for Tuesday, January 4 are first share -the - wealth was a split with three people with their names unknown, second share -the - wealth was Cecil McNeil of Goderich, third share -the - wealth was Carol Finlayson TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP SEALED TENDERS. plainly marked as to contents, will he received by the Road Superin- tendent or Clerk -Treasurer at the Municipal Offices, R.R. 41. Seaforth, Ontario, until 12 o'cloc'k noon. MONDAY, JANUARY 31 1983 For One 1983 'h Ton Pick-up Truck with a 1980 D-200 Dodge as trade in. TENDERS must he submitted on Township tender forms available at the Municipal Offices. All tenders subject to approval by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications" Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WAYNE DOLMAGE Road Superintendent R.R. 111, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1W0 of Exeter. The jackpot prize winner was Alida Struyste of Dashwood. VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE In the Vanastra Recreation Centre draw the winner of the S200 food voucher was Robert Welby of Zurich; 2nd place was Bill Gibson of Clinton; third place was Doug Robkerg of Clinton. Congratulations to all. PERSONALS Happy Birthday to Kevin Smith on January 4., News for the Vanastra Voice will be submitted every other week until March 30 to Norman East at 482-7034, behind the Vanastra Home Furnishings. Anyone interested in writ- ing for the Vanastra Voice please contact Norman East at 482-7034 for five weeks in the summer, Happy Birthday to Sue McLachan on January 6 and Noelle Thompson on January , 6. The last two weeks the them was about winter. The next two weeks the theme will be about Fairy Tales. VANASTRA CHRISTIAN CHURCH Come Alive was started this year. It is held every Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Children are warned not to climb the trees outside of the church. Sunday School has also started this year and it is every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Computers in education Computers are a fact of life and in facing that fact the Perth County Board of Education established a computer advisory committee. At the board's regular meeting held on Dec. 21, Superintendent of program Keith Thompson told trustees, the purpose of the committee is to develop short and long term goals for the use of computers in both the elementary and secondary schools in Perth, the specifications for computers and a plan for placing computers in the schools. Mr. Thompson said both schools and the administration offices have received much information from various computer comp- anies and the committee is necessary to evaluate computer equipment and determine Course available foam insulation BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE Perth County Homeowners with Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (HUFFI) will be holding a homeowners course in early February in Stratford. Although the exact dates and location is unknown. treasurer of the Perth County group. Phil Brown of Strat- ford, said he has 15 applica- tions for the course. The applications may be picked up at his home at 115 Cobourg Street in Stratford or by telephoning 273-1117. Mr. Brown indicated a Water Well DRILLING' W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Neil 527-1737 Durl 527=0828 Jim 527-13775 which is best for the Perth schools. - Interest in computers has also been expressed by parent groups and Mr. Thompson indicated they are waiting for guidance from the. board before they purchase 'computers for schools. Mr. Thompson or his designate will chair the advisory committee along with up to three trustees, two elementary staff members, two secondary staff members and two represent- atives of the public who are knowledgeable in the field of computers. A cost of the first phase of the implementa- tion plan is to be made available to the 1983 ad hoc finance committee and a report is to be made to the board by May 17. on representative of the federal government will be conduct- ing the course open to mem- bers of Perth County HUFFI. The purpose of the course is to explain grants available 10 remove the urea formalde- hyde foam insulation from homes, • were served. Ian. 19 another mixed euchre is scheduled by our sports chairman, Jim Wat- son. Please sign on the board as soon as possible your intentions. These euchres in the past have been very popular and I'm sure this will be just as entertaining. Jim has also rented a bus for a night at the Flamboro race track on Sat., Jan. 29. There are only so many tickets, sold on a first come first go basis, so if you like harness racing please get your tickets as soon as possible. At the going down of the ' sun and in the morning we will remember them. Attention Farmers WE PAY 520. TO S50. PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY INJURED OR CRIP- PLED COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. CALL COLLECT 24 HRS. A DAY 6 DAYS A WEEK MARK LEIS & SONS LIVESTOCK Milverton 595-4845 Serving the area since 1974 1?@©pllo Peg Campbell of Seaforth was winner of the first S50 draw sponsored by Seaforth Minor Hockey's 250 club. It was the first of a series of 11 draws. Attending a noon luncheon and meeting on Monday for board members of District 23 of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario at the home of Mrs. John Templeman, Staffs were Mrs. Ruth Papple, South Huron president; Mrs. Rachel Rhiel, South Huron secretary-treasul pr; Mrs. Grace Pepper, South Huron federated representative and Mrs. Helen Hodgert, South Huron public relations officer. A study of interest to those with hearing problems, on the rights of the hearing impaired, is available free of charge from The Canadian Hearing Society, 60 Bedford Rd., Toronto, MSR 2K2. Booklets outlining the civil rights of the developmentally handicapped, the physically disabled, those with -a sigh impairment or a psychiatric disorder have also been published and are available from The Ontario Federation for the Physically Handicapped, 90 Thorncliffe Park Dr., Toronto, M4H ll45. They are also free of charge. A nuniber of Seaforth area people are involved in a new retirement home, called Windmill Gardens Community Inc., which will be built this year in Stratford. CMHC has approved plans for the 25 unit building, to be constructed next to the new Stratford Fire Hall on McCarthy Rd. A Belmont contractor is expected to start construction in April or May. Local members of the groups board of directors include treasurer Ann Vogels of Dublin, vice-president Bill Polies of Bornholm and director John Segeren. Application forms, fort prospective residents of the building, will be available in about a month and will be processed on a first. come, first served basis, according to the group's newsletter. Louis Peeters of Stratford is board president and Herman Van Bakel of Sebringville is secretary. PECK APPLIANCES 'IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" • FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE • VACUUM CLEANERS - (Sales a Service to Most Makes) • FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS For Farm It Business • SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES • MOFFAT APPLIANCES •INSECT LIGHTS& FLY KILLING UNITS •GIFTS • MANY OTHER ITEMS VARNA; ONT. 482-7103 vi ur 17 VICTORIA ST. 482-7036 WINTER SEWING CLASS SCHEDULE AT MARY'S OF CLINTON STORE - PLEASE PRE -REGISTER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. JANUARY - MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 17 Jogging sult day class '6.00. Jogging suit evening 2 weeksevening •6,00 Jeans-, 18 Designer day class. -'6.00 leans- Designer '6.00 2 weeks 25 spandex owing bathing suit or skating dress day class '6.00 19SUPERVISED SEWING 0 weeks '20.00 Afternoon or Evening Sew a blouse. dross, skirt. 26 . SUPERVISED SEWING week 2 20 21 24 Tab front T-shirt afternoon '3.00 27 A' 28 DRYWALL KNOWN FOR HIGH QUALITY Peter Balms Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE 527-1398 • THANK YOU. i for your i patronage ! in 1982. 1 • ! • • 1 • 1 10 1 ! Seaforth Gulf Service ! 527-0333 We Perform We're looking forward to serving you in '83. .Licenced Mechanic on Duty" HOURS: Max. to Thurs. 7 a.m. T•10 p.m. Fri. 7 a.m. - 11 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m. • 11 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. HULLY GULLY KEROSUN ULC FACTORY REBATE SAL NOW YOU CAN BUY A GOOD ONE FOR THE SAME PRICE AS THE CHEAP ONES. UP TO $100 OFF Vero -Sun portable heaters have always been a good deal bacaus• they aro • HA% EFFICIENT *ODORLESS *ELECTRIC START •SMOXELESS +/ATTERE'S INCLUDED *FUEL GAUGE *CLEAN RUINING •FREE SIPHON PUMP EXAMPLE RADIANT 10 REG. •279.19 NOW $179• 99 THIS HEATER WILL RUN UP TO 37 HOURS ON 1.6 Ilires ('/o GAL) OF FUEL AND COMFORTABLY HEAT A ROOM11' x 24'. CLINTCN 482-3719 RESIDENTS 'J.